953 resultados para INDIAN RIVER REGION


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cytogenetic studies were performed on two sympatric species of Characidium, C. gomesi and C. cf. zebra, from the Grande River basin, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Although both species had a chromosome number of 50 with a karyotype exclusively consisting of meta- and submetacentric chromosomes, interspecific diversity was detected concerning the size of the two first chromosome pairs of the karyotypes. Active nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were located at the terminal position on the long arm of the 17th pair of C. gomesi and at subterminal position on the long arm of the 23rd pair of C. cf. zebra. For both species the fluorochrome CMA3 stained only the NOR-bearing pair of chromosomes. The heterochromatin pattern also showed some differentiation between these species restricted to the centromeric or pericentromeric region of C. cf. zebra and practically absent in C. gomesi. These data are discussed concerning chromosome diversification in this fish group.


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Este artigo tem o objetivo de descrever a pesca de subsistência das populações tradicionais de uma aldeia Ashaninka e duas Kaxinawá vivendo à beira do rio Breu. Inicialmente, foram treinados monitores para preencher fichas de coleta de dados das pescarias nas aldeias durante um ciclo anual (agosto/1995 agosto/1996). A partir desses dados realizaram-se os inventários das espécies de peixes capturadas e dos ambientes pesqueiros. A análise dos dados foi efetuada por meio de estatística descritiva e exploratória. Os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes: i) os ambientes mais procurados pelos índios foram os poços; ii) as espécies mais capturadas os mandis (35%, Pimelodidae), os bodes ou cascudos (Loricariidae), com destaque para o bode praiano (25%, Hypostomus sp.), o curimatã (9%, Prochilodus sp.) e os saburus (8%, Curimatidae), entre outros; iii) constatou-se que os arreios ou apetrechos de pesca que mais capturam peixes são o tingui (veneno), a tarrafa e o arco/flecha, respectivamente; iv) durante o verão a atividade de pesca é mais intensa; v) as medidas de esforço de pesca e os fatores associados que foram estatisticamente significativos nas predições das capturas na Reserva Indígena foram: f1 = o (número de pescadores), f2 = o (número de pescadores*tempo total das pescarias) e f3 = o [(número de pescadores*tempo total das pescarias)-(o tempo de deslocamento)] e os fatores aldeias e arreios; vi) apesar da maioria das pescarias serem realizadas a pé até os pesqueiros, as capturas são maiores quando a locomoção se dá através de canoa a remo; e vii) os pescadores mais ativos nas pescarias na Reserva Indígena foram os Kaxinawá.


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The prevalence of enzootic bovine leukosis (EEL) among female buffaloes reared in 15 herds of the Ribeira Valley, Brazil, was zero. Serum samples(470)were submitted to agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) with a glycoprotein antigen(gp51) for the diagnosis of EBL. The fact that no seroreactive animals were detected may probably be due to the predominantly extensive management of buffaloes and their little or no contact with cattle, the major source of EEL infection.


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Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were analysed in two related and geographically close populations of Eigenmannia sp.1 (Pisces, Gymnotoidei, Sternopygidae) using silver staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The two populations differed in their AS-NOR phenotypes, displaying fixed differences in the NOR-bearing chromosome pairs. FISH with rDNA probes showed that these differences were due to the location of rDNA cistrons. This finding, showing fixed NOR differences between two populations belonging to the same species in a connected river system, is highly significant in terms of evolutionary change, possibly indicating an initial step of genetic differentiation. This result also has important implications from the cytosystematic point of view, as NORs usually have a very constant karyotypic location in fish species and have been used as species-specific chromosome markers.


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The main structural and geomorphological features along the Amazon River are closely associated with Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic events. The Mesozoic tectonic setting is characterised by the Amazonas and Marajó Basins, two distinct extensional segments. The Amazonas Basin is formed by NNE-SSW normal faults, which control the emplacement of dolerite dykes and deposition of the sedimentary pile. In the more intense tectonic phase (mid-Late Cretaceous), the depocentres were filled with fluvial sequences associated with axial drainage systems, which diverge from the Lower Tapajós Arch. During the next subsidence phase, probably in the Early Tertiary, and under low rate extension, much of the drainage systems reversed, directing the paleo-Amazon River to flow eastwards. The Marajó Basin encompasses NW-SE normal faults and NE-SW strike-slip faults, with the latter running almost parallel to the extensional axes. The normal faults controlled the deposition of thick rift and post-rift sequences and the emplacement of dolerite dykes. During the evolution of the basin, the shoulder (Gurupá Arch) became distinct, having been modelled by drainage systems strongly controlled by the trend of the strike-slip faults. The Arari Lineament, which marks the northwest boundary of the Marajó Basin, has been working as a linkage corridor between the paleo and modern Amazon River with the Atlantic Ocean. The neotectonic evolution since the Miocene comprises two sets of structural and geomorphological features. The older set (Miocene-Pliocene) encompasses two NE-trending transpressive domains and one NW-trending transtensive domain, which are linked to E-W and NE-SW right-lateral strike-slip systems. The transpressive domains display aligned hills controlled by reverse faults and folds, and are separated by large plains associated with pull-apart basins along clockwise strike-slip systems (e.g. Tupinambarana Lineament). Many changes were introduced in the landscape by the transpressive and transtensive structures, such as the blockage of major rivers, which evolved to river-lakes, transgression of the sea over a large area in the Marajó region, and uplift of long and narrow blocks that are oblique to the trend of the main channel. The younger set (Pliocene-Holocene) refers to two triple-arm systems of rift/rift/strike-slip and strike-slip/strike-slip/rift types, and two large transtensive segments, which have controlled the orientation of the modern drainage patterns. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A pioneer GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar - survey was carried out in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso State, westcentral region of Brazil. Fieldwork acquisitions were carried out in February/2001 and August/2002 in order to understand avulsion processes that are occurring within the Taquari alluvial megafan. The main subjects were to map channel, crevasses and floodplain morphology, as well as active sedimentary bedforms. Many GPR profiles were surveyed in the medium and lower Taquari River course. Subaqueous megaripples and exposed sand bars inside the Taquari channel were identified in the medium fan area. Similar features were observed in the lower fan channels, where there are also many crevasses in the marginal levees. During the flooding seasons the flow splays out in the floodplain where new distributary channels are being formed. As shown by GPR data, in the lower fan the Taquari channel is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplain, situation in which avulsion is a natural process of river course shifting. The lack of information about river morphology and dynamics is a major strain to better understand the sediment transport and the avulsion processes in the Taquari megafan. In this context, the GPR data obtained in wet and dry seasons, integrated to sedimentological information, have been very important to characterize the fluvial dynamics and the avulsion phenomena.


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Due to growing urbanization and industrialization, the environment is suffering from pollution of rivers, degradation of soils and deteriorated air quality. Quality indices appear to be useful to evaluate the conditions of these media. The aim of this study was the development of a water quality index using a fuzzy inference system, since such an approach has proved advantageous in addressing problems that are subjective by nature or for which the data are uncertain. The methodology employed was based on this inference system, and considered the nine water quality parameters employed by CETESB (Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental, São Paulo, Brazil) to evaluate water quality. After assessment of the data using the index, a comparison was made with the WQI (Water Quality Index), which is used for the monitoring of various water bodies, including in the study region. The results obtained using the index developed on the basis of fuzzy inference were found to be more useful than those derived from the method currently used by CETESB, since losses and/or omissions concerning individual parameters were minimized. © 2010 IEEE.


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Vascular plants were investigated in oxbow lakes of Turvo River, Upper Paraná River basin, between Icém and Nova Granada municipalities, state of São Paulo, Brazil. In this region, six lagoons were sampled: Ganzella, Mustafá, Braço Morto, 45, Federal, and Parente. The survey showed a total of 54 species, 36 genera and 22 families. The species richest families were Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Polygonaceae. Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) was the single species encountered in all the six lakes. © 2010 Check List and Authors.


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Thoracocharax stellatus (Characiformes, Gasteropelecidae) is a small Neotropical species of fish, widely distributed in several rivers of South America. Evidence for karyotype heteromorphysm in populations from different geographical regions has been reported for this species. In this way, populations of T. stellatus from the Paraguay River basin were cytogenetically characterized and the results were compared with other studies performed in the same species but from different basins. The results showed a diploid number of 2n = 54 for T. stellatus, with chromosomes arranged in 6 metacentric (m), 6 submetacentric (sm), 2 subtelocentric (st) and 40 acrocentric (a), for both sexes, with a simple Nucleolus Organiser Region (NOR) system reported by the techniques of silver nitrate impregnation and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using 18S rDNA sequences as probe. The distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, observed by the C-band technique and Chromomycin A3 staining showed great similarity among the analyzed populations and consists mainly of discrete blocks in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions of most chromosomes. The presence of female heterogamety was alsoobserved indicating a ZZ/ZW system with W chromosome almost totally heterochromatic. The results also show cytogenetic diversity of the group and are useful to understand the mechanisms of karyotype evolution of the family. © Edson Lourenço da Silva et al.


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Sponge spicules are siliceous microfossils that are especially useful for analysis of sandy fluvio-lacustrine sediments. Sponge spicules in a long sediment core (~550 cm below surface), consisting of fine sand, sandy silt, and organic-rich mud, recovered from the floodplain of the Nabileque River, southern Pantanal, Brazil (S20°16′38. 3″/W57°33′00. 0″), form the basis of a novel paleoenvironmental interpretation for this region. Optically stimulated luminescence dates constrain the timing of deposition to the middle-late Holocene and all spicules identified are typical of the Brazilian cerrado biome. The base of the section is dominated by Oncosclera navicella Carter 1881, Metaniaspinata Carter 1881, and Corvospongilla seckti Bonetto and Ezcurra de Drago 1966, which indicate a lotic to semi-lotic environment strongly influenced by an actively meandering river channel at ~6. 7-5. 7 ka BP. The appearance of Heterorotula fistula Volkmer-Ribeiro and Motta 1995, Dosilia pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro 1992 and Radiospongilla amazonensis Volkmer-Ribeiro and Maciel 1983 at ~340 cm downcore suggests a reduction in flowing water and a more stable lentic environment, consistent with deposition in an oxbow lake. This oxbow lake environment existed during an interval of regional aridity between ~4. 5 and 3. 9 ka BP. Spicules, as well as phytoliths and diatoms, are highly variable moving up-section, with species from both lotic and lentic ecosystems present. Above ~193 cm, the total abundance of spicules declines, consistent with wetter climate conditions and development of an underfit river similar to the modern floodplain. Results support hypotheses related to migration of the Paraguay River inferred from geomorphological studies and add a key southern-region dataset to the emerging Holocene database of paleoenvironmental records from the Pantanal wetlands. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Includes bibliography


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The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in mammals codes for antigen-presenting proteins. For this reason, the MHC is of great importance for immune function and animal health. Previous studies revealed this gene-dense and polymorphic region in river buffalo to be on the short arm of chromosome 2, which is homologous to cattle chromosome 23. Using cattle-derived STS markers and a river buffalo radiation hybrid (RH) panel (BBURH5000), we generated a high-resolution RH map of the river buffalo MHC region. The buffalo MHC RH map (cR5000) was aligned with the cattle MHC RH map (cR 12000) to compare gene order. The buffalo MHC had similar organization to the cattle MHC, with class II genes distributed in two segments, class IIa and class IIb. Class IIa was closely associated with the class I and class III regions, and class IIb was a separate cluster. A total of 53 markers were distributed into two linkage groups based on a two-point LOD score threshold of ≥8. The first linkage group included 32 markers from class IIa, class I and class III. The second linkage group included 21 markers from class IIb. Bacterial artificial chromosome clones for seven loci were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes using single- and double-color hybridizations. The order of cytogenetically mapped markers in the region corroborated the physical order of markers obtained from the RH map and served as anchor points to align and orient the linkage groups. © 2012 The Authors, Animal Genetics © 2012 Stichting International Foundation for Animal Genetics.


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Changes to the structure of the phytoplankton community and to the physical and chemical variables of the water were investigated in oxbow lakes with different levels of connection to a tropical river and subject to annual hydrological pulse variations. The selected lentic environments are located at the mouth region of the main tributary in a reservoir built for water storage and electric power generation. The temporal variation of phytoplankton in the studied lentic environments can be attributed mainly to the hydrological level of the river. A similar variation pattern of the ecological attributes was observed in the structure of the phytoplankton community in the connected lakes and Paranapanema River, evidencing the high degree of association that the lacustrine systems maintain with the river. The highest values of richness and diversity for connected environments were observed at the end of the emptying period and in the drought. However, considering the isolated lake, the highest values of these attributes were recorded during the flooding period. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.