929 resultados para José II, Emperador de Austria
The authors are from UPM and are relatively grouped, and all have intervened in different academic or real cases on the subject, at different times as being of different age. With precedent from E. Torroja and A. Páez in Madrid Spain Safety Probabilistic models for concrete about 1957, now in ICOSSAR conferences, author J.M. Antón involved since autumn 1967 for euro-steel construction in CECM produced a math model for independent load superposition reductions, and using it a load coefficient pattern for codes in Rome Feb. 1969, practically adopted for European constructions, giving in JCSS Lisbon Feb. 1974 suggestion of union for concrete-steel-al.. That model uses model for loads like Gumbel type I, for 50 years for one type of load, reduced to 1 year to be added to other independent loads, the sum set in Gumbel theories to 50 years return period, there are parallel models. A complete reliability system was produced, including non linear effects as from buckling, phenomena considered somehow in actual Construction Eurocodes produced from Model Codes. The system was considered by author in CEB in presence of Hydraulic effects from rivers, floods, sea, in reference with actual practice. When redacting a Road Drainage Norm in MOPU Spain an optimization model was realized by authors giving a way to determine the figure of Return Period, 10 to 50 years, for the cases of hydraulic flows to be considered in road drainage. Satisfactory examples were a stream in SE of Spain with Gumbel Type I model and a paper of Ven Te Chow with Mississippi in Keokuk using Gumbel type II, and the model can be modernized with more varied extreme laws. In fact in the MOPU drainage norm the redacting commission acted also as expert to set a table of return periods for elements of road drainage, in fact as a multi-criteria complex decision system. These precedent ideas were used e.g. in wide Codes, indicated in symposia or meetings, but not published in journals in English, and a condensate of contributions of authors is presented. The authors are somehow involved in optimization for hydraulic and agro planning, and give modest hints of intended applications in presence of agro and environment planning as a selection of the criteria and utility functions involved in bayesian, multi-criteria or mixed decision systems. Modest consideration is made of changing in climate, and on the production and commercial systems, and on others as social and financial.
Dialecto : texto en euskera occidental -- vizcaíno, variedad oriental
v. II : 1849
The photoluminescence efficiency of GaAsSb-capped InAs/GaAs type II quantum dots (QDs) can be greatly enhanced by rapid thermal annealing while preserving long radiative lifetimes which are ∼20 times larger than in standard GaAs-capped InAs/GaAs QDs. Despite the reduced electron-hole wavefunction overlap, the type-II samples are more efficient than the type-I counterparts in terms of luminescence, showing a great potential for device applications. Strain-driven In-Ga intermixing during annealing is found to modify the QD shape and composition, while As-Sb exchange is inhibited, allowing to keep the type-II structure. Sb is only redistributed within the capping layer giving rise to a more homogeneous composition.
Dentro de la red de sitios reales promovidos por la Casa de Austria en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, el Palacio de Valsaín ocupa un lugar tan singular como desconocido. Situado en uno de los valles más hermosos de la sierra que divide las dos mesetas centrales, el proyecto se plantea inicialmente como reforma del viejo pabellón de caza que habían levantado los reyes de la Casa Trastámara. El programa de obras que inició Carlos V y que dirigió y administró su hijo ante la ausencia del Emperador, terminaría por convertirse en un ambicioso plan director de nuevas edificaciones que culminaría en el Monasterio escurialense. La Casa Real del Bosque de Segovia, se convertirá en un complejo centro de conocimiento y enseñanzas prácticas no solo estilísticas y técnicas llegadas de toda Europa, sino sobre todo conceptuales. En el ánimo de Felipe II estaba la construcción de un palacio que iba a recoger las enriquecedoras experiencias y gustos adquiridos fuera de España en su etapa de formación. Pero por encima de todo, debía estar integrado y abierto a los magníficos recursos que le ofrecía el valle de Valsaín, un lugar donde poder alejarse de la estricta etiqueta áulica, explotando al máximo su riqueza paisajística y cinegética. Con conceptos revisados acerca del confort, la mejor orientación de las estancias y las cautivadoras vistas, el esquema tradicional de palacio axial desarrollado en torno a un patio central, se irá desdibujando en favor de una libertad compositiva, donde las galerías acristaladas, corredores y andenes elevados, abiertos al medio que lo envuelve, adquieren un protagonismo hasta entonces desconocido. Pero la peculiaridad que quizás mejor define a este palacio, fueron las empinadas cubiertas de plomo y pizarra al modo de Flandes, con sus decorados chapiteles, que se levantan aquí por primera vez en España. La decisión de sustituir los antiguos tejados de teja árabe tomada personalmente por Felipe II desde Bruselas en 1559, tendrá una gran repercusión en la futura fisonomía de la arquitectura española.
Autor consta en fin de texto
En este segundo artículo sobre cristales líquidos, se tratarán aquellos aspectos de los mismos que han encontrado aplicación práctica en dispositivos de visualización y conversores ópticos. Se darán sus aspectos más usuales para empleos convencionales y un estudio comparativo de los diferentes tipos.
Sign.: []4, 2[calderón]-3[calderón]4, 4[calderón]2, 5[calderón]-6[calderón]4, A-Z4, 2A-2H4, 2I2
Contiene: Prólogo de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús : Moradas de Santa Teresa, p. 1-203 -- Exclamaciones o Meditaciones del Alma a su Dios, 204-232 -- Libro de las Fundaciones, p. 233-524 -- Conceptos del Amor de Dios, p. 527-582 -- Siete Meditaciones sobre El Pater Noster, p. 583-612
Spider silks combine a significant number of desirable characteristics in one material, including large tensile strength and strain at breaking, biocompatibility, and the possibility of tailoring their properties. Major ampullate gland silk (MAS) is the most studied silk and their properties are explained by a double lattice of hydrogen bonds and elastomeric protein chains linked to polyalanine β-nanocrystals. However, many basic details regarding the relationship between composition, microstructure and properties in silks are still lacking. Here we show that this relationship can be traced in flagelliform silk (Flag) spun by Argiope trifasciata spiders after identifying a phase consisting of polyglycine II nanocrystals. The presence of this phase is consistent with the dominant presence of the –GGX– and –GPG– motifs in its sequence. In contrast to the passive role assigned to polyalanine nanocrystals in MAS, polyglycine II nanocrystals can undergo growing/collapse processes that contribute to increase toughness and justify the ability of Flag to supercontract.
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Oratio ad divinam Sapientiam : (NP08/27).
Contiene: Testamento del Emperador Carlos V ; Codecilo del Emperador Carlos V
Contiene: Repulsa evidente de una impostura, y censura calumniosa : XL p.
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