913 resultados para LACUNY Blog


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This paper is a work in progress that examines current consumer engagement with eHealth information through Smartphones or tablets. We focus on three activity types: seeking, posting and ‘other’ engagement activity and compare two age groups, 25-40s and over 40-55s. Findings show that around 30% of the younger age group is engaging with Government and other Health providers’ websites, receiving eHealth emails, and reading other people’s comments about health related issues in online discussion groups/websites/blog. Approximately 20% engage with Government and other Health providers’ social media and watch or listen to audio or video podcasts. For the older age group, their most active engagement with eHealth information is in the seeking category through Government or other health websites (approximately 15%), and less than 10% for social media sites. Their posting activity is less than 5%. Other activities show that less than 15% of the older age group engages through receiving emails and reading blogs, less than 10% watch or listen to podcasts, and their online consulting activity is less than 7%. We note that scores are low for both groups in terms of engaging with eHealth information through Twitter.


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When it comes to discussing art and complex cultural issues, does the emphasis on provocation merely reduce issues into straightforward oppositions, at the cost of developed argument, consistency and any nuanced engagement? A response to Camille Paglia's "how capitalism can save art?"


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Research Statement: In 2011 The State Library of Queensland in collaboration with Queensland University of Technology School of Design held a screening of six student urban films shot on location in several inner-city sites under my supervision. The films are now a permanent "exhibit" on The Edge State Library electronic site. The students were directed to explore the realist film ethos, which forms a platform for the research project, in its focus on the nonrepresentational aesthetics of the street, the unfinished and the sensory. The research demonstrates that film is a powerful instrument for the urban imaginary, for screening the city.


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The world is increasingly moving towards more open models of publishing and communication. The UK government has demonstrated a firm commitment to ensuring that academic research outputs are made available to all who might benefit from access to them, and its open access policy attempts to make academic publications freely available to readers, rather than being locked behind pay walls or only available to researchers with access to well-funded university libraries. Open access policies have an important role to play in fostering an open innovation ecosystem and ensuring that maximum value is derived from investments in university-based research. But are we ready to embrace this change?


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How is your academic institution structured? If you work within a university, then no doubt you are familiar with the use of faculties or perhaps colleges. What about departments or schools? Whatever names or structures are employed, how would you describe the working relationship between academics and professional staff members? As a research scientist and academic over the last twenty years, my appointments have almost always been made through academic departments or schools. In each case, the academic unit has been led by a senior academic manager, such as a chair or head, supported by a dedicated team of professional staff. More recently, however, I have had the opportunity of leading an academic discipline and the experience has led me to reflect more broadly about leadership styles and academic structures within the Australian higher education sector. The written record of this reflection was published last year in the Australian Universities Review (Harkin and Healy, 2013), but I’m pleased to be able to provide a brief synopsis here for the readership of Insights.


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In a play-within-a-play, the Mechanicals' production within William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, the character Snout announces his transformation to play the character of Wall. Snout's portrayal of Wall is both comical and menacing as he represents the forces that separate the lovers Pyramus and Thisbe. Wall becomes a subject in a manner no different from the lovers that he separates; his influence on their situation is brought to life. The unbecoming nature of walls to demarcate, separate, intimidate, influence and control is a relationship most can relate to in their experiences with architecture. It is in these moments that architecture leaps from the sphere of object into the realm of subject; where we might be involved in some intense struggle with the placement of a wall, the wall that might separate us from a lover, justice, freedom, power or privacy. This study investigates how this struggle is portrayed through the human body as representation of walls in performance.


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Editor's introduction: Mainstream health promotion has failed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, according to Karen McPhail-Bell, a PhD candidate at Queensland University of Technology. In the article below, she argues that those working in the field could learn from strengths-based programs like The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health’s Deadly Choices. It offers lessons for all health promotion practice, she says. Her challenge is timely, with the Public Health Association of Australia’s 43rd annual conference starting in Perth tomorrow (follow #PHAA2014 for Twitter news from the conference).


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The latest case of a popular YouTube blogger being sued for using music by other artists in her videos without permission raises the question of who really benefits from the re-use of music. In a claim filed this month, the electronic dance music label Ultra Records allege that beauty blogger Michelle Phan’s videos infringe their copyrights in nearly 50 cases. Phan is a self-made internet star who began posting makeup and self-help tutorials on YouTube in 2007. She has more than 6.7 million subscribers on her YouTube channel and has made a career from the associated advertising and endorsement revenue, book deal and even her own line of makeup.


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Runtuhnya rezim sentralistik Orde Baru mengubah konstelasi sosial politik di Indonesia. Persoalan-persoalan perempuan yang ditabukan pada zaman Orde Baru mulai diberikan ruang untuk didiskusikan secara terbuka. Istilah pemberdayaan perempuan, perempuan di parlemen, kuota untuk perempuan, kepemimpinan perempuan, ataupun independensi perempuan mulai sering terdengar. Bukan berarti riuh suara pembebasan itu yang mendominasi lapangan sebab upaya pemenjaraan tubuh perempuan meriah juga di era reformasi. Saat ini upaya kontrol terhadap tubuh perempuan dilakukan oleh sipil berjubah agama. Lihat misalnya di layar TV, sangat terang-terangan Front Pembela Islam (FPI) terekam menyerbu tempat hiburan malam dan melakukan razia kemaksiatan di tempat mahasiswa indekos. Tidak jarang kelompok sipil mengatasnamakan organisasi agama tertentu mengeluarkan pernyataan dihadapan wartawan dengan mencela beberapa artis dangdut perempuan atau selebriti perempuan lainnya yang dikenal berpakaian “seksi”.


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That’s what one researcher told us when we asked them about applying for NHMRC Project Grant funding. Others said that applying for funding had made them ill, lost them friends, ruined Christmas and caused arguments with friends and family. What makes applying for funding so bad? We’ve tried to summarise the problems with the system in the diagram above. This is based on our group’s four years of research into the funding process. Some of the arrows are based on evidence from our surveys (Survey 1, Survey 2), others are based on anecdote or experience and so maybe wrong. Please let me know if I’ve missed an arrow or an issue.


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The Guardian recently published an article by Nakkiah Lui, a Gamillaroi and Torres Strait Islander woman and writer, titled “Why this year’s NAIDOC week will be my last”. In response, Dr Chelsea Bond, an Aboriginal (Munanjahli) and South Sea Islander Australian and a senior lecturer with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland, explains why she will continue to celebrate NAIDOC Week – as an act of agency.


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Indigenous leader Pat Dodson – who revealed he has met Prime Minister Tony Abbott only once, and then in passing – said last week that removal of frontline services from Indigenous organisations working towards Closing the Gap in Indigenous health “would seem counter intuitive to any fair-minded Australian”. But that, he said in this Age OpEd, has been the result of the Federal Government’s much-awaited Indigenous Advancement Strategy...


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Weblogs, or blogs, constitute a form and genre of online publishing that emerged in the mid-1990s as a logical consequence of the confluence of personal and professional home pages and new web publishing technologies. To overcome technological limitations, where news updates had to be manually inserted by editing the underlying HTML code, the early content-management systems in the second half of the 1990s built on server-side database technology to dynamically generate web pages; this enabled more convenient and more frequent content updates. Weblogs utilised such technologies to provide an up-to-date news feed, presenting individual news items in reverse chronological order. Most blogging platforms provide commenting functions that enable readers to respond to and discuss individual blog posts...


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In a previous blog I was critical of the US health care system for not using cost-effectiveness information to plan their services. Today I’m going to talk about the implementation of innovation in health services, something the US does really well compared to Australia.