980 resultados para Induced Exposure.
The study aimed to unravel the interaction between ocean acidification and solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in Chaetoceros curvisetus. Chaetoceros curvisetus cells were acclimated to high CO2 (HC, 1000 ppmv) and low CO2 concentration (control, LC, 380 ppmv) for 14 days. Cell density, specific growth rate and chlorophyll were measured. The acclimated cells were then exposed to PAB (photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) + UV-A + UV-B), PA (PAR + UV-A) or P (PAR) for 60 min. Photochemical efficiency (phi PSII), relative electron transport rate (rETR) and the recovery of ?PSII were determined. HC induced higher cell density and specific growth rate compared with LC. However, no difference was found in chlorophyll between HC and LC. Moreover, phi PSII and rETRs were higher under HC than LC in response to solar UVR. P exposure led to faster recovery of phi PSII, both under HC and LC, than PA and PAB exposure. It appeared that harmful effects of UVR on C. curvisetus could be counteracted by ocean acidification simulated by high CO2 when the effect of climate change is not beyond the tolerance of cells.
The approach developed by Fuhrer in 1995 to estimate wheat yield losses induced by ozone and modulated by the soil water content (SWC) was applied to the data on Catalonian wheat yields. The aim of our work was to apply this approach and adjust it to Mediterranean environmental conditions by means of the necessary corrections. The main objective pursued was to prove the importance of soil water availability in the estimation of relative wheat yield losses as a factor that modifies the effects of tropospheric ozone on wheat, and to develop the algorithms required for the estimation of relative yield losses, adapted to the Mediterranean environmental conditions. The results show that this is an easy way to estimate relative yield losses just using meteorological data, without using ozone fluxes, which are much more difficult to calculate. Soil water availability is very important as a modulating factor of the effects of ozone on wheat; when soil water availability decreases, almost twice the amount of accumulated exposure to ozone is required to induce the same percentage of yield loss as in years when soil water availability is high.
Ozone (O3) phytototoxicity has been reported on a wide range of crops and wild Central European plantspecies, however no information has been provided regarding the sensitivity of plantspecies from dehesa Mediterranean therophytic grasslands in spite of their great plantspecies richness and the high O3 levels that are recorded in this area. A study was carried out in open-top chambers (OTCs) to assess the effects of O3 and competition on the reproductiveability of threecloverspecies: Trifolium cherleri, Trifolium subterraneum and Trifolium striatum. A phytometer approach was followed, therefore plants of these species were grown in mesoscosms composed of monocultures of four plants of each species, of threeplants of each species competing against a Briza maxima individual or of a single plant of each cloverspecies competing with threeB. maximaplants. Three O3 treatments were adopted: charcoal filtered air (CFA), non-filtered air (NFA) and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l−1 of O3 (NFA+). The different mesocosms were exposed to the different O3 treatments for 45 days and then they remained in the open. Ozoneexposure caused reductions in the flower biomass of the threecloverspecies assessed. In the case of T. cherleri and T. subterraneum this effect was found following their exposure to the different O3 treatments during their vegetative period. An attenuation of these effects was found when the plants remained in the open. Ozone-induced detrimental effects on the seed output of T. striatum were also observed. The flower biomass of the cloverplants grown in monocultures was greater than when competing with one or threeB. maxima individuals. An increased flower biomass was found in the CFA monoculture mesocosms of T. cherleri when compared with the remaining mesocosms, once the plants were exposed in the open for 60 days. The implications of these effects on the performance of dehesa acid grasslands and for the definition of O3 critical levels is discussed
Grain-induced asthma is a frequent occupational allergic disease mainly caused by inhalation of cereal flour or powder. The main professions affected are bakers, confectioners, pastry factory workers, millers, farmers, and cereal handlers. This disorder is usually due to an IgE-mediated allergic response to inhalation of cereal flour proteins. The major causative allergens of grain-related asthma are proteins derived from wheat, rye and barley flour, although baking additives, such as fungal α-amylase are also important. This review deals with the current diagnosis and treatment of grain-induced asthma, emphasizing the role of cereal allergens as molecular tools to enhance diagnosis and management of this disorder. Asthma-like symptoms caused by endotoxin exposure among grain workers are beyond the scope of this review. Progress is being made in the characterization of grain and bakery allergens, particularly cereal-derived allergens, as well as in the standardization of allergy tests. Salt-soluble proteins (albumins plus globulins), particularly members of the α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor family, thioredoxins, peroxidase, lipid transfer protein and other soluble enzymes show the strongest IgE reactivities in wheat flour. In addition, prolamins (not extractable by salt solutions) have also been claimed as potential allergens. However, the large variability of IgE-binding patterns of cereal proteins among patients with grain-induced asthma, together with the great differences in the concentrations of potential allergens observed in commercial cereal extracts used for diagnosis, highlight the necessity to standardize and improve the diagnostic tools. Removal from exposure to the offending agents is the cornerstone of the management of grain-induced asthma. The availability of purified allergens should be very helpful for a more refined diagnosis, and new immunomodulatory treatments, including allergen immunotherapy and biological drugs, should aid in the management of patients with this disorder.
Palm juice, a common-cheap-antioxidants rich natural plant juice has been investigated for optimizing the effect of UV-radiation on the antioxidant activity using a DPPH free radical scavenging activity method. In this study separate set of samples of raw palm juice has been treated with 365 and 254 nm UV-lights (UVL) respectively for different exposure time. When exposed for 15 min with 365 nm UVL induces concentration factor of caffeic acid, whereas, 254 nm UVL induces gallic acid accumulation, but overall antioxidant activity was higher for 365 nm UVradiation. Caffeic acid and other polyphenol compounds are increased by 5.5 ± 0.5 % than normal palm juice, observed after irradiation with 365 nm UVL. Even after the exposure of UV irradiation for 15 min, did not affect on peptide bond modification of protein molecules present in palm juice, therefore a green effect of UVL is explored for the effective increase of antioxidant activity.
Bakers are repeatedly exposed to wheat flour (WF) and may develop sensitization and occupational rhinoconjunctivitis and/or asthma to WF allergens.1 Several wheat proteins have been identified as causative allergens of occupational respiratory allergy in bakery workers.1 Testing of IgE reactivity in patients with different clinical profiles of wheat allergy (food allergy, wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and baker's asthma) to salt-soluble and salt-insoluble protein fractions from WF revealed a high degree of heterogeneity in the recognized allergens. However, mainly salt-soluble proteins (albumins, globulins) seem to be associated with baker's asthma, and prolamins (gliadins, glutenins) with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, whereas both protein fractions reacted to IgE from food-allergic patients.1 Notwithstanding, gliadins have also been incriminated as causative allergens in baker's asthma.2 We report on a 31-year-old woman who had been exposed to WF practically since birth because her family owned a bakery housed in the same home where they lived. She moved from this house when she was 25 years, but she continued working every day in the family bakery. In the last 8 years she had suffered from work-related nasal and ocular symptoms such as itching, watery eyes, sneezing, nasal stuffiness, and rhinorrhea. These symptoms markedly improved when away from work and worsened at work. In the last 5 years, she had also experienced dysphagia with frequent choking, especially when ingesting meats or cephalopods, which had partially improved with omeprazole therapy. Two years before referral to our clinic, she began to have dry cough and breathlessness, which she also attributed to her work environment. Upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms increased when sifting the WF and making the dough. The patient did not experience gastrointestinal symptoms with ingestion of cereal products. Skin prick test results were positive to grass (mean wheal, 6 mm), cypress (5 mm) and Russian thistle pollen (4 mm), WF (4 mm), and peach lipid transfer protein (6 mm) and were negative to rice flour, corn flour, profilin, mites, molds, and animal dander. Skin prick test with a homemade WF extract (10% wt/vol) was strongly positive (15 mm). Serologic tests yielded the following results: eosinophil cationic protein, 47 ?g/L; total serum IgE, 74 kU/L; specific IgE (ImmunoCAP; ThermoFisher, Uppsala, Sweden) to WF, 7.4 kU/L; barley flour, 1.24 kU/L; and corn, gluten, alpha-amylase, peach, and apple, less than 0.35 kU/L. Specific IgE binding to microarrayed purified WF allergens (WDAI-0.19, WDAI-0.53, WTAI-CM1, WTAI-CM2, WTAI-CM3, WTAI-CM16, WTAI-CM17, Tri a 14, profilin, ?-5-gliadin, Tri a Bd 36 and Tri a TLP, and gliadin and glutamine fractions) was assessed as described elsewhere.3 The patient's serum specifically recognized ?-5-gliadin and the gliadin fraction, and no IgE reactivity was observed to other wheat allergens. Spirometry revealed a forced vital capacity of 3.88 L (88%), an FEV1 of 3.04 L (87%), and FEV1/forced vital capacity of 83%. A methacholine inhalation test was performed following an abbreviated protocol,4 and the results were expressed as PD20 in cumulative dose (mg) of methacholine. Methacholine inhalation challenge test result was positive (0.24 mg cumulative dose) when she was working, and after a 3-month period away from work and with no visits to the bakery house, it gave a negative result. A chest x-ray was normal. Specific inhalation challenge test was carried out in the hospital laboratory by tipping WF from one tray to another for 15 minutes. Spirometry was performed at baseline and at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after the challenge with WF. Peak expiratory flow was measured at baseline and then hourly over 24 hours (respecting sleeping time). A 12% fall in FEV1 was observed at 20 minutes and a 26% drop in peak expiratory flow at 9 hours after exposure to WF,
The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is activated by treatment of cells with cytokines and by exposure to environmental stress. The effects of these stimuli on p38 MAP kinase are mediated by the MAP kinase kinases (MKKs) MKK3, MKK4, and MKK6. We have examined the function of the p38 MAP kinase signaling pathway by investigating the effect of targeted disruption of the Mkk3 gene. Here we report that Mkk3 gene disruption caused a selective defect in the response of fibroblasts to the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor, including reduced p38 MAP kinase activation and cytokine expression. These data demonstrate that the MKK3 protein kinase is a critical component of a tumor necrosis factor-stimulated signaling pathway that causes increased expression of inflammatory cytokines.
6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is widely used to selectively lesion dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN) in the creation of animal models of Parkinson’s disease. In vitro, the death of PC-12 cells caused by exposure to 6-OHDA occurs with characteristics consistent with an apoptotic mechanism of cell death. To test the hypothesis that apoptotic pathways are involved in the death of dopaminergic neurons of the SN caused by 6-OHDA, we created a replication-defective genomic herpes simplex virus-based vector containing the coding sequence for the antiapoptotic peptide Bcl-2 under the transcriptional control of the simian cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter. Transfection of primary cortical neurons in culture with the Bcl-2-producing vector protected those cells from naturally occurring cell death over 3 weeks. Injection of the Bcl-2-expressing vector into SN of rats 1 week before injection of 6-OHDA into the ipsilateral striatum increased the survival of neurons in the SN, detected either by retrograde labeling of those cells with fluorogold or by tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry, by 50%. These results, demonstrating that death of nigral neurons induced by 6-OHDA lesioning may be blocked by the expression of Bcl-2, are consistent with the notion that cell death in this model system is at least in part apoptotic in nature and suggest that a Bcl-2-expressing vector may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
In cyanobacterial cells, fatty acid desaturation is one of the crucial steps in the acclimation processes to low-temperature conditions. The expression of all the four acyl lipid desaturase genes of Synechocystis PCC 6803 was studied as a function of temperature and separately as a function of light. We used cells grown at 25°C in light-activated heterotrophic growth conditions. In these cells, the production of α-linolenic acid and 18:4 fatty acids was negligible and the synthesis of γ-linolenic acid was remarkably suppressed compared with those of the cells grown photoautotrophically. The cells grown in the light in the presence of glucose showed no difference in fatty acid composition compared with cells grown photoautotrophically. The level of desC mRNA for Δ9 desaturase was not affected by either the temperature or the light. It was constitutively expressed at 25°C with and without illumination. The level of desB transcripts was negligible in the dark-grown cells and was enhanced about 10-fold by exposure of the cells to light. The maximum level of expression occurred within 15 min. The level of desA and desD mRNAs was higher in dark-grown cells than that of desB mRNA for ω3 desaturase. However, the induction of both desA and desD mRNAs for Δ12 and Δ6 desaturases, respectively, was enhanced by light about 10-fold. Rifampicin, chloramphenicol, and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea completely blocked the induction of the expression of desA, desB, and desD. Consequently, we suggest the regulatory role of light via photosynthetic processes in the induction of the expression of acyl lipid desaturases.
Human umbilical cord blood T lymphocytes (CBTL) respond to primary allostimulation but they do not proliferate upon rechallenge with alloantigen. Using PKH-26-labeled cells created a proliferative block that was observed only in CBTL that have divided during primary stimulation (PKH-26dim) but not in unstimulated (PKH-26bright) CBTL. CBTL’s secondary unresponsiveness resembles anergy and can be overcome by treatment with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and ionomycin or by high doses (50–100 units/ml) of interleukin 2. Addition of interleukin 2 to the primary cultures does not prevent the induction of secondary unresponsiveness. Defective Ras activation is detected in PKH-26dim CBTL during secondary response to alloantigen or after antibody-mediated T cell receptor stimulation whereas Ras is activated and proliferation is induced in CBTL during primary alloantigenic stimulation. Upon stimulation with PMA plus ionomycin, PMA plus alloantigen, but not alloantigen plus ionomycin, Ras is activated in PKH-26dim CBTL, and the block in proliferation is overcome. Correction of PKH-26dim CBTL’s proliferative defect correlates with PMA-induced Ras activation, suggesting a defect in the signaling pathway leading to Ras. Ras-independent signals, necessary but not sufficient to induce PKH-26dim CBTL proliferation, are provided by alloantigen exposure, as evident by the ability of PMA plus alloantigen but not PMA alone to overcome the proliferative block. Functional signal transduction through CD28 in PKH-26dim CBTL is supported by detectable CD28-mediated PI-3 kinase activation after PKH-26dim CBTL’s exposure to alloantigen or CD28 cross-linking. These results suggest that defective activation of Ras plays a key role in PKH-26dim CBTL’s secondary unresponsiveness and point to a defect along the T cell receptor rather than the CD28 signaling pathway.
A regular heart beat is dependent on a specialized network of pacemaking and conductive cells. There has been a longstanding controversy regarding the developmental origin of these cardiac tissues which also manifest neural-like properties. Recently, we have shown conclusively that during chicken embryogenesis, impulse-conducting Purkinje cells are recruited from myocytes in spatial association with developing coronary arteries. Here, we report that cultured embryonic myocytes convert to a Purkinje cell phenotype after exposure to the vascular cytokine, endothelin. This inductive response declined gradually during development. These results yield further evidence for a role of arteriogenesis in the induction of impulse-conducting Purkinje cells within the heart muscle lineage and also may provide a basis for tissue engineering of cardiac pacemaking and conductive cells.
The decrement in dopamine levels exceeds the loss of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and experimental models of PD. This discrepancy is poorly understood and may represent an important event in the pathogenesis of PD. Herein, we report that the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), is a selective target for nitration following exposure of PC12 cells to either peroxynitrite or 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridiniun ion (MPP+). Nitration of TH also occurs in mouse striatum after MPTP administration. Nitration of tyrosine residues in TH results in loss of enzymatic activity. In the mouse striatum, tyrosine nitration-mediated loss in TH activity parallels the decline in dopamine levels whereas the levels of TH protein remain unchanged for the first 6 hr post MPTP injection. Striatal TH was not nitrated in mice overexpressing copper/zinc superoxide dismutase after MPTP administration, supporting a critical role for superoxide in TH tyrosine nitration. These results indicate that tyrosine nitration-induced TH inactivation and consequently dopamine synthesis failure, represents an early and thus far unidentified biochemical event in MPTP neurotoxic process. The resemblance of the MPTP model with PD suggests that a similar phenomenon may occur in PD, influencing the severity of parkisonian symptoms.
The KARP-1 (Ku86 Autoantigen Related Protein-1) gene, which is expressed from the human Ku86 autoantigen locus, appears to play a role in mammalian DNA double-strand break repair as a regulator of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex. Here we demonstrate that KARP-1 gene expression is significantly up-regulated following exposure of cells to DNA damage. KARP-1 mRNA induction was completely dependent on the ataxia telangiectasia and p53 gene products, consistent with the presence of a p53 binding site within the second intron of the KARP-1 locus. These observations link ataxia telangiectasia, p53, and KARP-1 in a common pathway.
Recent epidemiological studies indicate beneficial effects of moderate ethanol consumption in ischemic heart disease. Most studies, however, focus on the effect of long-term consumption of ethanol. In this study, we determined whether brief exposure to ethanol immediately before ischemia also produces cardioprotection. In addition, because protein kinase C (PKC) has been shown to mediate protection of the heart from ischemia, we determined the role of specific PKC isozymes in ethanol-induced protection. We demonstrated that (i) brief exposure of isolated adult rat cardiac myocytes to 10–50 mM ethanol protected against damage induced by prolonged ischemia; (ii) an isozyme-selective ɛPKC inhibitor developed in our laboratory inhibited the cardioprotective effect of acute ethanol exposure; (iii) protection of isolated intact adult rat heart also occurred after incubation with 10 mM ethanol 20 min before global ischemia; and (iv) ethanol-induced cardioprotection depended on PKC activation because it was blocked by chelerythrine and GF109203X, two PKC inhibitors. Consumption of 1–2 alcoholic beverages in humans leads to blood alcohol levels of ≈10 mM. Therefore, our work demonstrates that exposure to physiologically attainable ethanol levels minutes before ischemia provides cardioprotection that is mediated by direct activation of ɛPKC in the cardiac myocytes. The potential clinical implications of our findings are discussed.
Inorganic arsenic, a human carcinogen, is enzymatically methylated for detoxication, consuming S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) in the process. The fact that DNA methyltransferases (MeTases) require this same methyl donor suggests a role for methylation in arsenic carcinogenesis. Here we test the hypothesis that arsenic-induced initiation results from DNA hypomethylation caused by continuous methyl depletion. The hypothesis was tested by first inducing transformation in a rat liver epithelial cell line by chronic exposure to low levels of arsenic, as confirmed by the development of highly aggressive, malignant tumors after inoculation of cells into Nude mice. Global DNA hypomethylation occurred concurrently with malignant transformation and in the presence of depressed levels of S-adenosyl-methionine. Arsenic-induced DNA hypomethylation was a function of dose and exposure duration, and remained constant even after withdrawal of arsenic. Hyperexpressibility of the MT gene, a gene for which expression is clearly controlled by DNA methylation, was also detected in transformed cells. Acute arsenic or arsenic at nontransforming levels did not induce global hypomethylation of DNA. Whereas transcription of DNA MeTase was elevated, the MeTase enzymatic activity was reduced with arsenic transformation. Taken together, these results indicate arsenic can act as a carcinogen by inducing DNA hypomethylation, which in turn facilitates aberrant gene expression, and they constitute a tenable theory of mechanism in arsenic carcinogenesis.