555 resultados para Lymphoid neogenesis


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Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (PHSCs) show self-renewal and give rise to all blood cell types. The extremely low number of these cells in primary hematopoietic organs and the lack of culture systems that support proliferation of undifferentiated PHSCs have precluded the study of both the biology of these cells and their clinical application. We describe here cell lines and clones derived from PHSCs that were established from hematopoietic cells from the fetal liver or bone marrow of normal and p53-deficient mice with a combination of four growth factors. Most cell lines were Sca-1+, c-Kit+, PgP-1+, HSA+, and Lin- (B-220-, Joro 75-, 8C5-, F4/80-, CD4-, CD8-, CD3-, IgM-, and TER 119-negative) and expressed three new surface markers: Joro 177, Joro 184, and Joro 96. They did not synthesize RNA transcripts for several genes expressed at early stages of lymphocyte and myeloid/erythroid cell development. The clones were able to generate lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid hematopoietic cells and to reconstitute the hematopoietic system of irradiated mice for a long time. The availability of lymphohematopoietic stem cell lines should facilitate the analysis of the molecular mechanisms that control self-renewal and differentiation and the development of efficient protocols for somatic gene therapy.


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The translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14) is a recurring chromosomal abnormality that has been observed in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia as well as acute myeloid leukemia. We have recently reported that the monocytic cell line U937 has a t(10;11)(p13;q14) translocation. Using a combination of positional cloning and candidate gene approach, we cloned the breakpoint and were able to show that AF10 is fused to a novel gene that we named CALM (Clathrin Assembly Lymphoid Myeloid leukemia gene) located at 11q14. AF10, a putative transcription factor, had recently been cloned as one of the fusion partners of MLL. CALM has a very high homology in its N-terminal third to the murine ap-3 gene which is one of the clathrin assembly proteins. The N-terminal region of ap-3 has been shown to bind to clathrin and to have a high-affinity binding site for phosphoinositols. The identification of the CALM/AF10 fusion gene in the widely used U937 cell line will contribute to our understanding of the malignant phenotype of this line.


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To analyze the role of alpha4-integrins in lymphoma metastasis, sublines of the T-cell lymphoma LB were generated by retrovirus-mediated gene transfer that differ exclusively in the expression of alpha4-integrins. Using LB-alpha4 and control LB-NTK cells, we demonstrate that expression of alpha4-integrins strongly suppresses metastasis formation of LB lymphoma cells in secondary lymphoid organs such as spleen, mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes, or Peyer's patches after i.v. injection into syngeneic BALB/c mice. Moreover, alpha4-integrin expression inhibited development of metastatic tumors in liver, lung, and kidney. Expansion of LB lymphoma cells in bone marrow was not affected by alpha4-integrin expression. In vivo migration assays using 51Cr-labeled lymphoma cells demonstrated that low-metastatic LB-alpha4 cells accumulated with the same efficiency as high-metastatic LB-NTK cells in all target organs examined and were even enriched in mucosal lymphoid organs. Collectively, these results indicate that alpha4-integrins inhibit metastasis formation of lymphoma cells at a stage subsequent to the invasion of target organs.


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Rab8 is a small GTP-binding protein that plays a role in vesicular transport from the trans-Golgi network to the basolateral plasma membrane in polarized epithelial cells (MDCK), and to the dendritic surface in hippocampal neurons. As is the case for most other rab proteins, the precise molecular interactions by which rab8 carries out its function remain to be elucidated. Here we report the identification and the complete cDNA-derived amino acid sequence of a murine rab8-interacting protein (rab8ip) that specifically interacts with rab8 in a GTP-dependent manner. Rab8ip displays 93% identity with the GC kinase, a serine/threonine protein kinase recently identified in human lymphoid tissue that is activated in the stress response. Like the GC kinase, rab8ip has protein kinase activity manifested by autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the classical serine/threonine protein kinase substrates, myelin basic protein and casein. When coexpressed in transfected 293T cells, rab8 and the rab8ip/GC kinase formed a complex that could be recovered by immunoprecipitation with antibodies to rab8. Cell fractionation and immunofluorescence analyses indicate that in MDCK cells endogenous rab8ip is present both in the cytosol and as a peripheral membrane protein concentrated in the Golgi region and basolateral plasma membrane domains, sites where rab8 itself is also located. In light of recent evidence that rab proteins may act by promoting the stabilization of SNARE complexes, the specific GTP-dependent association of rab8 with the rab8ip/GC kinase raises the possibility that rab-regulated protein phosphorylation is important for vesicle targeting or fusion. Moreover, the rab8ip/GC kinase may serve to modulate secretion in response to stress stimuli.


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Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent stimulator of B-cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation. We examined the genetic response of B-lineage cells to LPS via trapping of expressed genes with a gene-trap retrovirus. This analysis showed that expression of only a small fraction of genes is altered during LPS stimulation of B-lineage cells. Isolation of the cellular portion of the trapped LPS-response genes via 5' RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) cloning identified novel genes for all the cloned loci. These novel LPS-response genes were also found to have differentiation stage-restricted expression within the B-lymphoid lineage. That LPS-response genes in B cells also have differentiation stage-restricted expression suggests that these genes may be involved in the control of B-cell function and differentiation, since the known members of this class of genes have frequently been found to play a role in the function and differentiation of B-lineage cells. The isolation of novel members of this class of genes, including a gene that contains a putative SH2 domain, will further increase our understanding of the molecular events involved in the control of B-cell differentiation and function.


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By using reverse transcription-coupled PCR on rat anterior pituitary RNA, we isolated a 285-bp cDNA coding for a novel subtilisin/kexin-like protein convertase (PC), called rat (r) PC7. By screening rat spleen and PC12 cell lambda gt11 cDNA libraries, we obtained a composite 3.5-kb full-length cDNA sequence of rPC7. The open reading frame codes for a prepro-PC with a 36-amino acid signal peptide, a 104-amino acid prosegment ending with a cleavable RAKR sequence, and a 747-amino acid type I membrane-bound glycoprotein, representing the mature form of this serine proteinase. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that PC7 represents the most divergent enzyme of the mammalian convertase family and that it is the closest member to the yeast convertases krp and kexin. Northern blot analyses demonstrated a widespread expression with the richest source of rPC7 mRNA being the colon and lymphoid-associated tissues. In situ hybridization revealed a distinctive tissue distribution that sometimes overlaps with that of furin, suggesting that PC7 has widespread proteolytic functions. The gene for PC7 (Pcsk7) was mapped to mouse chromosome 9 by linkage analysis of an interspecific backcross DNA panel.


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The mechanism by which tolerance is induced via systemic administration of high doses of aqueous antigen has been analyzed by using mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor specific for the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) peptide comprising amino acids 126-138. After intravenous injection of 750 (but not 75) micrograms of HA peptide, a state of hyporesponsiveness was rapidly induced. In the thymus, in situ apoptosis in the cortex and at the corticomedullary junction was responsible for a synchronous and massive deletion of CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes. In secondary lymphoid organs, HA-reactive T cells were initially activated but were hyporesponsive at the single cell level. After 3 days, however, those cells were rapidly deleted, at least partially, through an apoptotic process. Therefore, both thymic and peripheral apoptosis, in addition to T-cell receptor desensitization, contribute to high-dose tolerance.


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The mammalian immune system must specifically recognize and eliminate foreign invaders but refrain from damaging the host. This task is accomplished in part by the production of a large number of T lymphocytes, each bearing a different antigen receptor to match the enormous variety of antigens present in the microbial world. However, because antigen receptor diversity is generated by a random mechanism, the immune system must tolerate the function of T lymphocytes that by chance express a self-reactive antigen receptor. Therefore, during early development, T cells that are specific for antigens expressed in the thymus are physically deleted. The population of T cells that leaves the thymus and seeds the secondary lymphoid organs contains helpful cells that are specific for antigens from microbes but also potentially dangerous T cells that are specific for innocuous extrathymic self antigens. The outcome of an encounter by a peripheral T cell with these two types of antigens is to a great extent determined by the inability of naive T cells to enter nonlymphoid tissues or to be productively activated in the absence of inflammation.


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Gene transduction of pluripotent human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is necessary for successful gene therapy of genetic disorders involving hematolymphoid cells. Evidence for transduction of pluripotent HSCs can be deduced from the demonstration of a retroviral vector integrated into the same cellular chromosomal DNA site in myeloid and lymphoid cells descended from a common HSC precursor. CD34+ progenitors from human bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood were transduced by retroviral vectors and used for long-term engraftment in immune-deficient (beige/nude/XIS) mice. Human lymphoid and myeloid populations were recovered from the marrow of the mice after 7-11 months, and individual human granulocyte-macrophage and T-cell clones were isolated and expanded ex vivo. Inverse PCR from the retroviral long terminal repeat into the flanking genomic DNA was performed on each sorted cell population. The recovered cellular DNA segments that flanked proviral integrants were sequenced to confirm identity. Three mice were found (of 24 informative mice) to contain human lymphoid and myeloid populations with identical proviral integration sites, confirming that pluripotent human HSCs had been transduced.


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Joining (J) chain is a component of polymeric, but not monomeric, immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules and may play a role in their polymerization and transport across epithelial cells. To date, study of the J chain has been confined to vertebrates that produce Ig and in which the J chain displays a considerable degree of structural homology. The role of the J chain in Ig polymerization has been questioned and, since the J chain can be expressed in lymphoid cells that do not produce Ig, it is possible that the J chain may have other functions. To explore this possibility, we have surveyed J-chain gene, mRNA, and protein expression by using reverse transcriptase-coupled PCR, Northern blot analysis, and immunoblot analysis in invertebrate species that do not produce Ig. We report that the J-chain gene is expressed in invertebrates (Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Holothuroidea), as well as in representative vertebrates (Mammalia, Teleostei, Amphibia). Furthermore, J-chain cDNA from the earthworm has a high degree of homology (68-76%) to human, mouse, and bovine J chains. Immunohistochemical studies reveal that the J chain is localized in the mucous cells of body surfaces, intestinal epithelial cells, and macrophage-like cells of the earthworm and slug. This study suggests that the J chain is a primitive polypeptide that arose before the evolution of Ig molecules and remains highly conserved in extent invertebrates and vertebrates.


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The immune system's ability to distinguish self and nonself is essential for both host defense against foreign agents and protection of self-antigens from autoimmune destruction. Such discrimination is complicated by extensive structural homology shared between foreign and self antigens. One hypothesis to explain the development of an autoimmune response is that some B cells activated by foreign antigen acquire, through somatic mutation, specificity for both the eliciting foreign antigen and self antigen. If such clones arise frequently, there must be a mechanism for their elimination. We have analyzed the extent of autoreactivity arising in a nonautoimmune host during the response to a foreign antigen. To overcome the process of apoptosis in primary B cells that might routinely eliminate autoreactive clones, we generated B-cell hybridomas from spleen cells of immunized mice by using a fusion partner constitutively expressing bcl-2. Multiple lines were obtained that recognize simultaneously the hapten phosphorylcholine and the self antigen double-stranded DNA. This dual specificity was not present early but was detected by day 10 after immunization. Some of these cross-reactive antibodies deposit in kidneys in a pattern similar to what is seen in autoimmune disease. These results demonstrate that autoantibodies arise at a high frequency as part of a response to foreign antigen. It has previously been shown that autoreactivity is regulated by central deletion; these data demonstrate a need for negative selection in peripheral lymphoid organs also, to regulate autoantibodies acquiring their self-specificity by somatic mutation.


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The pre-T-cell receptor, composed of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain (TCRbeta), pre-Talpha (pTalpha) chain, and CD3 molecules, has been postulated to be a transducer of signals during the early stages of T-cell development. To examine the function of the transmembrane pTalpha chain during tbymocyte development, we generated pTalpha-/- embryonic stem cells and assayed their ability to differentiate into lymphoid cells in vivo after injection into recombination-activating gene (RAG)-2-deficient blastocysts. Thymocytes representing all stages of T-cell differentiation were detected in the thymus of pTalpha-/- chimeric mice, indicating that thymocyte development can occur without pTalpha. However, greatly reduced thymocyte numbers and substantially increased percentages of both CD4-CD8- thymocytes and TCRgammadelta+ thymocytes suggest that pTalpha plays a critical role in thymocyte expansion. To investigate the role of the pTalpha chain in allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus, a functionally rearranged TCRbeta minigene was introduced into pTalpha-/- and pTalpha+/- embryonic stem cells, which were subsequently assayed by RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation. In the absence of pTalpha, expression of the transgenic TCRbeta inhibited rearrangement of the endogenous TCRbeta locus to an extent similar to that seen in normal TCRbeta transgenic mice, suggesting that pTalpha may not be required for signaling allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus.


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Integration host factor (IHF) is a DNA-bending protein that binds to an upstream activating sequence (UAS1) and, on a negatively supercoiled DNA template, activates transcription from the ilvPG promoter of the ilvG-MEDA operon of Escherichia coli. The transcriptional initiation site of the ilvGMEDA operon is located 92 bp downstream of UAS1. Activation is still observed when the orientation of the upstream IHF binding site is reversed. This manipulation places the IHF binding site on the opposite face of the DNA helix, directs the IHF-induced DNA bend in the opposite direction, and presents the opposite face of the nonsymmetrical, heterodimeric, IHF molecule to the downstream RNA polymerase. Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor, LEF-1, is a DNA-bending, lymphoid-specific, mammalian transcription factor that shares no amino acid sequence similarity with IHF. When the IHF site in UAS1 is replaced with a LEF-1 site, LEF-1 activates transcription from the downstream ilvPG promoter in E. coli as well as it is activated by its natural activator, IHF. These results suggest that specific interactions between IHF and RNA polymerase are not required for activation. The results of DNA structural studies show that IHF forms a protein-DNA complex in the UAS1 region that, in the absence of RNA polymerase, alters the structure of the DNA helix in the -10 hexanucleotide region of the downstream ilvPG promoter. The results of in vitro abortive transcription assays show that IIIF also increases the apparent rate of RNA polymerase isomerization from a closed to an open complex. We suggest, therefore, that IHF activates transcription by forming a higher-order protein-DNA complex in the UAS1 region that structurally alters the DNA helix in a way that facilitates open complex formation at the downstream ilvPG promoter site.


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In patients with rheumatoid arthritis the synovial membrane of the affected joint is infiltrated with lymphoid cells which may be arranged in structures resembling germinal centers. We have directly isolated such infiltrates to determine whether B-cell clones within them are selected and expanded in a process analogous to that which normally takes place in the germinal centers in secondary lymphoid organs. The data suggest that an antigen-driven process leads to the accumulation of B cells in the synovial membrane. The finding of identical sequences in consecutive sections suggests that under conditions of chronic stimulation, memory B cells may enter a stage of differentiation in which they proliferate without further accumulation of somatic mutations. Further we see intraclonal diversity which underlines the germinal center-like character of these infiltrates and demonstrates that a microenvironment is built up in this nonlymphoid tissue which supports antigen-dependent differentiation of B cells. This is the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of a germinal center-like reaction outside lymphoid tissue.


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The WAF1/CIP1 protein has been identified as a downstream mediator of the tumor suppressor p53 in regulating cell cycle progression through a G1-phase check-point. Recent work has implicated the functional status of p53 as a critical determinant in the apoptotic response of certain cell lines to DNA damaging agents. By using human T-cell leukemia virus type I-transformed lymphoid cell lines that differ in their level and function of wild-type p53, we investigated the induction of WAF1/CIP1 and apoptosis after exposure to Adriamycin, a genotoxic agent. We found that regardless of the p53 status in these cell lines, WAF1/CIP1 RNA was rapidly induced in response to Adriamycin treatment. An elevated level of WAF1/CIP1 protein was observed as well. Additionally, we demonstrated that apoptosis was induced in all cell lines analyzed despite some having functionally inactive p53 protein. Our data suggest that a p53-independent pathway may play a role in the apoptotic response observed in some cell lines after exposure to DNA damaging agents.