926 resultados para Mäkisalo, Jukka: Grammar and experimental evidence in Finnish compounds
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Possible connections between the retina and the raphe nuclei were investigated in the monkey Cebus apella by intraocular injection of cholera toxin B subunit (CTb). CTb-positive fibers were seen in the lateral region of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) on the side contralateral to the injection, and a few labeled perikarya were observed in the lateral portion of the DR on the ipsilateral side. Our findings suggest that direct and reciprocal connections between the retina and DR may exist in Cebus apella. These connections might be part of an important pathway through which the light/dark cycle influences the Activity and/or functional status of raphe neurons, with potential effects on a broad set of neural and behavioral circuits. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aim. Lower-limb traumatic injury associated with ischemia and followed by reperfusion (I/R) is a common severe situation in muscle lesions due to trauma and hypoxia followed by local and systemic injuries induced by oxygen-derived free radical release during reperfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attenuating effects of trimetazidine (TMZ) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in such situation.Methods. The muscles at the root of the right hind limb of Wistar rats were cross-sectioned, preserving femoral vessels and nerves and clamping the femoral artery for four hours. The clamp was then released and the femoral artery has been reperfused for 2 hours. Rats were randomly divided in groups of ten as follows: Group 1: sham I/R, treated with saline; Group 2: I/R, treated with saline; Group 3: sham I/R, treated with TMZ (7.5 mg/kg/dose); Group 4: sham I/R, treated with NAC (375 mg/kg/dose); Group 5: I/R treated with TMZ (7.5 mg/kg/dose); Group 6: I/R treated with NAC (375 mg/kg/dose). All rats received two intravenous bolus injections of the drugs, one before ischemia and one before reperfusion. Oxidative stress in plasma (MDA, total, oxidized and reduced glutathione), creatinephosphokinase (CPK), optical and electron microscopy and pelvic extremity circumference and volume were studied.Results. No statistical differences were found between the groups for MDA or total and reduced glutathione. Oxidized glutathione increased significantly in groups 5 and 2. Limb circumference as well as limb volume increased in all groups over time, mainly in groups 5, 2 and 1. CPK increased in all groups, being highest in groups 5, 6 and 2. Histological lesions were present in all but sham groups, being less severe in group 6. Soleus muscle analyses at electron microscopy exhibit some degree of alteration in all groups.Conclusion. This experimental model simulated severe limb trauma associated with ischemia and reperfusion, and, as such, it was aggressive, causing severe injury and local inflammatory reaction. The model did not show antioxidant action from NAC, and possible antioxidant action from TMZ was insufficient to attenuate tissue injuries. [Int Angiol 2009;28:412-7]
Sodium fluoroacetate (SFAC) or Compound 1080 is a potent rodenticide, largely used after 1946 for rodent and home pest control. The toxic effects of SFAC are caused by fluorocitrate action, a toxic metabolite, which has a competitive action with aconitase enzyme, leading to citrate accumulation and resulting in interference in energy production by Krebs cycle blockade. In the present study, domestic cats were intoxicated with oral doses of fluoroacetate (0.45 mg/kg). The intoxicated animals presented emesis, diarrhea with abdominal pain posture and an abdominal palpation, tachypnea, bilateral midriasis, hypothermia, hyperexcitability and convulsions. Blood gas analysis indicated decreased pH and bicarbonate levels. Serum ionized calcium was also decreased. ECG showed non-specific changes in ventricular repolarization and ventricular arrhythmias. The survival rate was 75% in the treated group with calcium gluconate and sodium succinate and 37.5% in the non-treated group.
High (H) and low (L) responder mice were selected for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). In this selection, the difference in antibody responsiveness between H and L lines (HIV-A and LIV-A mice, respectively) was shown to depend mainly on macrophage function. The more rapid catabolism of antigens by macrophages in L mice has been suggested as the main cause of the low antibody production. Due to this high macrophage activity, L animals have been described as more resistant than H animals to intracellular pathogens. These animals were utilized as an experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis. HIV-A and LIV-A mice were infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by the intravenous route. As expected, H mice were more susceptible to P. brasiliensis with a shorter survival time and higher levels of specific antibodies when compared to L mice. Contrasting with the survival time, the lungs, spleen and liver from H mice showed typical nodular granulomas containing epithelioid and giant cells and few fungi. on the other hand, in LN-A mice, the lesions of these organs were characterized by looser granulomas with irregular borders and the presence of a large number of fungi, However, the adrenal gland showed different lesion patterns. In H mice these lesions were extensive and characterized by loose granulomas with numerous fungi, while in LIV-A mice the lesions were small and limited to the cortex. Moreover the HIV-A mice presented higher levels of serum corticosterone when compared to LIV-A ones. The higher susceptibility of H mice could be attributed to the extensive lesions of the adrenal glands. These results suggest the use of the H line from the IV-A Selection as an experimental model for further studies of adrenal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis.
Cinqüenta camundongos suíços, brancos, com quatro semanas de idade, foram inoculados com 5x10(5) formas leveduriformes, viáveis de Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis (cepa 18). Dez destes animais tinham sido previamente imunizados com antígeno particulado de P. brasiliensis, durante quatro semanas, por injeção intradérmica. Os controles consistiram de 10 animais que foram somente imunizados e 10 inoculados com solução salina estéril. Os animais foram sacrificados após 2, 4, 7, 11 e 16 semanas. Estudamos: 1) resposta de hipersensibilidade retardada medida pelo teste do coxim plantar, 24 horas antes do sacrifício; 2) anticorpo- gênese específica avaliada pelo teste de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar; 3) histopatologia dos pulmões, fígado, baço, supra-renal e rins. Observamos: 1) os animais imunizados desenvolveram resposta imunecelular mais intensa que os infectados; 2) a infecção deprimiu a resposta imunecelular dos animais imunizados; 3) a histopatologia da infecção endovenosa revelou inflamação granulomatosa sistêmica e progressiva. Os animais infectados após imunização prévia apresentaram inflamação pulmonar menos extensa, com granulomas menores e com reduzido número de fungos. O presente modelo murino de paracoccidioidomicose mimetiza alguns achados da forma humana subaguda da micose (doença sistêmica com depressão da imunidade celular). O esquema de imunização extrapulmonar utilizado foi capaz de induzir certo grau de proteção do pulmão contra um desafio infeccioso pelo P. brasiliensis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
PURPOSE. Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) has been used as a graft or as a dressing in ocular surface reconstruction, facilitating epithelization, maintaining normal epithelial phenotype, and reducing inflammation, vascularization, and scarring. The corneal transparency is due, at least in part, to the arrangement in orthogonal lamellae of collagen fibrils, surrounded by proteoglycans (PGs). These PGs regulate fibrilogenesis, the matrix assembly, and ultimately the corneal transparency. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of AMT upon the corneal PGs after severe limbal injury.METHODS. Experiments were performed on the right corneas of 22 New Zealand female albino rabbits, and their left corneas were used as matched controls. These animals were divided into 3 groups: G1 (n = 10): total peritomy and keratolimbectomy, followed by application of 0.5 M NaOH; G2 (n = 10): submitted to the same trauma as G1, and treated by AMT; G3: no trauma, only AMT (n = 2). The right corneas of G2 and G3 were covered by DMSO 4 cryopreserved human amniotic membrane, fixed by interrupted 9-0 mononylon sutures, with its stromal face toward the ocular surface. After 7 or 30 days, the corneas were removed and PGs were extracted.RESULTS. Normal corneas contained approximately 9 mg of PGs per gram of dry tissue. AMT on intact cornea (G3) did not cause any changes in the concentration of PGs. In contrast, injured corneas contained much less PGs, both on the seventh and on the 30th day posttrauma. The PG concentration was even lower in injured corneas treated by AMT. This decrease was due almost exclusively to dermatan sulfate PGs, and the structure of dermatan sulfate was also modified, indicating changes in the biosynthesis patterns.CONCLUSIONS. Although beneficial effects have been observed on clinical observation and concentration of soluble proteins after AMT, the normal PG composition of cornea was not attained, even 30 days postinjury, indicating that the normal ocular surface reconstruction, if possible, is a long-term process. (Eur J Ophthalmol 2010; 20: 290-9)
Objectives: The vertical location of the implant-abutment connection influences the periimplant bone morphology. It is unknown, however, whether different microgap configurations cause different bone reactions. Therefore, in this study the bone morphologies of two different implant systems were compared.Material and methods: Three months after tooth extraction in eight mongrel dogs, two grit-blasted screw implants with internal Morse taper connection (ANK group) were placed on one side whereas the contralateral side received two oxidized screw implants with external hex (TIU group). One implant on each side was placed level with the bone (equicrestal), the second implant was inserted 1.5mm below bone level (subcrestal). After 3 months the implants were uncovered. Three months after stage two surgery, histometrical evaluations were performed in order to assess the periimplant bone levels (PBL), the first bone-to-implant contact points (BICP), the width (HBD) and the steepness (SLO) of the bone defect.Results: All implants osseointegrated clinically and histologically. Bone overgrowth of the microgap was seen in ANK implants only. No significant differences between ANK and TIU could be detected in neither vertical position for PBL and BICP. However, a tendency in favor of ANK was visible when the implants were placed subcrestally. In the parameters HBD (ANK equicrestal -0.23mm; TIU equicrestal -0.51mm; ANK subcrestal +0.19mm; TIU subcrestal -0.57mm) and SLO (ANK equicrestal 35.36 degrees; TIU equicrestal 63.22 degrees; ANK subcrestal 20.40 degrees; TIU subcrestal 44.43 degrees) more pronounced and significant differences were noted.Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it is concluded that different microgap designs cause different shapes and sizes of the periimplant ('dish-shaped') bone defect in submerged implants both in equicrestal and subcrestal positions.
Purpose: The vertical location of the implant-abutment connection influences the subsequent reaction of the peri-implant bone. It is not known, however, whether any additional influence is exerted by different microgap configurations. Therefore, the radiographic bone reactions of two different implant systems were monitored for 6 months. Materials and Methods: In eight mongrel dogs, two implants with an internal Morse-taper connection (INT group) were placed on one side of the mandible; the contralateral side received two implants with an external-hex connection (EXT group). on each side, one implant was aligned at the bone level (equicrestal) and the second implant was placed 1.5 mm subcrestal. Healing abutments were placed 3 months after submerged healing, and the implants were maintained for another 3 months without prosthetic loading. At implant placement and after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 months, standardized radiographs were obtained, and peri-implant bone levels were measured with regard to microgap location and evaluated statistically. Results: All implants osseointegrated clinically and radiographically. The overall mean bone loss was 0.68 +/- 0.59 mm in the equicrestal INT group, 1.32 +/- 0.49 mm in the equicrestal EXT group, 0.76 +/- 0.49 mm in the subcrestal INT group, and 1.88 +/- 0.81 mm in the subcrestal EXT group. The differences between the INT and EXT groups were statistically significant (paired t tests). The first significant differences between the internal and external groups were seen at month 1 in the subcrestal groups and at 3 months in the equicrestal groups. Bone loss was most pronounced in the subcrestal EXT group. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, different microgap configurations can cause different amounts of bone loss, even before prosthetic loading. Subcrestal placement of a butt-joint microgap design may lead to more pronounced radiographic bone loss. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:941-946
Purpose: The implant-abutment connection (microgap) influences the pen-implant bone morphology. However, it is unclear if different microgap configurations additionally modify bone reactions. This preliminary study aimed to radiographically monitor pen-implant bone levels in two different microgap configurations during 3 months of nonsubmerged healing. Materials and Methods: Six dogs received two implants with internal Morse taper connection (INT group) on one side of the mandible and two implants with external-hex connection (EXT group) on the other side. One implant on each side was positioned at bone level (equicrestal); the second implant was inserted 1.5 mm below the bone crest (subcrestal). Healing abutments were attached directly after implant insertion, and the implants were maintained for 3 months without prosthetic loading. At implant placement and 1, 2, and 3 months, standardized radiographs were taken to monitor pen-implant bone levels. Results: All implants osseointegrated. A total bone loss of 0.48 +/- 0.66 mm was measured in the equicrestal INT group, 0.69 +/- 0.43 mm in the equicrestal EXT group, 0.79 +/- 0.93 mm in the subcrestal INT group, and 1.56 +/- 0.53 mm in the subcrestal EXT group (P>.05, paired t tests). Within the four groups, bone loss over time became significantly greater in the EXT groups than in the INT groups. The greatest bone loss was noted in the subcrestal EXT group. Conclusion: Within the limits of this animal study, it seems that even without prosthetic loading, different microgap configurations exhibit different patterns of bone loss during nonsubmerged healing. Subcrestal positioning of an external butt joint microgap may lead to faster radiographic bone loss. Int J Prosthodont 2011;24:445-452.
Purpose: It is unknown whether different micro gap configurations can cause different pen-implant bone reactions. Therefore, this study sought to compare the peri-implant bone morphologies of two implant systems with different implant-abutment connections. Materials and Methods: Three months after mandibular tooth extractions in six mongrel dogs, two oxidized screw implants with an external-hex connection were inserted (hexed group) on one side, whereas on the contralateral side two grit-blasted screw implants with an internal Morse-taper connection (Morse group) were placed. on each side, one implant was inserted level with the bone (equicrestal) and the second implant was inserted 1.5 mm below the bony crest (subcrestal). Healing abutments were inserted immediately after implant placement. Three months later, the peri-implant bone levels, the first bone-to-implant contact points, and the width and steepness of the peri-implant bone defects were evaluated histometrically. Results: All 24 implants osseointegrated clinically and histologically. No statistically significant differences between the hexed group and Morse group were detected for either the vertical position for peri-implant bone levels (Morse equicrestal -0.16 mm, hexed equicrestal -0.22 mm, Morse subcrestal 1.50 mm, hexed subcrestal 0.94 mm) or for the first bone-to-implant contact points (Morse equicrestal -2.08 mm, hexed equicrestal -0.98 mm, Morse subcrestal -1.26 mm, hexed subcrestal -0.76 mm). For the parameters width (Morse equicrestal -0.15 mm, hexed equicrestal -0.59 mm, Morse subcrestal 0.28 mm, hexed subcrestal -0.70 mm) and steepness (Morse equicrestal 25.27 degree, hexed equicrestal 57.21 degree, Morse subcrestal 15.35 degree, hexed subcrestal 37.97 degree) of the pen-implant defect, highly significant differences were noted between the Morse group and the hexed group. Conclusion: Within the limits of this experiment, it can be concluded that different microgap configurations influence the size and shape of the peri-implant bone defect in nonsubmerged implants placed both at the crest and subcrestally. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2010;25:540-547
Objectives: The aim of the present investigation was to histologically analyze the effect of using lyophilized bovine bone (GenOx (R) organic matrix) with (or without) guided tissue regeneration (using a decalcified cortical osseous membrane [GenDerm (R)]) on bone healing in surgically created critical-size defects created in rat tibia.Material and methods: Surgical critical-size bone defects were created in 64 animals that were randomly divided into four groups: group I (control); group II (defect filled with GenOx (R)); group III (defect covered by GenDerm (R)); group IV (defect filled with GenOx (R) and covered by GenDerm (R)). Animals were killed at 30 or 90 days post-surgery. The specimens were embedded in paraffin, serially cut, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for analysis under light microscopy. The formation of new bone in the cortical area of the defect was histomorphometrically evaluated.Results: All experimental groups demonstrated superior bone healing compared with the control group. However, group IV samples showed evidence of more advanced healing at both 30 and 90 days post-surgery as compared with the other experimental groups.Conclusions: The bovine organic bone graft GenOx (R) associated with GenDerm (R) this produced the best treatment results in the case of critical-size defects in rat tibia.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of lethal photosensitization and guided bone regeneration (GBR) on the treatment of ligature-induced peri-implantitis in different implant surfaces. The treatment outcome was evaluated by clinical and histometric methods. A total of 40 dental implants with four different surface coatings (10 commercially pure titanium surface (cpTi); 10 titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS); 10 acid-etched surface; 10 surface-oxide sandblasted) were inserted into five mongrel dogs. After 3 months, the animals with ligature-induced peri-implantitis were subjected to surgical treatment using a split-mouth design. The controls were treated by debridment and GBR, while the test side received an additional therapy with photosensitization, using a GaAlAs diode laser, with a wavelength of 830 nm and a power output of 50 mW for 80 s (4 J/cm(2)), and sensitized toluidine blue O (100 mu g/ml). The animals were sacrificed 5 months after therapy. The control sites presented an earlier exposition of the membranes on all coating surfaces, while the test group presented a higher bone height gain. Re-osseointegration ranged between 41.9% for the cpTi surface and 31.19% for the TPS surface in the test sites; however differences were not achieved between the surfaces. The lethal photosensitization associated with GBR allowed for better re-osseointegration at the area adjacent to the peri-implant defect regardless of the implant surface.