542 resultados para Gage immobilier, faillite


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The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.


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Grafts of favorable axonal growth substrates were combined with transient nerve growth factor (NGF) infusions to promote morphological and functional recovery in the adult rat brain after lesions of the septohippocampal projection. Long-term septal cholinergic neuronal rescue and partial hippocampal reinnervation were achieved, resulting in partial functional recovery on a simple task assessing habituation but not on a more complex task assessing spatial reference memory. Control animals that received transient NGF infusions without axonal-growth-promoting grafts lacked behavioral recovery but also showed long-term septal neuronal rescue. These findings indicate that (i) partial recovery from central nervous system injury can be induced by both preventing host neuronal loss and promoting host axonal regrowth and (ii) long-term neuronal loss can be prevented with transient NGF infusions.


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Uniões por prendedores são elementos amplamente utilizados na indústria aeronáutica para a união de partes constituintes da aeronave. Contudo, devido à sua geometria e aos carregamentos sofridos, estes elementos estão frequentemente sujeitos a falhas por fadiga. Assim, para um projeto e dimensionamento bem executado dessas juntas, é necessário conhecer seu comportamento mecânico e o campo de tensões ao qual estão sujeitas. O método dos elementos finitos certamente atende a estas necessidades; porém, o uso de elementos sólidos tridimensionais para a representação destas uniões pode levar a análises demasiadamente demoradas e custosas, sendo desejável o uso de modelos mais simplificados. Nesse trabalho, juntas de topo assimétricas são modeladas pelo método dos elementos finitos, utilizando tanto elementos sólidos tridimensionais quanto elementos de casca, com o objetivo de encontrar um modelo relativamente simples que apresente resultados satisfatórios e requeira um menor tempo de solução. Os resultados numéricos obtidos são comparados com resultados experimentais, que utilizam extensômetros e fotoelasticidade.


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In recent years, several researchers have shown the good performance of alkali activated slag cement and concretes. Besides their good mechanical properties and durability, this type of cement is a good alternative to Portland cements if sustainability is considered. Moreover, multifunctional cement composites have been developed in the last decades for their functional applications (self-sensing, EMI shielding, self-heating, etc.). In this study, the strain and damage sensing possible application of carbon fiber reinforced alkali activated slag pastes has been evaluated. Cement pastes with 0, 0.29 and 0.58 vol % carbon fiber addition were prepared. Both carbon fiber dosages showed sensing properties. For strain sensing, function gage factors of up to 661 were calculated for compressive cycles. Furthermore, all composites with carbon fibers suffered a sudden increase in their resistivity when internal damages began, prior to any external signal of damage. Hence, this material may be suitable as strain or damage sensor.


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In this research, strain-sensing and damage-sensing functional properties of cement composites have been studied on a conventional reinforced concrete (RC) beam. Carbon nanofiber (CNFCC) and fiber (CFCC) cement composites were used as sensors on a 4 m long RC beam. Different casting conditions (in situ or attached), service location (under tension or compression) and electrical contacts (embedded or superficial) were compared. Both CNFCC and CFCC were suitable as strain sensors in reversible (elastic) sensing condition testing. CNFCC showed higher sensitivities (gage factor up to 191.8), while CFCC only reached gage factors values of 178.9 (tension) or 49.5 (compression). Furthermore, damage-sensing tests were run, increasing the applied load progressively up to the RC beam failure. In these conditions, CNFCC sensors were also strain sensitive, but no damage sensing mechanism was detected for the strain levels achieved during the tests. Hence, these cement composites could act as strain sensors, even for severe damaged structures near to their collapse.


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Both strain and damage sensing properties on carbon nanofiber cement composites (CNFCC) are reported in the present paper. Strain sensing tests were first made on the material’s elastic range. The applied loading levels have been previously calculated from mechanical strength tests. The effect of several variables on the strain-sensing function was studied, e.g. cement pastes curing age, current density, loading rate or maximum stress applied. All these parameters were discussed using the gage factor as reference. After this first set of elastic experiments, the same specimens were gradually loaded until material’s failure. At the same time both strain and resistivity were measured. The former was controlled using strain gages, and the latter using a multimeter on a four probe setup. The aim of these tests was to prove the sensitivity of these CNF composites to sense their own damage, i.e. check the possibility of fabricating structural damage sensors with CNFCC’s. All samples with different CNF dosages showed good strain-sensing capacities for curing periods of 28 days. Furthermore, a 2%CNF reinforced cement paste has been sensitive to its own structural damage.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: This trigonometrical plan of the town and port of Liverpool : including the environs of Edge Hill & Toxteth Park, Kirkdale, Everton, Low Hill from actual survey, is by permission most respectfully dedicated to the worshipful the Mayor & Common Council by their most obedient and obliged very humble servant Michael Alexander Gage ; engraved by Thomas Starling, Wilmington Square, London. It was published as the Act directs ... by M.A. Gage in March 1st 1836. Scale [ca. 1:3,240]. This layer is image 1 of 3 total images of the three sheet source map, representing the southern portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'British National Grid' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings and industries, canals, docks, wharves, city districts, ground cover, parks and more. Includes text and tables. Includes text.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: This trigonometrical plan of the town and port of Liverpool : including the environs of Edge Hill & Toxteth Park, Kirkdale, Everton, Low Hill from actual survey, is by permission most respectfully dedicated to the worshipful the Mayor & Common Council by their most obedient and obliged very humble servant Michael Alexander Gage ; engraved by Thomas Starling, Wilmington Square, London. It was published as the Act directs ... by M.A. Gage in March 1st 1836. Scale [ca. 1:3,240]. This layer is image 2 of 3 total images of the three sheet source map, representing the central portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'British National Grid' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings and industries, canals, docks, wharves, city districts, ground cover, parks and more. Includes text and tables. Includes text.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: This trigonometrical plan of the town and port of Liverpool : including the environs of Edge Hill & Toxteth Park, Kirkdale, Everton, Low Hill from actual survey, is by permission most respectfully dedicated to the worshipful the Mayor & Common Council by their most obedient and obliged very humble servant Michael Alexander Gage ; engraved by Thomas Starling, Wilmington Square, London. It was published as the Act directs ... by M.A. Gage in March 1st 1836. Scale [ca. 1:3,240]. This layer is image 3 of 3 total images of the three sheet source map, representing the northern portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'British National Grid' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings and industries, canals, docks, wharves, city districts, ground cover, parks and more. Includes text and tables. Includes text.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Front Row: Michael W. Darland, Thomas W. Pederson, Eric A. Peper, C. Matthew Chelich, Fernando J. Canales, Robert F. Murray, Kevin V. Williamson

2nd Row: Richard L. Carter, Paul W. Griffith, Scott D. Weir, Kenneth J. Vigiletti, Jonathan K. Menegay, Kevin A. Morgan, David L. Price, Bill Mills, James F. Derks

3rd Row: swimming coach Gus Stager, Jon Beach, Kevin Machemer, Brent Campbell, Lance Weissmann, Matt Kanzler, Tom D. Dudley, Jr., R. Scott Crowder, III., Walter H. Gage, III, diving coach Dick Kimball

Back Row: Rich D. Hitt, Jr., Jamie Gentile, John L. Spaid, Mark McMann, Mike Wilson, Michael W. Dauw, John E. Slykhouse, Eric Yamauchi, Andy Griffith, Thomas D. Ernsting, Bruce Temme


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Front (L-R): R. Scott Crowder, III, Thomas D. Dudley, Jr., Walter H. Gage, III, Mark McMann, Fernando J. Canales, Ronald M. Merriott, John Beach

2nd Row: Bruce M. Gemmell, Andy Lyos, Steve Roeder, Kevin V. Williamson, Kirstan A. Vandersluis, Mark Noetzel, Victor O. Lopez

3rd Row: coach Gus Stager, Gary M. Antonick, John Albanese, Brent Meyer, John de Olazzarro, Harry N. Canales, diving coach Dick Kimball

Back Row: Kip Kimble, Kent Ferguson, Tim Gardner, Joel Elkonin, Carlos R. Becerra, Neal W. Bond, manager Rick Hitt


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Front (L-R): R. Scott Crowder, III, Thomas D. Dudley, Jr., Walter H. Gage, III, Mark McMann, Fernando J. Canales, Ronald M. Merriott, John Beach

2nd Row: Bruce M. Gemmell, Andy Lyos, Steve Roeder, Kevin V. Williamson, Kirstan A. Vandersluis, Mark Noetzel, Victor O. Lopez

3rd Row: coach Gus Stager, Gary M. Antonick, John Albanese, Brent Meyer, John de Olazzarro, Harry N. Canales, diving coach Dick Kimball

Back Row: Kip Kimble, Kent Ferguson, Tim Gardner, Joel Elkonin, Carlos R. Becerra, Neal W. Bond, manager Rick Hitt


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Front Row: R. Scott Crowder, III, Thomas D. Dudley, Jr. alter H. Gage, III., Mark McMann, Fernando J. Canales, Ronald M. Merriott, Jonathan Beach.,

Second Row: Bruce M. Gemmell, Andy Lyos, Steve Roeder, Kevin V. Williamson, Kirstan A. Vandersluis, Mark Noetzel, Victor O. Lopez.

Third Row: swimming coach Gus Stager, Gary M. Antonick, John Albanese, Brent Meyer, John de'Olazzarro, Harry N. Canales, diving coach Dick Kimball.

Back Row: Kip Kimble, Kent Ferguson, Tim Gardner, Joel Elconin, Carlos Bocerra, Neal W. Bond, manager Rick Hitt.