628 resultados para Ligações aparafusadas


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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The connections in the wood structures are the places with high concentrations of stresses and therefore are more fragile than the rest of the structure. The connections between pieces of wood can be made by metal pins (nails or screws). The compression and embedment strength has significant influence on the calculation of the connections. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the compression and embedment strength in the directions parallel, inclined at 45° and normal to the grain, using standard specimens according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997 standard. The compression and embedment strength were initially evaluated according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997, which admits the deformation of 2‰ as limit of embedment and the ratio between the ultimate strength and the area of application of load in the specimen for the compressive strength. Afterward, the embedment strength was evaluated by the EUROCEDE 5 /1995 European standard, which use the limit of 5 mm of the displacement for the embedment. Specimens of Pinus oocarpa, Cumaru and Pinus taeda were used in tests to calibration of equipment and specimens of Pinus taeda and Eucalipto citriodora were used to compare the results of strength. The results of strength were evaluated based on statistical analysis. The results of compressive strength for the Pinus taeda showed no significant differences in embedment strength in the directions parallel and normal to the grain. For the Eucalipto citriodora only in the direction parallel to grain the compression strength was not significant compared with the embedment strength. For both species, only the parallel compression strength and inclined at 45o to the grain, which were to the grain, which were admitted the strain of 2‰ were not significantly different compared with the compression strength determined according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997. The normal compression strength obtained according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997 and ultimate compression strength not ...


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Biological processes are complex and possess emergent properties that can not be explained or predict by reductionism methods. To overcome the limitations of reductionism, researchers have been used a group of methods known as systems biology, a new interdisciplinary eld of study aiming to understand the non-linear interactions among components embedded in biological processes. These interactions can be represented by a mathematical object called graph or network, where the elements are represented by nodes and the interactions by edges that link pair of nodes. The networks can be classi- ed according to their topologies: if node degrees follow a Poisson distribution in a given network, i.e. most nodes have approximately the same number of links, this is a random network; if node degrees follow a power-law distribution in a given network, i.e. small number of high-degree nodes and high number of low-degree nodes, this is a scale-free network. Moreover, networks can be classi ed as hierarchical or non-hierarchical. In this study, we analised Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae integrated molecular networks, which have protein-protein interaction, metabolic and transcriptional regulation interactions. By using computational methods, such as MathematicaR , and data collected from public databases, we calculated four topological parameters: the degree distribution P(k), the clustering coe cient C(k), the closeness centrality CC(k) and the betweenness centrality CB(k). P(k) is a function that calculates the total number of nodes with k degree connection and is used to classify the network as random or scale-free. C(k) shows if a network is hierarchical, i.e. if the clusterization coe cient depends on node degree. CC(k) is an indicator of how much a node it is in the lesse way among others some nodes of the network and the CB(k) is a pointer of how a particular node is among several ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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When a bolted joint is loaded in tension with dynamically, part of this load is absorbed by the bolt and rest is absorbed by the joint material. What determines the portion that is to absorbed by the bolt is the joint stiffness factor. This factor influences the tension which corresponds to pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure, thus being an important factor in the design of bolted joints. In this work, three methods of calculating the stiffness factor are compared through a spreadsheet in Excel software. The ratio of initial pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure depending on the stiffness factor graph is generated. The calculations for each method show results with a small difference. It is therefore recommended that each project case is analyzed, and depending on its conditions and the range of stiffness values, the more or less rigid method about the safety factor for fatigue failure is chosen. In general, the approximation method provides consistent results and can be easily calculated


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In materials science, the search for technological improvements have become one of the main subject of study of researchers. This is especially true in the case of materials with reduced sizes, in the nanometer scale. Important phenomena to be studied in these cases are the desorption and adsorption on two-dimensional materials, such as graphene. These phenomena are of great importance in the study of interactions between organic films, synthesis or catalysis of reactions on surfaces and even in the creation of nanoscale devices [1, 2, 3, 4]. Between the most important topics related to these phenomena are the storage of gases in low-dimensional systems and the study of nanostructured fuel cells or batteries. In this context we used two different parametrizations for the reactive force field ReaxFF to study the potential barriers and reaction barriers of our system. First we made a study about the Reaction Barriers and Energy Barriers for bonds between graphene and the following atoms: sulfur, fluorine, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. It is important to have this information in order to make it possible to understand how these atoms react with the graphene sheet. Subsequently, we calculate reaction barriers for mixed structures where fluorine is a fixed element bonded to graphene and other element is simultaneously bonded to graphene. This other element (N, O, H or S) is varied in its possible relative positions (ortho, meta and para in relation to fluorine in either: the same side and in the opposite side of the graphene membrane)


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A utilização de produtos cosméticos que resultem em alisamento ou relaxamento dos cabelos tem-se tornado cada vez mais comum. O desejo das mulheres em possuir um cabelo liso é registrado desde a época de escravidão e, em 1940, foram lançadas formulações contendo hidróxido de sódio para essa finalidade. O alisamento dos cabelos pode ser obtido por processos térmicos ou químicos, onde o primeiro apresenta efeito temporário (até o contato com umidade) e o segundo apresenta efeito definitivo. Por esse motivo, os alisamentos a base de substâncias químicas é chamado de alisamento definitivo. Diversas substâncias foram historicamente utilizadas a fim de obter o efeito alisante, tais como hidróxido de sódio, hidróxido de lítio, hidróxido de guanidina e tioglicolato de amônia. Em comum, estas substâncias agem profundamente na fibra capilar, alterando as ligações químicas da queratina, resultando em uma reestruturação destas ligações. Entretanto, essas substâncias também causam diversos danos a fibra capilar devido ao mecanismo de ação destes produtos. A supervalorização da imagem feminina e a busca incansável pela beleza fizeram com que, cada vez mais, estas substâncias químicas sejam utilizadas de modo indiscriminado e ilegal. O uso irracional dessas substâncias traz conseqüências graves à saúde dos consumidores e profissionais cabeleleiros, tais como dermatites, intoxicações e riscos de carcinogênese. Como exemplo, o uso de formaldeído como agente alisante foi proibido pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária Brasileira (ANVISA) desde 2009, assim como sua venda e exposição em estabelecimentos públicos de todo o país, devido ao alto risco apresentado aos consumidores e profissionais. Dessa forma, a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de produtos alisantes devem ser feita de modo responsável ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research has the objective of identifying the possible influences of the Movement entitled “New School” on discussions of the autonomy of the teacher. Understanding the importance of the Movement in relation to changes of concepts about teaching and the work of the teacher, this study seeks to identify, through bibliographic research, the beginnings of the idea of teacher autonomy in the discussions of “new school” education, especially in reference to the possibility of teachers choosing their work methods. This work will also identify connections between those discussions and more recent discussions about teacher professionalism, which emphasize teacher autonomy. In this sense, it was possible to identify the development of this issue of professional competencies. The study also analyzes the application of the concept of autonomy on Brazilian soil between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as well as its current use. The research thus explores the concept of Teacher Autonomy in various historical settings


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In this work were studied associations of ZnO with the natural products caffeic and feluric acids. Two preparation methods were used, that is, the sol-gel and a reflux procedure. In the sol-gel method, ZnO is produced by the basics hydrolysis of precursors in the presence of the organic filters (caffeic and feluric acids), which results in 30 nm (or less) ZnO particles with the organic filters (in dissociated form) bonded to the surface of ZnO. In the reflux method, a dispersion of ZnO in a water/ethanol mixture was kept under reflux (50oC/4h) in the presence of the organic acids. The ZnO particles used in the reflux method have a higher diameter than sol-gel ZnO particles, but the prepared associated product ZnO/Organic acids were similar. Despite of the difference in relation to crystallinity between the products, the preparation methods resulted in analogous associations with respect to the interaction of the organic filters with the ZnO surface. The caffeic/ZnO associations presented low photostability, which lead to the degradation of the organic filter. The other associations (feluric acid/ZnO) presented satisfactory results. The FT-IR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of the association, and the nature of the bond formed compared with the Zn-O bond in Zn2+/Felutic acid complexes. The isolated organic and inorganic filters, along with the associations were analyzed by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and Uv-vis spectroscopy. The absorption edges and the critical wavelengths were analyzed and the effects of Zn-O bonds in feluric acid/ZnO associations described as a function of the relative position of the π/π* system of the organic filter. Finally the performance of the hybrid filters were investigated in terms of the absorption of UVA and UVB radiations, with the UVA/UVB ratio, an efficiency parameter largely used in the description of solar filters, sunscreen and suncare products


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To understand how biological phenomena emerge, the nonlinear interactions among the components envolved in these and the correspondent connected elements, like genes, proteins, etc., can be represented by a mathematical object called graph or network, where interacting elements are represented by edges connecting pairs of nodes. The analysis of various graph-related properties of biological networks has revealed many clues about biological processes. Among these properties, the community structure, i.e. groups of nodes densely connected among themselves, but sparsely connected to other groups, are important for identifying separable functional modules within biological systems for the comprehension of the high-level organization of the cell. Communities' detection can be performed by many algorithms, but most of them are based on the density of interactions among nodes of the same community. So far, the detection and analysis of network communities in biological networks have only been pursued for networks composed by one type of interaction (e.g. protein-protein interactions or metabolic interactions). Since a real biological network is simultaneously composed by protein-protein, metabolic and transcriptional regulatory interactions, it would be interesting to investigate how communities are organized in this type of network. For this purpose, we detected the communities in an integrated biological network of the Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae by using the Clique Percolation Method and we veri ed, by calculating the frequency of each type of interaction and its related entropy, if components of communities... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A glicerol quinase é uma proteína tetramérica que cataliza a fosforilação do glicerol a glicerol-3-fosfato, composta por quatro subunidades - sua análise eletroforética fornecerá apenas uma banda se for constatada a sua pureza num gel não desnaturante - e sua reação com o glicerol é dependente de magnésio e de ATP. A eletroforese de proteínas utiliza como suporte um gel de poliacrilamida, que é formado pela polimerização de monômeros de acrilamida ao longo da sua cadeia e ligações cruzadas de cadeias pela inclusão de um co-monômero bifuncional apropriado, usualmente a N,N’ – metileno-bis-acrilamida ou apenas Bis . A eletroforese de proteínas mais comum é a que utiliza SDS para um gel de poliacrilamida desnaturante. O SDS é um sal chamado Dodecil Sulfato de Sódio que tem por característica se ligar a cadeia proteína nos resíduos de aminoácidos apolares, deixando com a carga negativa, sendo assim, toda proteína fica com carga total negativa, migrando para o anodo na eletroforese. As técnicas de purificação utilizadas foram ultrafiltração e precipitação com ácido tricloro acético, etanol gelado e sulfato de amônio. A dupla precipitação com etanol resultou na recuperação de maior quantidade de proteínas. A coloração do gel com prata foi mais sensível do que Comassie blue. O gel de eletroforese mostrou quatro bandas, correspondentes às quatro subunidades da glicerol quinase quando revelados com prata em gel de SDS-PAGE.