972 resultados para Kinases


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Islet-brain 1 (IB1) was recently identified as a DNA-binding protein of the GLUT2 gene promoter. The mouse IB1 is the rat and human homologue of the Jun-interacting protein 1 (JIP-1) which has been recognized as a key player in the regulation of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. JIP-1 is involved in the control of apoptosis and may play a role in brain development and aging. Here, IB1 was studied in adult and developing mouse brain tissue by in situ hybridization, Northern and Western blot analysis at cellular and subcellular levels, as well as by immunocytochemistry in brain sections and cell cultures. IB1 expression was localized in the synaptic regions of the olfactory bulb, retina, cerebral and cerebellar cortex and hippocampus in the adult mouse brain. IB1 was also detected in a restricted number of axons, as in the mossy fibres from dentate gyrus in the hippocampus, and was found in soma, dendrites and axons of cerebellar Purkinje cells. After birth, IB1 expression peaks at postnatal day 15. IB1 was located in axonal and dendritic growth cones in primary telencephalon cells. By biochemical and subcellular fractionation of neuronal cells, IB1 was detected both in the cytosolic and membrane fractions. Taken together with previous data, the restricted neuronal expression of IB1 in developing and adult brain and its prominent localization in synapses suggest that the protein may be critical for cell signalling in developing and mature nerve terminals.


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Chronic exposure to glucocorticoid hormones, resulting from either drug treatment or Cushing's syndrome, results in insulin resistance, central obesity, and symptoms similar to the metabolic syndrome. We hypothesized that the major metabolic effects of corticosteroids are mediated by changes in the key metabolic enzyme adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity. Activation of AMPK is known to stimulate appetite in the hypothalamus and stimulate catabolic processes in the periphery. We assessed AMPK activity and the expression of several metabolic enzymes in the hypothalamus, liver, adipose tissue, and heart of a rat glucocorticoid-excess model as well as in in vitro studies using primary human adipose and primary rat hypothalamic cell cultures, and a human hepatoma cell line treated with dexamethasone and metformin. Glucocorticoid treatment inhibited AMPK activity in rat adipose tissue and heart, while stimulating it in the liver and hypothalamus. Similar data were observed in vitro in the primary adipose and hypothalamic cells and in the liver cell line. Metformin, a known AMPK regulator, prevented the corticosteroid-induced effects on AMPK in human adipocytes and rat hypothalamic neurons. Our data suggest that glucocorticoid-induced changes in AMPK constitute a novel mechanism that could explain the increase in appetite, the deposition of lipids in visceral adipose and hepatic tissue, as well as the cardiac changes that are all characteristic of glucocorticoid excess. Our data suggest that metformin treatment could be effective in preventing the metabolic complications of chronic glucocorticoid excess.


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Myocardium undergoing remodeling in vivo exhibits insulin resistance that has been attributed to a shift from the insulin-sensitive glucose transporter GLUT4 to the fetal, less insulin-sensitive, isoform GLUT1. To elucidate the role of altered GLUT4 expression in myocardial insulin resistance, glucose uptake and the expression of the glucose transporter isoforms GLUT4 and GLUT1 were measured in adult rat cardiomyocytes (ARC). ARC in culture spontaneously undergo dedifferentiation, hypertrophy-like spreading, and return to a fetal-like gene expression pattern. Insulin stimulation of 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake was completely abolished on day 2 and 3 of culture and recovered thereafter. Although GLUT4 protein level was reduced, the time-course of unresponsiveness to insulin did not correlate with altered expression of GLUT1 and GLUT4. However, translocation of GLUT4 to the sarcolemma in response to insulin was completely abolished during transient insulin resistance. Insulin-mediated phosphorylation of Akt was not reduced, indicating that activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) was preserved. On the other hand, total and phosphorylated Cbl was reduced during insulin resistance, suggesting that activation of Cbl/CAP is essential for insulin-mediated GLUT4 translocation, in addition to activation of PI3K. Pharmacological inhibition of contraction in insulin-sensitive ARC reduced insulin sensitivity and lowered phosphorylated Cbl. The results suggest that transient insulin resistance in ARC is related to impairment of GLUT4 translocation. A defect in the PI3K-independent insulin signaling pathway involving Cbl seems to contribute to reduced insulin responsiveness and may be related to contractile arrest.


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Introduction : La sécrétion d'insuline est régulée par le glucose et également pardes hormones peptidiques libérées par le tractus digestif, comme la neurotensine(NT). La NT est un neuropeptide, sécrété notamment par les cellules N dela paroi de l'estomac, qui exerce des fonctions régulatrices complexes dans lesystème digestif. Notre laboratoire a récemment démontré que les cellulesendocrines du pancréas (les îlots de Langherans) expriment les trois récepteursconnus de la NT. Nous avons montré que la NT module la survie de la cellulebêta pancréatique (Coppola et al. 2008). Cette fonction met en jeu deux desrécepteurs de la NT, le NTSR2 et le NTSR3 qui forment, après stimulation parla NT, un complexe protéique régulateur de la survie des cellules (Béraud-Dufour et al. 2009) et également de la sécrétion d'insuline (Béraud-Dufour et al.2010).Matériels et méthodes : La caractérisation pharmacologique de l'effet NT sur lasécrétion d'insuline a été faite à l'aide de ligands spécifiques (agonistes ou antagonistes),dans des expériences d'imagerie calciques et d'exocytose. Nous avonsmesuré l'acivation des PKC par imagerie en temps réel. Afin de déterminer lerôle de la NT dans la physiologie générale nous avons utilisé des modèles in vitro(lignées de cellules INS-1E) et in vivo (souris invalidées NTSR1 et NTSR2).Résultats : Nous avons montré que les récepteurs NTSR2 et NTSR3 interviennentdans la modulation de la sécrétion d'insuline en fonction des conditionsphysiologiques : 1) la NT stimule la sécrétion dans des conditions basales deglucose. 2) elle inhibe la sécrétion dans des situations d'hyperglycémie. La NTmobilise plusieurs activités protéines kinases C (PKC) nécessaires à son rôlephysiologique (Béraud-Dufour et al. 2010).Par ailleurs, sur les modèles murins l'étude du métabolisme de souris transgéniquesinvalidées pour les gènes des NTSR1 et NTSR2 a permis de mettre en évidencel'implication de la NT dans la régulation de l'homéostasie du glucose. Invivo, nous avons observé que l'injection intra péritonéale de NT diminue la glycémieet que cet effet nécessite la présence du NTSR1. Nous avons observé quel'invalidation du gène du NTSR1 affecte la réponse des souris lors des tests detolérance au glucose et à l'insulineConclusion : Les résultats obtenus dans cette étude prouvent que le bon fonctionnementdu système neurotensinergique est nécessaire au maintien d'uneglycémie stable. La dérégulation de ce système pourrait être l'un des facteursimpliqué dans la survenue et/ou l'aggravation d'un diabète de type 2.


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Peroxynitrite is a potent oxidant and nitrating species formed from the reaction between the free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide. An excessive formation of peroxynitrite represents an important mechanism contributing to cell death and dysfunction in multiple cardiovascular pathologies, such as myocardial infarction, heart failure and atherosclerosis. Whereas initial works focused on direct oxidative biomolecular damage as the main route of peroxynitrite toxicity, more recent evidence, mainly obtained in vitro, indicates that peroxynitrite also behaves as a potent modulator of various cell signal transduction pathways. Due to its ability to nitrate tyrosine residues, peroxynitrite affects cellular processes dependent on tyrosine phosphorylation. Peroxynitrite also exerts complex effects on the activity of various kinases and phosphatases, resulting in the up- or downregulation of signalling cascades, in a concentration- and cell-dependent manner. Such roles of peroxynitrite in the redox regulation of key signalling pathways for cardiovascular homeostasis, including protein kinase B and C, the MAP kinases, Nuclear Factor Kappa B, as well as signalling dependent on insulin and the sympatho-adrenergic system are presented in detail in this review.


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Activating and inhibitory NK receptors regulate the development and effector functions of NK cells via their ITAM and ITIM motifs, which recruit protein tyrosine kinases and phosphatases, respectively. In the T cell lineage, inhibitory Ly49 receptors are expressed by a subset of activated T cells and by CD1d-restricted NKT cells, but virtually no expression of activating Ly49 receptors is observed. Using mice transgenic for the activating receptor Ly49D and its associated ITAM signaling DAP12 chain, we show in this article that Ly49D-mediated ITAM signaling in immature thymocytes impairs development due to a block in maturation from the double negative (DN) to double positive (DP) stages. A large proportion of Ly49D/DAP12 transgenic thymocytes were able to bypass the pre-TCR checkpoint at the DN3 stage, leading to the appearance of unusual populations of DN4 and DP cells that lacked expression of intracellular (ic) TCRβ-chain. High levels of CD5 were expressed on ic TCRβ(-) DN and DP thymocytes from Ly49D/DAP12 transgenic mice, further suggesting that Ly49D-mediated ITAM signaling mimics physiological ITAM signaling via the pre-TCR. We also observed unusual ic TCRβ(-) single positive thymocytes with an immature CD24(high) phenotype that were not found in the periphery. Importantly, thymocyte development was completely rescued by expression of an Ly49A transgene in Ly49D/DAP12 transgenic mice, indicating that Ly49A-mediated ITIM signaling can fully counteract ITAM signaling via Ly49D/DAP12. Collectively, our data indicate that inappropriate ITAM signaling by activating NK receptors on immature thymocytes can subvert T cell development by bypassing the pre-TCR checkpoint.


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In response to stress, the heart undergoes a remodeling process associated with cardiac hypertrophy that eventually leads to heart failure. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) have been shown to coordinate numerous prohypertrophic signaling pathways in cultured cardiomyocytes. However, it remains to be established whether AKAP-based signaling complexes control cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling in vivo. In the current study, we show that AKAP-Lbc assembles a signaling complex composed of the kinases PKN, MLTK, MKK3, and p38α that mediates the activation of p38 in cardiomyocytes in response to stress signals. To address the role of this complex in cardiac remodeling, we generated transgenic mice displaying cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of a molecular inhibitor of the interaction between AKAP-Lbc and the p38-activating module. Our results indicate that disruption of the AKAP-Lbc/p38 signaling complex inhibits compensatory cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in response to aortic banding-induced pressure overload and promotes early cardiac dysfunction associated with increased myocardial apoptosis, stress gene activation, and ventricular dilation. Attenuation of hypertrophy results from a reduced protein synthesis capacity, as indicated by decreased phosphorylation of 4E-binding protein 1 and ribosomal protein S6. These results indicate that AKAP-Lbc enhances p38-mediated hypertrophic signaling in the heart in response to abrupt increases in the afterload.


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Nodular fasciitis (NF) is a rapidly growing cellular mass composed of fibroblasts/myofibroblasts, usually localized in subcutaneous tissues, that typically undergoes fibrosis and almost never recurs. Desmoid tumours (DTs) are rare forms of fibroblastic/myofibroblastic growth that arise in deep soft tissues, display a propensity for local infiltration and recurrence, but fail to metastasize. Given that both entities are primarily fibroblastic/myofibroblastic lesions with overlapping histological features, their gene expression profiles were compared to identify differentially expressed genes that may provide not only potential diagnostic markers, but also clues as to the pathogenesis of each disorder. Differentially expressed transcripts (89 clones displaying increased expression in DTs and 246 clones displaying increased expression in NF) included genes encoding several receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases (EPHB3, PTPRF, GNAZ, SYK, LYN, EPHA4, BIRC3), transcription factors (TWIST1, PITX2, EYA2, OAS1, MITF, TCF20), and members of the Wnt signalling pathway (AXIN2, WISP1, SFRP). Remarkably, almost one-quarter of the differentially expressed genes encode proteins associated with inflammation and tissue remodelling, including members of the interferon (IFN), tumour necrosis factor (TNF), and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signalling pathways as well as metalloproteinases (MMP1, 9, 13, 23), urokinase plasminogen activator (PLAU), and cathepsins. The observations provide the first comparative molecular characterization of desmoid tumours and nodular fasciitis and suggest that selected tyrosine kinases, transcription factors, and members of the Wnt, TGF-beta, IFN, and TNF signalling pathways may be implicated in influencing and distinguishing their fate.


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Existing antifungal agents are still confronted to activities limited to specific fungal species and to the development of resistance. Several improvements are possible either by tackling and overcoming resistance or exacerbating the activity of existing antifungal agents. In Candida glabrata, azole resistance is almost exclusively mediated by ABC transporters (including C. glabrata CDR1 [CgCDR1] and CgCDR2) via gain-of-function mutations in the transcriptional activator CgPDR1 or by mitochondrial dysfunctions. We also observed that azole resistance was correlating with increasing virulence and fitness of C. glabrata in animal models of infection. This observation motivated the re-exploitation of ABC transporter inhibitors as a possible therapeutic intervention to decrease not only the development of azole resistance but also to interfere with the virulence of C. glabrata. Milbemycins are known ABC transporter inhibitors, and here we used commercially available milbemycin A3/A4 oxim derivatives to verify this effect. As expected, the derivatives were inhibiting C. glabrata efflux with the highest activity for A3 oxim below 1 μg/ml. More surprising was that oxim derivatives had intrinsic fungicidal activity above 3.2 μg/ml, thus highlighting effects additional to the efflux inhibition. Similar values were obtained with C. albicans. Our data show that the fungicidal activity could be related to reactive oxygen species formation in these species. Transcriptional analysis performed both in C. glabrata and C. albicans exposed to A3 oxim highlighted a core of commonly regulated genes involved in stress responses, including genes involved in oxidoreductive processes, protein ubiquitination, and vesicle trafficking, as well as mitogen-activated protein kinases. However, the transcript profiles contained also species-specific signatures. Following these observations, experimental treatments of invasive infections were performed in mice treated with the commercial A3/A4 oxim preparation alone or in combination with fluconazole. Tissue burden analysis revealed that oxims on their own were able to decrease fungal burdens in both Candida species. In azole-resistant isolates, oxims acted synergistically in vivo with fluconazole to reduce fungal burden to levels of azole-susceptible isolates. In conclusion, we show here the potential of milbemycins not only as drug efflux inhibitors but also as effective fungal growth inhibitors in C. glabrata and C. albicans.


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Plants constantly adjust their repertoire of plasma membrane proteins that mediates transduction of environmental and developmental signals as well as transport of ions, nutrients, and hormones. The importance of regulated secretory and endocytic trafficking is becoming increasingly clear; however, our knowledge of the compartments and molecular machinery involved is still fragmentary. We used immunogold electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy to trace the route of cargo molecules, including the BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 receptor and the REQUIRES HIGH BORON1 boron exporter, throughout the plant endomembrane system. Our results provide evidence that both endocytic and secretory cargo pass through the trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE) and demonstrate that cargo in late endosomes/multivesicular bodies is destined for vacuolar degradation. Moreover, using spinning disc microscopy, we show that TGN/EEs move independently and are only transiently associated with an individual Golgi stack.


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We examined the role of heterotrimeric G protein signaling components in insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) action. In HIRcB cells and in 3T3L1 adipocytes, treatment with the Galpha(i) inhibitor (pertussis toxin) or microinjection of the Gbetagamma inhibitor (glutathione S-transferase-betaARK) inhibited IGF-I and lysophosphatidic acid-stimulated mitogenesis but had no effect on epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin action. In basal state, Galpha(i) and Gbeta were associated with the IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR), and after ligand stimulation the association of IGF-IR with Galpha(i) increased concomitantly with a decrease in Gbeta association. No association of Galpha(i) was found with either the insulin or EGF receptor. Microinjection of anti-beta-arrestin-1 antibody specifically inhibited IGF-I mitogenic action but had no effect on EGF or insulin action. beta-Arrestin-1 was associated with the receptors for IGF-I, insulin, and EGF in a ligand-dependent manner. We demonstrated that Galpha(i), betagamma subunits, and beta-arrestin-1 all play a critical role in IGF-I mitogenic signaling. In contrast, neither metabolic, such as GLUT4 translocation, nor mitogenic signaling by insulin is dependent on these protein components. These results suggest that insulin receptors and IGF-IRs can function as G protein-coupled receptors and engage different G protein partners for downstream signaling.


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The epithelial Na(+) channel ENaC is a key player in the maintenance of whole body Na(+) balance, and consequently of blood pressure. It is tightly regulated by numerous signaling pathways including ubiquitylation via the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2. This mechanism is itself under the control of several kinases, which phosphorylate Nedd4-2, thereby interfering with ENaC/Nedd4-2 interaction, or by Usp2-45, which binds to and deubiquitylates ENaC. Another, different regulatory mechanism concerns the proteolytic activation of ENaC, during which the channel is cleaved on its luminal side by intracellular convertases such as furin, and further activated by extracellular proteases such as CAP-1. This process is regulated as well but the underlying mechanisms are not understood. Previously, evidence was provided that the ubiquitylation status of ENaC may affect the cleavage of the channel. When ubiquitylation of ENaC was reduced, either by co-expressing Usp2-45, or mutating either the ENaC PY-motifs (i.e. the binding sites for Nedd4-2) or intracellular lysines (i.e. ubiquitylation sites), the level of channel cleavage was increased. Here we demonstrate that lysine-mutated ENaC channels are not ubiquitylated at the cell surface, are preferentially cleaved, and Usp2-45 does not affect their cleavage efficiency. We further show by limited proteolysis that the intracellular ubiquitylation status of ENaC affects the extracellular conformation of αENaC, by demonstrating that non-ubiquitylated channels are more efficiently cleaved when treated with extracellularly added trypsin or chymotrypsin. These results present a new paradigm in which an intracellular, post-translational modification (e.g. ubiquitylation) of a transmembrane protein can affect its extracellular conformation.


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Genetic alterations of neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) gene lead to the development of schwannomas, meningiomas, and ependymomas. Mutations of NF2 gene were also found in thyroid cancer, mesothelioma, and melanoma, suggesting that it functions as a tumor suppressor in a wide spectrum of cells. The product of NF2 gene is merlin (moesin-ezrin-radixin-like protein), a member of the Band 4.1 superfamily proteins. Merlin shares significant sequence homology with the ERM (Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin) family proteins and serves as a linker between transmembrane proteins and the actin-cytoskeleton. Merlin is a multifunctional protein and involved in integrating and regulating the extracellular cues and intracellular signaling pathways that control cell fate, shape, proliferation, survival, and motility. Recent studies showed that merlin regulates the cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions and functions of the cell surface adhesion/extracellular matrix receptors including CD44 and that merlin and CD44 antagonize each other's function and work upstream of the mammalian Hippo signaling pathway. Furthermore, merlin plays important roles in stabilizing the contact inhibition of proliferation and in regulating activities of several receptor tyrosine kinases. Accumulating data also suggested an emerging role of merlin as a negative regulator of growth and progression of several non-NF2 associated cancer types. Together, these recent advances have improved our basic understanding about merlin function, its regulation, and the major signaling pathways regulated by merlin and provided the foundation for future translation of these findings into the clinic for patients bearing the cancers in which merlin function and/or its downstream signaling pathways are impaired or altered.


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Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare mesenchymal tumors usually caused by mutations in the KIT or PDGFRA gene. Advanced disease generally cannot be cured by surgery nor by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), but TKIs have considerably improved outcome for patients (pts) with advanced GIST. Patients failing TKI treatment with imatinib (IM), sunitinib (SU) or nilotinib (NI) have a poor prognosis. Sorafenib is a multi kinase inhibitor that blocks not only receptor tyrosine kinases such as KIT, VEGFR and PDGFR but also serine/threonine kinases along the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway. Recently, clinical activity of sorafenib in third-line treatment in patients with GIST after IM and SU failure has been shown (Wiebe et al. ASCO 2008, #10502). Methods: We report herein preliminary data of 32 pts treated with sorafenib in nine European centers. Centers were selected based on their previous and known experience in GIST and reported all pts treated. Pts received sorafenib after failure of IM, SU and NI in fourth-line treatment. Baseline characteristics and treatment details have been retrieved via questionary. Results: Median age at sorafenib treatment start was 62 years (range 33-81 y), and the majority of pts were male (63 %). Primary tumor site was gastric or small intestine in 25% and 41% of pts, respectively. All pts had failed IM, SU, NI. 19 % of pts achieved partial remission and 44% disease stabilization. Approximately half of the pts had an improvement of symptoms and/or performance. Half of the pts were on treatment longer than 4 months (actuarial data) and 41% of pts continue to receive sorafenib. Median progression-free survival is 20 weeks and median overall survival 42 weeks (Kaplan-Meier), at a median follow-up of 22 weeks (range 3-54). Conclusions: This is the largest series assessing efficacy of sorafenib fourth-line treatment for IM, SU and NI refractory GIST reported yet. Sorafenib displays significant clinical activity in this heavily pretreated group of patients.