760 resultados para Lipschitz trivial


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The dynamics of the rotation of a satellite is an old and classical problem, specially in the Euler formalism. However, with these variables, even in torque free motion problem, the integrability of the system is far from trivial, mainly when the three moments of the inertia are not equal. Another disadvantage occurs when the inclinations between some plans are null or close to zero, so the nodes become undetermined. In this work, we propose the use of modern Andoyer's variables. These are a set of canonical variables and therefore some significant advantages can be obtained when dealing with perturbation methods. On other the hand, the integrability of the torque free motion becomes very clear, as the system is reduced to a problem of one degree of freedom. The elimination of the singularities mentioned above, can be solved very easily, with Pincaré-type variables. In this work we give the background concepts of the Andoyer's variables and the disturbing potential is obtained for the rotational dynamics of a satellite perturbed by a planet. In the case when A = B (moments of inertia) and due to the current variables, the averaged system is trivially obtained through very simple integrations


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Software product line (SPL) engineering offers several advantages in the development of families of software products such as reduced costs, high quality and a short time to market. A software product line is a set of software intensive systems, each of which shares a common core set of functionalities, but also differs from the other products through customization tailored to fit the needs of individual groups of customers. The differences between products within the family are well-understood and organized into a feature model that represents the variability of the SPL. Products can then be built by generating and composing features described in the feature model. Testing of software product lines has become a bottleneck in the SPL development lifecycle, since many of the techniques used in their testing have been borrowed from traditional software testing and do not directly take advantage of the similarities between products. This limits the overall gains that can be achieved in SPL engineering. Recent work proposed by both industry and the research community for improving SPL testing has begun to consider this problem, but there is still a need for better testing techniques that are tailored to SPL development. In this thesis, I make two primary contributions to software product line testing. First I propose a new definition for testability of SPLs that is based on the ability to re-use test cases between products without a loss of fault detection effectiveness. I build on this idea to identify elements of the feature model that contribute positively and/or negatively towards SPL testability. Second, I provide a graph based testing approach called the FIG Basis Path method that selects products and features for testing based on a feature dependency graph. This method should increase our ability to re-use results of test cases across successive products in the family and reduce testing effort. I report the results of a case study involving several non-trivial SPLs and show that for these objects, the FIG Basis Path method is as effective as testing all products, but requires us to test no more than 24% of the products in the SPL.


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Regression coefficients specify the partial effect of a regressor on the dependent variable. Sometimes the bivariate or limited multivariate relationship of that regressor variable with the dependent variable is known from population-level data. We show here that such population- level data can be used to reduce variance and bias about estimates of those regression coefficients from sample survey data. The method of constrained MLE is used to achieve these improvements. Its statistical properties are first described. The method constrains the weighted sum of all the covariate-specific associations (partial effects) of the regressors on the dependent variable to equal the overall association of one or more regressors, where the latter is known exactly from the population data. We refer to those regressors whose bivariate or limited multivariate relationships with the dependent variable are constrained by population data as being ‘‘directly constrained.’’ Our study investigates the improvements in the estimation of directly constrained variables as well as the improvements in the estimation of other regressor variables that may be correlated with the directly constrained variables, and thus ‘‘indirectly constrained’’ by the population data. The example application is to the marital fertility of black versus white women. The difference between white and black women’s rates of marital fertility, available from population-level data, gives the overall association of race with fertility. We show that the constrained MLE technique both provides a far more powerful statistical test of the partial effect of being black and purges the test of a bias that would otherwise distort the estimated magnitude of this effect. We find only trivial reductions, however, in the standard errors of the parameters for indirectly constrained regressors.


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tabula tabular tachyauxesis tachyblastic tachygen tachygenesis tachytelic tactic tactile tactoreceptors taenia taeniate taenidium taenioglossate tagma tagmata tagmosis tail tailfan Takakura's talon talus tandem tangent tangoreceptor tanylobous tapetal tapetum tapinoma-odor Tardigrada tardigrades tarsal tarsation tarsite tarsomere tarsungulus tarsus taste tautonomy tautonym taxa taxes taxis taxis taxodont taxometrics taxon taxonomic taxonomist taxonomy tectiform tectostracum tectum teeth teges tegillum tegmen tegmentum tegula tegular tegulum tegumen tegument tegumentary tela telaform telamon telegonic teleiochrysalis telenchium teleoconch teleodont teleology teleotrocha telepod telescope telescopic teletrophic telioderma teliophan telmophage telocentric telodendria telofemur telogonic telolecithal telomitic telophase telophragma telopod telopodite telorhabdions telosonic telostome telosynapsis telosyndesis telotarsus telotaxis telotroch telson template temporal tenacipeds tenaculum tenent teneral tensor tentacle tentacular tentaculocyst tentaculozooid tentilla tentorial tentorium tenuous teratocyte teratogen teratogenesis teratogyne teratology terebella terebra terebrant terebrate teres terete terga tergal tergite tergolateral tergopleural tergopore tergum tergum termen terminal terminalia termitarium termitophile terranes terrestrial terricolous territory tertiary tertibrach tertibrachial tessellate test testaceology testaceous test-cross testes testis testisac testudinate tetanus tetany tetractinal tetractine tetrad tetradelphic tetramerous tetramorphic tetraploid tetrapod tetrapterous tetrasomic tetrathyridial tetrathyridium tetraxon tetraxonid thalassophilous thallus thamnophilous thanatocoenosis thanatosis theca thecae thecal thecate thelycum thelygenesis thelygenous thelyotokous thelyotoky theory thermocline thermophile thermophobe thermoreceptor thermotaxis thickness thigmotactic thigmotaxis thigmotropism third-form thoraces thoracic thoracomere thoracopod(ite) thorax thoraxes thread thylacium thylacogen thyridial thyridium thyroid thysanuriform tibia tibial tibiotarsal tibiotarsus Tiedemann's tiled timbal tinctorial tine tissue tissue titilla titillae titillator tocopherol tocospermal tocospermia tocostome tokostome tomentose tomentum Tomosvary tone tonic tonofibrillae tonus topochemical topogamodeme topomorph topomorphic toponym topotype tori torma tormogen tornote tornus torose torpid torqueate torsion tortuose torulose torus totipotent totomount toxa toxicognath toxicology toxin toxinosis toxoglossate toxoid trabecula trabeculate trabeculated trachea tracheae tracheal tracheate tracheoblast tracheolar tracheoles trachychromatic tract Tragardh's tragus transad transcoxa transcurrent transect transection transformation transient transitional translocation translucent transmission transposed transscutal transstadial transtilla transverse trapeziform trapezium trapezoid trema tremata Trematoda trenchant trepan triact triactinal triad triaene triage triangle triangular triangulate triaulic triaxial triaxon tribe tribocytic trichite trichobothrium trichobranchia trichobranchiate trichocerous trichodes trichodeum trichodragmata trichogen trichoid trichomes trichophore trichopore trichosors trichostichal trichotomous trichroism tricolumella tricomes tricostate tricrepid tricuspid tricuspidate tridactyl trident tridentate trifid trifurcate triglycerides trignathan trigonal trigoneutism trilabiate trilateral trilobate trilocular trimorphic trimorphism Trinominal triordinal tripartite tripectinate triplet triploblastic triploid triquetral triquetrous triradiate triradiates tritocerebral tritocerebrum tritocerebrum tritonymph tritosternum triturate triungulin triungulinid trivial trivium trivoltine trixenic troch trochal trochalopodous trochantellus trochanter trochanteral trochantin trochi trochiform trochlea trocholophous trochophore trochosphere trochus troglobiont troglodytic troglophile trogloxene tropeic trophal trophallactic trophallaxis trophamnion trophi trophic trophidium trophobiont trophobiont trophobiosis trophobiotic trophocytes trophodisc trophogeny trophoporic trophorhinium trophosome trophotaxis trophothylax trophozooid trophus tropis tropism tropotaxis trumpet truncate truncation trunk trypsin tryptic tryptophan tryptophane T-tubule tube tube-feet tubercle tubercula tuberculate tuberculose tuberiferous tubicolous tubifacient tubule tubulus tubus tuft Tullgren tumefaction tumescence tumid tumulus tunic tunica tunicary tunicate turbinate turgid turreted turriculate tychoparthenogenesis tylasters tylenchoid tyli tyloid tyloides tylosis tylostyle tylote tylus tymbal tympanal tympanal tympanic tympanum Tyndall type typhlosole typologist typolysis typostasis


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A loop is said to be automorphic if its inner mappings are automorphisms. For a prime p, denote by A(p) the class of all 2-generated commutative automorphic loops Q possessing a central subloop Z congruent to Z(p) such that Q/Z congruent to Z(p) x Z(p). Upon describing the free 2-generated nilpotent class two commutative automorphic loop and the free 2-generated nilpotent class two commutative automorphic p-loop F-p in the variety of loops whose elements have order dividing p(2) and whose associators have order dividing p, we show that every loop of A(p) is a quotient of F-p by a central subloop of order p(3). The automorphism group of F-p induces an action of GL(2)(p) on the three-dimensional subspaces of Z(F-p) congruent to (Z(p))(4). The orbits of this action are in one-to-one correspondence with the isomorphism classes of loops from A(p). We describe the orbits, and hence we classify the loops of A(p) up to isomorphism. It is known that every commutative automorphic p-loop is nilpotent when p is odd, and that there is a unique commutative automorphic loop of order 8 with trivial center. Knowing A(p) up to isomorphism, we easily obtain a classification of commutative automorphic loops of order p(3). There are precisely seven commutative automorphic loops of order p(3) for every prime p, including the three abelian groups of order p(3).


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A direct reconstruction algorithm for complex conductivities in W-2,W-infinity(Omega), where Omega is a bounded, simply connected Lipschitz domain in R-2, is presented. The framework is based on the uniqueness proof by Francini (2000 Inverse Problems 6 107-19), but equations relating the Dirichlet-to-Neumann to the scattering transform and the exponentially growing solutions are not present in that work, and are derived here. The algorithm constitutes the first D-bar method for the reconstruction of conductivities and permittivities in two dimensions. Reconstructions of numerically simulated chest phantoms with discontinuities at the organ boundaries are included.


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This report aims at giving a general overview on the classification of the maximal subgroups of compact Lie groups (not necessarily connected). In the first part, it is shown that these fall naturally into three types: (1) those of trivial type, which are simply defined as inverse images of maximal subgroups of the corresponding component group under the canonical projection and whose classification constitutes a problem in finite group theory, (2) those of normal type, whose connected one-component is a normal subgroup, and (3) those of normalizer type, which are the normalizers of their own connected one-component. It is also shown how to reduce the classification of maximal subgroups of the last two types to: (2) the classification of the finite maximal Sigma-invariant subgroups of centerfree connected compact simple Lie groups and (3) the classification of the Sigma-primitive subalgebras of compact simple Lie algebras, where Sigma is a subgroup of the corresponding outer automorphism group. In the second part, we explicitly compute the normalizers of the primitive subalgebras of the compact classical Lie algebras (in the corresponding classical groups), thus arriving at the complete classification of all (non-discrete) maximal subgroups of the compact classical Lie groups.


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Aim: To use published literature and experts' opinion to investigate the clinical meaning and magnitude of changes in the Quality of Life (QOL) of groups of patients measured with the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30). Methods: An innovative method combining systematic review of published studies, expert opinions and meta-analysis was used to estimate large, medium, and small mean changes over time for QLQ-C30 scores. Results: Nine hundred and eleven papers were identified, leading to 118 relevant papers. One thousand two hundred and thirty two mean changes in QOL over time were combined in the meta-analysis, with timescales ranging from four days to five years. Guidelines were produced for trivial, small, and medium size classes, for each subscale and for improving and declining scores separately. Estimates for improvements were smaller than respective estimates for declines. Conclusions: These guidelines can be used to aid sample size calculations and interpretation of mean changes over time from groups of patients. Observed mean changes in the QLQ-C30 scores are generally small in most clinical situations, possibly due to response shift. Careful consideration is needed when planning studies where QOL changes over time are of primary interest; the timing of follow up, sample attrition, direction of QOL changes, and subscales of primary interest are key considerations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is shown that the correct mathematical implementation of symmetry in the geometric formulation of classical field theory leads naturally beyond the concept of Lie groups and their actions on manifolds, out into the realm of Lie group bundles and, more generally, of Lie groupoids and their actions on fiber bundles. This applies not only to local symmetries, which lie at the heart of gauge theories, but is already true even for global symmetries when one allows for fields that are sections of bundles with (possibly) non-trivial topology or, even when these are topologically trivial, in the absence of a preferred trivialization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper is dedicated to estimate the fractal dimension of exponential global attractors of some generalized gradient-like semigroups in a general Banach space in terms of the maximum of the dimension of the local unstable manifolds of the isolated invariant sets, Lipschitz properties of the semigroup and the rate of exponential attraction. We also generalize this result for some special evolution processes, introducing a concept of Morse decomposition with pullback attractivity. Under suitable assumptions, if (A, A*) is an attractor-repeller pair for the attractor A of a semigroup {T(t) : t >= 0}, then the fractal dimension of A can be estimated in terms of the fractal dimension of the local unstable manifold of A*, the fractal dimension of A, the Lipschitz properties of the semigroup and the rate of the exponential attraction. The ingredients of the proof are the notion of generalized gradient-like semigroups and their regular attractors, Morse decomposition and a fine analysis of the structure of the attractors. As we said previously, we generalize this result for some evolution processes using the same basic ideas. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.