590 resultados para Leitos hospitalares
Com os avanços em oncologia, os profissionais de saúde despertaram para o fato de que cuidar de um portador de um câncer requer uma abordagem interdisciplinar, que proporciona a assistência integral, de forma a compreender o paciente em múltiplos domínios, tendo como preocupação fundamental a preservação da sua qualidade de vida. A ação do farmacêutico é parte fundamental desse cuidado ao paciente, para garantir a qualidade e a segurança da terapia em quaisquer das etapas da doença. Para tanto, este profissional deve mostrar profundo conhecimento na área de farmácia clínica em oncologia, atenção farmacêutica e ações relativas à promoção e recuperação da saúde, o que demanda formação técnica de excelência e desenvolvimento de competências comportamentais. . Deste modo, o trabalho de conclusão de curso intitulado O farmacêutico em oncologia – o que temos, podemos e fazemos teve por objetivo buscar na literatura especializada quais são os requisitos para se formar tal especialista, quais são os dispositivos legais que regem sua atuação, as suas atribuições técnicas, sobretudo, o como e o quê sua atuação gera. Os estudos realizados por diversos autores evidenciaram a importância da atenção farmacêutica no setor oncológico, na prevenção de erros de medicação pela revisão das prescrições médicas, contorno dos resultados negativos associados aos medicamentos, o que refletiu na economia dos gastos hospitalares, caracterizando um processo positivo de farmacoeconomia, em que seu sucesso leva à melhora da qualidade de vida para o paciente.
WHO has launched the “Safe Surgery Saves Lives” program with the purpose to reduce damage to surgical patients and define safety standards specifically in order to reduce such patients’ morbi-mortality by providing surgery teams and hospital managers with orientation about the standards of safe surgery and a uniform service evaluation instrument for national and international surveillance. Hence, this study aimed at applying the WHO safe-surgery checklist to the surgical specialties of a university hospital and evaluating the team’s opinion about the influence of its application on the safety of surgical process and on the team’s interpersonal communication. It was a descriptive, analytical, qualitative field study conducted in the surgery facilities of a university hospital in a public establishment in São Paulo state. The checklist was applied to eight surgical specialties, resulting in a total number of 30 surgeries. Its application was conducted by the researcher in three phases: Sign in, Time out, Sign Out. Next, one member of the surgery team was invited to voluntarily participate in the study by signing an informed consent form and answering guiding questions. Thirty members of the surgery team participated in the study. Bardin’s Content Analysis Method was used to organize and analyze the data. As regards the safety provided by the checklist, the following thematic categories emerged: “It reduces risk and possible complications”; “It standardizes conducts and reviews safety steps”; “It allows for better understanding of the process”; and “It provides safety to the team as a whole”. The category “It is not included in the institution’s routine” emerged from the subjects’ statements when they understood that, in this form, the checklist does not provide safety to surgical procedures. As regards communication, two thematic categories emerged: ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O joão-porca (Lochmias nematura) é uma ave pertencente à família Furnariidae. Tem coloração predominantemente marrom, com pintas brancas em seu peito e ventre, sua cauda é preta e apresenta o supercílio branco. Habita a margem de córregos e riachos, evitando áreas com maior intensidade de luz. Seu canto é um trinado agudo e forte, que tende a suplantar o ruído gerado pela movimentação da água nesses ambientes. Seu nome popular é decorrente de seus hábitos alimentares: caça artrópodes na margem dos corpos d’água e em poças lamacentas e lodosas. Sua dieta e seu comportamento de caça são pouco conhecidos, o que impulsionou a realização deste estudo. Para tanto realizamos buscas ativas por indivíduos desta espécie ao longo de leitos na Serra do Japi, município de Jundiaí, no entorno da Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade e no Sítio Esperança, município de Rio Claro. Estes locais foram escolhidos devido à facilidade de detecção da espécie. Para tornar as anotações em campo mais rápidas foram utilizadas planilhas com os parâmetros a serem analisados. Os parâmetros analisados foram manobra de captura, manipulação, item alimentar, tamanho em relação ao bicho da ave, distância da margem ao local de captura, substrato de captura e as características principais do substrato e do corpo d’água. Somando-se a isso foram levantadas todas as fotografias postadas no site WikiAves (www.wikiaves.com.br) que mostrassem Lochmias nematura com presas em seu bico, obtendo-se uma dieta mais completa. Isto mostrou que a dieta da espécie é muito mais diversificada do que o previsto pela literatura aferido através da dissecção estomacal. Seus principais itens alimentares são aranhas, oligoquetos, decápodes, larvas de tricópteros, larvas de odonatos, coleópteros, formigas, girinos e até mesmo anuros adultos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The study analyzed contours of the thoracic region of patients undergoing radiotherapy of breast tumors in Hospital Manuel de Abreu of Bauru (institution 1) and the Hospital da Faculdade de Medicina of Botucatu (Institution 2). Were prepared isodose curves corresponding to the contours of the patient, which were presented for radiotherapists doctors both hospital services that enabled the choice of the curve isodose that provides the best distribution of radiation dose in the irradiated volume. Some boundaries were digitized in one institution and sent for preparation of isodose lines in the institution 2, both curves plotted in each of the institutions and for the same contour, were compared, showing that the methodology of Curves of distance is feasible and reliable, while optimizing the routine procedures regarding the handling of isodose plans provided by different radiation equipment. It compares the calculation of the exposure time determined using the isodose curve selected by calculating the value obtained considering the PDP at the point of the middle line of separation between the internal and external fields, the difference between the two methods for determining exposure time was around 2.4%. A study on the angle of the radiation beam at the input field (region breast-air) was conducted showing that, once known a tangent angle of the input beam, one can estimate the angle of the wedge filter used in some procedures for uniformity of dose within the irradiated volume compensation and the lack of tissue in the treatment volume. A comparative study between the isodose curves produced manually with the curves obtained in a two-dimensional computer system, the computer system showed that provides further information regarding the dose gradient within the irradiated volume, in addition to reducing the time spent in preparing the curves isodose
Um dos problemas enfrentados pelas cidades brasileiras, e que atinge inclusive as de pequeno porte, refere-se à questão hospitalar. A falta de adequação de espaços e equipamentos tem causado grandes problemas à qualidade de vida da população. A melhoria das condições hospitalares nas cidades tem como consequência o aumento na qualidade de vida urbana; e esta, por sua vez está relacionada à adoção de medidas específicas a adequação hospitalar ás normas técnicas vigentes. O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar uma proposta projetual de requalificação espacial do Hospital Municipal de Ribeirão Branco (SP), incorporando uma visão sobre todos os aspectos necessários para o desenvolvimento correto de um programa hospitalar. Este trabalho de conclusão de curso visa dar condições confortáveis e autônomas de acesso a todos os usuários dessa unidade de saúde, além de melhor suas condições funcionais, em termos de programa hospitalar. Além disso, a proposta buscará inserir o Hospital num contexto tecnológico mais recente, para atualizar e potencializar a eficiência dos tratamentos
In hospitals, health professionals may face different situations and problems. By following them, it is remarkable that one of the difficulties is related to the support provided by the facilities to carry out their work. This also affects the quality of treatment offered to patients. One of the points of improvement that could be studied is hospital beds. The Fawler's simplest hospital bed type, used in most Brazilian public hospitals, is designed with an ergonomic average height that offers a default position for analysis and treatment of patients. There is no possibility of adjusting the height of those beds, and hence there is a limitation in this regard since that height is fixed, but the physical structures of the workers and patients may vary widely and there may be a conflict when there are people too large or small involved in this process. Beyond that, studies by experts show that beds with height adjustment decreases the muscular effort and improve the movement quality of the spine of nursing staff, reducing the force on certain vertebrae and also the ergonomic risk. Of course, patient comfort is also affected accordingly. As the beds made with height adjustment are very expensive, this study aims to design a device to adapt the not adjustable beds. The project must be viable from an economic and mechanic standpoint, being able to adapt both old and new simplest Fawler hospital bed models, since their dimensions are similar. The final result shows that it is possible to adapt such beds using the designed concept at a viable cost. Furthermore, this concept could be applied in other bed types or objects that have hollow feet
As preocupações referentes a esse trabalho estão relacionadas à humanização de estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde de unidades de diálise. Em função de processo de hemodiálise, a população portadora de Insuficiência Renal Crônica (IRC) possui uma rotina de tratamento que a desgasta física e emocionalmente. A fim de proporcionar-lhes bemestar, tornam-se essenciais projetos arquitetônicos mais apropriados às necessidades de seus usuários. Por meio da leitura de bibliografia específica, além do diálogo com profissionais da saúde e também da análise de projetos representativos e concretizados de arquitetura hospitalar, este estudo empreende uma compreensão das motivações funcionais e clínicas das unidades de diálise, em conjunto com o entendimento dos processos de elaboração de ambientes mais favoráveis ao restabelecimento médico. Dessa maneira, o resultado dessas reflexões encaminha para diretrizes projetuais, e por fim a elaboração de um projeto arquitetônico para uma clínica de hemodiálise autônoma, na cidade de Presidente Prudente, que vise à contribuição para a recuperação do indivíduo com ambientes adequados, além das preocupações com a qualidade do serviço prestado
Due to the importance of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in small animals, this paper aimed to discuss the pathophysiology of the TBI, the pre-hospital and hospital therapeutic procedures, as well as considerations related to transport and initial care of the patient immediately after trauma. The professional must identify the pre-hospital TBI and to treat the victim as a polytraumatized patient, including immobilization. In hospital therapy the procedures of craniotomy are important, especially to remove blood clots. In addition, the use of glucocorticoids must be avoided because of side effects, but combination therapies such as mannitol with furosemide increase the probability of success
This study aimed to assess knowledge of nursing professionals (nurses, technicians and nursing assistants) on the Project Sentinel Hospitals in a state hospital in the interior of and identify the occurrence of under-reporting of hospital products and the reasons that prevented the team to notify them. This is a study of a descriptive and exploratory, held in a public hospital in the interior of which serves only patients of the Unified Health System (SUS). The study sample consisted of 245 nurses. Data analysis revealed that the majority of nurses and nursing assistants refers knowledge about Project Sentinel Hospitals. In relation to the Practical nurses less than half know Hospitals Project Sentry. Knowledge of the four spheres of Hospitals Project Sentinel is higher among nurses. Among the practical nurses and nursing assistants prevailing knowledge in the area of Pharmacovigilance. The nurses have more knowledge about the process of notification and are major notifiers. Technicians and nursing assistants are those who have greater interest in learning content as a whole Hospitals Project Sentry. The nurses were the professionals who witnessed the most under-and under-reporting associated with the fear, lack of knowledge on the subject, insecurity and lack of time. It can be concluded that the study identified the knowledge of nurses on Project Sentinel Hospitals and the procedure for notification of technical defects and adverse events related to health products as well as identify the presence of under-reporting among professionals. In addition, the study shows the importance and need for greater disclosure of the activities developed by Project Sentinel Hospitals among nursing professionals through meetings, lectures, brochures, among other outlets
The dynamics of the health services sector can be seen in studies of geographical features as analysis on the quantity and quality of médical and hospital services provided and the demand or need sensed by the population, whether the public sector, whether private sector within a defined portion of space, in analysis in this study, the Administrative Region of Barretos, State of São Paulo. This study seeks to better understand the dynamics of the health services sector (Public and Private) in the production of urban space of the Administrative Region of Barretos, for it will be reviewed, in particular, the Cities Health Centers, Bebedouro and Barretos. Also proposes through this, try to clarify the central regional Barretos and Bebedouro in the context of health services
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this work was developed a fuzzy computational model type-2 predictive interval, using the software of the type-2 fuzzy MATLAB toolbox, the final idea is to estimate the number of hospitalizations of patients with respiratory diseases. The interest in the creation of this model is to assist in decision makeshift hospital environment, where there are no medical or professional equipment available to provide the care that the population need. It began working with the study of fuzzy logic, the fuzzy inference system and fuzzy toolbox. Through a real database provided by the Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS) and Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Básico (CETESB), was possible to start the model. The analyzed database is composed of the number of patients admitted with respiratory diseases a day for the public hospital in São José dos Campos, during the year 2009 and by factors such as PM10, SO2, wind and humidity. These factors were analyzed as input variables and, through these, is possible to get the number of admissions a day, which is the output variable of the model. For data analysis we used the fuzzy control method type-2 Mamdani. In the following steps the performance developed in this work was compared with the performance of the same model using fuzzy logic type-1. Finally, the validity of the models was estimated by the ROC curve
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The hospitalization process can cause significant changes in the children’s everyday life because, besides the suffering caused by the disease, there are the invasive processes which bring them sorrow. Thus, aiming to make this state of sorrow lower and to contribute for the treatment process we developed in a hospital the Mobile Toy Library project which develops interactive activities through playing, trying to make the staying of these kids at the hospital easier. The team is formed by Psychology professors and students, who daily visit the children with a trolley full of toys in order to interact and play with them. We wait on 500 patients a year. We concluded the Mobile Toy Library provides ways for kids to elaborate their psychological conflicts, lowering their sorrow as well as their negative feelings of staying in hospital, and this helps them deal with the disease, family and medical team all together.