943 resultados para Glycine max (L.) Merr.


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Two genes encoding polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were isolated from pineapple (Ananas comosus[L.] Merr. cv. Smooth Cayenne). Sequence analyses showed that both contained a single intron and encoded typical chloroplast-localized PPO proteins, the sequences of which corresponded to two pineapple PPO cDNAs, PINPPO1 and PINPPO2, recently described by Stewart et al. (2001). Southern blot analyses suggested that pineapple contained only two PPO genes. Analysis of expression of PINPPO1 promoter GUS fusion constructs showed this promoter had a low basal activity and was cold- and wound-inducible, consistent with known mRNA expression profiles. Striking homologies to gibberellin response complexes (GARC) were observed in sequences of both the PINPPO1 and PINPPO2 promoters. Transient assays in mature pineapple fruit and stable expression in transgenic tobacco showed that PINPPO1 promoter-GUS fusions were indeed gibberellin (GA) responsive. A role for the element within the putative GARCs in mediating GA-responsiveness of the PINPPO1 promoter was confirmed by mutational analysis. PINPPO2 was also shown to be GA-responsive by RT-PCR analysis. Mutant PINPPO1 promoter-GUS fusion constructs, which were no longer GA-inducible, showed a delayed response to cold induction in pineapple fruit in transient assays, suggesting a role for GA in blackheart development. This was supported by observations that exogenous GA3 treatment induced blackheart in the absence of chilling. Sequences showing homology to GARCs are also present in some PPO promoters in tomato, suggesting that GA regulates PPO expression in diverse species.


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The response of vegetative soybean (Glycine max) to Helicoverpa armigera feeding was studied in irrigated field cages over three years in eastern Australia to determine the relationship between larval density and yield loss, and to develop economic injury levels. Rather than using artificial defoliation techniques, plants were infested with either eggs or larvae of H. armigera, and larvae allowed to feed until death or pupation. Larvae were counted and sized regularly and infestation intensity was calculated in Helicoverpa injury equivalent (HIE) units, where 1 HIE was the consumption of one larva from the start of the infestation period to pupation. In the two experiments where yield loss occurred, the upper threshold for zero yield loss was 7.51 ± 0.21 HIEs and 6.43 ± 1.08 HIEs respectively. In the third experiment, infestation intensity was lower and no loss of seed yield was detected up to 7.0 HIEs. The rate of yield loss/HIE beyond the zero yield loss threshold varied between Experiments 1 and 2 (-9.44 ± 0.80 g and -23.17 ± 3.18 g, respectively). H. armigera infestation also affected plant height and various yield components (including pod and seed numbers and seeds/pod) but did not affect seed size in any experiment. Leaf area loss of plants averaged 841 and 1025 cm2/larva in the two experiments compared to 214 and 302 cm2/larva for cohort larvae feeding on detached leaves at the same time, making clear that artificial defoliation techniques are unsuitable for determining H. armigera economic injury levels on vegetative soybean. Analysis of canopy leaf area and pod profiles indicated that leaf and pod loss occurred from the top of the plant downwards. However, there was an increase in pod numbers closer to the ground at higher pest densities as the plant attempted to compensate for damage. Defoliation at the damage threshold was 18.6 and 28.0% in Experiments 1 and 2, indicating that yield loss from H. armigera feeding occurred at much lower levels of defoliation than previously indicated by artificial defoliation studies. Based on these results, the economic injury level for H. armigera on vegetative soybean is approximately 7.3 HIEs/row-metre in 91 cm rows or 8.0 HIEs/m2.


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A powdery mildew with a Pseudoidium anamorph was found on Glycine max in south-east Queensland, Australia. Morphological examination and molecular identification determined this species as Erysiphe diffusa, which is reported for the first time from Australia. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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Fluorescence and stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies on three plant lectins fromPsophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean),Glycine max (soybean) andArtocarpus integrifolia (jack fruit) have been studied usingN-dansylgalactosamine as a fluorescent ligand. The best monosaccharide for the winged bean agglutinin I (WBA I) and soybean (SBA) is Me-agrGalNAc and for jack fruit agglutinin (JFA) is Me-agrGal. Examination of the percentage enhancement and association constants (1.51×106, 6.56×106 and 4.17×105 M–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) suggests that the combining regions of the lectins SBA and WBA I are apolar whereas that of JFA is polar. Thermodynamic parameters obtained for the binding of several monosaccharides to these lectins are enthalpically favourable. The binding of monosaccharides to these lectins suggests that the-OH groups at C-1, C-2, C-4 and C-6 in thed-galactose configuration are important loci for interaction with these lectins. An important finding is that the JFA binds specifically to Gal1-3GaINAc with much higher affinity than the other disaccharides which are structurally and topographically similar.The results of stopped-flow spectrometry on the binding ofN-dansylgalactosamine to these lectins are consistent with a bimolecular single step mechanism. The association rate constants (2.4×105, 1.3×104, and 11.7×105 M–1 sec–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) obtained are several orders of magnitude slower than the ones expected for diffusion controlled reactions. The dissociation rate constants (0.2, 3.2×10–2, 83.3 sec–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) obtained for the dissociation ofN-dansylgalactosamine from its lectin complex are slowest for SBA and WBA I when compared with any other lectin-ligand dissociation process.


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Resumen: el objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido, a través de diferentes estrategias de fertilización nitrogenada y aplicación de fungicidas sobre el cultivo de soja, evaluar su impacto sobre el rendimiento y el porcentaje de proteínas en grano de soja. Para desarrollar dicho trabajo, se llevó a cabo un ensayo en base al diseño de bloques completos al azar (DBA) con un total de 32 parcelas, en el que se aplicaron 8 tratamientos (7+1 Testigo), cada uno repetido 4 veces. Los mismos fueron: Testigo, UREA 100 N aplicado en V4 a V6, UREA + DMPP 100 N aplicado en V4 a V6, NITROFOSKA FOLIAR (2 Kg./Ha.) + NUTRIMIX (0,5 Kg./Ha.) aplicado en R3, UREA 30 N aplicado en R5, NITROFOSKA FOLIAR (2 Kg./Ha.) + NUTRIMIX (0,5 Kg./Ha.) + Opera aplicado en R3 (1 Lt./Ha.), UREA 30 N + Opera en R3 (1 Lt./Ha.), y Opera en R3 (1 Lt./Ha.). Cabe destacar que la aplicación de fungicidas se ha realizado en forma preventiva, con miras a evaluar su efecto sobre el rinde y el porcentaje de tenor proteico. Así, no se ha evaluado la presencia o ausencia de enfermedades particulares, sino el efecto final que estas aplicaciones tuvieron sobre las variables antes mencionadas. El mencionado ensayo se realizó a campo, sobre un cultivo de soja de segunda, para la campaña 2007/2008 en el paraje Tomás Jofré, Mercedes, provincia de Buenos Aires. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas para la variable de rendimiento, pero no así para la variable de tenor proteico en grano. Analizándolos, se concluyó en el presente trabajo bajo las condiciones evaluadas que si se busca aumentar tanto el rendimiento como el porcentaje de proteína en grano, no es recomendable la fertilización nitrogenada, ni por sí sola ni en combinación con fungicidas


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Resumen: En el periodo 2006 / 2007 se realizó un ensayo de campo sobre el cultivo de Soja (Glycine max) en la localidad de Chacabuco, Provincia de Buenos Aires, con el propósito de estudiar los efectos de diferentes estrategias de fertilización nitrogenada y de aplicación de fungicidas sobre el rendimiento y porcentaje de proteína en grano de soja. El ensayo constó de 8 tratamientos (7 + 1 testigo), los cuales se realizaron en 4 repeticiones y en 2 estadios fenolgicos del cultivo, en V4 (vegetativo) y en R3 (reproductivo). Se procedió utilizando un diseño de bloques completos aleatorizados (DBA). Las parcelas han sido de 2 m de ancho por 10 m de largo dando un total de 20 m2 por cada una. Los tratamientos fueron los siguientes:  Testigo  UREA aplicado en V4/V6  Entec + UAN aplicado en V4/V6  Nitrofoska + Nutrimix aplicado en R3  Foliarsol aplicado en R5  Nitrofoska + Nutrimix + Opera aplicado en R3  Foliarsol + Opera aplicado en R3  Opera aplicado en R5 Las conclusiones a las que se han llegado en este ensayo han sido que todos los tratamientos experimentados trajeron aumentos en el rendimiento, en comparación al testigo. El mayor aumento se dio por el agregado de fungicida en las etapas reproductivas del cultivo. Por el contrario, no se ha encontrado efecto sobre el tenor de proteína en granos, por lo que para la condiciones en que se realizó el ensayo, no sería recomendable la fertilización nitrogenada si se busca un aumento en dicho tenor


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El presente trabajo consistió en un diagnóstico agro socioeconómico del sistema agrario de una zona entre los municipios de Posoltega y Quezalguaque de los departamentos de Chinandega y León que abarca un área de 23 km2 aproximadamente. El estudio se desarrolla bajo la metodología del análisis de sistemas, abarcando los sistemas de cultivo, pecuario y forestales, condiciones económicas y limitaciones de los productores de la zona. La metodología del estudio de zona comprende; la selección de la zona, fuentes secundarias (material bibliográfico, cartográfico de la zona ), un sondeo de zona, división de la zona en sub-zonas homogéneas, historia agraria, realización de encuestas base con la finalidad de elaborar las pre-tipologías ( 45 entrevistas a productores que representan el cien por ciento de productores de la zona). Dando como resultado de las encuestas base tres tipos de pre-tipologías que son; Pequeños productores individuales, Sector cooperativo y Medianos productores individuales, en base a la clasificación que realizó Nitlapan ( 1993 ), de estos se seleccionaron siete casos para un estudio profundo de los sistemas de finca, quedando tres casos para Pequeños productores individuales, tres casos para el Sector cooperativo y un caso para Medianos productores, en base a su representatividad dentro de la zona de estudio. Se dio un seguimiento semanal durante todo el ciclo de primera y postrera del año 1994. dando como resultado al finalizar el ciclo de postrera la realización de los modelos, conocidos como tipologías definidas de sistemas de producción, quedando tres tipos fundamentales de productores que son: Productores de granos básicos que se caracterizan por ser beneficiados de la reforma agraria de la década de los ochenta, Con áreas reducidas para el desarrollo de las distintas actividades y sin posibilidad de aumento, no poseen capital circulante, las actividades no agropecuarias representan mucha importancia, presentan un sistema de cultivo maíz ( Zea mays L ) y frijol común ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.), utiliza sólo mano de obra familiar poco uso de productos químicos por falta de dinero, un sistema forestal bien desarrollado y sus principales limitantes son; la obtención de agua y mala comercialización de sus productos. Los productores con diversificación agropecuaria son individuales privados que se ubican cerca del Umbral de Reproducción Simple ( URS ), con una tendencia hacia el aumento de sus áreas, producto de una gran diversidad de cultivos como; maiz ( Zea mays L), frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L ), ajonjoli ( Sesamum indica L ), sorgo ( Sorghum bicolor L ), sorgo escobero ( Sorghum vulgare Pers ), yuca ( Manihot esculenta Cranz), utilizando en cierto grado tracción mécanica y productos químicos, un sistema ganadero reducido y en vías de aumento y con especies menores de mucha importancia para el mantenimiento de la finca, en donde la mayor mano de obra para las labores del campo es familiar y en menor grado mano de obra contratada. Y por último los Medianos productores ganaderos-soyeros que poseen extensas áreas para el desarrollo agrícola y pecuario, son productores individuales privados que sobrepasan en más del cincuenta por ciento, el Umbral de Reproducción Simple, poseen capital circulante para realizar todas sus actividades propias del campo, obtienen préstamos de las entidades bancarias para el desarrollo agrícola en cultivos como soya ( Glycime max (L.) Merrill ) y ajonjol ( Sesamum indica L ), presentan un desarrollo ganadero de mucha importancia que les proporciona buenos ingresos económicos a la finca y en donde la mayoría de la mano de obra es contratada.


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预测下世纪中叶,大气CO_2浓度将高到目前的两倍(即达到700μ1•1~(-1))。CO_2倍增对植物地上部的影响已经有了较多的研究,胆是由于方法学上的困难,至今关于倍增CO_2对植物根及根区微生物的研究仍是非常匮乏。本文应用国际上最新的根研究方法,以根系为中心,研究开顶式CO_2C熏蒸培养室中,CO_2倍增条件下根系与地上部,根系与根区微生物[共生的泡囊-丛枝菌根(VAM)真菌,非共生的土壤微生物]的关系。 1. CO_2倍增对根系的影响目前CO_2倍增对根系影响的研究多集中在根生物量的测定,或根/冠比值的测定,而善于其它参数如根长度则很少涉及,而根表面的反应目前还未见文献报道。本实验以幼苗期小麦“青323”(Triticum aestivum)、水稻“中作 29”(Oryza sativa)、大豆“科农4号”(Glycine max)、玉米“农大3138”(Zea mays)、甜高粱“M-81E”(Sorghum saccharatum)为材料,研究CO_2倍增对植物生物量的影响,发现CO_2倍增使C_3植物水稻、大豆的地上部、根系干重均显著增加,使小麦的根系干重显著增加,地上部无显著差异;C_4植物玉米和甜高粱的地上部和根系均没有显著反应。植物干重反应资料表明在光合产物的分配方面,C_3和C_4植物之间存在巨大的差异。 为了解根系获取土壤资源的能力的变化,我们对根系总长度和总表面积进行了分析。用样格交叉法研究根系长度的变化,结果显示,幼苗期的小麦、大豆的根系长度均被显著促进,尤其值得注意的是,尽管玉米根系干重没有显著改变,但是根长度已发生显著变化。同时应用研究根系表面积的最新方法-Na NO_2吸附法,研究发现幼苗期小麦、水稻和大豆的根系表面积在CO_2倍增条件下均显著增加,C_4植物玉米的根表面积亦有显著增加,但甜高粱的根表面积却没有显著反应,这说明即使在C_4植物类型中,根系表面积的反应在不同物种间仍存在很大差异。由于根长度和根表面积增幅大于根干重的增幅,所以推断在CO_2倍增条件下,植物根系细根比例增加,这有利于植物获取更多的养分。由于不同植物之间根系的反应不同,这将改变群落中原有的根系竞争关系,从而影响群落中物种的组成。 2. CO_2倍增对VAM真菌侵染强度和活力的影响本文应用NBT染色法,并结合浸染强度等级和活力等级标准,首次对CO_2倍增条件下,植物VAM真菌的侵染强度和活力的变化进行了检测。对比常规的酸性品红乳酸甘油法和NBT法,发现两者在显示侵染强度时元显著差异,但后者能同时用于侵染活力等级的研究。对幼苗期大豆以及不同生长期的小麦和玉米根系VAM真菌的侵染强度和活力进行观测,结果显示,倍增CO_2对大豆的侵染强度和活力均没有显著效应;使幼苗期玉米的侵染强度显著增加,但侵染活力无显著差异,但随生长期的推移,侵染强度所受的CO_2倍增效应逐渐减小,与14天苗龄(DAP)和35DAP相比,侵染活力在22DAP时所受效应最大;使10DAP小麦的VAM侵染强度和活力均显著增加,而且这种效应在30DAP小麦中的表现与10DAP小麦的相同。说明C_3、C_4植物中,菌根真菌对CO_2倍增反应不同,这也许是C_3、C_4植物对CO_2倍增反应不同的原因之一。倍增CO_2改善了VAM真菌的发育,所以较之于非菌根侵染植物,菌根侵染植物将因为CO_2倍增而获益更多,另一方面不同种植物中,VAM真菌的发育反应不同,这将使植物群落中,根系获取无机营养的竞争能力发生变化,最终影响植物群落的物种丰度和生物多样性以及群落的演替。 3. CO_2倍增对非共生土壤微生物的影响CO_2倍增使生长70天的小麦、垂柳(Salix babylonica)、藜(Chenopodium album)、繁穗苋(Amaranthus cruentus)品种“红苋K112”的地上部和根系的生物量增加。以这些植物所在土壤为材料,用氯仿熏蒸直接提取法研究土壤微生物生物量C(C_(mic))和生物量N(N_(mic))的变化,发现CO_2倍增尽管使各类型植物的C_4植物)土壤中C_(mic)的变化趋势不完全相同(小麦和藜所在土壤的C_(mic)下降,垂柳中C_(mic)升高,而在繁穗苋中无显著差异),但N_(mic)在各物种所在土壤中均有不同程度的上升,在繁穗苋中增幅最大。C_(mic):N_(mic)比值在4个物种所在土壤中均明显下降,这意味着CO_2倍增后在植物生长后期,土壤微生物活性提高,分解植物凋落物和土壤中其它有机质的能力加强,从而改善贫瘠土壤中有机质质量。 4.CO_2倍增对植物呼吸和光合作用及C素积累的影响 1)CO_2倍增对植物暗呼吸的影响:以杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)和玉米等10种植物的离体成熟叶片或整株为材料,研究不同测定温度(15~35 ℃)下,CO_2倍增对植物暗呼吸的影响。结果表明:在较低温度(15 ℃、20 ℃)下,CO_2倍增对植物暗呼吸没有显著效应;在较高温度(30 ℃、35 ℃)时,多数被测植物的暗呼吸显著增强。由于植物在不同温度时它们的暗咱吸受CO_2倍增的促进幅度不同,这将导致不同地区(环境温度不同)的植物暗呼吸反应有差异,而且由于不同物种的暗呼吸增幅不同,综合光合效应,它们的生物量的反应也会不同。 2)CO_2倍增对整株植物的CO_2气体交换及植物C素积累的影响:利用自行设计的一套CO_2气体测定装置,首次尝试同步测定CO_2倍增条件下幼苗期小麦地下部和地上部的气体交换在昼夜24小时内的变化及C素的积累。发现CO_2倍增不仅使小麦地上部C素的积累增加,也使地下部释放的C素增加,但整株植物的C素收入仍高于对照两倍多,这从植物与环境的CO_2气体交换角度为CO_2倍增促进植物生物量的增加提供了依据。并首次提出:植物的整体性及植物所在的环境条件(主要是温度和光照强度)决定着植物暗呼吸对CO_2倍增的响应方式:被抑制或无效应。


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The objectives of this work were to study the effects of several feeding stimulants on gibel carp fed diets with or without replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal (MBM). The feeding stimulants tested were betaine, glycine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and a commercial squid extract. Three inclusion levels were tested for each stimulant (0.18, 0.5%, and 1% for betaine and 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% for the other stimulants). Two basal diets (40% crude protein) were used. one with 26% fish meal (FM), and the other with 21% fish meal and 6% MBM, Betaine at 0.1% in the fish meal group and at 0.5% in the meat and bone meal group was used in all experiments for comparison among stimulants. In the experiment on each stimulant, six tanks of fish were equally divided into two groups, one fed the FM diet, and the other fed the MBM diet. After 7 days' adaptation to the basal diet, in which the fish were fed to satiation twice a day, the fish were fed for another 7 days an equal mixture of diets containing varying levels of stimulants. Each diet contained a unique rare earth oxide as inert marker (Y2O3, Yb2O3, La2O3, Sm2O3 or Nd2O3). During the last 3 days of the experiment, faeces from each tank were collected. Preference for each diet was estimated based on the relative concentration of each marker in the faeces. Gibel carp fed the FM diet had higher intake than those fed the MBM diet, but the difference was significant only in the experiments on betaine, glycine and L-methionine. None of the feeding stimulants tested showed feeding enhancing effects in FM diets. All feeding stimulants showed feeding enhancing effects in MBM diets. and the optimum inclusion level was 0.5% for betaine, 0.1% for glycine, 0.25% for L-lysine, 0.1% for L-methionine. 0.25% For L-phenylalanine. and 0.1% for squid extract. The squid extract had the strongest stimulating effect among all the stimulants tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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为了探明多年免耕下农田恶性杂草发生的机理,提高保护性耕作下作物对农田恶性杂草持久稳定的抑制效果,依据陕西安塞田间4a的定位试验,采用小区调查取样和室内实验相结合的方法,从物种组成、密度特征、多样性以及相似性特征等方面,研究了黄土丘陵旱作农区大豆(Glycine max)、玉米(Zea mays)、红小豆(Semen Phaseoli)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)在翻耕化肥(CF)、翻耕有机肥(CM)、翻耕无肥(CN)、免耕化肥(NF)、免耕有机肥(NM)、免耕无肥(NN)等水平下的农田土壤种子库。结果表明:(1)4种作物24种土样中共萌发出12个物种1965株幼苗,隶属于7科12属。1年生杂草占94%,棒头草(fugax nees ex steud)、苋菜(Acalypha australis)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、早熟禾(Poasphondylodes)为优势种,占87%。(2)在0~20cm土层不同处理间,土壤种子库的密度变动于(282.9±63.4)~(7482.5±1078.3)粒.m-2,其中,红小豆小区>马铃薯小区>大豆小区>玉米小区;翻耕小区>免...


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近二十多年来,基于对臭氧层衰减、紫外线B(UV-B)增强的担心,研究者希望了解到紫外线辐射对不同作物的影响情况,增强UV-B辐射条件下是否对作物的生长发育、产量质量构成威胁。在本试验中,我们首先探讨了双子叶作物黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)和大豆(Glycine max)对不同紫外波段的生物效应[分别为B-UVA(315-400 nm),N-UVA(315-340 nm),B-UVB(275-400 nm)和N-UVB(290-340 nm),UV-(>400nm)作对照]。我们观察到所有的UV波段处理都使黄瓜和大豆的生长受到抑制,并且细胞受到不同程度的氧化伤害;UV波段处理的作用效果与不同波段的紫外有效生物辐射剂量有关。处理差异在UV-B波段内部和UV-A波段内部同样存在。植物生长UV辐射公式(BSWF)能很好的预测本试验UV-B波段内的平均植物效应,但不能预测UV-A波段的植物效应。短波UV-A的生物作用强于长波UV-A。光合色素的变化与UV波谱差异和种间差异有关。在高的紫外/可见光背景下,UV-A处理同UV-B同样导致光合色素的降低,但黄瓜类胡萝卜素/叶绿素比例升高。与其他研究者的试验结果比较后,我们认为紫外线B辐射的生物效应一致性很高,但紫外线A波段的生物学效应存在较大争议。因此我们在本试验的基础上仅进行荞麦[苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)和甜荞(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.)]对紫外线B波段的响应研究。 我们对苦荞品种-圆籽荞进行了连续两个生长季节的大田半控制试验以观察UV-B辐射对苦荞生长、发育、产量及叶片色素的影响;试验小区进行降低UV-B、近充足UV-B和增强UV-B辐射处理。我们的试验表明在不同强度UV-B辐射下苦荞的生长、地上部生物量积累及最终产量都有所下降,但苦荞的发育加快;当前条件下的日光紫外线B辐射对植物生长和产量也造成负面影响。植物光合色素被日光及增强UV-B辐射降低;UV化合物及卢丁含量在中低剂量的UV-B辐射强度下显著升高,但在高剂量的增强UV-B辐射下短期升高后迅速下降。我们的试验表明苦荞是一个对UV-B高度敏感的作物。苦荞对UV-B的敏感性与UV-B剂量、外界环境因素及生长季节有关。 单个苦荞品种的试验结果使我们认识到外界UV-B辐射已经对苦荞生长发育构成逆境条件,未来全球气候变化条件下增强紫外线B辐射可能使其处于更不利的生长环境中。因此我们有进行了多个种群进行UV-B响应观察并筛选耐性种群。我们对15个苦荞种群进行增强UV-B辐射处理(6.30 kJ m2 UV-BBE,模拟当地25%的臭氧衰减),我们观察苦荞UV-B辐射效应存在显著的种内差异,UV-B辐射对多数种群具有抑制作用,但对一些种群还有刺激作用。我们采用主成分分析方法与作物UV-B响应指数(RI)来评价苦荞作物UV-B辐射耐性。我们发现作物的UV-B耐性不仅与其原产地背景UV-B强度有关,而且与作物相对生长效率、次生代谢产物含量(如卢丁)及其他因素有关。我们观察到苦荞伸展叶总叶绿素变化与UV-B耐性成正相关;室内苦荞幼苗的UV-B辐射致死试验表明:苦荞种群死亡率与其UV-B耐性成负相关。 此外,我们对甜荞的UV-B辐射响应也进行了初步研究。选取美姑甜荞、巧家甜荞和云龙甜荞进行5个梯度的增强UV-B辐射室外模拟试验。我们观察到UV-B辐射显著降低了甜荞的生长、生物量及产量;并严重影响了甜荞的生殖生长,降低了花序数、种子数和结实率;并且UV-B辐射对甜荞的抑制作用存在显著的剂量效应。三种甜荞品种存在显著的种内差异,其中美姑品种UV-B耐性最强,且膜脂受UV-B辐射氧化伤害最小,这与该品种UV-B辐射下较高的GR酶活性、APX酶活性和PPO酶活性、以及含量更高的抗坏血酸有关。甜荞的次生代谢也受到增强UV-B辐射的影响,其香豆酰类化合物在UV-B辐射下升高显著,而槲皮素含量也在高剂量UV-B辐射下有所增加;卢丁含量依赖UV-B辐射剂量而变化,中低剂量UV-B辐射下其卢丁含量逐渐升高,但在高剂量辐射下逐渐下降。 通过对生长在高海拔地区的荞麦作物(苦荞和甜荞)进行的室外研究,我们认识到作物不同品种存在很大的耐性差异,这就为UV-B耐性育种创造了有利条件。进一步加大荞麦种质资源筛选力度并深入认识荞麦抗性机理,在此基础上通过杂交或其他基因融合手段培育抗性品种,对高剂量UV-B辐射地区的荞麦产量的提高将起到重要推动作用,并使荞麦生产能有效应对未来全球气候变化条件下UV-B辐射可能升高的威胁。 During last few decades, due to concern of ozone layer depletion and enhancement of ultraviolet B radiation(UV-B, 280-315 nm), the agronomist want to know the responses of different crop species to UV-B. In the first experiment of our study, the effect of different UV band [B-UVA(315-400 nm), N-UVA(315-340 nm), B-UVB(275-400 nm), N-UVB(290-340 nm)and UV-(>400nm, as control)] on the cucumber(Cucumis sativus)and soybean(Glycine max)were investigated in growth room. Spectra-dependent differences in growth and oxidation indices existed within UV-A bands as well as UV-B bands. The general biological effects of different band were UV- < B-UVA< N-UVA<N-UVB<B-UVB. The plant growth biologically spectra weighting function(BSWF)matched well with average plant response in UV-B region, but not in UV-A region. Shorter UV-A wavelength imposed more negative impact than longer UV-A wavelength did in both species. The effect on photosynthetic pigment was related to different UV bands and different species. The photosynthetic pigment content was decreased by UV-A spectra as well as UV-B spectra. In comparison with the results of previous studies, we found that the wavelength-dependent biological effect of ultraviolet B radiation has high consistency, but the biological effect of ultraviolet-A radiation was inconsistent. We narrow our following study on the effect of ultraviolet B radiation on the buckwheat(tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat). The tartary buckwheat(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)cultivars Yuanziqiao was grown in the sheltered field plots for two consecutive seasons under reduced, near-ambient and two supplemental levels of UV-B radiation. The crop growth, photosynthetic pigments, total biomass, final seed yield and thousand-grain weight were decreased by near-ambient and enhanced UV-B radiation, while crop development was promoted by enhanced UV-B radiation. Leaf rutin concentration and UV-B absorbing compound was generally increased by UV-B with the exception of 8.50 kJ m-2 day-1 supplemental levels. Our results showed that tartary buckwheat is a potentially UV-B sensitive species. Study on one cultivars showed that ambient solar radiation had present a stress to tartary buckwheat. This makes it necessary to observe the UV-B response of many cultivars and screen tolerant cultivars. Fifteen populations of tartary buckwheat were experienced enhanced UV-B radiation simulating 25% depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer in Kunming region, and plant responses in growth, morphology and productivity were observed. Principal components analysis(PCA)was used to evaluate overall sensitivity of plant response to UV-B as well as response index. The different populations exhibited significant differences in responses to UV-B. The photosynthetic pigments of young seedlings were also affected significantly under field condition. On the other hand, the healthy seedlings of different populations were exposed to the high level of UV-B radiation in growth chambers to determine the plant lethality rate. The plant tolerance evaluated by multivariate analysis was positively related to total plant chlorophyll change, but negatively related to lethality rate. In other hand, the UV-B responses of the other important cultivated buckwheat species, common buckwheat(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.), were also studied preliminarily. Three widespread cultivated variety(Meigu, Qiaojia and Yunlong cultivars)were provided with five level of enhanced UV-B radiation outdoors. We observed that the crop growth, development and production were significantly decreased, and reproductive production, like anthotaxy number, seed number and seed setting ratio, was also decreased. Dose-dependent inhibition effect caused by enhanced UV-B radiation also existed in common buckwheat. Significant intraspecific difference existed in those three cultivars. The Meigu cultivars with dwarfed growth and lower production have highest UV-B tolerance as well as lowest damage in cell membrane, this could be associated with profound enhancements of glutathione reductase(GR)activity, ascorbate peroxidase activity and polyphenol oxidase activity as well as higher ascorbic acid concentration. The secondary metabolism was also affected by UV-B radiation, with profound elevation of coumarin compound and moderate increase of quercetin concentration. Rutin concentration was peaked in 5kJ m-2 UV-B. The contrasting effect of UV-B radiation on different populations indicated that there existed abundant genetic resources for selecting tolerant populations of common and tartary buckwheat. Much effort needed be pose on screening of buckwheat germplasm and clarification of mechanism of buckwheat tolerance to UV-B. On this base the tolerant cultivars could be bred by hybridization and other gene transfusion method, this would help increase buckwheat yield in high ambient UV-B region and counteract the effect of possible enhanced UV-B radiation in future.


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采用田间试验方法,研究了土壤中镉浓度分别为2和5mg·kg-1时,向日葵(Helianthusannuus)、玉米(Zea mays)和大豆(Glycine max)从苗期至成熟期各生长阶段茎叶中镉积累与全硫含量的关系。结果表明,玉米和向日葵各生长时期茎中镉含量与其全硫含量呈极显著相关,叶片中镉含量与硫含量没有相关性,说明硫在植物镉的运输过程中发挥着重要的作用。土壤中镉浓度为2mg·kg-1时,籽实中镉含量从高到低的顺序是:向日葵>大豆>玉米;土壤中镉浓度为5mg·kg-1时,籽实中镉含量从高到低的顺序是:大豆>向日葵>玉米,与籽实中硫含量的高低顺序一致;玉米籽实中镉含量最低,在2个镉浓度处理下平均值仅为0.01和0.03mg·kg-1,低于国家标准食品中镉限量值。


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鸦胆子系苦术科鸦胆子属植物(Brncea Javaniea LMerr的种子,始载干《本草纲目拾遗》Kupchan等报道了由B.antidysenter Mill.中分得对多种动物菌株有显著活性且毒性较低的鸦胆丁(Bruceantin)后,有关活性成分的报道引起了人们极大的关注,进一步研究发现了许多新的具有抗肿瘤活性的苦木内酯类化合物。我国于1978开始研制鸦胆子油静脉乳剂,并用于治疗各种恶性肿瘤。鉴于该植物的多种生物活性,为了更好地开发其药用价值,本文就其化学成分和药理作用的研究进展做一综述。


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The chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean leaves was observed by a portable fluorometer CF-1000 under field conditions. On clear days, F-0 increased while F, and F-v/F-m decreased gradually in the morning. At midday F-O reached its maximum while F-v and F-v/F-m reached their minimum. The reverse changes occurred in the afternoon. At dusk these parameters could return to levels near those at dawn. Following exposure to a strong sunlight for more than 3 h, the dark-recovery process displayed three phases: (1) slow increases in F-0, F-v and F-v/F-m within the first hour; (2) a faster decrease in F-0 and faster increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within subsequent two hours; (3) a slow decrease in F-0 and slow increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within the fourth hour. In comparison with darkness, weak irradiance had no stimulating effect on the recovery from photoinhibition. Hence the photoinhibition in soybean leaves is mainly the reflection of reversible inactivation of some photosystem 2 reaction centres, but not the result of D1 protein loss.