1000 resultados para Green Leaf Volatiles
Résumé : Introduction : L'objectif de cette étude était d'une part d'évaluer les caractéristiques histologiques des fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne après vitrectomie et pelage d'une membrane epirétinienne, et d'autre part de mettre en évidence des différences histologiques entre les cas opérés avec ou sans l'aide d'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5%. Méthodes Nous avons examiné rétrospectivement l'histologie de 88 spécimens de membranes épimaculaires contenant la limitante interne de la rétine, qui ont été enlevés chirurgicalement entre 1995 et 2003. L'analyse histologique a centré principalement l'attention sur la présence et les caractéristiques des fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne. L'analyse statistique a comparé les résultats entre le groupe I (chirurgie conventionnelle sans l'aide de l'ICG) et le groupe II (chirurgie à l'aide de l'ICG). Résultats Soixante et onze patients ont eu une vitrectomie sans l'aide de l'ICG (groupe I) et 17 avec l'aide de l'ICG (groupe II). Le nombre de débris de cellules de Müller à la surface rétinienne de la limitante interne était plus important dans le groupe I (sans ICG) que dans le groupe II (avec ICG) (40.8% versus 11.8% ; p = 0.024). Des larges fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne ont été plus fréquemment observés dans le groupe I (sans ICG) que dans le groupe II (avec ICG) (63.4% versus 23.5%; p= 0.003). Dans cinq (7%) cas du groupe I, de gros éléments cellulaires rétiniens ont été mis en évidence (des axones neuraux ou des vaisseaux sanguins). De tels éléments n'ont pas été retrouvés dans les spécimens du groupe II (avec ICG). Conclusions L'utilisation de l'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5% pour faciliter le pelage d'une membrane épimaculaire et notamment l'ablation de la limitante interne de la rétine semble diminuer de manière significative le nombre et la taille des débris des cellules de Muller adhérents à la face rétinienne de la membrane limitante interne de la rétine. Cette observation suggère que l'utilisation per-opératoire d'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5% facilite l'ablation de la limitante interne pendant la chirurgie de la membrane epirétinienne en diminuant l'adhérence de la limitante interne à la rétine.
Taphrina deformans is a fungus responsible for peach leaf curl, an important plant disease. It is phylogenetically assigned to the Taphrinomycotina subphylum, which includes the fission yeast and the mammalian pathogens of the genus Pneumocystis. We describe here the genome of T. deformans in the light of its dual plant-saprophytic/plant-parasitic lifestyle. The 13.3-Mb genome contains few identifiable repeated elements (ca. 1.5%) and a relatively high GC content (49.5%). A total of 5,735 protein-coding genes were identified, among which 83% share similarities with other fungi. Adaptation to the plant host seems reflected in the genome, since the genome carries genes involved in plant cell wall degradation (e.g., cellulases and cutinases), secondary metabolism, the hallmark glyoxylate cycle, detoxification, and sterol biosynthesis, as well as genes involved in the biosynthesis of plant hormones. Genes involved in lipid metabolism may play a role in its virulence. Several locus candidates for putative MAT cassettes and sex-related genes akin to those of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were identified. A mating-type-switching mechanism similar to that found in ascomycetous yeasts could be in effect. Taken together, the findings are consistent with the alternate saprophytic and parasitic-pathogenic lifestyles of T. deformans. IMPORTANCE: Peach leaf curl is an important plant disease which causes significant losses of fruit production. We report here the genome sequence of the causative agent of the disease, the fungus Taphrina deformans. The genome carries characteristic genes that are important for the plant infection process. These include (i) proteases that allow degradation of the plant tissues; (ii) secondary metabolites which are products favoring interaction of the fungus with the environment, including the host; (iii) hormones that are responsible for the symptom of severely distorted leaves on the host; and (iv) drug detoxification enzymes that confer resistance to fungicides. The availability of the genome allows the design of new drug targets as well as the elaboration of specific management strategies to fight the disease.
ABSTRACT The expansion of the sugarcane industry in Brazil has intensified the mechanization of agriculture and caused effects on the soil physical quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the limiting water range and soil bearing capacity of a Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico (Rhodic Hapludox) under the influence of different tractor-trailers used in mechanical sugarcane harvesting. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with five replications. The treatments consisted of green sugarcane harvesting with: harvester without trailer (T1); harvester with two trailers with a capacity of 10 Mg each (T2); harvester with trailer with a capacity of 20 Mg (T3) and harvester and truck with trailer with a capacity of 20 Mg (10 Mg per compartment) (T4). The least limiting water range and soil bearing capacity were evaluated. The transport equipment to remove the harvested sugarcane from the field (trailer) at harvest decreased the least limiting water range, reducing the structural soil quality. The truck trailer caused the greatest impact on the soil physical properties studied. The soil load bearing capacity was unaffected by the treatments, since the pressure of the harvester (T1) exceeded the pre-consolidation pressure of the soil.
The Greene County, Iowa overlay project, completed in October 1973, was inspected on October 16 & 17, 1978 After five years of service The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 t o 100. The rating was conducted by the original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa Counties, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives . In all , there were 23 representatives who rated this project . The 23 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section. The highest panel rating (90) was assigned to the 5-inch thick , deformed barre in forced PCC sections ; an 86t o a 3-inch thick , 160 lbs. of fiber and 600 lbs . of cement on a partial bonded surface ; an 84 to the 4-inch CRC with elastic joints (bonded) and an 84 to a 4-inch mesh reinforce section. One of the major factors influencing performance appears t o be the thickness. In the fibrous concrete overlay, The greatest influences appears t o be the fiber content. Overlay Sections containing 160 1b/yd3 of Fiber are, in almost all cases , outperforming those c o n t a i n i n g 60 or 100. It is obvious at This time meth at the 3-inch thick fibrous concrete overlays are, in general, out performing the 2-inch thick sections. The performance of the fibrous concrete the overlay appears to be favorably influenced by: (1) The use of higher a spectra fiber (0.025 x 2.5 i n c h e s ) v e r s u s (0.010 x 0.022 x 1.0 inches) (2) The use of a lower cement c o n t e n t ( 600 versus 750 1b/yd3) However, The set less well defined and the improvements in overlay performance attributed to high aspect ratio fibers and low cement contents.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Gremmeniella abietina produces pycnidia in cankers of living shoots with green needles on Scots pine
To study the stress-induced effects caused by wounding under a new perspective, a metabolomic strategy based on HPLC-MS has been devised for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To detect induced metabolites and precisely localise these compounds among the numerous constitutive metabolites, HPLC-MS analyses were performed in a two-step strategy. In a first step, rapid direct TOF-MS measurements of the crude leaf extract were performed with a ballistic gradient on a short LC-column. The HPLC-MS data were investigated by multivariate analysis as total mass spectra (TMS). Principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) on principal coordinates were combined for data treatment. PCA and HCA demonstrated a clear clustering of plant specimens selecting the highest discriminating ions given by the complete data analysis, leading to the specific detection of discrete-induced ions (m/z values). Furthermore, pool constitution with plants of homogeneous behaviour was achieved for confirmatory analysis. In this second step, long high-resolution LC profilings on an UPLC-TOF-MS system were used on pooled samples. This allowed to precisely localise the putative biological marker induced by wounding and by specific extraction of accurate m/z values detected in the screening procedure with the TMS spectra.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the histologic features of cellular retinal fragments on the internal limiting membrane (ILM) removed during idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane (MEM) peeling surgery with and without the aid of indocyanine green (ICG) diluted in 5% glucose. METHODS: ILM specimens removed from 88 eyes during idiopathic MEM surgery between 1995 and 2003 were reviewed retrospectively. Histologic analysis focused on the presence and characteristics of retinal fragments on the retinal surface of the ILM. Statistical analysis compared the results between group I (conventional surgery) and group II (ICG-assisted peeling). RESULTS: Seventy-one eyes underwent MEM surgery without the aid of ICG (group I) and seventeen underwent MEM ICG-assisted surgery (group II). The amount of Müller cell debris on the retinal surface of the ILM was more significant in the group I than in the group II (40.8 vs. 11.8; P = 0.024). Large fragments of Müller cells were more frequently observed in the group I (no ICG) than in the group II (ICG) (63.4 vs. 23.5%; P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The use of ICG diluted with 5% glucose in ILM removal during MEM surgery was associated with less retinal debris attached to the retinal face of the ILM compared with surgery in which ICG was not used.
Audit report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) - Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors program for the Iowa Green Renewable Electrical Energy Network Inc. (IGREEN) for the year ended June 30, 2012
The temporal changes in the structure, biomass and C, N and P content of meadows of Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskal) Lamouroux in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain) are described over the period from November 1986 to March 1989. C. prolifera meadows showed a unimodal pattern of vegetative development with maximum biomass values (168-173 g d.w. m-2) reached in summer and maintained during autumn, and minimum biomass values (0-57 g d.w. m-2) during late winter and early spring. Leaf area index values changed between 0.37-0.40 m2 m-2 in January-February and 2.60-7.06 m2 m-2 in July. The seasonality in the biomass and structure of the meadow was mainly related to the vegetative development of the secondary fronds. Carbon and phosphorus content of the thallus (32.5-34.8% d.w. and 0.065-0.069% d.w., respectively) had no seasonality, but nitrogen content showed a bimodal annual pattern with higher values in spring and fall (>2.5% d.w.) than in summer and winter (<2.5% d.w.).
Leaf litter inputs and retention play an important role in ecosystem functioning in forested streams. We examined colonization of leaves by microbes (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and fauna in Fuirosos, an intermittent forested Mediterranean stream. Black poplar (Populus nigra) and plane (Platanus acerifolia) leaf packs were placed in the stream for 4 mo. We measured the biomasses and calculated the densities of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, meiofauna, and macroinvertebrates to determine their dynamics and potential interactions throughout the colonization process. Colonization was strongly correlated with hydrological variability (defined mainly by water temperature and discharge). The 1st week of colonization was characterized by hydrological stability and warm water temperatures, and allocation of C from microbial to invertebrate compartments on the leaf packs was rapid. Clumps of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were retained by the leaf packs, and enhanced rapid colonization by microfauna and meiofaunal collector-gatherers (ostracods and copepods). After 2 wk, an autumnal flood caused a 20-fold increase in water flow. Higher discharge and lower water temperature caused FPOM-related fauna to drift away from the packs and modified the subsequent colonization sequence. Fungi showed the highest biomass, with similar values to those recorded at the beginning of the experiment. After 70 d of postflood colonization, fungi decreased to nearly 40% of the total C in the leaf packs, whereas invertebrates became more abundant and accounted for 60% of the C. Natural flood occurrence in Mediterranean streams could be a key factor in the colonization and processing of organic matter.