896 resultados para Jump linear quadratic (JLQ) control
On a daily basis, humans interact with a vast range of objects and tools. A class of tasks, which can pose a serious challenge to our motor skills, are those that involve manipulating objects with internal degrees of freedom, such as when folding laundry or using a lasso. Here, we use the framework of optimal feedback control to make predictions of how humans should interact with such objects. We confirm the predictions experimentally in a two-dimensional object manipulation task, in which subjects learned to control six different objects with complex dynamics. We show that the non-intuitive behavior observed when controlling objects with internal degrees of freedom can be accounted for by a simple cost function representing a trade-off between effort and accuracy. In addition to using a simple linear, point-mass optimal control model, we also used an optimal control model, which considers the non-linear dynamics of the human arm. We find that the more realistic optimal control model captures aspects of the data that cannot be accounted for by the linear model or other previous theories of motor control. The results suggest that our everyday interactions with objects can be understood by optimality principles and advocate the use of more realistic optimal control models for the study of human motor neuroscience.
CLADP is an engineering software program developed at Cambridge University for the interactive computer aided design of feedback control systems. CLADP contains a wide range of tools for the analysis of complex systems, and the assessment of their performance when feedback control is applied, thus enabling control systems to be designed to meet difficult performance objectives. The range of tools within CLADP include the latest techniques in the field whose central theme is the extension of classical frequency domain concepts (well known and well proven for single loop systems) to multivariable or multiloop systems, and by making extensive use of graphical presentation information is provided in a readily understood form.
An interactive software facility for designing multivariable control systems is described. The paper discusses the desirable characteristics of such a facility, the particular capabilities of CLADP and the numerical algorithms which lie behind them.
This paper describes the application of variable-horizon model predictive control to trajectory generation in surface excavation. A nonlinear dynamic model of a surface mining machine digging in oil sand is developed as a test platform. This model is then stabilised with an inner-loop controller before being linearised to generate a prediction model. The linear model is used to design a predictive controller for trajectory generation. A variable horizon formulation is augmented with extra terms in the cost function to allow more control over digging, whilst still preserving the guarantee of finite-time completion. Simulations show the generation of realistic trajectories, motivating new applications of variable horizon MPC for autonomy that go beyond the realm of vehicle path planning. ©2010 IEEE.
In eucaryotes, gene expression and control is a complex nonlinear process, where there are many control mechanisms and ways, both physic, chemical and informational control. By the exploration from the angle of biocybernetics, the authors suggest that gene expression is a co-control process. In this process, physic, chemical and informational feedback controls are associated and influential each other, and are cross and co-functional. The physic, chemical and informational control ways composed an order non-linear feedback control system in eucaryotes.
A dynamical system can exhibit structure on multiple levels. Different system representations can capture different elements of a dynamical system's structure. We consider LTI input-output dynamical systems and present four representations of structure: complete computational structure, subsystem structure, signal structure, and input output sparsity structure. We then explore some of the mathematical relationships that relate these different representations of structure. In particular, we show that signal and subsystem structure are fundamentally different ways of representing system structure. A signal structure does not always specify a unique subsystem structure nor does subsystem structure always specify a unique signal structure. We illustrate these concepts with a numerical example. © 2011 AACC American Automatic Control Council.
Tubular permanent magnet linear generators are a promising generator technology for use in marine renewables. One aspect of their design relates to the conditions necessary for achieving a smooth thrust response from the generator, free from cogging and periodic variations due to spatial harmonics of the flux cutting the generator coils. This paper presents an experimental and finite element study of the sources of thrust ripple in a prototype linear generator for marine generation. A simple self-commutated control scheme is shown, which uses linear Hall-effect sensors and look-up-table based feed-forward compensation to derive the excitation currents required to drive the machine with constant force. Details of the controller's FPGA based implementation are given, including its strategy for detecting sensor failure. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper provides a direct comparison of two stochastic optimisation techniques (Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Sequential Monte Carlo) when applied to the problem of conflict resolution and aircraft trajectory control in air traffic management. The two methods are then also compared to another existing technique of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming which is also popular in distributed control. © 2011 IFAC.
This paper introduces the notion of M-step robust fault tolerance for discrete-time systems where finite-time completion of a control manoeuvre is desired. It considers a scenario with two distinct objectives; a primary and secondary target are specified as sets to be reached in finite-time, whilst satisfying operating constraints on the states and inputs. The primary target is switched to the secondary target when a fault affects the system. As it is unknown when or if the fault will occur, the trajectory to the primary target is constrained to ensure reachability of the secondary target within M steps. A variable-horizon linear MPC formulation is developed to illustrate the concept. The formulation is then extended to provide robustness to bounded disturbances by use of tightened constraints. Simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the controller formulation on a double-integrator model. © 2011 IFAC.
This paper develops a technique for improving the region of attraction of a robust variable horizon model predictive controller. It considers a constrained discrete-time linear system acted upon by a bounded, but unknown time-varying state disturbance. Using constraint tightening for robustness, it is shown how the tightening policy, parameterised as direct feedback on the disturbance, can be optimised to increase the volume of an inner approximation to the controller's true region of attraction. Numerical examples demonstrate the benefits of the policy in increasing region of attraction volume and decreasing the maximum prediction horizon length. © 2012 IEEE.
Using the nonlinear analog of the Fake Riccati equation developed for linear systems, we derive an inverse optimality result for several receding-horizon control schemes. This inverse optimality result unifies stability proofs and shows that receding-horizon control possesses the stability margins of optimal control laws. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Delivering acceptable low end torque and good transient response is a significant challenge for all turbocharged engines. As downsized gasoline engines and Diesel engines make up a larger and larger proportion of the light-duty engines entering the market, the issue takes on greater significance. Several schemes have been proposed to improve torque response in highly boosted engines, including the use of electrical assist turbochargers and compressed air assist. In this paper we examine these methods with respect to their effectiveness in improving transient response and their relative performance along with some of the practical considerations for real world application. Results shown in this paper are from 1-D simulations using the Ricardo WAVE software package. The simulation model is based on a production light-duty Diesel engine modified to allow the introduction of compressed air at various points in the air-path as well as direct torque application to the turbocharger shaft (such as might be available from an electrical assist turbocharger). Whilst the 1-D simulation software provides a suitable environment for investigating the various boost assistance options, the overall air path performance also depends upon the control system. The introduction of boost assistance complicates the control in two significant ways: the system may run into constraints (such as compressor surge) that are not encountered in normal operation and the assistance introduces an additional control input. Production engine controllers are usually based on gain-scheduled PID control and extensive calibration. For this study, the non-linear nature of the engine together with the multiple configurations considered and the slower than real-time execution of 1-D models makes such an approach time consuming. Moreover, an ad-hoc approach would leave some doubt as to the fairness of comparisons between the different boost-assist options. Model Predictive Control has been shown to offer a convenient approach to controlling the 1-D simulations in a close to optimal manner for a typical Diesel VGT-EGR air path configuration. We show that the same technique can be applied to all the considered assistance methods with only modest calibration effort required. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.
1-D engine simulation models are widely used for the analysis and verification of air-path design concepts and prediction of the resulting engine transient response. The latter often requires closed loop control over the model to ensure operation within physical limits and tracking of reference signals. For this purpose, a particular implementation of Model Predictive Control (MPC) based on a corresponding Mean Value Engine Model (MVEM) is reported here. The MVEM is linearised on-line at each operating point to allow for the formulation of quadratic programming (QP) problems, which are solved as the part of the proposed MPC algorithm. The MPC output is used to control a 1-D engine model. The closed loop performance of such a system is benchmarked against the solution of a related optimal control problem (OCP). As an example this study is focused on the transient response of a light-duty car Diesel engine. For the cases examined the proposed controller implementation gives a more systematic procedure than other ad-hoc approaches that require considerable tuning effort. © 2012 IFAC.