998 resultados para Investigación y docencia
In the current context of education, parents, students, teachers, media and other sectors of Costa Rican society, express concern about the problem of school violence, a social phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years. Its manifestations are perceived by means of abuse behavior, intimidation, verbal or physical abuse among youth, which are constructed through cultural practices. Therefore, to understand this problem, reflection about possible causes is in order, taking into account the context in which social interaction is developed in each school. Some of the manifestations of violence are rooted in the family, the community, the imitation of the behavioral patterns, and the influence of mass media. Moreover, these behaviors are reinforced by the current curriculum model, generating resistance to institutional rules.
Nowadays, a topic that arises in the educational domain as an answer to the demands of an increasingly diverse society which also demands processes of inclusion is, without a doubt, the concept of interculturalism. There are several conceptual approaches that are far from creating a pedagogy of interculturalism, specially when interculturalism is valued as a philosophy, which requires the development of a new teacher who is not only capable of recycling him/herself but who is also aware of the paradigmatic changes that interculturalism demands. The article presents an approach to the theoretical components for the understanding of intercultural pedagogy as an educational practice. It begins with a brief presentation of the current educational system, followed by the interpretation of human rights as a fundamental issue of human diversity, and certain approaches and clarification models for interculturalism in elementary school. Finally, the article briefly discusses some of teacher’s intercultural competencies in the face of such diversity.
The proposal includes the systematization of a training experience where 35 teaching and administrative officials participated. They came from 9 elementary schools located in marginal communities, developed by a team of two school counselors whose main purpose was to encourage among the participants the development of skills that will let them design and apply activities in the field of “parents’ school”. Thus, an educational counseling proposal has been modeled in order to reach greater coverage and efficiency of the counseling work with families being done from within the school. Moreover, what’s being sought is the promotion of healthy family relationships that contribute to the family’s wholeness and well being and therefore to the appropriate academic and social development of their children.
The theory of curricular administration is applied in order to explain the use of the strategy of management committees in institutions of elementary and high school education. A case study is carried out in an educational institution of the metropolitan area; an institution known for organizational features that are common in a national reality that affects the malpractice of this strategy. It is established within the case study, some of causes of its abuse in the particular context of the educational institution “Unidad Pedagógica José Rafael Araya Rojas” located in the “Tibás, La Florida” community and in the light of these results, some recommendations are suggested in order to improve the use of the administrative strategy based on committees.
This is a presentation of a proposal for authentic application of the basic criteria and elements to create projects related to on line education in Centers of Superior Education. It provides a guide in a useful summary format, which explains the main aspects in the creation of the project from the planning stage to the final stage supervision. It is supported by a range of specialists who were involved in the process including experts in knowledge, graphic design, system programmers, and organizational leaders.
Universities are facing numerous changes, dilemmas and challenges in this new millennium, and it must get ready to face them by keeping a utopian thought. In this context all the actors of the university must insist on the right to envision and dream the future. A utopian thought allows us to imagine a university that is different, one that can guide our activities as teachers, students, administrative personnel and authorities with a view to achieve the university dreamed by all of us. This has motivated us to state our university utopia as a contribution to the reflection on the topics that involve the university.
The national identity is a historical and geographical process; it is also dynamic and it is constantly transforming, in other words it is: a subject of change. It is constructed by individuals and different social groups who are born or live in a territory with a homogenizing ideological discourse and a reproducer of an imaginary national and, moreover, the cultural influence is expressed by the interrelationships among other countries, which have been accelerated by the phenomenon of globalization. This last aspect has a profound impact not only in the economic field, but also when sharing information, ideas, values and behaviors that are assimilated by people through behaviors, symbols and meanings that are related to the imitation of foreign cultural models. But there is one point in common in the context of this essay and it is to understand that we are in an evolutionary, dynamic and complex process that is part of the socialization processes that link the daily practices of individuals, through the diversity and cultural exchange.
In the process of socialization, the family has a fundamental role in the care and raising of the children, but principally, in the transmission of knowledge, values and customs that allow them to adapt to the society as active and productive individuals. In the last years, the Costa Rican educational system has experienced significant changes, due to the processes of students’ school integration, who present educational needs, because they need specialized supports and different resources for their formation and integral development. Thus, a concern was generated so that the familiar support is investigating in the process of students’ school integration, who are the ones who receive significant curricular adaptations in the public schools, and for instance, it was necessary to determine the kind of supports that are provided to the members of the family, as well as, the ways in which these supports can benefit the process of school integration.
The purpose of this paper is to present the origin, characteristics and rules of the Blogs, Wikis, Chats, Forums, and the Cmap Tools, that one must take into account when working with them as digital resources. In addition, the main contribution offered, is an explanation of possible didactic uses that these resources offer as a dynamic strategic proposal for collaborative e-learning.
With the implementation of the new Civics Syllabi, new expectations are opened so that the civil education is approached in a more integral way. This will let the teachers explore different techniques to develop their students´ citizenship competences, in order for them to join a society where local, national and global participation allow them to take relevant and committed attitudes. The execution of the Regional Students´ Government Forums is an example on how education contributes to create opportunities for leading students, so that they can have spaces to reflect, give their opinions and offer solutions to the problems that society is facing, and that at the same time, in the future they will be assumed by these students when they have their full citizenship.
The present article tackles the conceptualization and description of the Infantile Maternal Cycle as p The present article tackles the conceptualization and description of the Infantile Maternal Cycle as part of the preschool level of the Costa Rican educational system. With the intention of having a wider vision of this Cycle, a revision is done for the curriculum concept, as well as, for the elements that shape it, and then there is a detailed description of specific aspects related to the preschool Costa Rican curriculum of the Infantile Maternal Cycle, taking as a starting point the Program of Study that was designed to attend the above Cycle in the Costa Rican educational system.
The present article displays the results of a two-year research experience carried out by an interdisciplinary research team from the five academic departments (units) at CIDE. The study is part of a larger research project named Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of Costa Rican education at CIDE, which is directed by the Deanery. The study was conducted during 2006 and part of 2007 in secondary schools which were identified as successful institutions regarding academic achievements. The research focused on exploring the factors which influence students’ academic performance positively as they move from primary to secondary school and as they remain within successful academic indicators during those transition years. This research, besides involving an important literature review, required field work which took place in ten secondary schools from diverse settings all over the country. Observations were made and the seventh and eighth graders’ beliefs, as well as, their parents’ and teachers’ assumptions were explored. In addition, paralleled to the aspects mentioned, an important population of sixth grade students, their parents, and teachers were studied, since those primary institutions were related to the secondary schools involved in the study.
Seventh grade students share personal characteristics that are analyzed in this paper based on the teachers´ performance of the proper mediation for the students´ learning. The results of an investigation done with the model of teachers´ profiles at this level will be the basis for this paper (Alfaro et al, 2008a). We conclude that the biopsychosocial development and maturational stage of the transit-preteen-teen children must be the domain of faculty at this level, as well as, the socioeconomic context of family and social contexts of their students.
Recibido 21 de agosto de 2008 • Aceptado 29 de abril de 2009 • Corregido 23 de junio de 2009 Es posible pensar que al igual que la política nutre el currículo, la pedagogía, en su arte práctica, supone ser su abono para el cultivo de aprendizajes en la vida. Esto significa que el docente con formación pedagógica puede estar en capacidad de transformar su conocimiento disciplinar en un aprendizaje de conocimiento entendible, práctico y con sentido, por cuanto recurre a la pedagogía como el instrumento que le facilita viabilizar la política curricular en aras de convertir el proceso educativo en uno de calidad. Asimismo, se considera que gran parte de la profesionalización docente podría radicar en la continuidad de la formación del profesorado o formación permanente, cuyo resultado es el desarrollo profesional del profesorado y, consecuentemente, del alumnado, para que, de este proceso, se geste, “conocimiento al servicio de la vida, del elevamiento de la calidad de vida” (Flores, 1994, p. XXV), es decir, aprendizajes significativos producto de modelos de enseñanza acordes con lo que dicta y busca la propuesta curricular promovida.
Nowadays, the educative manager or principal has a series of tools of modern administration that allow him/her to guide the educational institution towards quality. Thus, he/she must fulfils a series of functions that are framed within the administrative process, such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities in the educational institution. This article´s main objective is to present some of these contributions and the way in which the principal can use them to improve the educational institution. The modern administration puts at the disposal different conceptions that help to visualize the way in which the institution must be managed. The main conclusion that is extracted is that a unique theoretical framework does not exist that can ensure the success of a principal, instead, there must be a use of the best aspects that each of the conceptions that the modern administration have in order to adapt them, according to the circumstances.