992 resultados para Global Manufacturing


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a Avaliação Nutricional Subjetiva Global (ANSG) para o diagnóstico de desnutrição em pacientes cardiopatas. MÉTODOS: Em 106 pacientes hospitalizados (53 com insuficiência cardíaca), aplicou-se o questionário de ANSG com histórico nutricional (peso, dieta, sintomas gastrointestinais, capacidade funcional física e diagnóstico) e exame físico. Depois aferiram-se medidas antropométricas (peso, circunferência do braço, prega cutânea triciptal e circunferência muscular do braço). Para a avaliação objetiva dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca consideraram-se albumina sérica, contagem de linfócitos e antropometria. A curva ROC analisou sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia da ANSG em relação à avaliação objetiva. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes era de 57,7 ± 15,7 anos, e a maioria era de homens (67,9%). A curva ROC indicou o escore 16 como ponto de corte da ANSG com maior sensibilidade (62,2%) e especificidade (55,7%). A área sob a curva foi de 0,601 (IC 95%: 0,487 - 0,715). A prevalência de desnutrição foi de 51,9% pela ANSG e 42,5% pela avaliação antropométrica, com acurácia de 65,3% nos homens e 44,1% nas mulheres. Nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, a prevalência de desnutrição foi de 60,4% pela ANSG e 32,1% pela avaliação objetiva, com acurácia de 67,6% nos homens e 31,3% nas mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: A ANSG identificou maior número de desnutridos do que a avaliação objetiva. O desempenho da ANSG na identificação de desnutrição foi maior nos homens. A ANSG detectou pacientes cardiopatas com risco nutricional.


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OBJETIVO: Examinar como a adiposidade global e a adiposidade abdominal, expressas pela circunferência da cintura (CC), pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC) e pelo somatório de dobras cutâneas (sigmaDC), influenciam os níveis de proteína C-reativa (PCR) em mulheres idosas. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 387 mulheres idosas, com idade superior a 60 anos (média, 68,9; desvio padrão, 5,9 anos). Foram avaliados o IMC, a CC, o sigmaDC, e os níveis de PCR. Foi utilizada a análise estatística ANOVA one-way para verificar as diferenças nas variáveis entre as categorias investigadas. Para avaliar a influência das medidas de adiposidade nos níveis de PCR foi utilizada a regressão logística. O nível de significância adotado foi de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A análise de variância demonstrou que o valor médio da CC foi menor na categoria normal de PCR, quando comparada aos níveis elevados de PCR. A regressão logística analisou a influência dos quartis do IMC, da CC e do sigmaDC nos níveis de PCR, em que apenas a CC foi preditora de níveis elevados de PCR, tendo o quartil extremo superior (ponto de corte de 94,0 cm) apresentado níveis quase duas vezes maiores que o quartil extremo inferior (risco estimado = 2,23; intervalo de confiança de 95% = 1,92-4,18; p = 0,012). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do presente estudo apontam que a adiposidade abdominal é um forte preditor de níveis elevados de PCR.


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FUNDAMENTO: Mortalidade global e cardiovascular (CV) elevada de pacientes em hemodiálise. OBJETIVO: Avaliação da mortalidade global e CV e identificação do risco de pacientes em hemodiálise. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, prospectivo. Estudados 334 pacientes em três anos. Desfechos primários: mortalidade global e CV. Sobrevida avaliada pelo método de Kaplan-Meier. Identificação de variáveis de risco pela Regressão de Cox, bi e multivariada. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 189 (56,6%) homens, idade 48,8 ± 14,2 anos, maioria de não brancos (295[88,3%]) e com escolaridade de 0 a menor que 8 anos (211[63,2%]). Mortalidade total de 21,6% (72/334), 50% sobrevivendo 146 meses, e mortalidade CV de 41,7%(30/72), 75% sobrevivendo 141 meses. Na análise bivariada, o RR de óbito não cardiovascular (ONCV) e CV aumentou com Idade >60 anos, Hb < 9,0 g/dl e glicemia de jejum >126 mg/dl; de ONCV apenas, com baixa escolaridade, viuvez, Hb<11,0 g/dl, Ht<33,0%, glicemia de jejum >100 mg/dl, produto Ca x P <42 e creatinina >9,2 mg/dl; diminuiu com PA>140/90 mmHg (antes da sessão de HD) e Ht>36%; de óbito CV apenas, aumentou com creatinina >9,4 mg/dl. Na análise multivariada, o RR de ONCV e CV aumentou com idade >60 anos e Hb<9 g/dl; o RR de óbito CV aumentou com glicemia>126 mg/dl e o de ONCV com taxa de remoção de ureia na hemodiálise (Kt/V) <1,2. CONCLUSÃO: A mortalidade global e CV de pacientes em hemodiálise é elevada. Os fatores de risco independentes para ONCV e CV foram idade >60 anos e Hb<9 g/dl, para óbito CV apenas glicemia >126 mg/dl e ONCV Kt/V<1,2. Vale assinalar a importância do monitoramento na correção e prevenção desses três últimos fatores.


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The objective of this thesis is to compare and contrast environmental licensing systems, for the wood panel industry, in a number of countries in order to determine which system is the best from an environmental and economic point of view. The thesis also examines the impact which government can have on industry and the type of licensing system in operation in a country. Initially, the thesis investigates the origins of the various environmental licensing systems which are in operation in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, USA and Canada. It then examines the Environmental Agencies which control and supervise industry in these countries. The impact which the type of government (i.e. unitary or federal) in charge in any particular country has on industry and the Regulatory Agency in that country is then described. Most of the mills in the thesis make a product called OSB (Oriented Strand Board) and the manufacturing process is briefly described in order to understand where the various emissions are generated. The main body of the thesis examines a number of environmental parameters which have emission limit values in the licenses examined, although not all of these parameters have emission limit values in all of the licenses. All of these parameters are used as indicators of the potential impact which the mill can have on the environment. They have been set at specific levels by the Environmental Agencies in the individual countries to control the impact of the mill. Following on from this, the two main types of air pollution control equipment (WESPs and RTOs) are described in regard to their function and capabilities. The mill licenses are then presented in the form of results tables which compare air results and water results separately. This is due to the fact that the most significant emission from this type of industry is to air. A matrix system is used to compare the licenses so that the comparison can be as objective as possible. The discussion examines all of the elements previously described and from this it was concluded that the IPC licensing system is the best from an environmental and economic point of view. It is a much more expensive system to operate than the other systems examined, but it is much more comprehensive and looks at the mill as a whole rather than fragmenting it. It was also seen that the type of environmental licensing system which is in place in a country can play a role in the locating of an industry as certain systems were seen to have more stringent standards attached to them. The type of standard in place in a country is in turn influenced by the type of government which is in place in that country.


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In today’s world, many companies are concentrating on both their technology and human resources to provide them with their competitive advantage. Hence, understanding what motivates people is particularly important for managers in order to develop and sustain a competitive edge. As a result, numerous theories have been advanced to help our understanding of the subject matter and from these theories many motivational methods have evolved to enhance motivation within the workplace. In addition, research has been conducted on the various types of motivational techniques utilised by companies within Ireland. However, very little research has been completed within specific geographical regions in Ireland concerning the types of motivational techniques implemented at different job levels and their impact on employees work performance. Thus the objective of this research was to identify the motivational techniques utilised at different job levels within large manufacturing and service companies in the Northwest of Ireland and examine how these techniques influence the performance levels of employees. Furthermore, the study examined if these companies have changed from traditional ways of motivating employees to newer techniques. The research methodologies used to undertake the research included interviews with the HR managers and questionnaires completed by different employees at various job levels within the participating companies. Overall the conclusions were varied. Many different types of motivation techniques were found within the study’s participating companies. Irish companies are improving their motivational techniques, however most of these techniques are only used within higher job levels. In contrast to their American counterparts, a variety of motivational techniques are utilised and implemented at all job levels. On a more positive note, the majority of these motivational techniques do increase performance levels at all job levels. From the extensive primary and secondary research conducted, the thesis concludes by offering a number of recommendations to assist companies in further development of their motivational techniques for all job levels. These recommendations hope to augment the success of companies through an enhanced motivated workforce.


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Univariate statistical control charts, such as the Shewhart chart, do not satisfy the requirements for process monitoring on a high volume automated fuel cell manufacturing line. This is because of the number of variables that require monitoring. The risk of elevated false alarms, due to the nature of the process being high volume, can present problems if univariate methods are used. Multivariate statistical methods are discussed as an alternative for process monitoring and control. The research presented is conducted on a manufacturing line which evaluates the performance of a fuel cell. It has three stages of production assembly that contribute to the final end product performance. The product performance is assessed by power and energy measurements, taken at various time points throughout the discharge testing of the fuel cell. The literature review performed on these multivariate techniques are evaluated using individual and batch observations. Modern techniques using multivariate control charts on Hotellings T2 are compared to other multivariate methods, such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The latter, PCA, was identified as the most suitable method. Control charts such as, scores, T2 and DModX charts, are constructed from the PCA model. Diagnostic procedures, using Contribution plots, for out of control points that are detected using these control charts, are also discussed. These plots enable the investigator to perform root cause analysis. Multivariate batch techniques are compared to individual observations typically seen on continuous processes. Recommendations, for the introduction of multivariate techniques that would be appropriate for most high volume processes, are also covered.


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FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica (SM) representa um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovascular que agem de forma sinérgica. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar quais parâmetros estavam associados de forma independente à função global do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) em indivíduos com SM, estimada através do índice Tei. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 234 indivíduos com SM e 96 controles ajustados por idade. A SM foi definida pela presença de três ou mais critérios da ATP-NCEP III. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a testes laboratoriais e ecocardiograma bidimensional e com Doppler pulsátil e tecidual. Intervalos de tempo apropriados no Doppler tecidual para a estimativa do índice Tei também foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: O índice Tei estava aumentado em todos os indivíduos com SM (0,35 ± 0,05 vs 0,49 ± 0,10, p < 0,001). Análise de regressão múltipla dos parâmetros clínicos mostrou que a pressão arterial sistólica (β= 0,289, p < 0,001), glicemia de jejum (β= 0,205, p = 0,009), índice de massa do VE (β= 0,301, p < 0,001), E/e'septal (β= 0,267, p < 0,001) e e'septal (β= -0,176, p = 0,011) estavam independentemente associados com a função ventricular esquerda global estimada pelo índice Tei. CONCLUSÃO: A SM teve um impacto significante na função global do VE. A pressão arterial sistólica, glicemia de jejum, índice de massa do VE E/e'septal, e e'septal estavam independentemente associados com a função global do VE.


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Fundamento: A síndrome metabólica é um transtorno complexo representado por um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovascular. A adoção de um estilo de vida saudável está fortemente relacionada à melhora da Qualidade de Vida e interfere de forma positiva no controle dos fatores de risco presentes nessa condição clínica. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de um programa de modificação do estilo de vida sobre o Escore de Risco Cardiovascular Global de Framingham em indivíduos com síndrome metabólica. Método: Trata-se de uma subanálise de um ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, cegado, com duração de três meses. Os participantes foram randomizados em quatro grupos: intervenção nutricional + placebo (INP), intervenção nutricional + suplementação de ácidos graxos ômega 3 (3 g/dia de óleo de peixe) (INS3), intervenção nutricional + atividade física + placebo (INEP) e intervenção nutricional + atividade física + suplementação de ácidos graxos ômega 3 (INES3). O Escore de Risco Cardiovascular Global de Framingham de cada indivíduo foi calculado antes e após a intervenção. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 70 indivíduos. Observou-se uma redução da média do escore após a intervenção de forma geral (p < 0,001). Obteve-se uma redução para risco intermediário em 25,7% dos indivíduos. Após a intervenção, observou-se redução significativa (p < 0,01) da "idade vascular", sendo esta mais expressiva nos grupos INP (5,2%) e INEP (5,3%). Conclusão: Todas as intervenções propostas produziram efeito benéfico para a redução do escore de risco cardiovascular. O presente estudo reforça a importância da modificação do estilo de vida na prevenção e no tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2011


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2014


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Univ., Dissertation, 2015


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Crabs of the genus Uca Leach, 1814 are characterized by having strong sexual dimorphism and a global distribution. Currently, 97 species have been described and analyzed under several aspects, including population ecology, physiology and ethology. However, there is no general summary of the information from the various literatures. The aim of this study is to perform a scientometric analysis of fiddler crab studies. For this we searched papers available in the Thomson ISI database that contained the words "Uca" OR "fiddler* crab*" between the years 1991 and 2007. For each paper, we researched and recorded the following characteristics: publication year; journal of publication; the first author's nationality; the country where the study was conducted; study type; species studied; and the work area. Our results indicated that there was no increase in the number of articles through the years considered. The Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology published most of the articles on Uca, indicating the importance of this group as a model for testing ecological hypotheses using experimental approaches. Our results also showed that United States had the highest number of authors and published studies on Uca, following the overall trend in dominance on scientific research. Furthermore, using models with three variables (per capita income, number of species of Uca and extent of coastal countries) we observed that, according to the Akaike Information Criterion, the per capita income was the most important correlate for the number of articles per country (both the author's country and country of study). Additionally, our results show that the species U. pugilator (distributed on the East Coast of the North American continent) was the species most singularly referenced in the papers considered. Moreover, our results indicate that most studies on Uca use a descriptive and local scale. The majority of papers in our literature search reflect studies in population biology, followed by behavioral and physiological characteristics.


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In this paper, 27 studies from the last decade which deal more or less explicitly with the International New Venture, global start-up or born-global phenomenon are first identified, and then fully examined and critically assessed as a basis for obtaining an adequate view of the state-of-the-art of this increasingly important research avenue in the field of International Entrepreneurship (IE). The methodology used for this synthetic review allow us to analyze a number of recent, purposefully-chosen studies that are systematically compared along the following criteria: 1) main objective and type of research; 2) theoretical framework/s of reference, 3) methodological issues, and 4) main findings and/or conclusions. As a result of this literature review, a critical assessment follows in which the most relevant benefits and contributions as well as potential drawbacks, limitations or major discrepancies in the research activities conducted so far are discussed. Finally, some suggestions and implications are provided in the form of future research directions.