994 resultados para Historical documents
The current tendency tu study personal testimonials of all kinds is useful when doing research into the period of Enlightenment in Europe. The prolific production of such documents in 18th-century Switzerland offers the opportunity to ask whether there was a specifically Swiss form of Enlightenment. The answer in undoubtedly complex. One must first look into received ideas that would permit establishing a coherent link between the prevailing intellectual atmospere in Switzerland and personal writings. Secondly, the originality of these abundant writings is not the primary concern. It is more important to try to understand the relationship between the historical implications of these writings and the conception of the human person that is conveyed therein. In studying the testimonials, the challenge lies in determining the contextual situation of the first person narrator - a rhetorical device that typifies the genre.
Under the influence of intelligence-led policing models, crime analysis methods have known of important developments in recent years. Applications have been proposed in several fields of forensic science to exploit and manage various types of material evidence in a systematic and more efficient way. However, nothing has been suggested so far in the field of false identity documents.This study seeks to fill this gap by proposing a simple and general method for profiling false identity documents which aims to establish links based on their visual forensic characteristics. A sample of more than 200 false identity documents including French stolen blank passports, counterfeited driving licenses from Iraq and falsified Bulgarian driving licenses was gathered from nine Swiss police departments and integrated into an ad hoc developed database called ProfID. Links detected automatically and systematically through this database were exploited and analyzed to produce strategic and tactical intelligence useful to the fight against identity document fraud.The profiling and intelligence process established for these three types of false identity documents has confirmed its efficiency, more than 30% of documents being linked. Identity document fraud appears as a structured and interregional criminality, against which material and forensic links detected between false identity documents might serve as a tool for investigation.
Metz évêché ; Bulles et autres pièces, n os 1-10, 12-14, 17-24, 26-36. Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4883, pp. 7789-7800 ; Bibl. de Nancy, ms. 763, 1 re partie, pp. 167 et 168. — Voy. ms. fr. 4883, pp. 7761-7789.
Contient : Vidimus (1497) des lettres de Marguerite, duchesse de Bourgogne, portant réception de l'hommage de Ferry, comte de Vaudémont, pour une rente sur le tonlieu de Damme (Arras, 22 novembre 1404) ; Affranchissement accordé par Marguerite de Joinville, comtesse de Vaudémont, à Geoffroy Parmentier et à Jeannette, sa femme, demeurant à Vézelise (1415) ; Lettres d'Antoine de Lorraine au duc de Bar, au sujet de déprédations commises dans la terre de Montiers-sur-Saulx (Vézelise, 1430) ; Déclaration de Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne, concernant la mise en liberté de prisonniers faits depuis la trève, conclue sur sa médiation entre le duc de Bar et le comte de Vaudémont (1432) ; Lettres de Charles VII au comte Antoine (1443) ; Lettres du roi René au même (1435-1437) ; Lettres de la duchesse Isabelle au même (1435) ; « Instrument de Joffroi Bouquin, pour un accort fait à Condet-sur-Muselle, le xxije jour d'aoust l'an lxij, entre Pierre de Moncelz et le dit Joffroi pour ma dame, et messire Jehan de Saulmez pour monseigneur le duc de Bar » (28 mars 1363 ; n° 91 de la layette Traités III) ; Lettres du roi René portant don à Ferry II, comte de Vaudémont, du montant de l'imposition de 16 fl. par feu dans les seigneuries possédées par le dit Ferry en Provence (Angers, 27 décembre 1467) ; Vidimus (1477) des lettres du roi René, concédant la seigneurie de Beaufrémont au comte de Vaudémont (Marseille, 13 avril 1470) ; Mandement du roi René pour le paiement des gages de René, comte de Vaudémont, nommé gouverneur d'Anjou (Aix, 7 février 1473) ; Instructions données à Jean de Saint-Amadour et Huyn Roynette, lieutenant de Nancy, pour une mission auprès du roi (XVe siècle)
Duc des Monts, n os 1-12. — Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4882, pp. 3593-3598 ; Bibl. de Nancy, ms. 758, pp. 295-301. — Pièces concernant les prétentions d'Adolphe, duc de Berg, sur le duché de Bar, à cause de son mariage avec Yolande, fille de Robert, duc de Bar.
Rançon du roi René, n os 31-49, 51-54, 56-61. — Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4884, pp. 9522-9528 et 9505-9508.
Contient : Vidimus (1449) de quatre chartes relatives à Wolkrange (1400-1435) ; Don fait par Guérard de Rodemach à Kustgen von Rutgen, son vassal, de divers revenus en nature (1464) ; Lettres de Gilze von Busleiden, autorisant André d'Haraucourt à racheter, dans les douze ans, une rente qu'il avait constituée à son profit (1487) ; Accord entre Philippe, marquis de Bade, et Jean de Créhange, d'une part, et Marguerite d'Haraucourt, d'autre part, sur certaines contestations (1524) ; Investiture donnée au nom du roi d'Espagne à Georges de Créhange, pour ses fiefs mouvant des duché de Luxembourg et comté de Chiny (1572) ; Mémoire sur le ban de Rixange ; Liste des seigneurs, prélats, officiers, etc., convoqués aux États de Luxembourg
Collection : Collection du Bulletin-Commentaire des lois nouvelles et décrets
This paper presents a case study that explores the advantages that can be derived from the use of a design support system during the design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). With this objective in mind a simplified but plausible WWTP design case study has been generated with KBDS, a computer-based support system that maintains a historical record of the design process. The study shows how, by employing such a historical record, it is possible to: (1) rank different design proposals responding to a design problem; (2) study the influence of changing the weight of the arguments used in the selection of the most adequate proposal; (3) take advantage of keywords to assist the designer in the search of specific items within the historical records; (4) evaluate automatically thecompliance of alternative design proposals with respect to the design objectives; (5) verify the validity of previous decisions after the modification of the current constraints or specifications; (6) re-use the design records when upgrading an existing WWTP or when designing similar facilities; (7) generate documentation of the decision making process; and (8) associate a variety of documents as annotations to any component in the design history. The paper also shows one possible future role of design support systems as they outgrow their current reactive role as repositories of historical information and start to proactively support the generation of new knowledge during the design process