720 resultados para LITHIUM-ION BATTERY


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Potentiometric sensors are very attractive tools for chemical analysis because of their simplicity, low power consumption and low cost. They are extensively used in clinical diagnostics and in environmental monitoring. Modern applications of both fields require improvements in the conventional construction and in the performance of the potentiometric sensors, as the trends are towards portable, on-site diagnostics and autonomous sensing in remote locations. The aim of this PhD work was to improve some of the sensor properties that currently hamper the implementation of the potentiometric sensors in modern applications. The first part of the work was concentrated on the development of a solid-state reference electrode (RE) compatible with already existing solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (ISE), both of which are needed for all-solid-state potentiometric sensing systems. A poly(vinyl chloride) membrane doped with a moderately lipophilic salt, tetrabutylammonium-tetrabutylborate (TBA-TBB), was found to show a satisfactory stability of potential in sample solutions with different concentrations. Its response time was nevertheless slow, as it required several minutes to reach the equilibrium. The TBA-TBB membrane RE worked well together with solid-state ISEs in several different situations and on different substrates enabling a miniature design. Solid contacts (SC) that mediate the ion-to-electron transduction are crucial components of well-functioning potentiometric sensors. This transduction process converting the ionic conduction of an ion-selective membrane to the electronic conduction in the circuit was studied with the help of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The solid contacts studied were (i) the conducting polymer (CP) poly(3,4-ethylienedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and (ii) a carbon cloth having a high surface area. The PEDOT films were doped with a large immobile anion poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS-) or with a small mobile anion Cl-. As could be expected, the studied PEDOT solid-contact mediated the ion-toelectron transduction more efficiently than the bare glassy carbon substrate, onto which they were electropolymerized, while the impedance of the PEDOT films depended on the mobility of the doping ion and on the ions in the electrolyte. The carbon cloth was found to be an even more effective ion-to-electron transducer than the PEDOT films and it also proved to work as a combined electrical conductor and solid contact when covered with an ion-selective membrane or with a TBA-TBB-based reference membrane. The last part of the work was focused on improving the reproducibility and the potential stability of the SC-ISEs, a problem that culminates to the stability of the standard potential E°. It was proven that the E° of a SC-ISE with a conducting polymer as a solid contact could be adjusted by reducing or oxidizing the CP solid contact by applying current pulses or a potential to it, as the redox state of the CP solid-contact influences the overall potential of the ISE. The slope and thus the analytical performance of the SC-ISEs were retained despite the adjustment of the E°. The shortcircuiting of the SC-ISE with a conventional large-capacitance RE was found to be a feasible instrument-free method to control the E°. With this method, the driving force for the oxidation/reduction of the CP was the potential difference between the RE and the SC-ISE, and the position of the adjusted potential could be controlled by choosing a suitable concentration for the short-circuiting electrolyte. The piece-to-piece reproducibility of the adjusted potential was promising, and the day-today reproducibility for a specific sensor was excellent. The instrumentfree approach to control the E° is very attractive considering practical applications.


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The Thesis is dedicated to development of an operative tool to support decision making of battery energy storages implementation in distribution networks. The basics of various battery technologies, their perspectives and challenges are represented in the Thesis. Mathematical equations that describe economic effect from battery energy storage installation are offered. The main factors that influence profitability of battery settings have been explored and mathematically defined. Mathematical model and principal trends of battery storage profitability under an impact of the major factors are determined. The meaning of annual net value was introduced to show the difference between savings and required costs. The model gives a clear vision for dependencies between annual net value and main factors. Proposals for optimal network and battery characteristics are suggested.


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Lithium has been used for the last five decades to treat bipolar disorder, but the molecular basis of its therapeutic effect is unknown. Phosphoglucomutase is a key enzyme in the metabolism of glycogen. In yeast, rabbit and human HEK293 cells, it is inhibited by lithium in the therapeutic concentration range. We measured the phosphoglucomutase activity in erythrocytes and the inhibitor constant for lithium in a population of healthy subjects and compared them to those of bipolar patients treated with lithium or carbamazepine. The specific activity of phosphoglucomutase measured in vitro in erythrocytes from control subjects presented a normal distribution, with the difference between the lowest and the highest activity being approximately 2-fold (0.53-1.10 nmol mg Hb-1 min-1). Comparison of phosphoglucomutase activity in untreated bipolar patients and control subjects showed no significant difference, whereas comparison between bipolar patients treated with carbamazepine or lithium revealed significantly lower mean values in patients treated with carbamazepine (747.3 ± 27.6 vs 879.5 ± 35.9 pmol mg Hb-1 min-1, respectively). When we studied the concentration of lithium needed to inhibit phosphoglucomutase activity by 50%, a bimodal distribution among the population tested was obtained. The concentration of LiCl needed to inhibit phosphoglucomutase activity by 50% was 0.35 to 1.8 mM in one group of subjects and in the other it was 3 to 4 mM. These results suggest that phosphoglucomutase activity may be significant in patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium and carbamazepine.


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Avhandlingen handlar om pappers- och membranbaserad jonmodulerad elektronik. Målet med forskningen har varit att utveckla billig, miljövänlig och brännbar elektronik, som kan användas i vardagliga engångsprodukter. Baskomponenterna som utvecklas och presenteras i avhandlingen är transistorer och kondensatorer. Mer komplicerad logisk kretselektronik demonstreras också med hjälp av dessa komponenter. Substraten som utnyttjas vid framställningen av dessa elektroniska komponenter är papper och membran. Dessa substrat är flexibla, hållbara, billiga, miljövänliga, etc. och därför väl anpassade för befintliga tryckteknologier. Själva baskomponenterna framställs sedan på dessa substrat genom att trycka flera skikt på varandra, där varje enskilt skikt är ett individuellt material. Detta är möjligt eftersom de organiska materialen som används i dessa komponenter är upplösta i ett lösningsmedel och kan därmed tryckas på samma sätt som ett vanligt bläck. Ett tredimensionellt objekt kan på detta sätt framställas. I avhandlingen presenteras flera olika typer av transistorer, men den gemensamma nämnaren bland dessa är att isolatorn är en jonledare. Denna, ganska ovanliga, transistormodellen har den stora fördelen att lågspänningskomponenter kan relativt enkelt framställas. Det som är speciellt med våra transistorer är att vi har använt miljövänliga jonledare. Detta, bl.a., leder till att våra komponenter visar både god prestanda, tillika som de är miljövänliga. I avhandlingen demonstrerar vi även tryckta superkondensatorer, en motsvarighet till laddningsbara batterier, konstruerade på papper med aktiverat kol och miljövänliga jonledare. De mest komplicerade logiska kretsar som demonstreras i denna avhandling är ring-oscillatorer och 1-bits-minnen konstruerade på papper. --------------------------------------------- Väitöskirja käsittelee paperille ja polymeerikalvolle tulostettua ionimoduloitua elektroniikkaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää edullista, ympäristöystävällistä ja polttokelpoista elektroniikkaa, jota voidaan käyttää esim. tavanomaisissa kertakäyttötuotteissa. Väitöskirjassa esitellään erilaisia transistoreita ja kondensaattoreita. Näitä elektronisia peruskomponentteja käyttäen demonstroidaan myös monimutkaisempia loogisia piirejä. Komponenttien valmistuksessa alustana käytettiin paperia ja polymeerikalvoa. Valitut alustat ovat joustavia ja kestäviä, ja ovat siksi hyvin yhteensopivia olemassa olevien tulostusmenetelmien kanssa. Peruskomponentit valmistettiin tulostamalla eri materiaaleja päällekkäin. Komponenteissa käytettävät orgaaniset aineet ovat liuenneessa muodossa musteessa, joka voidaan tulostaa samalla periaatteella kuin mikä tahansa normaali muste. Tällä menetelmällä voidaan valmistaa myös kolmiulotteisia tuotteita. Väitöskirjassa esitellään useita erityyppisiä transistoreita, joissa yhdistävänä tekijänä on ionisesti johtava eriste. Tällaista suhteellisen harvinaista transistorityyppiä käyttämällä voidaan mahdollistaa matala-jännitteisten komponenttien yksinkertainen valmistus. Valmistettujen transistoreiden etu on ionisten nesteiden ympäristöystävällisyys. Elektroniset komponentit ovat täten hyviä suorituskyvyltään, mutteivät haitallisia ympäristölle. Väitöskirjassa demonstroidaan myös tulostettujen superkondensaattoreiden, eli ladattavien paristojen vastineiden, valmistus paperille aktiivihiiltä ja ionisia nesteitä käyttäen. Kaikkein monimutkaisimmat loogiset piirit, jotka tässä väitöskirjassa esitellään, ovat rengasoskillaattorit sekä 1-bittinen paperille valmistettu muisti.


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Nykyään monet käyttökohteet vaativat akuilta aiempaa parempaa suorituskykyä, joten on syntynyt kasvavaa tarvetta uusien akkujen kehittämiselle erilaisista uusista materiaaleista ja uusiin valmistusmenetelmiin pohjautuen. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää kirjallisuustutkimuksena litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakun ja vanadiini-redoksi-virtausakun ominaisuuksia, saatavuutta, sovelluskohteita ja vertailla niitä muutamaan eri litiumakkutekniikkaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakkuja ei ole vielä saatavilla kaupallisesti, joten työssä tutkittiin niitä teknisten raporttien pohjalta. Raporttien pohjalta arvioituna, parhaita ominaisuuksia litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakuilla on erinomainen kuormituksen kesto ja korkea nimellisjännite. Sähköisissä ajoneuvoissa litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakuilla on suurimmat mahdollisuudet erilaisissa hybridiajoneuvoissa, mutta todennäköisesti ne soveltuvat täyssähköisiin ajoneuvoihin vähintään yhtä hyvin kuin esimerkiksi litium-rauta-fosfaattiakut, jos valmistuskustannukset olisivat samalla tasolla. Vanadiini-redoksi-virtausakkua on jo markkinoilla usean valmistajan toimesta. Niiden ominaisuudet poikkeavat paljon muista akkutyypeistä ja erikoisuutena on mahdollisuus akun pikalataukseen elektrolyyttinesteet vaihtamalla. Syklien kestossa päästään myös erinomaisiin arvoihin, mutta suurimmat ongelmat ovat lyijyakkuakin matalampi energiatiheys ja tehotiheys. Vanadiini-redoksi-virtausakut soveltuvat parhaiten suuren kokoluokan sähköverkkoratkaisuihin ja sähköisissä ajoneuvoissa niiden mahdollisuudet rajoittunevat täyssähköisiin linja-autoihin ja isoihin työkoneisiin.


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Solvent extraction of calcium and magnesium impurities from a lithium-rich brine (Ca ~ 2,000 ppm, Mg ~ 50 ppm, Li ~ 30,000 ppm) was investigated using a continuous counter-current solvent extraction mixer-settler set-up. The literature review includes a general review about resources, demands and production methods of Li followed by basics of solvent extraction. Experimental section includes batch experiments for investigation of pH isotherms of three extractants; D2EHPA, Versatic 10 and LIX 984 with concentrations of 0.52, 0.53 and 0.50 M in kerosene respectively. Based on pH isotherms LIX 984 showed no affinity for solvent extraction of Mg and Ca at pH ≤ 8 while D2EHPA and Versatic 10 were effective in extraction of Ca and Mg. Based on constructed pH isotherms, loading isotherms of D2EHPA (at pH 3.5 and 3.9) and Versatic 10 (at pH 7 and 8) were further investigated. Furthermore based on McCabe-Thiele method, two extraction stages and one stripping stage (using HCl acid with concentration of 2 M for Versatic 10 and 3 M for D2EHPA) was practiced in continuous runs. Merits of Versatic 10 in comparison to D2EHPA are higher selectivity for Ca and Mg, faster phase disengagement, no detrimental change in viscosity due to shear amount of metal extraction and lower acidity in stripping. On the other hand D2EHPA has less aqueous solubility and is capable of removing Mg and Ca simultaneously even at higher Ca loading (A/O in continuous runs > 1). In general, shorter residence time (~ 2 min), lower temperature (~23 °C), lower pH values (6.5-7.0 for Versatic 10 and 3.5-3.7 for D2EHPA) and a moderately low A/O value (< 1:1) would cause removal of 100% of Ca and nearly 100% of Mg while keeping Li loss less than 4%, much lower than the conventional precipitation in which 20% of Li is lost.


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Energian varastointi on noussut keskeiseksi energia-alan teemaksi viime vuosina. Erityi-sesti uusiutuvan tuotannon lisääntyminen ja energian käytön tehostaminen ovat edesautta-neet energiavarastoratkaisuiden mukaantuloa. Työssä tarkastellaan litiumrautafosfaattiak-kujen käytön kannattavuutta omakotitaloissa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millä reunaehdoilla näiden akkujen käyttö energiavarastoina tulee kannattavaksi Lappeenrannan olosuhteissa. Kannattavuutta selvitetään litiumrautafosfaattiakkujen markkina-analyysin ja teknistalou-dellisen analyysin sekä Matlab-simulaation avulla.


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Small non-coding RNAs have numerous biological functions in cell and are divided into different classes such as: microRNA, snoRNA, snRNA and siRNA. MicroRNA (miRNA) is the most studied non-coding RNA to date and is found in plants, animals and some viruses. miRNA with short sequences is involved in suppressing translation of target genes by binding to their mRNA post-transcriptionally and silencing it. Their function besides silencing of the viral gene, can be oncogenic and therefore the cause of cancer. Hence, their roles are highlighted in human diseases, which increases the interest in using them as biomarkers and drug targets. One of the major problems to overcome is recognition of miRNA. Owing to a stable hairpin structure, chain invasion by conventional Watson-Crick base-pairing is difficult. One way to enhance the hybridization is exploitation of metal-ion mediated base-pairing, i. e. oligonucleotide probes that tightly bind a metal ions and are able to form a coordinative bonds between modified and natural nucleobases. This kind of metallo basepairs containing short modified oligonucleotides can also be useful for recognition of other RNA sequences containing hairpin-like structural motives, such as the TAR sequence of HIV. In addition, metal-ion-binding oligonucleotides will undoubtedly find applications in DNA-based nanotechnology. In this study, the 3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl substituted purine derivatives were successfully incorporated within oligonucleotides, into either a terminal or non-terminal position. Among all of the modified oligonucleotides studied, a 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-6-oxopurine base containing oligonucleotide was observed to bind most efficiently to their unmodified complementary sequences in the presence of both Cu2+ or Zn2+. The oligonucleotide incorporating 2,6-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)purine base also markedly increased the stability of duplexes in the presence of Cu2+ without losing the selectivity.


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The usage of PV batteries nowadays became more and more widely spread. Due to the fact that the efficiency of modern PV is rising every year the prevalence of this source of energy is increasing. As the source of the energy is sunlight, these batteries need to be complimented by storage capacitors which will store energy for future use. Nevertheless the less the calculation of demanded amount of energy according the load and capacity of a storage battery that will keep the end consumer in work during certain time still is not overviewed. In this thesis the overall system will be considered and there will be made economic calculations for configurations of such system that will depend from the load. Also the behavior of the system in different geographical and climate conditions that influence of the amount of energy produced will be overviewed.


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Metal-ion-mediated base-pairing of nucleic acids has attracted considerable attention during the past decade, since it offers means to expand the genetic code by artificial base-pairs, to create predesigned molecular architecture by metal-ion-mediated inter- or intra-strand cross-links, or to convert double stranded DNA to a nano-scale wire. Such applications largely depend on the presence of a modified nucleobase in both strands engaged in the duplex formation. Hybridization of metal-ion-binding oligonucleotide analogs with natural nucleic acid sequences has received much less attention in spite of obvious applications. While the natural oligonucleotides hybridize with high selectivity, their affinity for complementary sequences is inadequate for a number of applications. In the case of DNA, for example, more than 10 consecutive Watson-Crick base pairs are required for a stable duplex at room temperature, making targeting of sequences shorter than this challenging. For example, many types of cancer exhibit distinctive profiles of oncogenic miRNA, the diagnostics of which is, however, difficult owing to the presence of only short single stranded loop structures. Metallo-oligonucleotides, with their superior affinity towards their natural complements, would offer a way to overcome the low stability of short duplexes. In this study a number of metal-ion-binding surrogate nucleosides were prepared and their interaction with nucleoside 5´-monophosphates (NMPs) has been investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy. To find metal ion complexes that could discriminate between natural nucleobases upon double helix formation, glycol nucleic acid (GNA) sequences carrying a PdII ion with vacant coordination sites at a predetermined position were synthesized and their affinity to complementary as well as mismatched counterparts quantified by UV-melting measurements.


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Innovative and unconventional, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks belongs to the continuum of African American playwrights who have contributed to the quest/ion – the quest for and question – of identities for African Americans. Her plays are sites in which the quest/ion of identities for African Americans is pursued, raised and enacted. She makes use of both page and stage to emphasize the exigency of reshaping African Americans’ identities through questioning the dominant ideologies and metanarratives, delegitimizing some of the prevailing stereotypes imposed on them, drawing out the complicity of the media in perpetuating racism, evoking slavery, lynching and their aftereffects, rehistoricizing African American history, catalyzing reflections on the various intersections of sex, race, class and gender orientations, and proffering alternative perspectives to help readers think more critically about issues facing African Americans. In my dissertation, I approach three plays by Parks – The Death of the Last Black Man in the Whole Entire World (1990), Venus (1996) and Fucking A (2000) – from the standpoints of postmodern drama and African American feminism with a focus on the terrains that reflect the quest/ion of identities for African Americans, especially African American women. I argue that postmodern drama and African American feminism provide the ground for Parks to promote the development of a political agenda in order to call into question a number of dominant ideologies and metanarratives with regard to African Americans and draw upon the roles of those metanarratives as a powerful apparatus of racial and sexual oppressions. I also explore how Parks engages with postmodern drama and African American feminism to incorporate her own mininarratives in the dominant discourses. I argue that Parks in these plays uses postmodern drama and African American feminism to encourage reflections on intersectionality in order to reveal the concerns of African Americans, particularly African American women. Her plays challenge the dominant order of hierarchy and patriarchy, while in some cases urging unity and solidarity between African American men and women by showing how unity and solidarity can help them confront race, class and gender oppressions. Furthermore, I discuss how the utilization of postmodern techniques and devices helps Parks to transform the conventional features of playwriting, to create incredulity toward the dominant systems of oppression and to incorporate her mininarratives within the context of dominant discourses.


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This research was directed towards the investigation and development of an aryne route to the syntheses of aporphi ne and dibenzopyrrocolinium (dibenzoindolizinium) alkaloids and to the stability of the latter under the conditions used for aryne formation. The work c an be divided into three main sections . i) - Synthesis of Glaucine 6-Bromo-3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic acid, prepared by the action of bromine i n acetic acid on3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic a cid, was converted into its acid chloride by t he action of thionyl chloride. This on treatment with 3,4- dimethoxyphenylethylamine pr ovided N-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenylethyl)- 2-(2-bromo-4,S-dimethoxyphenyl)-acetamide which on dehydration with phosphoryl chloride (Bischler Napieralski reaction) in dry benzene afforded l -(2-bromo-4,S-dimethoxybenzyl)- 3,4-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, isolated as hydrochl oride. A new method o f destroying the excess of phosphoryl chloride was developed which proved to be quite useful. Methylation of the dihydroisoquinoline'with methyl iodide in methanol , and subsequent reduction with sodium borohydride provided (±)-6-bromolaudanosine. Act ion of potassamide or sodamide in anhydrous liquid ammonia on (±)-6-bromolaudanosine yielded the corresponding amino derivative along with other products. Diazotization and ring closure of (±)-6-aminolaudanosine then a f forded (±)-glaucine which was isolated as methiodide. ii) - Intramolecular Capture of Aryne During Glaucine Synthesis, and Subsequent Reactions . This section deals with the by-products formed under the conditions of the aryne stage of t he glaucine synthesis. The crude product, obtained in the reaction of potassamide or sodamide in liquid ammonia on (±)-6-bromolaudanosine, was s eparated by chromatography, Three products were separated and identified. a ) - 5,6-Dimethoxy-2-( 3,4-dimethoxy-6-ethylphenyl)-lmethylindole. Two mechanisms are proposed for the formation of this interesting product. This compound also was prepared by the action of potassamide in l,iquid ammonia on 5,6 ,l2,l2atetrahydro- 2,3,9,lO-tetramethoxy-7-methyldibenz[b,g]indolizinium i odide . b) - 5,6-Dimethoxy-2-(3,4-dimethoxy-6-vinylphenyl)-lmethylindoline. Its formation represented a new method of Hofmann degradation . Further confirmation of structure was done by performing the normal Hofmann reaction on 5, 6,12,12a-tetrahydro -2/3,9,lO-tetramethoxy ~7-methyldibe nz[ b,g]indolizinium iodide. The indoline prepared i n this way was identical in all respects with that prepared above . c) - 1- (2-amino-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl ) -l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2- methyl-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, was converted t o glaucine as stated in section 1 . iii) - Attempt:,ed Sxnthesis of Liriodenine Piperonal was converted into 3,4-methylenedioxyinitrostyrene which on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride provided 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylethylamine. The method of extraction after the reduction was improved t o some extent. The amine on condensation with m-chlorophenylacetyl chloride, prepared by the action of oxalyl chloride on 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetic acid, provided N-[ ~ -(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)- e thyl)-3-chlorophenylacetamide. This on dehydration with phosphoryl chloride in dry benzene followed by air oxidation afforded l-(3-chlorobenzoyl)-6,7-methylenedioxyi soquinoline. This compound on r eaction with potassamide in liquid ammonia afforded a crude product from which. one product was separated by chromatography i n a pure condition . This yellow compound analysed as,c17Hl ON2021 and was t he main product i n the reaction ; a t entative structure is proposed. A second compound, not obtained in pure condition, was submitted to Pschorr reaction in the hope of obtaining liriodenine, but without success.


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A method using L-cysteine for the determination of arsenous acid (As(III)), arsenic acid (As(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) by hydride generation was demonstrated. The instrument used was a d.c. plasma atomic emission spectrometer (OCP-AES). Complete recovery was reported for As(III), As(V), and DMAA while 86% recovery was reported for MMAA. Detection limits were determined, as arsenic for the species listed previously, to be 1.2, 0.8, 1.1, and 1.0 ngemL-l, respectively. Precision values, at 50 ngemL-1 arsenic concentration, were f.80/0, 2.50/0, 2.6% and 2.6% relative standard deviation, respectively. The L-cysteine reagent was compared directly with the conventional hydride generation technique which uses a potassium iodide-hydrochloric acid medium. Recoveries using L-cysteine when compared with the conventional method provided the following results: similar recoveries were obtained for As(III), slightly better recoveries were obtained for As(V) and MMAA, and significantly better recoveries for DMAA. In addition, tall and sharp peak shapes were observed for all four species when using L-cysteine. The arsenic speciation method involved separation by ion exchange .. high perfonnance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with on-line hydride generation using the L.. cysteine reagent and measurement byOCP-AES. Total analysis time per sample was 12 min while the time between the start of subsequent runs was approximately 20 min. A binary . gradient elution program, which incorporated the following two eluents: 0.01 and 0.5 mM tri.. sodium citrate both containing 5% methanol (v/v) and both at a pH of approximately 9, was used during the separation by HPLC. Recoveries of the four species which were measured as peak area, and were normalized against As(III), were 880/0, 290/0, and 40% for DMAA, MMAA and As(V), respectively. Resolution factors between adjacent analyte peaks of As(III) and DMAA was 1.1; DMAA and MMAA was 1.3; and MMAA and As(V) was 8.6. During the arsenic speciation study, signals from the d.c. plasma optical system were measured using a new photon-signal integrating device. The_new photon integrator developed and built in this laboratory was based on a previously published design which was further modified to reflect current available hardware. This photon integrator was interfaced to a personal computer through an AID convertor. The .photon integrator has adjustable threshold settings and an adjustable post-gain device.


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Systems such as MF/diol (M = alkali metal) and }1F/carboxylic acid were subjected to IH, I9F and 13C nmr study to investigate the nature of the very strong H-bonding of fluoride ions with these systems. Evidence indicates a strong H-bond in diol-fluoride systems (~H ~ -(56) kJ mol-I) which is stronger than most 'typical' H-bonds (~H = -(12-40) kJ mol-I), but weaker than that reported for carboxylic acid-fluoride systems (~H ~ -(120) kJ mol-I). Approximate fluoride H-bonded shifts (o(OH)OHF) were evaluated for MF/diol systems from IH chemical shift measurements. No direct correlation was observed between I9F chemical shift and H-bond strength. Thermodynamic parameters were calculated from temperature dependent IH and 19F shifts. Preliminary studies of BUn 4NF-acetylacetone by I9F nmr were conducted at low temperatures and a possible Jmax (ca. 400 Hz) is reported for the fluoride ion H-bonded to acetylacetone. Highfield shift for non-protonated carbons and downfield shift for protonated carbons were observed in carboxylic acid/KF systems. Significant decreas$in I3C TI due to strong H-bonding to fluoride ions were also detected in both diol and carboxylic acid systems. Anomalous results were obtained, such as increasing NOE with increasing temperature in neat 1,2-ethanediol (values above the theoretical maximum of 1.988) and in 1,2-ethanediol/KF. The large 13C NOE's for carboxy carbons in neat carboxylic acids which are. further enhanced by the addition of KF are also unusual.


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This work contains the results of a series of reduction studies on polyhalogenated aromatic compounds and related ethers using alkali metals in liquid ammonia. In general, polychlorobenzenes were reduced to t he parent aromatic hydrocarbon or to 1 ,4-cyc1ohexadiene, and dipheny1ethers were cleaved to the aroma tic hydrocarbon and a phenol. Chlorinated dipheny1ethers were r eductive1y dechlorinated in the process. For example, 4-chlorodipheny1- ether gave benzene and phenol. Pentach1orobenzene and certain tetrachlorobenzenes disproportionated to a fair degree during the reduction process if no added proton source was present. The disproportionation was attributed to a build-up of amide ion. Addition of ethanol completely suppressed the formation of any disproportionation products. In the reductions of certain dipheny1ethers , the reduction of one or both of the dipheny1ether rings occurred, along with the normal cleavage. This was more prevalent when lithium was the metal used . As a Sidelight, certain chloropheno1s were readily dechlorinated. In light of these results, the reductive detoxification of the chlorinated dibenzo-1,4-dioxins seems possible with alkali metals in l iquid ammonia.