852 resultados para Heath Zoning


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A descoberta e utilização do petróleo provocaram significativas mudanças na sociedade ao longo do tempo, sendo ele um dos mais importantes fatores de transformação socioambiental e cultural no mundo ao longo do ultimo século. Sua grande gama de possibilidades de utilização acabou criando um sistema de produção baseado em um único agente energético, principalmente nos países que não possuem recursos hídricos nem outras fontes renováveis. Porém, nas ultimas décadas do século passado, começaram a surgir inúmeras discussões sobre a necessidade de se alterar a composição da matriz energética global. Como resultados das preocupações quanto à escassez daquele recurso natural, vários pesquisadores direcionaram seus estudos para a busca de alternativas que pudessem de forma sustentável se prestar como substituto ao petróleo. Uma delas seria o uso de biomassa, de forma a aproveitar a capacidade das plantas em transformar a energia solar em carbohidratos. O Brasil, além de possuir uma das matrizes energéticas mais diversificadas e limpas do mundo, possui grande extensão de terras agricultáveis o que o coloca em lugar de destaque quanto ao potencial de produção de culturas agroenergéticas. Considerando as características da cana-de-açúcar e a sua adaptação a áreas de cultivo do Brasil e impulsionados pela demanda de produção de biomassa moderna, a ser aplicada em processos de transformação mais complexos e que possibilitem a obtenção de outros produtos além de açúcar, álcool e energia, estudou-se neste trabalho plantas de cana-de-açúcar melhoradas com a finalidade exclusiva de produzir biomassa moderna, a chamada “cana- energia”. Esta é uma planta que, contrariamente à tradicional cana-de-açúcar, melhorada para produzir sacarose, é direcionada para produzir fibra, e que, além disso, por possuir maior participação de espécies ancestrais de maior rusticidade, estão aptas a suportar condições ambientais mais estressantes. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os híbridos de cana-energia apresentam grande potencial de produção de biomassa e massa seca por área, a custos altamente competitivos considerando as análises comparativas de custo de produção de massa seca por área. Quanto a produção foi possível observar que além de ser mais produtiva em primeiro corte, nos resultados de colheita de soqueira (segundo corte), o melhor híbrido de cana- energia chegou a produzir uma vez e meia mais massa seca que a cana-de-açúcar tradicional, e apresentou maiores produtividades que outras culturas energéticas tais como o eucalipto e o capim-elefante, sendo que, considerando as produtividades médias observadas, a partir do terceiro corte com estes níveis de produtividade, a cana-energia passa a ser a matéria prima de mais baixo custo de produção de massa seca por área, denotando o seu alto potencial como matéria prima para a produção de bioenergia. No Zoneamento agroecológico realizado para a cana energia foi possível identificar 32,3 milhões de hectares de áreas de produção agrícola marginais aptas ao cultivo deste material, sendo que de acordo com os resultados do zoneamento agrícola e as características das regiões em estudos, identifica-se que deste total, pode-se considerar que os materiais que se destacaram em produtividade neste estudo, apresentam boas condições de ocupar uma área de 2,0 a 8,0 milhões de hectares.


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Com o objetivo de precificar derivativos de taxas de juros no mercado brasileiro, este trabalho foca na implementação do modelo de Heath, Jarrow e Morton (1992) em sua forma discreta e multifatorial através de uma abordagem numérica, e, que possibilita uma grande flexibilidade na estimativa da taxa forward sob uma estrutura de volatilidade baseada em fatores ortogonais, facilitando assim a simulação de sua evolução por Monte Carlo, como conseqüência da independência destes fatores. A estrutura de volatilidade foi construída de maneira a ser totalmente não paramétrica baseada em vértices sintéticos que foram obtidos por interpolação dos dados históricos de cotações do DI Futuro negociado na BM&FBOVESPA, sendo o período analisado entre 02/01/2003 a 28/12/2012. Para possibilitar esta abordagem foi introduzida uma modificação no modelo HJM desenvolvida por Brace e Musiela (1994).


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Utilizando dados de mercado obtidos na BM&F Bovespa, este trabalho propõe uma possível variação do modelo Heath, Jarrow e Morton em sua forma discreta e multifatorial, com a introdução de jumps como forma de considerar o efeito das reuniões realizadas pelo Cômite de Políticas Monetárias (Copom). Através do uso da análise de componentes principais (PCA), é feita a calibração dos parâmetros do modelo, possibilitando a simulação da evolução da estrutura a termo de taxa de juros (ETTJ) da curva prefixada em reais via simulação de Monte Carlo (MCS). Com os cenários da curva simulada em vértices fixos (sintéticos), os resultados são comparados aos dados observados no mercado.


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Face ao crescente problema do sedentarismo, a actividade física assume um papel preponderante no combate a este flagelo. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho integra três estudos, em diferentes contextos de participação desportiva, e com os seguintes objectivos: no primeiro estudo, determinar se há diferenças na composição corporal e no somatótipo, em crianças e adolescentes; no segundo estudo, recorrendo à amostra anterior, determinar se há diferenças na aptidão física; e no terceiro estudo, analisar a relação entre os níveis de actividade física habitual, os indicadores de adiposidade e os níveis de aptidão, numa sub-amostra. A amostra foi constituída, nos dois primeiros estudos, por 465 sujeitos, com uma idade média de 13,72±1,64, e no terceiro estudo, por 36 sujeitos, com uma idade média de 15,25±1,03. As características somáticas foram avaliadas segundo o protocolo de Claessens et al. (1990). O índice de massa corporal (IMC) foi obtido pela razão entre o peso (kg) e a altura ao quadrado (m2). No cálculo da percentagem de massa gorda (% MG) recorreu-se às equações de Slaughter et al. (1988). O somatótipo foi avaliado segundo o método antropométrico de Heath-Carter (Carter & Heath, 1990). A aptidão física foi avaliada através das baterias de testes ‘Eurofit’ (Adam et al., 1988) e ‘Prudential Fitnessgram’ (Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research, 1992) e a actividade física por acelerometria (‘Computer Science and Applications’, Inc.). Os resultados do primeiro estudo indicam que não existem diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) na composição corporal e no somatótipo, em função da participação desportiva, enquanto o segundo estudo refere diferenças (p < 0,05), na aptidão física associada à saúde. No terceiro estudo, as crianças e os adolescentes cumprem com as recomendações internacionais de actividade física. De igual forma, a actividade física exibe uma relação negativa com os indicadores de adiposidade e positiva com a aptidão física associada à saúde.


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This research studies the relation between city and nature in the urbanity s plans from Natal RN, Brazil, during the 20th century. Investigates and analyses the main documents that bring environmental s ideas inside from the urbanity s plans of Natal; gives the historical and economical situation from the city in each period studied; features the urbanity s plans, using categories of analyses to comprehension of this instruments. Try to contribute in the bigger process of historical rescue of Natal, and stimulates new studies. It was used documental s research, and bibliographic material. It was identified four (04) kinds of plans: the ones that focus in health and aesthetic (1901, 1929, 1935) technology and science (1968), zoning and control (1974, 1984) and environment. The hints founded shows that environmental ideas were put inside of the plans by government demands, especially in 1994 s plan, almost always without popular contribution and without this population get understands its meanings and implications


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This research presents a study investigating the correlation between the environmental-physycal charcateristics of cities and the formation of its micro-climates. The study was conducted in the central area of Fortaleza characterized as a stable and consolidated area, where the city originated and currently faces serious problems in its urban dynamics. The points of measurements were determined by the elaboration and analysis of topography maps, height of buildings, land use, type of surface coating and vegetation, following the methodology of Katzschner (1997). A zoning map was then determined, according to common morphological characteristics of the 12 measurement points, which were based on a set of Romero s (2001) bioclimatic criteria. Air measurements, temperature, humidity, intensity and direction of winds were made in transect form in two different circuits in the study area, with six points of data collection in each area, in three different times: 6:00 am, 1:00pm and 7:00pm, during two periods of the year: August 2008 and March 2009. The results verified the influence of different environmental-physical types in the behavior of the climatic variables that were collected. A verticalização tão condenada em algumas situações se bem equilibrada e controlada pode reduzir as temperaturas do ar através do sombreamento dos espaços urbanos e possibilidade de maior permeabilidade a ventilação natural. The highest average air temperature and lower humidity were recorded at the point I at all times. This situation may have been in result of the high density, poor vegetation and extended paving of the ground. According to the results, it s clear the positive influence vegetation has on easing air temperature. Another indicator observed that areas with a greater variation in building heights tend to present decreased average air temperature. High rise structure, planned in accordance to urban air quality parameters, can reduce air temperatures by the shading of urban spaces and the possibility of greater penetration of natural ventilation


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This study was intended to investigate how the urban form has been influencing the changes in the climate of the city and make a correlation between the climate and the thermal sensation of the users of open spaces. The research was developed in the district of Petrópolis in Natal/ RN whose occupation has been almost consolidated. Among other reasons, this district was selected because it was planned considering the environmental aspects of comfort. The methodologies used are based on KATZSCHNER (1997) and OLIVEIRA (1988) studies, which suggest the drawing and analysis of maps of the area under study, including topography, height of the buildings, land use, green areas, and types of soil pavement, as well as measurement of the environmental variables: air temperature, relative humidity, direction and wind speed for a comparative study. As part of this, study local users of the district were interviewed about their thermal sensations in open spaces. For the statistical analysis, data was collected at 10 distinct points characterized by BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), being 8 within the district and 2 at different places (outside the district), at climatologic stations, in 3 periods (August/2000, January/2002 and June/2002), for 4 consecutive days for each measurement (from Sunday to Wednesday) at the time of lower and higher temperatures in the city, 6:00 am and 1:00 pm, respectively. At the same time interviews were carried out with users of the open spaces in the area, totaling 171 valid formularies. The urban form showed a rather leveled topography, great diversity of land use and height of the buildings, with the existence of an area mostly occupied with high buildings, very little green area and soil practically impermeable. The statistical analysis showed high temperature and humidity levels. The wind direction is predominantly Southeast with extremely variable speeds. When the data from this district is compared with the data from other areas in the city and its outskirt, it was observed that this district is hotter and less ventilated than the others; besides, most users said that they felt uncomfortable in the local environmental conditions. The results of the analysis generated a zoning for the district with recommendations for soil occupation. The profile of the user was defined regarding the thermal comfort, as well as some discussion about the comfort parameters, including the proposal of limiting areas of temperature and humidity for the thermal comfort in the open spaces


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The kinanthropometric characteristics are used by the sports science as selection criteria and detection of talents. Hence, this study aimed at comparing the anthropometrical profile, the body composition, the somatotype and the vertical jumps of the beach volleyball players. This study consists of 79 male beach volleyball players, being forty nine (n=49) Brazilian participants of the National Circuit and thirty (n=30) of 15 countries participating in the XV Pan American Games. In order to analyze the vertical jumps of the Brazilian the participants were allocated into two groups (G1 and G2) in agreement with the national ranking of their teams. The vertical jump protocol developed by Smith and collaborators was used to evaluate the vertical jumps of spike and block. The Heath-Carter anthropometrical technique (1990) was used for calculating the somatotype. The Student s t test with the Bonferroni adjustment was used to calculate the differences among the investigated variables. The multiple regression analysis was used to identify the contributions of the anthropometrical variables in the performance of the vertical jumps and the multivariance analysis was used to calculate the differences among the components of the somatotype. The Brazilian athletes of G1 were better than G2 in the spike jump (p <0.01), block jump (p <0.01) and in the block difference (p <0.01). The prediction model of the spike jump of G2 included the body mass and standing spike reach (adjusted R2 = 0.77), the body mass and the standing block reach were also included in the model of the block jump (adjusted R2 = 0.73). The regression model of G1 was not statistically significant. As for the somatotype, statistically significant differences were found between the Brazilians and the Pan Americans (Wilks' lambda = 0.498; p <0.05). The Brazilian somatotype was classified as balanced mesomorph (2.7-4.3-3.0) and the Pan American somatotype as endomorphic mesomorph (3.5-4.6-2.4). As to the specific position of the block game (2.8-4.3-2.9) and the defense game (2.6-4.4-3.0), the Brazilian somatotype was classified as balanced mesomorph and the Pan American somatotype, the block (3.7-4.4-2.4) and the defense (3.4-4.9-2.3), was classified as endomorphic mesomorph. In conclusion, the vertical jump height (spike and block) influences the male Brazilian beach volleyball players performance. The physical type of the Brazilian blockers and defenders was similar with relationship to the somatotype. The Brazilian and Pan American beach volleyball players differ in terms of kinanthropometric characteristics. This work had a multidisciplinary feature with the participation of several departments and laboratories, like the Physiotherapy Department, the Nutrition Department, the Physical Education Laboratory, thus corroborating the multidisciplinary research feature


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Objective: Identify phenotype and genotype parameters of female volleyball players at different performance levels to help in player selection. Methods: We identified characteristics of phenotype and genotype using the somatotype method (Heath Carter); anthropometry (weight, height and fat percentage); dermatoglyphics (Cummins and Midlo s method) as well as applying physical quality tests (Shuttle Run to assess agility and the Sargent Jump Test adapted for spike and block reach). The sample was composed of 179 players (54 from national teams and 125 from state teams). Results: Somatotype was similar among the performance levels in the mesomorphic component. The Height and ectomorphic component were greater in national team players as was spike and block reach. The vertical jump height for the spike was similar between the national under-17 team and the state teams observed, but in the block jump the lower level players were better. The dermatoglyphics characteristics identified were similar among the groups studied. Conclusions: The results of the variables studied show that somatotype, height, spike reach and block reach are fundamental parameters in player selection and in the specific characteristics of each game position of this sport. This paper proposes a multidisciplinary approach applicable in the fields of physical education, medicine and nutrition


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate physical characteristics and to examine association between somatotype and performance in collegiate runners of 100 m and 400 m. Methods: The sample, male runners (n=39) competing at the regional level in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, had height, body mass, skinfolds, limb circumference and skeletal breadths measured. Then, the somatotype was calculated by Health-Carter method. Races (100 m and 400 m) were held to assess athletic performance. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the total sample, as well as for the 100 m and 400 m groups, and established four subgroups, named quartiles. For analysis between groups of runners (100 m x 400 m) was used Student's t test for independent samples. To examine the relationship between the race times and anthropometric variables, was used the Pearson correlation test. The somatotype dispersion distance and somatotype spatial distance were calculated among subgroups. One-way analysis of variance, the Wilcoxon test followed of Tukey post test, and correlation analysis were used with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Somatotype with mesomorphy and ectomorphy dominance was exhibited by 100 m and 400 m athletes. Endomorphy was low in both groups, especially in 400m runners, who had more elongated body types than 100 m runners. When separately compared by athletic performance quartile, 100 m sprinters of better qualifications (G100-G1) had somatotype with dominant mesomorphy, whereas 400 m runners had somatotype with dominant ectomorphy. A significant correlation (r = -0.55, p=0.008) between calf circumference and 100 m race times was observed showing the importance of muscularity, whereas a significant correlation was found between height and 400 m race times (r = -0.53, p=0.02) showing the importance of linearity. Conclusion: Runners of 100 and 400 may show differences in physical characteristics, depending on the level of athletic performance. Anthropometric periodic evaluations may help in the training process of these athletes. However, more specific assessment parameters should be taken into account, because somatotype by itself has not power to predict whether an individual will succeed in racing speed


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The purpose of the present study is to identify the dermatoglyphic and somatotypic characteristics and the physical qualities of athletes from the under-17 State volleyball team, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample was composed of athletes, n = 14, aged 15.0 ± 0.88 years, weight (Kg) 58.3 ± 5.90 and height (cm) 169.4 ± 7.97, members of the referred team. For data collection Cummins & Midlo s (1942), o dermatoglyphic method and Heath & Carter s (1967) somatotypic method were used and to evaluate physical qualities, 2400m, 50m, Shuttle Run, abdominal , Sargent test and medicine-ball toss were performed. Fingerprints show that the group presents genetic predisposition for the following physical qualities: explosive force and velocity. As to somatotype, the group was endo-ectomorphic. At physical evaluation the group presented low Vo2 max values and reasonable levels of explosive force, local muscular endurance, agility and velocity. We conclude that: according to the dermatoglyphic model observed, the group needs training strategies to improve coordination and agility; somatotype reveals the necessity for reducing fat levels and increasing muscular mass; the evaluation of physical qualities demonstrates the need for better physical preparation. This study traces the profile of the under-17 volleyball player from Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to genetic and somatotypic aspects and physical qualities, which will serve as a parameter for future state teams


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Regulation of chromosome inheritance is essential to ensure proper transmission of genetic information. To accomplish accurate genome segregation, cells organize their chromosomes and actively separate them prior to cytokinesis. In Bacillus subtilis the Spo0J protein is required for accurate chromosome segregation and it regulates the developmental switch from vegetative growth to sporulation. Spo0J is a DNA-binding protein that recognizes at least eight identified parS sites located near the origin of replication. As judged by fluorescence microscopy, Spo0J forms discrete foci associated with the oriC region of the chromosome throughout the cell cycle. In an attempt to determine the mechanisms utilized by Spo0J to facilitate productive chromosome segregation, we have investigated the DNA binding activity of Spo0J. In vivo we find Spo0J associates with several kilobases of DNA flanking its specific binding sites (parS) through a parS-dependent nucleation event that promotes lateral spreading of Spo0J along the chromosome. Using purified components we find that Spo0J has the ability to coat non-specific DNA substrates. These 'Spo0J domains' provide large structures near oriC that could potentially demark, organize or localize the origin region of the chromosome.


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From the second half of the century XX, in many Brazilian cities, the "historic centers" stop being the most densely populated areas of the city, accumulate degradation of the built environment and its functions have physical, social and economic resignified when also intensified interventions in these same centers Historic focused its redevelopment. This work aims to reflect on the experience of urban regeneration in the historic center of Natal, addressing the strategies adopted in the implementation of public policies and how these improve the effectiveness of actions, processes and outcomes for which turn the management of the historic center in question. In Natal, is identified in the neighborhoods of the Upper Town and Ribeira, the historic city center, a large distortion of their ancient architectural complex, the use of sub-urban infrastructure and emptying in the evenings and weekends. Shares redevelopment of the historic center of Natal are considered late, it is only recently that these neighborhoods were objects of policies and projects generally aimed at enhancing the cultural attraction of the area, and not always, it can be said that they have relevance in development process of the city. Added to this, there is the slowness of the interventions, although the zoning as an area of historic preservation has been done for over two decade. In Natal, the ideas of sustainable development articulated a proposed redevelopment of its historic center is still far from being achieved, but on the other hand, the latest phase of implementation of plans and projects in the area, indicating the intention to transform practical experience in the formulations and proposals in relation to these ideals