977 resultados para Halides--Spectra.
The largest biological fractionations of stable carbon isotopes observed in nature occur during production of methane by methanogenic archaea. These fractionations result in substantial (as much as 70) shifts in 13C relative to the initial substrate. We now report that a stable carbon isotopic fractionation of comparable magnitude (up to 70) occurs during oxidation of methyl halides by methylotrophic bacteria. We have demonstrated biological fractionation with whole cells of three methylotrophs (strain IMB-1, strain CC495, and strain MB2) and, to a lesser extent, with the purified cobalamin-dependent methyltransferase enzyme obtained from strain CC495. Thus, the genetic similarities recently reported between methylotrophs, and methanogens with respect to their pathways for C1-unit metabolism are also reflected in the carbon isotopic fractionations achieved by these organisms. We found that only part of the observed fractionation of carbon isotopes could be accounted for by the activity of the corrinoid methyltransferase enzyme, suggesting fractionation by enzymes further along the degradation pathway. These observations are of potential biogeochemical significance in the application of stable carbon isotope ratios to constrain the tropospheric budgets for the ozone-depleting halocarbons, methyl bromide and methyl chloride.
A pre-concentration system has been validated for use with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC/MS/IRMS) to determine ambient air 13C/12C ratios for methyl halides (MeCl and MeBr) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The isotopic composition of specific compounds can provide useful information on their atmospheric budgets and biogeochemistry that cannot be ascertained from abundance measurements alone. Although pre-concentration systems have been previously used with a GC/MS/IRMS for atmospheric trace gas analysis, this is the first study also to report system validation tests. Validation results indicate that the pre-concentration system and subsequent separation technologies do not significantly alter the stable isotopic ratios of the target methyl halides, CFC-12 (CCl2F2) and CFC-113 (C2Cl3F3). Significant, but consistent, isotopic shifts of -27.5 to -25.6 do occur within the system for CFC-11 (CCl3F), although the shift is correctible. The method presented has the capacity to separate these target halocarbons from more than 50 other compounds in ambient air samples. Separation allows for the determination of stable carbon isotope ratios of five of these six target trace atmospheric constituents within ambient air for large volume samples (10 L). Representative urban air analyses from Belfast City are also presented which give carbon isotope results similar to published values for 13C/12C analysis of MeCl (-39.1) and CFC-113 (-28.1). However, this is the first paper reporting stable carbon isotope signatures for CFC-11 (-29.4) and CFC-12 (-37.0).
Recent fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross-sections for FeXIII are used to generate emission-line ratios involving 3s23p2-3s3p3 and 3s23p2-3s23p3d transitions in the 170-225 and 235-450 Å wavelength ranges covered by the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS). A comparison of these line ratios with SERTS active region observations from rocket flights in 1989 and 1995 reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. Several new FeXIII emission features are identified, at wavelengths of 203.79, 259.94, 288.56 and 290.81 Å. However, major discrepancies between theory and observation remain for several FeXIII transitions, as previously found by Landi and others, which cannot be explained by blending. Errors in the adopted atomic data appear to be the most likely explanation, in particular for transitions which have 3s23p3d1D2 as their upper level. The most useful FeXIII electron-density diagnostics in the SERTS spectral regions are assessed, in terms of the line pairs involved being (i) apparently free of atomic physics problems and blends, (ii) close in wavelength to reduce the effects of possible errors in the instrumental intensity calibration, and (iii) very sensitive to changes in Ne over the range 108-1011cm-3. It is concluded that the ratios which best satisfy these conditions are 200.03/202.04 and 203.17/202.04 for the 170-225 Å wavelength region, and 348.18/320.80, 348.18/368.16, 359.64/348.18 and 359.83/368.16 for 235-450 Å.
The absorption-line spectra of early B-type supergiants show significant broadening that implies that an additional broadening mechanism (characterized here as `macroturbulence') is present in addition to rotational broadening. Using high-resolution spectra with signal-to-noise ratios of typically 500, we have attempted to quantify the relative contributions of rotation and macroturbulence, but even with data of this quality significant problems were encountered. However, for all our targets, a model where macroturbulence dominates and rotation is negligible is acceptable; the reverse scenario leads to poor agreement between theory and observation. Additionally, there is marginal evidence for the degree of broadening increasing with line strength, possibly a result of the stronger lines being formed higher in the atmosphere. Acceptable values of the projected rotational velocity are normally less than or equal to 50 km s-1, which may also be a typical upper limit for the rotational velocity. Our best estimates for the projected rotational velocity are typically 10-20 km s-1 and hence compatible with this limit. These values are compared with those predicted by single star evolutionary models, which are initially rapidly rotating. It is concluded that either these models underestimate the rate of rotational breaking or some of the targets may be evolving through a blue loop or are binaries.
An analysis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra of two B-type main sequence stars, NGC 346-11 and AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), has been undertaken, using the non-LTE tlusty model atmospheres to derive the stellar parameters and chemical compositions of each star. The chemical compositions of the two stars are in reasonable agreement. Moreover, our stellar analysis agrees well with earlier analyses of H II regions. The results derived here should be representative of the current base-line chemical composition of the SMC interstellar medium as derived from B-type stars.
Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates for transitions among the 2s(2)2p(2), 2s2p(3) and 2p(4) levels of Fe XXI are used to derive theoretical electron density (N-e) sensitive emission-line ratios involving 2S2(2)p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in the similar to 98-146 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations from the PLT tokamak plasma, for which the electron density has been independently determined, reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment, and in some instances removes discrepancies found previously. The observed Fe XXI ratios for a solar flare, obtained with the OSO-5 satellite, imply electron densities which are consistent, with discrepancies that do not exceed 0.2 dex. In addition, the derived values of N-e are similar to those estimated for the high-temperature regions of other solar flares. The good agreement between theory and observation, in particular for the tokamak spectra, provides experimental support for the accuracy of the present line-ratio calculations, and hence for the atomic data on which they are based.
Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates among the 3s(2)3p(4) levels of Cl II are used to derive the nebular emission-line intensity ratios R-1=I(6161.8 Angstrom)/I(8578.7 Angstrom) and R-2=I(6161.8 Angstrom)/I(9123.6 Angstrom) as a function of electron temperature (T-e) and density (N-e). The ratios are found to be very sensitive to changes in T-e but not N-e for densities lower than 10(5) cm(-3). Hence, they should, in principle, provide excellent optical T-e diagnostics for planetary nebulae. The observed values of R-1 and R-2 for the planetary nebulae NGC 6741 and IC 5117, measured from spectra obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph on the 3 m Shane Telescope, imply temperatures in excellent agreement with those derived from other diagnostic lines formed in the same region of the nebula as [Cl II]. This provides some observational support for the accuracy of the [Cl II] line ratio calculations and hence the atomic data on which they are based. The [Cl II] 8578.7 and 9123.6 Angstrom lines are identified for the first time (to our knowledge) in a high-resolution spectrum of the symbiotic star RR Telescopii, obtained with the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9 m Anglo- Australian Telescope. However, the 6161.8 Angstrom feature is unfortunately too weak to be identified in the RR Telescopii observations, consistent with its predicted line strength.
Theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios involving 2s(2)2p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in Si IX between 223 and 350 Angstrom are presented. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar-active-region, quiet-Sun, subflare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. This provides support for the accuracy of the line- ratio diagnostics, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. In particular, the density-sensitive intensity ratio I (258.10 Angstrom)/ I (349.87 Angstrom) offers an especially promising diagnostic for studies of coronal plasmas, as it involves two reasonably strong emission lines and varies by more than an order of magnitude over the useful density range of 10(9)-10(11) cm(-3). The 2s(2)2p(2) S-1(0) - 2s2p(3) P-1(1) transition at 259.77 Angstrom is very marginally identified for the first time in the SERTS database, although it has previously been detected in solar flare observations.