943 resultados para Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
We study the properties of the 1S0 pairing gap in low-density neutron matter. Different corrections to the lowest-order scattering length approximation are explored, resulting in a strong suppression with respect to the BCS result.
Low-density polyethylene was mixed with dextrin having different particle sizes (100, 200 and 300 mesh). Various compositions were prepared and their mechanical properties were evaluated and thermal studies have been carried out. Biodegradability of these samples has been checked using liquid culture medium containing Vibrios (an amylase producing bacteria), which were isolated from marine benthic environment. Soil burial test was done and reprocessability of these samples was evaluated. The results indicate that the newly prepared blends are reprocessable without sacrificing much of their mechanical properties. The biodegradability tests on these blends indicate that these are partially biodegradable
Increasing amounts of plastic waste in the environment have become a problem of gigantic proportions. The case of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is especially significant as it is widely used for packaging and other applications. This synthetic polymer is normally not biodegradable until it is degraded into low molecular mass fragments that can be assimilated by microorganisms. Blends of nonbiodegradable polymers and biodegradable commercial polymers such as poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) can facilitate a reduction in the volume of plastic waste when they undergo partial degradation. Further, the remaining fragments stand a greater chance of undergoing biodegradation in a much shorter span of time. In this investigation, LLDPE was blended with different proportions of PVA (5–30%) in a torque rheometer. Mechanical, thermal, and biodegradation studies were carried out on the blends. The biodegradability of LLDPE/PVA blends has been studied in two environments: (1) in a culture medium containing Vibrio sp. and (2) soil environment, both over a period of 15 weeks. Blends exposed to culture medium degraded more than that exposed to soil environment. Changes in various properties of LLDPE/PVA blends before and after degradation were monitored using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) for crystallinity, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for surface morphology among other things. Percentage crystallinity decreased as the PVA content increased and biodegradation resulted in an increase of crystallinity in LLDPE/PVA blends. The results prove that partial biodegradation of the blends has occurred holding promise for an eventual biodegradable product
En la Enfermedad Coronaria (EC) existen factores genéticos, socioculturales, medioambientales y raciales adicionales a los factores de riesgo cardiovascular mayores que podrían influir en su presentación. Se desconoce el impacto de la raza en la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria en los pacientes extranjeros que son enviados a nuestro Servicio. Objetivos: Comparar la severidad de la EC multivaso en una población de pacientes de las Antillas y Nacionales, pareados por la escala Framingham. Metodología: Realizamos un estudio de corte transversal, comparando pacientes colombianos contra pacientes provenientes de las Antillas holandesas con similares factores de riesgo según escala de Framingham, catalogándolos por grupos de riesgo bajo, intermedio, alto y muy alto. Todos con EC severa multivaso documentada por angiografía coronaria desde enero del 2009 hasta Junio de 2011. Se excluyeron pacientes con antecedentes de intervención percutánea o quirúrgica previa. Resultados: Ingresaron 115 pacientes internacionales y 115 pacientes nacionales. La relación hombres/mujeres 3:1. La proporción de grupos de riesgo fue de bajo riesgo 2.5%, intermedio 15%, alto 19.3%, y muy alto 63.4%. El Syntax Score en pacientes nacionales fue 14.3+/-7.4 y en internacionales 22.2+/-10.5 p: 0.002. Conclusiones: En pacientes provenientes de las Antillas Holandesas, valorados en nuestra institución, se observó una mayor severidad de la enfermedad coronaria comparada con una población nacional con factores de riesgo similares. Estos hallazgos sugieren la influencia de la raza y factores genéticos en la severidad y extensión de la EC
Los gliomas malignos representan una de las formas más agresivas de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC). De acuerdo con la clasificación de los tumores cerebrales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los astrocitomas han sido categorizados en cuatro grados, determinados por la patología subyacente. Es así como los gliomas malignos (o de alto grado) incluyen el glioma anaplásico (grado III) así como el glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, grado IV),estos últimos los más agresivos con el peor pronóstico (1). El manejo terapéutico de los tumores del SNC se basa en la cirugía, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, dependiendo de las características del tumor, el estadio clínico y la edad (2),(3), sin embargo ninguno de los tratamientos estándar es completamente seguro y compatible con una calidad de vida aceptable (3), (4). En general, la quimioterapia es la primera opción en los tumores diseminados, como el glioblastoma invasivo y el meduloblastoma de alto riesgo o con metástasis múltiple, pero el pronóstico en estos pacientes es muy pobre (2),(3). Solamente nuevas terapias dirigidas (2) como las terapias anti-angiogénicas (4); o terapias génicas muestran un beneficio real en grupos limitados de pacientes con defectos moleculares específicos conocidos (4). De este modo, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias farmacológicas para atacar los tumores cerebrales. Frente a las terapias los gliomas malignos son con frecuencia quimioresistentes, y esta resistencia parece depender de al menos dos mecanismos: en primer lugar, la pobre penetración de muchas drogas anticáncer a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB: Blood Brain Barrier), la barrera del fluido sangre-cerebroespinal (BCSFB: Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) y la barrera sangre-tumor (BTB: blood-tumor barrier). Dicha resistencia se debe a la interacción de la droga con varios transportadores o bombas de eflujo de droga ABC (ABC: ATP-binding cassette) que se sobre expresan en las células endoteliales o epiteliales de estas barreras. En segundo lugar, estos transportadores de eflujo de drogas ABC propios de las células tumorales confieren un fenotipo conocido como resistencia a multidrogas (MDR: multidrug resistance), el cual es característico de varios tumores sólidos. Este fenotipo también está presente en los tumores del SNC y su papel en gliomas es objeto de investigación (5). Por consiguiente el suministro de medicamentos a través de la BBB es uno de los problemas vitales en los tratamientos de terapia dirigida. Estudios recientes han demostrado que algunas moléculas pequeñas utilizadas en estas terapias son sustratos de la glicoproteína P (Pgp: P-gycoprotein), así como también de otras bombas de eflujo como las proteínas relacionadas con la resistencia a multidrogas (MRPs: multidrug resistance-related proteins (MRPs) o la proteína relacionada con cáncer de seno (BCRP: breast-cancer resistance related protein)) que no permiten que las drogas de este tipo alcancen el tumor (1). Un sustrato de Pgp y BCRP es la DOXOrubicina (DOXO), un fármaco utilizado en la terapia anti cáncer, el cual es muy eficaz para atacar las células del tumor cerebral in vitro, pero con un uso clínico limitado por la poca entrega a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y por la resistencia propia de los tumores. Por otra parte las células de BBB y las células del tumor cerebral tienen también proteínas superficiales, como el receptor de la lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDLR), que podría utilizarse como blanco terapéutico en BBB y tumores cerebrales. Es asi como la importancia de este estudio se basa en la generación de estrategias terapéuticas que promuevan el paso de las drogas a través de la barrera hematoencefalica y tumoral, y a su vez, se reconozcan mecanismos celulares que induzcan el incremento en la expresión de los transportadores ABC, de manera que puedan ser utilizados como blancos terapéuticos.Este estudio demostró que el uso de una nueva estrategia basada en el “Caballo de Troya”, donde se combina la droga DOXOrubicina, la cual es introducida dentro de un liposoma, salvaguarda la droga de manera que se evita su reconocimiento por parte de los transportadores ABC tanto de la BBB como de las células del tumor. La construcción del liposoma permitió utilizar el receptor LDLR de las células asegurando la entrada a través de la BBB y hacia las células tumorales a través de un proceso de endocitosis. Este mecanismo fue asociado al uso de estatinas o drogas anticolesterol las cuales favorecieron la expresión de LDLR y disminuyeron la actividad de los transportadores ABC por nitración de los mismos, incrementando la eficiencia de nuestro Caballo de Troya. Por consiguiente demostramos que el uso de una nueva estrategia o formulación denominada ApolipoDOXO más el uso de estatinas favorece la administración de fármacos a través de la BBB, venciendo la resistencia del tumor y reduciendo los efectos colaterales dosis dependiente de la DOXOrubicina. Además esta estrategia del "Caballo de Troya", es un nuevo enfoque terapéutico que puede ser considerado como una nueva estrategia para aumentar la eficacia de diferentes fármacos en varios tumores cerebrales y garantiza una alta eficiencia incluso en un medio hipóxico,característico de las células cancerosas, donde la expresión del transportador Pgp se vió aumentada. Teniendo en cuenta la relación entre algunas vías de señalización reconocidas como moduladores de la actividad de Pgp, este estudio presenta no solo la estrategia del Caballo de Troya, sino también otra propuesta terapéutica relacionada con el uso de Temozolomide más DOXOrubicina. Esta estrategia demostró que el temozolomide logra penetrar la BBB por que interviene en la via de señalización de la Wnt/GSK3/β-catenina, la cual modula la expresión del transportador Pgp. Se demostró que el TMZ disminuye la proteína y el mRNA de Wnt3 permitiendo plantear la hipótesis de que la droga al disminuir la transcripción del gen Wnt3 en células de BBB, incrementa la activación de la vía fosforilando la β-catenina y conduciendo a disminuir la β-catenina nuclear y por tanto su unión al promotor del gen mdr1. Con base en los resultados este estudio permitió el reconocimiento de tres mecanismos básicos relacionados con la expresión de los transportadores ABC y asociados a las estrategias empleadas: el primero fue el uso de las estatinas, el cual condujo a la nitración de los transportadores disminuyendo su actividad por la via del factor de transcripción NFκB; el segundo a partir del uso del temozolomide, el cual metila el gen de Wnt3 reduciendo la actividad de la via de señalización de la la β-catenina, disminuyendo la expresión del transportador Pgp. El tercero consistió en la determinación de la relación entre el eje RhoA/RhoA quinasa como un modulador de la via (no canónica) GSK3/β-catenina. Se demostró que la proteína quinasa RhoA promovió la activación de la proteína PTB1, la cual al fosforilar a GSK3 indujo la fosforilación de la β-catenina, lo cual dio lugar a su destrucción por el proteosoma, evitando su unión al promotor del gen mdr1 y por tanto reduciendo su expresión. En conclusión las estrategias propuestas en este trabajo incrementaron la citotoxicidad de las células tumorales al aumentar la permeabilidad no solo de la barrera hematoencefálica, sino también de la propia barrera tumoral. Igualmente, la estrategia del “Caballo de Troya” podría ser útil para la terapia de otras enfermedades asociadas al sistema nervioso central. Por otra parte estos estudios indican que el reconocimiento de mecanismos asociados a la expresión de los transportadores ABC podría constituir una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias anticáncer.
Lipoproteins such as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and oxidized LDL have potentially adverse effects on endothelial cells due to their ability to activate pro-inflammatory pathways regulated via the transcription factor NF-kappaB (nuclear factor kappaB). Triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (the chylomicrons, very-low-density lipoprotein and their respective remnant particles) have also been implicated in the induction of a pro-inflammatory phenotype and up-regulation of adhesion molecule expression. Although early studies supported the proposal that LPL (lipoprotein lipase)-mediated hydrolysis of TRLs (triglyceride-rich lipoproteins) at the endothelium could activate the NFkappaB pathway, more recent studies provide evidence of pro-and anti-inflammatory responses when cells are exposed to fatty acids of TRL particles. A large number of genes are up- and down-regulated when cells are exposed to TRL, with the net effect reflecting receptor- and nonreceptor-mediated pathways that are activated or inhibited depending on fatty acid type, the lipid and apolipoprotein composition of the TRL and the presence or absence of LPL. Early concepts of TRL particles as essentially pro-inflammatory stimuli to the endothelium provide an overly simplistic view of their impact on the vascular compartment.
Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play a central role in atherogenesis and induce expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1). In the present study we investigated induction of HO-1 and adaptive increases in reduced glutathione (GSH) in human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) in response to moderately oxidized LDL (moxLDL, 100 mu g protein/ml, 24 h), a species containing high levels of lipid hydroperoxides. Expression and activity of HO-1 and GSH levels were elevated to a greater extent by moxLDL than highly oxidized LDL but unaffected by native or acetylated LDL. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) or mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) p38(MAPK) and MEK or c-jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) significantly attenuated induction of HO-1. Phosphorylation of p38(MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), or JNK and nuclear translocation of the transcription factor Nrf2 were enhanced following acute exposure of SMC to rnoxLDL (100 mu g proteiri/ml, 1-2 h). Pretreatment of SMC with the antioxidant vitamin C (100 mu M, 24 h) attenuated the induction of HO-1 by moxLDL. Native and oxidized LDL did not alter basal levels of intracellular ATP, mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity, or expression of the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor (LOX-1) in SMC. These findings demonstrate for the first time that activation of PKC, p38(MAPK), JNK, ERK1/2, and Nrf2 by oxidized LDL in human SMC leads to HO-1 induction, constituting an adaptive response against oxidative injury that can be ameliorated by vitamin C. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
It is well known that raised plasma triglycerides (TG) are positively linked to the development of coronary heart disease. However, triglycerides circulate in a range of distinct lipoprotein subtractions and the relative atherogenicity of these subtractions is not clear. In this study, three fractions of triglyceride rich lipoprotein (TRL) were isolated from normolipidaemic males according to their differing Svedberg flotation (S-f) rates: chylomicron (CM, S-f > 400), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-1 (S-f 60-400) and VLDL-2 (S-f 20-60). These fractions were incubated with THP-1 monocyte-derived macrophages for determination of cholesterol and TG accumulation, in the presence and absence of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) inhibitor orlistat. Expression of LDL receptor related protein (LRP) and apolipoprotein B48 receptor (apoB48R) was also examined in both differentiating monocytes, and monocyte-derived macrophages, incubated with TRL. VLDL-I caused a significantly greater accumulation of TG within macrophages compared to VLDL-2. Binding studies also tended to show a greater preference for VLDL-1. No change in expression of LRP or apoB48R was observed in fully differentiated macrophages incubated with VLDL-1, VLDL-2 or CM, although a greater expression of LRP mRNA was observed in differentiating monocytes exposed to VLDL-1, compared to those incubated with CM or VLDL-2. TG loading in response to all three TRL fractions was blocked by orlistat, suggesting that it is likely that the major pathway for uptake of TG was hydrolysis by LPL. Calculations suggested that direct uptake of particles accounts for between 12 and 25% of total TAG uptake. In conclusion, THP monocyte-derived macrophages demonstrate a preference for VLDL-1, both through the LPL pathway and by direct uptake of whole particles. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To determine whether dietary supplementation with a natural carotenoid mixture counteracts the enhancement of oxidative stress induced by consumption of fish oil. Design: A randomised double-blind crossover dietary intervention. Setting: Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, School of Food Biosciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK. Subjects and intervention: A total of 32 free-living healthy nonsmoking volunteers were recruited by posters and e-mails in The University of Reading. One volunteer withdrew during the study. The volunteers consumed a daily supplement comprising capsules containing fish oil (4 x 1 g) or fish oil (4 x 1 g) containing a natural carotenoid mixture (4 x 7.6 mg) for 3 weeks in a randomised crossover design separated by a 12 week washout phase. The carotenoid mixture provided a daily intake of beta-carotene (6.0 mg), alpha-carotene (1.4 mg), lycopene (4.5 mg), bixin (11.7 mg), lutein (4.4 mg) and paprika carotenoids (2.2 mg). Blood and urine samples were collected on days 0 and 21 of each dietary period. Results: The carotenoid mixture reduced the fall in ex vivo oxidative stability of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) induced by the fish oil (P = 0.045) and it reduced the extent of DNA damage assessed by the concentration of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in urine (P = 0.005). There was no effect on the oxidative stability of plasma ex vivo assessed by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity test. beta- Carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene and lutein were increased in the plasma of subjects consuming the carotenoid mixture. Plasma triglyceride levels were reduced significantly more than the reduction for the fish oil control (P = 0.035), but total cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels were not significantly changed by the consumption of the carotenoid mixture. Conclusions: Consumption of the natural carotenoid mixture lowered the increase in oxidative stress induced by the fish oil as assessed by ex vivo oxidative stability of LDL and DNA degradation product in urine. The carotenoid mixture also enhanced the plasma triglyceride-lowering effect of the fish oil.
Aim: We examined the effect of meat fatty acids on lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron/chylomicron remnants in lipid fractions with a Svedberg flotation rate (S-f) 60-400 and S-f 20-60. Methods and results: Six healthy middle-aged men received in random order mixed meals enriched with saturated (SFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) or monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids on 3 occasions. VLDL and chylomicron/chylomicron remnants in the lipid fractions were separated by immunoaffinity chromatography against apo B-100. In the S-f 60-400 chylomicron/chylomicron remnants, triacylglycerol and cholesterol concentrations were significantly tower following PUFA compared with SFA and MUFA (P <= 0.05). Apolipoprotein (apo) E responses were significantly higher after SFA in chylomicron/chylomicron remnants and VLDL compared with PUFA and MUFA (P < 0.007). However, apo B responses (particle number) were higher following MUFA than SFA (P = 0.039 for chylomicron/chylomicron remnants). Composition of the chylomicron/chylomicron remnants (expressed per particle) revealed differences in their triacylglycerol and apo E contents; in the Sf 60-400 fraction, SFA-rich chylomicron/chylomicron remnants contained significantly more triacylglycerol than MUFA (P = 0.028), more apo E than PUFA- and MUFA-rich particles (P < 0.05) and in the S-f 20-60 fraction, more apo E than MUFA (P = 0.009). Conclusion: There are specific differences in the composition of chylomicron/ chylomicron remnants formed after saturated compared with unsaturated fatty acid-rich meals which could determine their metabolic fate in the circulation and subsequent atherogenicity. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dietary isoflavones are currently receiving much attention because of their potential role in preventing coronary artery disease and other chronic diseases. Accumulating evidence from cell culture and laboratory animal experiments indicates that isoflavones have the potential to prevent or delay atherogenesis. Suggested mechanisms of action include: a reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a potential reduction in the susceptibility of the LDL particle to oxidation; (2) an improvement in vascular reactivity; (3) an inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines, cell adhesion proteins and nitric oxide (NO) production; and (4) an inhibition of platelet aggregation. These mechanisms are consistent with the epidemiological evidence that a high consumption of isoflavone-rich soy products is associated with a reduced incidence of coronary artery disease. Biological effects of isoflavones are dependent on many factors, including dose consumed, duration of use, protein-binding affinity, and an individual's metabolism or intrinsic oestrogenic state. Further clinical studies are necessary to determine the potential health effects of isoflavones in specific population groups as we currently know little about age-related differences in exposure to these compounds and there are few guidelines on optimal dose for cardiovascular health benefits.
The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study has provided the first evidence implicating vitamin E in hormone synthesis. The effect of vitamin E on stereoidogenesis in testes and adrenal glands was assessed in growing rats using Affymetrix gene-chip technology. Dietary supplementation of rats with vitamin E (60 mg/kg feed) for a period of 429 days caused a significant repression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the uptake (low-density lipoprotein receptor) and de novo synthesis (for example, 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A synthase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase, and farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase) of cholesterol, the precursor of all steroid hormones. The present investigation indicates that dietary vitamin E may induce changes in stereoidogenesis by affecting cholesterol homeostasis.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of altering meal frequency on postprandial lipaemia and associated parameters. DESIGN: A randomized open cross over study to examine the programming effects of altering meal frequency. A standard test meal was given on three occasions following: (i) the normal diet; (ii) a period of two weeks on a nibbling and (iii) a period of two weeks on a gorging diet. SETTING: Free living subjects associated with the University of Surrey. SUBJECTS: Eleven female volunteers (age 22 +/- 0.89 y) were recruited. INTERVENTIONS: The subjects were requested to consume the same foods on either a nibbling diet (12 meals per day) or a gorging diet (three meals per day) for a period of two weeks. The standard test meal containing 80 g fat, 63 g carbohydrate and 20 g protein was administered on the day prior to the dietary intervention and on the day following each period of intervention. MAJOR OUTCOME MEASURES: Fasting and postprandial blood samples were taken for the analysis of plasma triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids, glucose, immunoreactive insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide levels (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1), fasting total, low density lipoprotein (LDL)- and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentrations and postheparin lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity measurements. Plasma paracetamol was measured following administration of a 1.5 g paracetamol load with the meal as an index of gastric emptying. RESULTS: The compliance to the two dietary regimes was high and there were no significant differences between the nutrient intakes on the two intervention diets. There were no significant differences in fasting or postprandial plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids, glucose, immunoreactive insulin, GIP and GLP-1 levels, in response to the standard test meal following the nibbling or gorging dietary regimes. There were no significant differences in fasting total or LDL-cholesterol concentrations, or in the 15 min postheparin lipoprotein lipase activity measurements. There was a significant increase in HDL-cholesterol in the subjects following the gorging diet compared to the nibbling diet. DISCUSSION: The results suggest that previous meal frequency for a period of two weeks in young healthy women does not alter the fasting or postprandial lipid or hormonal response to a standard high fat meal. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study did not confirm the previous studies which suggested that nibbling is beneficial in reducing the concentrations of lipid and hormones. The rigorous control of diet content and composition in the present study compared with others, suggest reported effects of meal frequency may be due to unintentional alteration in nutrient and energy intake in previous studies.