939 resultados para Future business
The pharmacotherapy currently recommended by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association for heart failure (HF) is a diuretic, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), a β-adrenoceptor antagonist and (usually) digitalis. This current treatment of HF may be improved by optimising the dose of ACEI used, as increasing the dose of lisinopril increases its benefits in HF. Selective angiotensin receptor-1 (AT1) antagonists are effective alternatives for those who cannot tolerate ACEIs. AT1 antagonists may also be used in combination with ACEIs, as some studies have shown cumulative benefits for the combination. In addition to being used in Stage IV HF patients, in whom it has a marked benefit, spironolactone should be studied in less severe HF and in the presence of β-blockers. The use of carvedilol, extended-release metoprolol and bisoprolol should be extended to severe HF patients as these agents have been shown to decrease mortality in this group. The ancillary properties of carvedilol, particularly antagonism at prejunctional β-adrenoceptors, may give it additional benefits to selective β1-adrenoceptor antagonists. Celiprolol and bucindolol are not the β-blockers of choice in HF, as they do not decrease mortality. Although digitalis does not reduce mortality, it remains the only option for a long-term positive inotropic effect, as the long-term use of the phosphodiesterase inhibitors is associated with increased mortality. The calcium sensitising drug levosimendan may be useful in the hospital treatment of decompensated HF to increase cardiac output and improve dyspnoea and fatigue. The antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone should probably be used in patients at high risk of arrhythmic or sudden death, although this treatment may soon be superseded by the more expensive implanted cardioverter defibrillators, which are probably more effective and have fewer side effects. The natriuretic peptide nesiritide has recently been introduced for the hospital treatment of decompensated HF. Novel drugs that may be beneficial in the treatment of HF include the vasopeptidase inhibitors and the selective endothelin-A receptor antagonists but these require much more investigation. However, disappointing results have been obtained in a large clinical trial of the tumour necrosis factor α antagonist etanercept, where no likelihood of a difference between placebo and etanercept was observed. Small clinical trials with recombinant growth hormone to thicken ventricles in dilated cardiomyopathy have given variable results.
This paper explains how, in the aftermath of World War II, a type of techno-nationalism emerged that linked being Japanese to science and technology and the increased consumption of electrical appliances. By closely examining official exhibitions, we can see how the state and private sector strongly encouraged this techno-scientific dreaming. Dazzling displays highlighted how the peaceful atom would help lead the nation to achieve high economic growth. At the same time, through the judicious purchase of labor saving appliances, consumers could reconcile the need to spend with the need to save.
Com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, e fazendo uso da análise de conteúdo, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar a meta erradicar a pobreza até 2025, constituinte do Plano de Desenvolvimento Espírito Santo 2025. Compreendemos que essa meta faz parte do modelo de ―desenvolvimento sustentado‖ elaborado pela burguesia capixaba, organizada no Movimento Empresarial Espírito Santo em Ação, e em articulação com o executivo estadual e a Petrobrás, sem que tenha havido participação de trabalhadores na elaboração do Plano mencionado. Seguem-se as principais conclusões. A meta em questão foi construída sob o marco ideopolítico e teórico da ―internacionalização do combate à pobreza‖, transpondo-se para o território estadual o discurso hegemônico de erradicação daquela condição social, entendida como sendo, em última análise, de responsabilidade do indivíduo, e não enquanto consequência direta do modo de produção capitalista. Além disso, os pobres são compreendidos, na elaboração da meta, de forma dual: ora identificados através do ―pressuposto da falta‖, ora enquanto ―agentes‖ livres para construir seu próprio futuro. Em consequência dessa dualidade, são propostas duas vias de ação tidas como essenciais para ―erradicar a pobreza‖: uma, centrada na transferência de renda para os que vivem na pobreza mais acentuada, e outra, na concessão de (micro)crédito para os pobres não miseráveis, com vistas a possibilitar que se tornem ―empreendedores‖. A meta analisada visa contribuir para promover a ―paz social‖, através da contenção dos pobres e de sua latente revolta diante de sua degradada condição de vida em território espírito-santense, o que demonstra sua funcionalidade para naturalizar e gerir a barbárie que marca a contemporaneidade capitalista.
É inegável a importância da infraestrutura de transporte para as empresas, para a economia e para os países no momento atual. Entretanto, a oferta de infraestrutura de transporte deve estar disponível a custos razoáveis e de modo a viabilizar o atendimento desta crescente demanda vista ao redor do mundo, não diferente no Brasil. Sobre tal contexto, desponta-se o segmento ferroviário, o qual proporciona o transporte de elevados volumes a custos relativamente baixos. Para suportar esta condição, é fundamental conhecer os parâmetros presentes em um sistema ferroviário e saber quais são seus impactos na capacidade de transporte, visando direcionar ações com foco na melhoria operacional e na correta alocação de investimentos de capital. Para quantificar estes impactos, buscou-se desenvolver um modelo de simulação capaz de identificar os impactos na capacidade de um trecho ferroviário de linha dupla frente à variação de dois parâmetros: o tamanho dos trens, que poderá sofrer alteração diante da comercialização da capacidade excedente das ferrovias nacional, diretriz esta presente no novo marco regulatório, e o comprimento das seções de bloqueio, diante dos baixos níveis de investimento realizados até o momento pelas concessões ferroviárias em atividade e do grande potencial de novos investimentos que serão destinados ao segmento ferroviário para atender as demandas futuras. Após a definição de vários cenários, realizou-se a análise dos resultados e pode-se identificar que tanto a variação no tamanho dos trens quando no comprimento das seções de bloqueio geram variações na capacidade de transportes em um trecho ferroviário, ficando estes caracterizados como importantes parâmetros que devem fazer parte de qualquer análise de capacidade ou investimentos de um segmento ferroviário
The article deals with the internationalization of Brazilian businesses in the current decade. In the 1990s, Brazil embraced economic neoliberalism and promoted a huge opening up of its economy. At that time, Brazilian companies had to adapt rapidly. Twenty years later, the country has reinforced its presence in Latin America and has ensured a better position in the global markets, especially by through agricultural exports.
Recently, Japan has been increasing tensions with China regarding the Pinnacle Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. Due to the Chinese military development, Japan has been working on its political and military strengthening in Asia. This essay presents two possible scenarios for Japan.
Management systems standards (MSSs) have developed in an unprecedented manner in the last few years. These MSS cover a wide array of different disciplines, aims and activities of organisations. Also, organisations are populated with an enormous diversity of independent management systems (MSs). An integrated management system (IMS) tends to integrate some or all components of the business. Maximising their integration in one coherent and efficient MS is increasingly a strategic priority and constitutes an opportunity for businesses to be more competitive and consequently, promote its sustainable success. Those organisations that are quicker and more efficient in their integration and continuous improvement will have a competitive advantage in obtaining sustainable value in our global and competitive business world. Several scholars have proposed various theoretical approaches regarding the integration of management sub-systems, leading to the conclusion that there is no common practice for all organisations as they encompass different characteristics. One other author shows that several tangible and intangible gains for organisations, as well as to their internal and external stakeholders, are achieved with the integration of the individual standardised MSs. The purpose of this work was to conceive a model, Flexible, Integrator and Lean for IMSs, according to ISO 9001 for quality; ISO 14001 for environment and OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety (IMS–QES), that can be adapted and progressively assimilate other MSs, such as, SA 8000/ISO 26000 for social accountability, ISO 31000 for risk management and ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management, among others. The IMS–QES model was designed in the real environment of an industrial Portuguese small and medium enterprise, that over the years has been adopting, gradually, in whole or in part, individual MSSs. The developed model is based on a preliminary investigation conducted through a questionnaire. The strategy and research methods have taken into consideration the case study. Among the main findings of the survey we highlight: the creation of added value for the business through the elimination of several organisational wastes; the integrated management of the sustainability components; the elimination of conflicts between independent MS; dialogue with the main stakeholders and commitment to their ongoing satisfaction and increased contribution to the company’s competitiveness; and greater valorisation and motivation of employees as a result of the expansion of their skill base, actions and responsibilities, with their consequent empowerment. A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) constitute the support, in a perspective of business excellence, to the follow up of the organisation’s progress towards the vision and achievement of the defined objectives in the context of each component of the IMS model. The conceived model had many phases and the one presented in this work is the last required for the integration of quality, environment, safety and others individual standardised MSs. Globally, the investigation results, by themselves, justified and prioritised the conception of an IMS–QES model, to be implemented at the company where the investigation was conducted, but also a generic model of an IMS, which may be more flexible, integrator and lean as possible, potentiating the efficiency, added value both in the present and, fundamentally, for future.
COORDINSPECTOR is a Software Tool aiming at extracting the coordination layer of a software system. Such a reverse engineering process provides a clear view of the actually invoked services as well as the logic behind such invocations. The analysis process is based on program slicing techniques and the generation of, System Dependence Graphs and Coordination Dependence Graphs. The tool analyzes Common Intermediate Language (CIL), the native language of the Microsoft .Net Framework, thus making suitable for processing systems developed in any .Net Framework compilable language. COORDINSPECTOR generates graphical representations of the coordination layer together with business process orchestrations specified in WSBPEL 2.0
Background and Purpose: Precise needle puncture of the kidney is a challenging and essential step for successful percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Many devices and surgical techniques have been developed to easily achieve suitable renal access. This article presents a critical review to address the methodologies and techniques for conducting kidney targeting and the puncture step during PCNL. Based on this study, research paths are also provided for PCNL procedure improvement. Methods: Most relevant works concerning PCNL puncture were identified by a search of Medline/PubMed, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus databases from 2007 to December 2012. Two authors independently reviewed the studies. Results: A total of 911 abstracts and 346 full-text articles were assessed and discussed; 52 were included in this review as a summary of the main contributions to kidney targeting and puncturing. Conclusions: Multiple paths and technologic advances have been proposed in the field of urology and minimally invasive surgery to improve PCNL puncture. The most relevant contributions, however, have been provided by the applicationofmedical imaging guidance, newsurgical tools,motion tracking systems, robotics, andimage processing and computer graphics. Despite the multiple research paths for PCNL puncture guidance, no widely acceptable solution has yet been reached, and it remains an active and challenging research field. Future developments should focus on real-time methods, robust and accurate algorithms, and radiation free imaging techniques
Business social networking is a facilitator of several business activities, such as market studies, communication with clients, and identification of business partners. This paper traduces the results of a study undertaken with the purpose of getting to know how the potential of networking is perceived in the promotion of business by participants of the LinkedIn network, and presents two main contributions: (1) to disseminate within the business community which is the relevance given to social networking; and (2) which are the social networks best suitable to the promotion of business, to support the definition of strategies and approaches accordingly. The results confirm that LinkedIn is the most suitable network to answer the needs of those that look for professional contacts and for the promotion of business, while innovation is the most recognized factor in the promotion of business through social networking. This study contributes to a better understanding of the potential of different business social networking sites, to support organizations and professionals to align their strategies with the perceived potential of each network.