844 resultados para Influenza Epidemic
Since 1999, the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (EARSS) has monitored the rise in infection due to a number of organisms, including meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The EARSS reported that MRSA infections within intensive care units account for 25-50% of infections in many central and southern European countries, these included France, Spain, Great Britain, Malta, Greece and Italy. Each country has defined epidemic MRSA (EMRSA) strains; however, the method of spread of these strains from one country to another is unknown. In this current study, DNA profiles of 473 isolates of MRSA collected from the UK and Malta were determined by PFGE. Analysis of the data showed that two countries separated by a large geographical distance had a similar DNA profile pattern. Additionally it was demonstrated that strains of EMRSA normally found in the UK were also found in the Maltese cohort (EMRSA 15 and 16). A distinct DNA profile was found in the Maltese cohort, which may be a local EMRSA, and accounted for 14.4% of all Maltese isolates. The appearance of the same MRSA and EMRSA profiles in two separate countries suggests that MRSA can be transferred out of their country of origin and potentially establish in a new locality or country.
Since the 1980s UK government enthusiasm for market reforms has reconfigured the nature and scope of public services. Initially the marketisation of public services changed how public services were provided, increasingly market reforms and pro business policies have also modified the formation and understanding of public policy problematics and how they ought to be resolved. This is particularly noticeable when markets work imperfectly or even fail. UK governments have shown their reluctance to employ regulatory instruments to change the behaviour of companies preferring instead to make use of softer interventions, by focusing on providing advice for consumers and urging individuals to act responsibly. The dilemmas of this approach are explored by discussing the UK's former Labour government's (1997–2010) response to the increase in the incidence of obesity and related health complications.
Motivation: Influenza A viral heterogeneity remains a significant threat due to unpredictable antigenic drift in seasonal influenza and antigenic shifts caused by the emergence of novel subtypes. Annual review of multivalent influenza vaccines targets strains of influenza A and B likely to be predominant in future influenza seasons. This does not induce broad, cross protective immunity against emergent subtypes. Better strategies are needed to prevent future pandemics. Cross-protection can be achieved by activating CD8+ and CD4+ T cells against highly-conserved regions of the influenza genome. We combine available experimental data with informatics-based immunological predictions to help design vaccines potentially able to induce cross-protective T-cells against multiple influenza subtypes. Results: To exemplify our approach we designed two epitope ensemble vaccines comprising highly-conserved and experimentally-verified immunogenic influenza A epitopes as putative non-seasonal influenza vaccines; one specifically targets the US population and the other is a universal vaccine. The USA-specific vaccine comprised 6 CD8+ T cell epitopes (GILGFVFTL, FMYSDFHFI, GMDPRMCSL, SVKEKDMTK, FYIQMCTEL, DTVNRTHQY) and 3 CD4+ epitopes (KGILGFVFTLTVPSE, EYIMKGVYINTALLN, ILGFVFTLTVPSERG). The universal vaccine comprised 8 CD8+ epitopes: (FMYSDFHFI, GILGFVFTL, ILRGSVAHK, FYIQMCTEL, ILKGKFQTA, YYLEKANKI, VSDGGPNLY, YSHGTGTGY) and the same 3 CD4+ epitopes. Our USA-specific vaccine has a population protection coverage (portion of the population potentially responsive to one or more component epitopes of the vaccine, PPC) of over 96% and 95% coverage of observed influenza subtypes. The universal vaccine has a PPC value of over 97% and 88% coverage of observed subtypes.
The incidence of obesity among both children and adults in the United States (U.S.) has reached epidemic level. If not quickly curtailed, it represents significant long-term costs to all facets of the U.S. economy. The foodservice industry has contributed to this major public health issue. Parallels between the obesity epidemic and the public health issues of smoking and foodborne illnesses could influence the foodservice industry's response to obesity concerns. Of particular note are the parallels between the liability litigation and legislative actions related to smoking and the tobacco industry. This industry has a history of taking socially responsible actions regarding public health issues. There is potential for costs to the foodservice industry from similar anti-obesity litigation and legislation if the industry does not once again assume social responsibility relative to the current obesity crisis and is not proactive in efforts to combat obesity
Just as all types of business firms are now expected to go beyond their profit-oriented activities in boosting the well-being of the community, so, too, is corporate social responsibility (CSR) expected from foodservice firms. The significance of the obesity epidemic, combined with the foodservice industry's role in the development of this epidemic, suggests that the industry has an ethical responsibility to implement CSR activities that will help reduce obesity, particularly among children. CSR should be seen as an efficient management strategy through which a firm voluntarily integrates social and environmental concerns into its business operations and its interactions with stakeholders. Although costs are associated with CSR initiatives, benefits accrue to the firm. Decisions regarding alternative CSR activities should be based on a cost-benefit analysis and calculation of the present value of the revenue stream that can be identified as resulting from the specific CSR activities. CSR initiatives should be viewed as long-term investments that will enhance the firms’ value. Key areas for foodservice firms' CSR activities include marketing practices, particularly practices impacting advertising to children and marketing that will enhance the firms’ visibility; portion-size modification; new-product development; and consistent nutrition labeling on menus.
Il presente testo viene redatto con lo scopo di studiare l’effettiva interazione tra i cantieri stradali, con la relativa segnaletica, e gli utenti che transitano sulla sede stradale interessata da lavori di rifacimento, manutenzione o adeguamento della stessa, partendo dalla conoscenza di tutta la normativa che disciplina i cantieri su strada. Nel presente testo verrà esposta in modo dettagliato la sperimentazione effettuata, analizzando il percorso di prova, il campo prove con i relativi partecipanti, la tipologia dei cantieri presenti lungo il percorso e il segnalamento di ciascuno di essi. Questo studio verrà svolto analizzando nel dettaglio il comportamento dell’utente alla guida ed in particolare la sua risposta alle informazioni fornite dalla segnaletica temporanea di cantiere, sia verticale che orizzontale, grazie a strumenti specifici quali il Mobile-Eye ed il V-Box. I risultati ottenuti, infine, saranno discussi per valutare quali siano le migliori pratiche di installazione di un cantiere su strada e di posizionamento della relativa segnaletica, per ottenere la massima visibilità e considerazione da parte dei conducenti, e quindi la regolazione del loro comportamento in termini di adeguamento della velocità di marcia in relazione ad una situazione straordinaria che si presenta lungo il tracciato che stanno percorrendo. Tutto ciò potrà servire a redigere delle linee guida specifiche in merito all’installazione dei cantieri e al posizionamento della relativa segnaletica di avviso e preavviso, sempre nel rispetto di tutta la normativa che ne disciplina gli stessi.
Disparities in the crack/cocaine discourse have changed drastically since its inception over 30 years ago. Since the late 1980s, research examining this particular abuse has become more complex as both nationally and globally crack use/abuse has been examined within various contexts. Crack use has often been framed as an African American problem in part resulting from the high volume of African Americans seeking treatment for illnesses associated with their crack-cocaine use, and more African Americans dying from crack-cocaine overdose. This logical fallacy persists despite evidence showing African Americans have lower substance use/abuse compared to Caucasians. Given the impact of the crack epidemic as well as its related drug policies on African American communities and their families, further examination of crack use/abuse is necessary. This study will discuss the crack epidemic historically and examine crack use among clients of a large sample of outpatient substance abuse treatment units over a decade period between 1995 and 2005.
Delivery of large molecular weight biological molecules to the epidermis and dermis is constrained by the tough outer layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum (sc). Microneedle technologies attempt to overcome this physical barrier using sharp micron-size projections to penetrate the sc. Dissolvable microneedles (DMN), are a particular microneedle design whereby the needle structure is composed of a soluble matrix that upon application to the skin, dissolves releasing the vaccine load into skin. This thesis examines (1) the formulation and processing considerations around DMN fabrication, (2) the immunogenicity of DMN containing trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) in pre-clinical mouse and pig models and (3) the thermostability of these DMN formulations during storage. The results demonstrate the importance of formulation for microneedle formation and mechanical strength. Trehalose and polyvinylalcohol based formulations produced optimal microneedle structures and were amenable to piezoelectric dispensing; allowing for precise multi-layered DMN to be fabricated. The effect of drying conditions was assessed and found to be critical for DMN mechanical strength and skin penetration. The antibody responses to TIV generated by DMN-mediated vaccination were comparable or greater to those induced by immunization with a commercial TIV via the IM route in mice. DMN mediated immunisation resulted in a significantly broader humoral response to heterotypic influenza viruses compared to IM delivery. Stored at 40°C, a licensed seasonal influenza vaccine incorporated into DMN array was thermostable for at least 6 month as determined by Single Radial Immunodiffusion and immunogenicity in mice. The thesis advances the field of DMN influenza vaccination by elucidating important processing and formulation considerations in the fabrication of highly reproducible DMN. It also demonstrated that DMN can induce broader, larger humoral responses than conventional IM administration while demonstrating enhanced accelerated stability. Crucially, this works advances an automated fabrication system that will allow for clinical translation of DMN.
Childhood obesity is a serious global health challenge. Families and consumption are at the nexus of the problem, as childhood weight issues depend significantly on family-related influences (genetic predispositions, physical activities, and household food consumption practices). This article focuses on how a family socializes a child toward or away from obesity. It advances a family consumer socialization framework to characterize key elements and processes. Biological predispositions, parent/family inputs, elements of child development, parent-child interactions, and intergenerational transfer are all major contributors to weight status and life course potentials. Time is also a crucial component, here represented in two forms -- linear and cyclical. Drawing on extensive research from other disciplines and related consumer research, five “Foundational Properties” are distilled, representing fundamental tenets underpinning the family’s role in this problem. Each property is then used to chart promising opportunities for consumer researchers and others interested in advancing knowledge on this pressing concern.
ABSTRACT Il lavoro di tesi si basa sullo studio commissionato dall’azienda Pelliconi S.p.A di Ozzano dell'Emilia, specializzata nella produzione di tappi metallici per bottiglie. Questi tappi sono prodotti a partire da fogli sottili in lega di alluminio EN AW-5052 H39 e si necessita una ottimizzazione tecnico-economica nel settore della fornitura. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è analizzare le condizioni di fornitura della lega di alluminio EN AW-5052 H39 fornita da tre differenti fornitori (tra cui quello di riferimento) per stabilire quale di essi fornisca la lega più adatta al processo aziendale. L'elaborato è diviso in due parti, una compilativa ed una sperimentale. Nella prima, ci si occupa dei riferimenti normativi riguardanti le proprietà meccaniche delle leghe oggetto dello studio. Nella seconda, si introducono i materiali ed i metodi sperimentali utilizzati e si discutono i risultati ottenuti. A conclusione dello studio, si può affermare che, contrariamente a quanto imposto dalle specifiche aziendali e dalle normative sugli stati metallurgici di fornitura, tutti i laminati forniti mutano le loro proprietà a seguito del processo di laccatura subito dalle lamiere nel ciclo produttivo. Fra i tre fornitori, uno in particolare risulta fornire un materiale particolarmente suscettibile di variazione di proprietà a seguito di tale processo. Le ragioni di tale variazione sono legate alla composizione chimica ed alla microstruttura di questo laminato e dunque alle condizioni di fornitura del produttore.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si propone di analizzare l’influenza dei parametri caratteristici di una macchina laser temprante. Il materiale su cui sono state effettuate le prove è un acciaio C48 . Il lavoro è suddiviso nelle seguenti fasi : Studio delle sorgenti laser Prove in laboratorio Preparazione e studio metallografico dei campioni Analisi dei risultati Nei primi tre capitoli verranno esposte, in maniera più o meno dettagliata, le nozioni teoriche riguardanti le sorgenti laser, sul quale verte il lavoro di tesi. Nel dettaglio verranno descritte: la natura fisica delle sorgenti laser, ossia delle onde elettromagnetiche, le loro proprietà, la sorgente più comune dal punto di vista industriale, i sistemi di trasporto e di focalizzazione del fascio in fibra ottica e l’interazione laser-materia, che rappresenta il punto di partenza delle lavorazioni mediante laser. Successivamente, nel capitolo 4, l’esposizione verterà sul particolare impiego del laser nelle operazioni di tempra. nel capitolo 5, verrà descritta l’attività svolta: le specifiche della macchina, i parametri dell’impulso utilizzati, i risultati numerici delle misurazioni e le foto delle zone temprate. Per rendere più chiaro il seguito, passerò ad una piccola parte introduttiva, che verrà poi approfondita nel dettaglio successivamente, sui principali campi d’impiego della tecnologia laser, le applicazioni industriali ed i componenti di una generica stazione di lavorazione mediante laser.