987 resultados para HIPS-g-MA
Transposon mutagenesis has been applied to a hyper-invasive clinical isolate of Campylobacter jejuni, 01/51. A random transposon mutant library was screened in an in vitro assay of invasion and 26 mutants with a significant reduction in invasion were identified. Given that the invasion potential of C. jejuni is relatively poor compared to other enteric pathogens, the use of a hyper-invasive strain was advantageous as it greatly facilitated the identification of mutants with reduced invasion. The location of the transposon insertion in 23 of these mutants has been determined; all but three of the insertions are in genes also present in the genome-sequenced strain NCTC 11168. Eight of the mutants contain transposon insertions in one region of the genome (approximately 14 kb), which when compared with the genome of NCTC 11168 overlaps with one of the previously reported plasticity regions and is likely to be involved in genomic variation between strains. Further characterization of one of the mutants within this region has identified a gene that might be involved in adhesion to host cells.
Este experimento se realizó en la Granja Experimental Porcina (G.E.P), Cofradía, Masaya, con 82 cerdas del cuarto parto, 30 servidas a través de inseminación artificial (I.A) y 52 cerdas por monta natural (M.N); iniciando en mayo de 1,995 hasta mayo de 1,996 con el objetivo de evaluar los parámetros reproductivos y económicos en ambos sistemas de monta. Los dos grupos de cerdas reproductoras estaban compuestos por las razas LANDRACE, YORKSHIRE y DUROC. Las variables evaluadas fueron: Tasa de concepción (T.C) y tasa de parición (T.P), números de crías por partos (N.C.P), peso vivo promedio del lechón en la camada al nacer (P.V.L.C), relación beneficio-costo (B-C). Los resultados finales comprobados al 5% de significancia estadísticas fueron: T.P en I.A con 56.66% menor que en M.N con 76.92%, en N.C.P para I.A con 7.06, menor que en M.N de 8.725, P.V.L.C en I.A de 1.85 kg, similar a 1.74 kg, en MN. Para la relación B-C en I.A fue de 0.53 córdobas y para M.N de 0.56 córdobas.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a spatially evolving flat-plate boundary layer transition process at free stream Mach number 0.7 is performed. Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) waves are added on the inlet boundary as the disturbances before transition. Typical coherent structures in the transition process are investigated based on the second invariant of velocity gradient tensor. The instantaneous shear stress and the mean velocity profile in the transition region are studied. In our view, the fact that the peak value of shear stress in the stress concentration area increases and exceeds a threshold value during the later stage of the transition process plays an important role in the laminar breakdown process.
Campylobacter jejuni is a zoonotic bacterial pathogen of worldwide importance. It is estimated that 460,000 human infections occur in the United Kingdom per annum and these involve acute enteritis and may be complicated by severe systemic sequelae. Such infections are frequently associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry meat and strategies to control C. jejuni in poultry are expected to limit pathogen entry into the food chain and the incidence of human disease. Toward this aim, a total of 840 Light Sussex chickens were used to evaluate a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ΔaroA vaccine expressing the C. jejuni amino acid binding protein CjaA as a plasmid-borne fusion to the C-terminus of fragment C of tetanus toxin. Chickens were given the vaccine at 1-day-old and two weeks later by oral gavage, then challenged after a further two weeks with C. jejuni. Across six biological replicates, statistically significant reductions in caecal C. jejuni of c. 1.4 log10 colony-forming units/g were observed at three and four weeks post-challenge relative to age-matched unvaccinated birds. Protection was associated with the induction of CjaA-specific serum IgY and biliary IgA. Protection was not observed using a vaccine strain containing the empty plasmid. Vaccination with recombinant CjaA subcutaneously at the same intervals significantly reduced the caecal load of C. jejuni at three and four weeks post-challenge. Taken together these data imply that responses directed against CjaA, rather than competitive or cross-protective effects mediated by the carrier, confer protection. The impact of varying parameters on the efficacy of the S. Typhimurium ΔaroA vaccine expressing TetC-CjaA was also tested. Delaying the age at primary vaccination had little impact on protection or humoral responses to CjaA. The use of the parent strain as carrier or changing the attenuating mutation of the carrier to ΔspaS or ΔssaU enhanced the protective effect, consistent with increased invasion and persistence of the vaccine strains relative to the ΔaroA mutant. Expression in the ΔaroA strain of a TetC fusion to Peb1A, but not TetC fusions to GlnH or ChuA, elicited protection against intestinal colonisation by C. jejuni that was comparable to that observed with the TetC-CjaA fusion. Our data are rendered highly relevant by use of the target host in large numbers and support the potential of CjaA- and Peb1A-based vaccines for control of C. jejuni in poultry. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Durante la época de postrera del 2001 se establecieron dos ensayos en las localidades La Compañía y La Conquista pertenecientes al departamento de Carazo con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento de 34 genotipos de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) y 2 genotipos de frijol tepari( Phaseolus acutifulius G.). en cuanto a caracteres de rendimiento y desarrollo. Estos materiales fueron proporcionados por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). El diseño utilizado fue de bloques incompleto con 3 repeticiones. Los resultados de campo se procesaron mediante el programa de sistema análisis estadístico (SAS), la prueba de rango múltiple de Tukey al 0.05 de error para las variables evaluadas y la correlación de Pearson. Las variables evaluadas días a floración, madurez fisiológica, peso de 100 granos, y rendimiento mostraron diferencias estadísticas entre genotipos en cada localidad. La variable granos por vaina, solamente en una localidad resultó significativa, la variable número de vainas por planta no fue significativa en ambas localidades, ningún genotipo supero en cuanto al rendimiento a las variedades utilizadas como testigos. Los genotipos que superaron en precocidad a madurez fisiológica a los testigos en las dos localidades son INB 37, INB 39 y G 40068. Los genotipos con mayores incidencia al virus del mosaico dorado (BGMV) fueron SEA 15, SEA 17, SEA 19, SEA 21. SEA 22 y G 1977, los de mayor incidencia a mancha angular (Isariopsis griseo/a Sacc.) fueron G 40068, G 40159 y PINTO VILLA.
Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) is a controlled technique for the production of vertically aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes for field emission applications. In this paper, we investigate the electrical properties of individual carbon nanotubes which is important for designing field emission devices. PECVD nanotubes exhibit a room temperature resistance of 1-10 kΩ/μm length (resistivity 10-6 to 10-5 Ω m) and have a maximum current carrying capability of 0.2-2 mA (current density 107-108 A/cm2). The field emission characteristics show that the field enhancement of the structures is strongly related to the geometry (height/radius) of the structures and maximum emission currents of ∼ 10 μA were obtained. The failure of nanotubes under field emission is also discussed. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
An immunosensor interface based on mixed hydrophobic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of methyl and carboxylic acid terminated thiols with covalently attached human Immunoglobulin G (hIgG), is investigated. The densely packed and organised SAMs were characterised by contact angle measurements and cyclic voltammetry. The effect of the non-ionic surfactant, Tween 20, in preventing nonspecific adsorption is addressed by ellipsometry during physical and covalent hIgG immobilization on pure and mixed SAMs, respectively. It is clearly demonstrated that nonspecific adsorption due to hydrophobic interactions of hIgG on methyl ended groups is totally inhibited, whereas electrostatic/hydrogen bonding interactions with the exposed carboxylic groups prevail in the presence of surfactant. Results of ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, reveal that the surface concentration of covalently immobilized hIgG is determined by the ratio of COOH/CH3-terminated thiols in SAM forming solution. Moreover, the ellipsometric data demonstrates that the ratio of bound anti-hIgG/hIgG depends on the density of hIgG on the surface and that the highest ratio is close to three. We also report the selectivity and high sensitivity achieved by chronoamperometry in the detection of adsorbed hIgG and the reaction with its antibody.
Investigations made by the authors and collaborators into the microstructural aspects of adiabatic shear localization are critically reviewed. The materials analyzed are low-carbon steels, 304 stainless steel, monocrystalline Fe-Ni-Cr, Ti and its alloys, Al-Li alloys, Zircaloy, copper, and Al/SiCp composites. The principal findings are the following: (a) there is a strain-rate-dependent critical strain for the development of shear bands; (b) deformed bands and white-etching bands correspond to different stages of deformation; (c) different slip activities occur in different stages of band development; (d) grain refinement and amorphization occur in shear bands; (e) loss of stress-carrying capability is more closely associated with microdefects rather than with localization of strain; (f) both crystalline rotation and slip play important roles; and (g) band development and band structures are material dependent. Additionally, avenues for new research directions are suggested.
Results from a space experiment on bubble thermocapillary migration conducted on board the Chinese 22nd recoverable satellite were presented. Considering the temperature field in the cell was disturbed by the accumulated bubbles, the temperature gradient was corrected firstly with the help of the temperature measurement data at six points and numerical simulation. Marangoni number (Ma) of single bubble migrating in the space experiment ranged from 98.04 to 9288, exceeding that in the previous experiment data. The experiment data including the track and the velocity of two bubble thermocapillary migration showed that a smaller bubble would move slower as it was passed by a larger one, and the smaller one would even rest in a short time when the size ratio was large enough.
Tbe present study was carried out in the strip of land coast between Pearls Lagoon community and the Caribbean sea, in the nearness of Pinar lagoon, 25 km to the north of Bluefields. The geographical coordinates of the area are 12" 13' N and 83" 42' west. Tbe climate presents an annua! rninfall of 4 250 mm, an avera· ge temperature of 26 "C and a relative humidity of 89 %. The topography is plain and tbe elevation oscillates between O· 10 masl. The ma.in objective of the study was to evaluate the forest conditions in which forest of P. Caribaea var .. Jwndurei'ISis ealled the Pinal are found. The methodology employed consisted of gathering all information using air pllotographs and topograpbieal maps to defined the area and stands group (designed A, B, C, D, E, F and G). Two block and seven stands were found, in which invent.ory lines with sample plots of 500 m1 each one were employed to measure the indivíduals with DBH over 10 cm. The intensily it shows ís of !5% and was measured diameter, height, age and other. In tbis forest there where found seven stands with a total area covered with pine of 312.42 has. The average age is 23 years and estirnated total volume of 97.4 ms of wood. The density is of 60,61 trees hectare, with an average volume of 13.02 m3 /has and a commercial volume of 8.29 m' 1 has. Where found lndices of place 12 (stands G), 9 y 6. Besides, the 6.3.64 % of the trees has a satisfactory tendency of growlh (quality l and 2). lt can be concluded that the resource is in badly state due to intensive exploitations and annual f!fCS; is a young forest (23 years old), dotninated by índi viduals of small diameters (10-25 cm) and medium height (5-25 m); the available areas or with possibilities of being planting are: estimated in 468.64 has. This forest has a half annual increment of 1.4.3 cm/year, which is considered excellent and is c1assified with Clas P-III, FAO Classification by forests stratification.
El café (coffea arábiga L.) representa uno de los cultivos de mayor importancia en Nicaragua Este cultivo se ve afectado por nematodos fitoparasito de los géneros Meloidogyne Spp. Pratylenchus spp0, y Rotylenchulus spp. Se probó el efecto de combinaciones del nematicida counter 10 G y fertilizante N-P sobre los nematodos fitoparasito con un ensayo en el Centro Experimental del Café Mauricio López Munguía”, Masatepe entre los meses de abril y Octubre de 1986. El diseña utilizado fue en bifactorial en bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron al nematicida counter 10 G (terbufos) en dosis de 0; 017: 0.25 y 0, 32 gr de la planta; el fertilizante N-P de la fórmula 18-46 o en dosis de 0.5 y 10 gr/planta, aplicados sobre y en combinación lo que se Hizo un total de 12 tratamientos. la aplicación del nematicida se hizo una sola vez y el fertilizante en dos ocasiones d. A los 55 y 100 DDA se midió el numero de nematodos en el suelo (Meloidogyne spp., Rotylenchulus spp, y pratylenchus spp) nematodos en las raíces (Meloidogyne spp), altura de planta, Numero de hojas y peso de raíz. Los resultados de este ensayo demostraron qué el nematicida tuvo efecto sobre Rotylenchulus spp y Rotylenchulus spp. Pero no sobre Meloidogyne spp en el suelo y en la raíz: No se encontró ningún defecto del fertilizant4e sobre las poblaciones de nematodos. Las combinaciones de nematicida-fertilizante tuvieron un efecto de amplia variabilidad sobre las poblaciones de nematodos lo que dificulto la recomendación de una determinada combinación: La dosis de fertilizantes que resulto con los mejores promedios sobre las variables altura de la planta, Número de hojas y peso de raíz fue la de 5gr, /planta Se encontró una correlaciona negativa significativa entre el género Meloidogyne spp y la altura de la plata a los 55 DDA, no observándose estos mismos resultados a los 100 DDA: también se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre el número de Meloidogyne spp, del suelo y de la raíz a los 55 y 100 DDA; entre pratylenchus y rotylenchulus a los 55 DDA y entere el número de Nódulos causados por Meloidogyne a los 55 DDA y el peso de la Raíz a los 100 DDA.