1000 resultados para IHE Framework, Integrazione, Sistemi informativi, Cardiologia


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Preventing obesity is a key priority for the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in Northern Ireland. In support of this, the DHSSPS has led the development of a cross-Departmental, crosssectoral Obesity Prevention Framework for Northern Ireland 2011-2021, entitled A Fitter Future For All, which seeks to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity throughout  Northern Ireland. The Framework focuses action on three main pillars: food & nutrition; physical activity; and data and research, and within the context of three life course stages: Early Years; Children and Young People; and Adults. This approach is consistent with the responses being undertaken by a number of countries, following the Foresight Report.


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The draft Framework set out the proposed priorities for Northern Ireland's energy future over the next ten years or so and illustrates the key energy goals in term of competitiveness, security of energy supply, sustainablilty and infrastructure investment. It also proposes new and ambitious renewable electricity and renewable heat targets by 2020, which reflect the need for effected action against climate change and the need to address other policy goals in terms of security and sustainability of supply and costs.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes cooperation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH welcomes the opportunity to comment on the DARD Rural anti-poverty and social inclusion Framework.  IPH has conducted extensive work on poverty, equality and health across the island of Ireland.  We have also been specifically involved in other projects looking at the impact of rural areas and health, which may be found at www.publichealth.ie We would like to highlight the importance of considering the health needs of rural communities in policy such as the Rural Anti Poverty and Social Inclusion Framework. A wide variety of issues affect people’s health including employment, transport and access to services, for example the health and wellbeing of people in rural communities can be adversely affected by social isolation from a lack of public transport.


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IPH welcome the opportunity to comment on the Department for Social Development, Draft Regeneration Framework for the North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast City Centre, the ‘Northside Urban Village’. The Framework outlines the vision for the redevelopment of an inner city area of Belfast.    It is recognized that a number of social, economic and environmental factors influence health. Urban regeneration has major implications for health as it includes not only physical redevelopment but also issues such as education, employment, environmental conditions, housing, welfare and healthcare.   Urban regeneration can also help to address health inequalities at a local level, as the areas where regeneration is undertaken are usually marked by poor economic and social conditions. The North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast is a historic part of the city. The identified area is one of the most socio-economically deprived areas of not only Belfast but Northern Ireland. The area is characterised by the large number of people who receive income and housing benefits, have low levels of educational qualifications, high rates of long-term illnesses and it is also an area of high long-term unemployment.


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In Northern Ireland in 2002-03, there were almost 30,000 admissions to hospital for respiratory conditions utilizing over 180,000 bed days and costing almost å£50m. Social security support for people with long term chest and breathing problems amounts to å£26m annually. This framework sets out how with better prevention and self management a reduction in ill health and a contribute to a reduction in avoidable deaths can be achieved. And with better co-ordinated and integrated services more consistent and effective care for those people unfortunate enough to suffer from serious disease can be provided. This in turn will enable services to better respond to the increasing needs of a more elderly population. The document contains a number of recommendations. These include significant service re-organisation and re-design so that the whole system – the primary, community and hospital sectors, provides for a more responsive and effective service to users and carers. This should result in much more of the overall caseload being proactively managed in community and primary care environments allowing scarce hospital capacity to be devoted to the most critical cases. This includes the development of new ways of caring for at risk patients, more effective rehabilitation in the community, improved education and training of professionals and better communication across the community and hospital sectors.


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Despite the tremendous amount of data collected in the field of ambulatory care, political authorities still lack synthetic indicators to provide them with a global view of health services utilization and costs related to various types of diseases. Moreover, public health indicators fail to provide useful information for physicians' accountability purposes. The approach is based on the Swiss context, which is characterized by the greatest frequency of medical visits in Europe, the highest rate of growth for care expenditure, poor public information but a lot of structured data (new fee system introduced in 2004). The proposed conceptual framework is universal and based on descriptors of six entities: general population, people with poor health, patients, services, resources and effects. We show that most conceptual shortcomings can be overcome and that the proposed indicators can be achieved without threatening privacy protection, using modern cryptographic techniques. Twelve indicators are suggested for the surveillance of the ambulatory care system, almost all based on routinely available data: morbidity, accessibility, relevancy, adequacy, productivity, efficacy (from the points of view of the population, people with poor health, and patients), effectiveness, efficiency, health services coverage and financing. The additional costs of this surveillance system should not exceed Euro 2 million per year (Euro 0.3 per capita).


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"Making Life Better" is the public health strategy for Northern Ireland 2013-2023. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce inequalities in health.


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Welcome to the easy access version of the Service Framework for Cardiovascular Health and Wellbeing. åÊ It sets out what you can expect from the Health and Social Care (HSC) services in Northern Ireland if you have a cardiovascular illness or you care for someone who does.


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Easy Access Version


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Easy Access Version


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A Framework for Preventing and Addressing Overweight and Obesity in NI 2012-2022 This Framework aims to “empower the population of Northern Ireland to make healthy choices, reduce the risk of overweight and obesity related diseases and improve health and wellbeing, by creating an environment that supports and promotes a physically active lifestyle and a healthy diet”. In addition, the following overarching targets have been set: Adults • To reduce the level of obesity by 4% and overweight and obesity by 3% by 2022. Children • A 3% reduction of obesity and 2% reduction of overweight and obesity by 2022åÊThe target is in two parts; the proportion that are obese and the proportion that are overweight and obese. Prevention is typically taken forward through action to address two main areas – improving diet and nutrition, and increasing participation in physical activity. Acknowledging this, two overarching objectives for the Framework have been set: to increase the percentage of people eating a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet; and to increase the percentage of the population meeting the CMO guidelines on physical activity.


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Learning Disability Service Framework - Easy Access Version


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Easy Access Version


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"Living with Long Term Conditions – A Policy Framework" has been developed to provide a strategic driver for the reform and modernisation of services for adults in Northern Ireland living with long term conditions irrespective of condition or care setting.


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