956 resultados para Kahn, Ida


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Aerosols affect the Earth's energy budget directly by scattering and absorbing radiation and indirectly by acting as cloud condensation nuclei and, thereby, affecting cloud properties. However, large uncertainties exist in current estimates of aerosol forcing because of incomplete knowledge concerning the distribution and the physical and chemical properties of aerosols as well as aerosol-cloud interactions. In recent years, a great deal of effort has gone into improving measurements and datasets. It is thus feasible to shift the estimates of aerosol forcing from largely model-based to increasingly measurement-based. Our goal is to assess current observational capabilities and identify uncertainties in the aerosol direct forcing through comparisons of different methods with independent sources of uncertainties. Here we assess the aerosol optical depth (τ), direct radiative effect (DRE) by natural and anthropogenic aerosols, and direct climate forcing (DCF) by anthropogenic aerosols, focusing on satellite and ground-based measurements supplemented by global chemical transport model (CTM) simulations. The multi-spectral MODIS measures global distributions of aerosol optical depth (τ) on a daily scale, with a high accuracy of ±0.03±0.05τ over ocean. The annual average τ is about 0.14 over global ocean, of which about 21%±7% is contributed by human activities, as estimated by MODIS fine-mode fraction. The multi-angle MISR derives an annual average AOD of 0.23 over global land with an uncertainty of ~20% or ±0.05. These high-accuracy aerosol products and broadband flux measurements from CERES make it feasible to obtain observational constraints for the aerosol direct effect, especially over global the ocean. A number of measurement-based approaches estimate the clear-sky DRE (on solar radiation) at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) to be about -5.5±0.2 Wm-2 (median ± standard error from various methods) over the global ocean. Accounting for thin cirrus contamination of the satellite derived aerosol field will reduce the TOA DRE to -5.0 Wm-2. Because of a lack of measurements of aerosol absorption and difficulty in characterizing land surface reflection, estimates of DRE over land and at the ocean surface are currently realized through a combination of satellite retrievals, surface measurements, and model simulations, and are less constrained. Over the oceans the surface DRE is estimated to be -8.8±0.7 Wm-2. Over land, an integration of satellite retrievals and model simulations derives a DRE of -4.9±0.7 Wm-2 and -11.8±1.9 Wm-2 at the TOA and surface, respectively. CTM simulations derive a wide range of DRE estimates that on average are smaller than the measurement-based DRE by about 30-40%, even after accounting for thin cirrus and cloud contamination. A number of issues remain. Current estimates of the aerosol direct effect over land are poorly constrained. Uncertainties of DRE estimates are also larger on regional scales than on a global scale and large discrepancies exist between different approaches. The characterization of aerosol absorption and vertical distribution remains challenging. The aerosol direct effect in the thermal infrared range and in cloudy conditions remains relatively unexplored and quite uncertain, because of a lack of global systematic aerosol vertical profile measurements. A coordinated research strategy needs to be developed for integration and assimilation of satellite measurements into models to constrain model simulations. Enhanced measurement capabilities in the next few years and high-level scientific cooperation will further advance our knowledge.


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This study evaluates model-simulated dust aerosols over North Africa and the North Atlantic from five global models that participated in the Aerosol Comparison between Observations and Models phase II model experiments. The model results are compared with satellite aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor, dust optical depth (DOD) derived from MODIS and MISR, AOD and coarse-mode AOD (as a proxy of DOD) from ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network Sun photometer measurements, and dust vertical distributions/centroid height from Cloud Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization and Atmospheric Infrared Sounder satellite AOD retrievals. We examine the following quantities of AOD and DOD: (1) the magnitudes over land and over ocean in our study domain, (2) the longitudinal gradient from the dust source region over North Africa to the western North Atlantic, (3) seasonal variations at different locations, and (4) the dust vertical profile shape and the AOD centroid height (altitude above or below which half of the AOD is located). The different satellite data show consistent features in most of these aspects; however, the models display large diversity in all of them, with significant differences among the models and between models and observations. By examining dust emission, removal, and mass extinction efficiency in the five models, we also find remarkable differences among the models that all contribute to the discrepancies of model-simulated dust amount and distribution. This study highlights the challenges in simulating the dust physical and optical processes, even in the best known dust environment, and stresses the need for observable quantities to constrain the model processes.


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We present the discovery of a wide (67 AU) substellar companion to the nearby (21 pc) young solar-metallicity M1 dwarf CD-35 2722, a member of the approximate to 100 Myr AB Doradus association. Two epochs of astrometry from the NICI Planet-Finding Campaign confirm that CD-35 2722 B is physically associated with the primary star. Near-IR spectra indicate a spectral type of L4 +/- 1 with a moderately low surface gravity, making it one of the coolest young companions found to date. The absorption lines and near-IR continuum shape of CD-35 2722 B agree especially well the dusty field L4.5 dwarf 2MASS J22244381-0158521, while the near-IR colors and absolute magnitudes match those of the 5 Myr old L4 planetary-mass companion, 1RXS J160929.1-210524 b. Overall, CD-35 2722 B appears to be an intermediate-age benchmark for L dwarfs, with a less peaked H-band continuum than the youngest objects and near-IR absorption lines comparable to field objects. We fit Ames-Dusty model atmospheres to the near-IR spectra and find T(eff) = 1700-1900 K and log(g) = 4.5 +/- 0.5. The spectra also show that the radial velocities of components A and B agree to within +/- 10 km s(-1), further confirming their physical association. Using the age and bolometric luminosity of CD-35 2722 B, we derive a mass of 31 +/- 8 M(Jup) from the Lyon/Dusty evolutionary models. Altogether, young late-M to mid-L type companions appear to be overluminous for their near-IR spectral type compared with field objects, in contrast to the underluminosity of young late-L and early-T dwarfs.


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Background Recent studies indicate an increased frequency of mutations in the gene encoding glucocerebrosidase (GBA), a deficiency of which causes Gaucher`s disease, among patients with Parkinson`s disease. We aimed to ascertain the frequency of GBA mutations in an ethnically diverse group of patients with Parkinson`s disease. Methods Sixteen centers participated in our international, collaborative study: five from the Americas, six from Europe, two from Israel, and three from Asia. Each center genotyped a standard DNA panel to permit comparison of the genotyping results across centers. Genotypes and phenotypic data from a total of 5691 patients with Parkinson`s disease (780 Ashkenazi Jews) and 4898 controls (387 Ashkenazi Jews) were analyzed, with multivariate logistic-regression models and the Mantel-Haenszel procedure used to estimate odds ratios across centers. Results All 16 centers could detect two GBA mutations, L444P and N370S. Among Ashkenazi Jewish subjects, either mutation was found in 15% of patients and 3% of controls, and among non-Ashkenazi Jewish subjects, either mutation was found in 3% of patients and less than 1% of controls. GBA was fully sequenced for 1883 non-Ashkenazi Jewish patients, and mutations were identified in 7%, showing that limited mutation screening can miss half the mutant alleles. The odds ratio for any GBA mutation in patients versus controls was 5.43 across centers. As compared with patients who did not carry a GBA mutation, those with a GBA mutation presented earlier with the disease, were more likely to have affected relatives, and were more likely to have atypical clinical manifestations. Conclusions Data collected from 16 centers demonstrate that there is a strong association between GBA mutations and Parkinson`s disease.


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Lonomia obliqua caterpillar bristle extract induces hemolysis in vitro on washed human and rat erythrocytes, in either the absence or presence of exogenous lecithin. In the former condition, phospholipases A(2) are key enzymes involved in hemolysis. However, the mechanism whereby this extract causes direct hemolysis is not known. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the hemolytic mechanism of the crude extract of the caterpillar L obliqua on human erythrocytes in the absence of lecithin. The extract significantly increased the erythrocyte osmotic fragility and promoted the removal of glycophorins A and C, and band 3 from the erythrocyte membrane. The use of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions significantly potentiated glycoprotein removal, remarkably of erythrocyte band 3. The composition of fatty acids was analyzed by HPLC in both L obliqua caterpillar bristle extract and human erythrocyte membranes incubated with the extract. The levels of unsaturated fatty acids were remarkably augmented in erythrocytes incubated with the extract than in control erythrocytes, modifying thereby the saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio. Altogether, evidence is provided here that the interplay of at least three mechanisms of action accounts for the direct activity of the bristle extract on erythrocyte membrane, leading to hemolysis: the removal of glycoproteins and band 3; the insertion of fatty acids; and the action of phospholipases. Such mechanisms might affect erythrocyte flexibility and deformability, which may induce hemolysis by increasing erythrocyte fragility. However, whether the direct hemolytic activity of L obliqua caterpillar is the major cause of intravascular hemolysis during envenomation still needs further investigation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work proposes and discusses an approach for inducing Bayesian classifiers aimed at balancing the tradeoff between the precise probability estimates produced by time consuming unrestricted Bayesian networks and the computational efficiency of Naive Bayes (NB) classifiers. The proposed approach is based on the fundamental principles of the Heuristic Search Bayesian network learning. The Markov Blanket concept, as well as a proposed ""approximate Markov Blanket"" are used to reduce the number of nodes that form the Bayesian network to be induced from data. Consequently, the usually high computational cost of the heuristic search learning algorithms can be lessened, while Bayesian network structures better than NB can be achieved. The resulting algorithms, called DMBC (Dynamic Markov Blanket Classifier) and A-DMBC (Approximate DMBC), are empirically assessed in twelve domains that illustrate scenarios of particular interest. The obtained results are compared with NB and Tree Augmented Network (TAN) classifiers, and confinn that both proposed algorithms can provide good classification accuracies and better probability estimates than NB and TAN, while being more computationally efficient than the widely used K2 Algorithm.


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Clustering quality or validation indices allow the evaluation of the quality of clustering in order to support the selection of a specific partition or clustering structure in its natural unsupervised environment, where the real solution is unknown or not available. In this paper, we investigate the use of quality indices mostly based on the concepts of clusters` compactness and separation, for the evaluation of clustering results (partitions in particular). This work intends to offer a general perspective regarding the appropriate use of quality indices for the purpose of clustering evaluation. After presenting some commonly used indices, as well as indices recently proposed in the literature, key issues regarding the practical use of quality indices are addressed. A general methodological approach is presented which considers the identification of appropriate indices thresholds. This general approach is compared with the simple use of quality indices for evaluating a clustering solution.


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Min utgångspunkt i denna uppsats var könsroller i film. Utifrån detta skapade jag mitt syfte som var att undersöka hur valda kvinnliga karaktärer i huvudrollen i tre svenska ungdomsfilmer skildrades, samt analysera huruvida skildringarna av karaktärerna bevarar eller bryter mot etablerade könsroller utifrån aktuell forskning. ¨Mina frågeställningar var:•Vilka utmärkande könsrollsmönster går att utröna i de valda karaktärernas agerande/handlande gentemot andra?•Vilken reaktion bemöts de valda karaktärerna med, utifrån detta agerade/handlande?•Vilka budskap landar filmen i, när det gäller huvudrollsinnehavarnas inordning eller revoltering utifrån de etablerade könsroller?De tre karaktärerna som jag valde att analysera var Sofie i Hipp Hipp Hora, Emma i Fjorton Suger och Ida i Sandor /slash/ Ida. Jag skapade ett analysverktyg bestående utav några nyckelkategorier kring könsroller. Utifrån dessa kategorier kunde jag analysera hur karaktärernas agerande gentemot andra bemöttes, och om karaktärerna bröt eller bevarade etablerade könsrollerna utifrån aktuell forskning. Mitt resultat visar karaktärerna vågar bryta emot de etablerade könsrollerna. Filmerna förmedlar även en bild utav unga smala vackra blonda tjejer som är tuffa och vågar gå sina egna vägar trots att det inte alltid är den lätta eller den rätta vägen.


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Det primära syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur cancerrelaterad malnutrition uppkom och hur kroppen påverkades. Vidare syftade studien till att beskriva hur patienterna upplevde nutritionsproblemen och dess konsekvenser. Studien syftade även till att beskriva hur patienternas livskvalitet påverkades av nutritionsproblemen, samt vilka åtgärder sjukvårdspersonalen kunde vidta för att förbättra nutritionen hos patienter med cancer. Artikelsökningen har skett via databaserna Elin@Dalarna, Blackwell Synergy och EBSCO Host. Sökorden som användes var cancer, healthcare, nutrition, malnutrition, nurse, nursing, quality of life och experiences. Resultatet visade att malnutrition ökade risken för komplikationer. Många av patienterna avled på grund av malnutrition och inte av cancern i sig. Malnutrition orsakades av att patienten inte kunde äta på grund av både cancern och dess behandling. Patienterna tyckte det var omöjligt att både äta, dricka och till och med svälja sin egen saliv på grund av rädsla för outhärdlig smärta. Konsekvensen av detta var att de inte hade styrka eller energi till att göra någonting. Nutritionsproblem ledde även till en känsla av brist på gemenskap och en försämrad livskvalitet. Nutritionsintaget var den viktigaste faktorn till en bra livskvalitet. Genom att ta nutritionsstatus tidigt och med jämna mellanrum följa upp nutritionsstatus på patienten så kunde sjuksköterskan motarbeta malnutrition.


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I detta arbete studerar jag vilken bild av det industriella kulturarvet som förmedlas när kulturarv och turism tillsammans skapar kulturarvsturism, i synnerhet vid Världsarvet i Falun. Jag har för att ta reda på detta gjort litteraturstudier, genomfört intervjuer och studerat förmedlandet av världsarvet i text och på plats vid gruvområdet i Falun.Kulturarvsturismen faller mellan å ena sidan kulturmiljövården och å andra sidan turismnäringen och samarbete mellan dessa två sektorer har ofta visat sig vara problematiskt. De olika aktörerna arbetar med olika tidsperspektiv, har olika utbildning och olika uppdrag vilket ofta lett till konflikter. För att tydliggöra denna konflikt talar jag i detta arbete om ett bevarande- och ett turismutvecklingsperspektiv. Vid Världsarvet Falun – industrilandskapet kring Stora Koppargruvan - har man tidigt skapat ett gemensamt världsarvsråd med ett samarbete som uppfattas som positivt av de intervjuade. Huvudmotivet för samarbetet i Falun har varit den gemensamma nämnaren mellan de olika perspektiven: att förmedla kulturarvet till besökare. Detta motiv har gått före turismutvecklingsperspektivets motiv att skapa regional utveckling eller ökade inkomster och bevarandeperspektivets motiv att vårda, förvalta och ge en rättvis bild av historien. Viljan att locka fler besökare har ibland blivit viktigare än att utveckla kulturarvsplatsen i sig och möjligheten att tyst vandra omkring i historien utan en anhopning av bildspel, skyltar, guider och aktiviteter har med denna besöksanpassning delvis försvunnit. Vid Världsarvet Falun presenterar man idag en förenklad bild av sitt industriella arv. Detta gör att man når många som inte skulle kunna ta till sig ett mer komplext och fördjupande material. Samtidigt misslyckas man med att erbjuda den intresserade eller insatta besökaren något att bita i: mer komplicerade och komplexa delar av världsarvet förmedlas inte. Man lyckas inte heller förmedla ett industriellt kulturarv som tillhör vardagen och därmed även ställer nutida frågor på sin spets och som mer än andra kulturarv handlar om makten över historien, samtiden och framtiden. Det gäller att med det goda samarbete man utvecklat i organisationen och med sin medvetenhet om både risker och möjligheter vara varsam när man vidareutvecklar Världsarvet Falun som besöksmål. Med mycket små förändringar kan en industrihistoriskt präglad upplevelse gå upp i rök. Världsarvsrådet måste också som kulturarvsskapande aktörer rikta blicken mot och kritiskt granska den historia som är möjlig att berätta utifrån den egna presentationen.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att sammanställa patienters upplevelser av att leva med Multipel Skleros (MS) samt att undersöka vilka omvårdnadsbehov patienter med MS har. Metod: Uppsatsen har genomförts som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Inklusionskriterier var att artiklarna skulle vara vetenskapligt granskade och inte äldre än fem år. Sammanlagt har 17 stycken artiklar använts till resultatet, av dessa var nio stycken kvantitativa studier och åtta stycken kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Trötthet och depression var de mest besvärliga och immobiliserande symptomen för personer med MS. Sjukdomen inverkade negativt på sexlivet. Symptom som inkontinens och urinträngningar upplevdes som ett stort problem, men själv-kateterisering ledde till färre urinvägsproblem. Smärta fanns hos hälften av MS-patienterna, av dem upplevde 70,5 % neurogen smärta. Balanssvårigheter var det största problemet gällande rörligheten, och ovissheten om hur symptomen varierar från dag till dag upplevdes frustrerande. En stor del upplevde att andra människor har svårt att förstå deras situation och ta den på allvar. Kvaliteten på information och kommunikation mellan patienterna och vårdpersonalen hade stor betydelse. Delaktighet i planeringen av sin vård var av stor vikt för patienterna med MS.


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The aim for this thesis was to develop a proposal of documentation, containing rules and procedures, which JernströmOffset needs to acquire the Certified Graphic Production certification. A fundamental part was to study the materialissued by Sveriges Grafiska Mediaförening, to clarify the requirements that must be met to obtain the certification. Therecommendations found in the CGP material must also be considered.Based on the requirements and recommendations of Certified Graphic Production, a mapping of the workflows atJernström Offset was performed. It was done by interviewing employees from different departments at the company,this to get a clear understanding of the operations carried out throughout the production flow and the final qualityfollow-up.During our reviewing process we found that a number of changes, in terms of working environment and practices,must be made at the company. As a result of this we propose some appropriate actions to be implemented.The documentation was finally written, through the requirements and recommendations of Certified GraphicProduction and then applied to Jernström Offset’s work procedures.