952 resultados para Functional analysis.


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Les approches multimodales dans l'imagerie cérébrale non invasive sont de plus en plus considérées comme un outil indispensable pour la compréhension des différents aspects de la structure et de la fonction cérébrale. Grâce aux progrès des techniques d'acquisition des images de Resonance Magnetique et aux nouveaux outils pour le traitement des données, il est désormais possible de mesurer plusieurs paramètres sensibles aux différentes caractéristiques des tissues cérébraux. Ces progrès permettent, par exemple, d'étudier les substrats anatomiques qui sont à la base des processus cognitifs ou de discerner au niveau purement structurel les phénomènes dégénératifs et développementaux. Cette thèse met en évidence l'importance de l'utilisation d'une approche multimodale pour étudier les différents aspects de la dynamique cérébrale grâce à l'application de cette approche à deux études cliniques: l'évaluation structurelle et fonctionnelle des effets aigus du cannabis fumé chez des consommateurs réguliers et occasionnels, et l'évaluation de l'intégrité de la substance grise et blanche chez des jeunes porteurs de la prémutations du gène FMR1 à risque de développer le FXTAS (Fragile-X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome). Nous avons montré que chez les fumeurs occasionnels de cannabis, même à faible concentration du principal composant psychoactif (THC) dans le sang, la performance lors d'une tâche visuo-motrice est fortement diminuée, et qu'il y a des changements dans l'activité des trois réseaux cérébraux impliqués dans les processus cognitifs: le réseau de saillance, le réseau du contrôle exécutif, et le réseau actif par défaut (Default Mode). Les sujets ne sont pas en mesure de saisir les saillances dans l'environnement et de focaliser leur attention sur la tâche. L'augmentation de la réponse hémodynamique dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur suggère une augmentation de l'activité introspective. Une investigation des ef¬fets au niveau cérébral d'une exposition prolongée au cannabis, montre des changements persistants de la substance grise dans les régions associées à la mémoire et au traitement des émotions. Le niveau d'atrophie dans ces structures corrèle avec la consommation de cannabis au cours des trois mois précédant l'étude. Dans la deuxième étude, nous démontrons des altérations structurelles des décennies avant l'apparition du syndrome FXTAS chez des sujets jeunes, asymptomatiques, et porteurs de la prémutation du gène FMR1. Les modifications trouvées peuvent être liées à deux mécanismes différents. Les altérations dans le réseau moteur du cervelet et dans la fimbria de l'hippocampe, suggèrent un effet développemental de la prémutation. Elles incluent aussi une atrophie de la substance grise du lobule VI du cervelet et l'altération des propriétés tissulaires de la substance blanche des projections afférentes correspondantes aux pédoncules cérébelleux moyens. Les lésions diffuses de la substance blanche cérébrale peu¬vent être un marquer précoce du développement de la maladie, car elles sont liées à un phénomène dégénératif qui précède l'apparition des symptômes du FXTAS. - Multimodal brain imaging is becoming a leading tool for understanding different aspects of brain structure and function. Thanks to the advances in Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition schemes and data processing techniques, it is now possible to measure different parameters sensitive to different tissue characteristics. This allows for example to investigate anatomical substrates underlying cognitive processing, or to disentangle, at a pure structural level degeneration and developmental processes. This thesis highlights the importance of using a multimodal approach for investigating different aspects of brain dynamics by applying this approach to two clinical studies: functional and structural assessment of the acute effects of cannabis smoking in regular and occasional users, and grey and white matter assessment in young FMR1 premutation carriers at risk of developing FXTAS. We demonstrate that in occasional smokers cannabis smoking, even at low concentration of the main psychoactive component (THC) in the blood, strongly decrease subjects' performance on a visuo-motor tracking task, and globally alters the activity of the three brain networks involved in cognitive processing: the Salience, the Control Executive, and the Default Mode networks. Subjects are unable to capture saliences in the environment and to orient attention to the task; the increase in Hemodynamic Response in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex suggests an increase in self-oriented mental activity. A further investigation on long term exposure to cannabis, shows a persistent grey matter modification in brain regions associated with memory and affective processing. The degree of atrophy in these structures also correlates with the estimation of drug use in the three months prior the participation to the study. In the second study we demonstrate structural changes in young asymptomatic premutation carriers decades before the onset of FXTAS that might be related to two different mechanisms. Alteration of the cerebellar motor network and of the hippocampal fimbria/ fornix, may reflect a potential neurodevelopmental effect of the premutation. These include grey matter atrophy in lobule VI and modification of white matter tissue property in the corresponding afferent projections through the Middle Cerebellar Peduncles. Diffuse hemispheric white matter lesions that seem to appear closer to the onset of FXTAS and be related to a neurodegenerative phenomenon may mark the imminent onset of FXTAS.


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Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.


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In der funktionellen Proteomforschung werden bekannte Interaktionen eines zellulären Netzwerkes qualitativ untersucht. Diese Veröffentlichung beschreibt verschiedene biomolekulare Interaktionsanalysen, anhand des Modellsystems PKA, die zur detaillierten Charakterisierung von Bindungen herangezogen werden können. Neben den Gleichgewichtsbindungsdaten (generiert aus AlphaScreen, FP, SPR und ITC Messungen) wurden aus ITC Messungen die thermodynamischen Parameter G, H und S ermittelt. Durch Anwendung der BRET2 (Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) Methode konnten in lebenden Zellen Aussagen über Bindungsereignisse und deren Lokalisation getroffen werden.


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El contexto teórico y empírico de esta investigación sobre entonación, se enmarca dentro de la filosofía lingüística de la teoría sistémico-funcional. El modelo metodológico empleado se basa en la Lingüística de Corpus. La descripción de la adquisición y aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera está justificada dentro del marco teórico de la teoría de interlengua y la adquisición de segundas lenguas y lenguas extranjeras.. El presente estudio del corpus comparativo y longitudinal de aprendices y hablantes nativos de lengua inglesa, tiene como objetivo principal investigar los modelos de entonación producidos por ambos grupos de hablantes. Se pretende demostrar que la diferencia a nivel entonativo entre estos dos grupos no sólo tiene como resultado que los no nativos tengan acento extranjero; sino que puede afectar al mensaje transmitido, en cuanto a la estructura y organización de la información dentro del discurso oral en las metafunciones textual e interpersonal.. Se asume la existencia de un sistema entonativo de interlengua, de esta forma este análisis tiene como objeto no sólo reflejar los errores sino también los posibles sistemas aproximativos de los aprendices mencionados..


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A procedure based on quantum molecular similarity measures (QMSM) has been used to compare electron densities obtained from conventional ab initio and density functional methodologies at their respective optimized geometries. This method has been applied to a series of small molecules which have experimentally known properties and molecular bonds of diverse degrees of ionicity and covalency. Results show that in most cases the electron densities obtained from density functional methodologies are of a similar quality than post-Hartree-Fock generalized densities. For molecules where Hartree-Fock methodology yields erroneous results, the density functional methodology is shown to yield usually more accurate densities than those provided by the second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory


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The platelet surface is a dynamic interface that changes rapidly in response to stimuli to coordinate the formation of thrombi at sites of vascular injury. Tight control is essential as loss of organisation may result in the inappropriate formation of thrombi (thrombosis) or excessive bleeding. In this paper we describe the comparative analysis of resting and thrombin-stimulated platelet membrane proteomes and associated proteins to identify proteins important to platelet function. Surface proteins were labelled using a biotin tag and isolated by NeurtrAvidin affinity chromatography. Liquid phase IEF and SDS-PAGE were used to separate proteins, and bands of increased intensity in the stimulated platelet fractions were digested and identified by FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Novel proteins were identified along with proteins known to be translocated to the platelet surface. Furthermore, many platelet proteins revealed changes in location associated with function, including G6B and Hip-55. HIP-55 is an SH3-binding protein important in T-cell receptor signalling. Further analysis of HIP-55 revealed that this adaptor protein becomes increasingly associated with both Syk and integrin beta 3 upon platelet activation. Analysis of HIP-55 deficient platelets revealed reduced fibrinogen binding upon thrombin stimulation, suggesting HIP-55 to be an important regulator of platelet function.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus infection and growth are dependent on initiating signaling and enzyme actions upon viral entry into the host cell. Proteins packaged during virus assembly may subsequently form the first line of attack and host manipulation upon infection. A complete characterization of virion components is therefore important to understanding the dynamics of early stages of infection. Mass spectrometry and kinase profiling techniques identified nearly 200 incorporated host and viral proteins. We used published interaction data to identify hubs of connectivity with potential significance for virion formation. Surprisingly, the hub with the most potential connections was not the viral M protein but the nonstructurall protein 3 (nsp3), which is one of the novel virion components identified by mass spectrometry. Based on new experimental data and a bioinformatics analysis across the Coronaviridae, we propose a higher-resolution functional domain architecture for nsp3 that determines the interaction capacity of this protein. Using recombinant protein domains expressed in Escherichia coli, we identified two additional RNA-binding domains of nsp3. One of these domains is located within the previously described SARS-unique domain, and there is a nucleic acid chaperone-like domain located immediately downstream of the papain-like proteinase domain. We also identified a novel cysteine-coordinated metal ion-binding domain. Analyses of interdomain interactions and provisional functional annotation of the remaining, so-far-uncharacterized domains are presented. Overall, the ensemble of data surveyed here paint a more complete picture of nsp3 as a conserved component of the viral protein processing machinery, which is intimately associated with viral RNA in its role as a virion component.


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Cognitive experiments involving motor execution (ME) and motor imagery (MI) have been intensively studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, the functional networks of a multitask paradigm which include ME and MI were not widely explored. In this article, we aimed to investigate the functional networks involved in MI and ME using a method combining the hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and the independent component analysis (ICA). Ten right-handed subjects were recruited to participate a multitask experiment with conditions such as visual cue, MI, ME and rest. The results showed that four activation clusters were found including parts of the visual network, ME network, the MI network and parts of the resting state network. Furthermore, the integration among these functional networks was also revealed. The findings further demonstrated that the combined HCA with ICA approach was an effective method to analyze the fMRI data of multitasks.


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In the present study, we propose a theoretical graph procedure to investigate multiple pathways in brain functional networks. By taking into account all the possible paths consisting of h links between the nodes pairs of the network, we measured the global network redundancy R (h) as the number of parallel paths and the global network permeability P (h) as the probability to get connected. We used this procedure to investigate the structural and dynamical changes in the cortical networks estimated from a dataset of high-resolution EEG signals in a group of spinal cord injured (SCI) patients during the attempt of foot movement. In the light of a statistical contrast with a healthy population, the permeability index P (h) of the SCI networks increased significantly (P < 0.01) in the Theta frequency band (3-6 Hz) for distances h ranging from 2 to 4. On the contrary, no significant differences were found between the two populations for the redundancy index R (h) . The most significant changes in the brain functional network of SCI patients occurred mainly in the lower spectral contents. These changes were related to an improved propagation of communication between the closest cortical areas rather than to a different level of redundancy. This evidence strengthens the hypothesis of the need for a higher functional interaction among the closest ROIs as a mechanism to compensate the lack of feedback from the peripheral nerves to the sensomotor areas.


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This work presents a novel approach in order to increase the recognition power of Multiscale Fractal Dimension (MFD) techniques, when applied to image classification. The proposal uses Functional Data Analysis (FDA) with the aim of enhancing the MFD technique precision achieving a more representative descriptors vector, capable of recognizing and characterizing more precisely objects in an image. FDA is applied to signatures extracted by using the Bouligand-Minkowsky MFD technique in the generation of a descriptors vector from them. For the evaluation of the obtained improvement, an experiment using two datasets of objects was carried out. A dataset was used of characters shapes (26 characters of the Latin alphabet) carrying different levels of controlled noise and a dataset of fish images contours. A comparison with the use of the well-known methods of Fourier and wavelets descriptors was performed with the aim of verifying the performance of FDA method. The descriptor vectors were submitted to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classification method and we compared the correctness rate in the classification process among the descriptors methods. The results demonstrate that FDA overcomes the literature methods (Fourier and wavelets) in the processing of information extracted from the MFD signature. In this way, the proposed method can be considered as an interesting choice for pattern recognition and image classification using fractal analysis.


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Although the amine sulfur dioxide chemistry was well characterized in the past both experimentally and theoretically, no systematic Raman spectroscopic study describes the interaction between N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) and sulfur dioxide (SO(2)). The formation of a deep red oil by the reaction of SO(2) with DMA is an evidence of the charge transfer (CT) nature of the DMA-SO(2) interaction. The DMA -SO(2) normal Raman spectrum shows the appearance of two intense bands at 1110 and 1151 cm(-1), which are enhanced when resonance is approached. These bands are assigned to nu(s)(SO(2)) and nu(phi-N) vibrational modes, respectively, confirming the interaction between SO(2) and the amine via the nitrogen atom. The dimethyl group steric effect favors the interaction of SO(2) with the ring pi electrons, which gives rise to a pi-pi* low-energy CT electronic transition, as confirmed by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations. In addition, the calculated Raman DMA-SO(2) spectrum at the B3LYP/6-311++g(3df,3pd) level shows good agreement with the experimental results (vibrational wavenumbers and relative intensities), allowing a complete assignment of the vibrational modes. A better understanding of the intermolecular interactions in this model system can be extremely useful in designing new materials to absorb, detect, or even quantify SO(2). Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The recent advances in CMOS technology have allowed for the fabrication of transistors with submicronic dimensions, making possible the integration of tens of millions devices in a single chip that can be used to build very complex electronic systems. Such increase in complexity of designs has originated a need for more efficient verification tools that could incorporate more appropriate physical and computational models. Timing verification targets at determining whether the timing constraints imposed to the design may be satisfied or not. It can be performed by using circuit simulation or by timing analysis. Although simulation tends to furnish the most accurate estimates, it presents the drawback of being stimuli dependent. Hence, in order to ensure that the critical situation is taken into account, one must exercise all possible input patterns. Obviously, this is not possible to accomplish due to the high complexity of current designs. To circumvent this problem, designers must rely on timing analysis. Timing analysis is an input-independent verification approach that models each combinational block of a circuit as a direct acyclic graph, which is used to estimate the critical delay. First timing analysis tools used only the circuit topology information to estimate circuit delay, thus being referred to as topological timing analyzers. However, such method may result in too pessimistic delay estimates, since the longest paths in the graph may not be able to propagate a transition, that is, may be false. Functional timing analysis, in turn, considers not only circuit topology, but also the temporal and functional relations between circuit elements. Functional timing analysis tools may differ by three aspects: the set of sensitization conditions necessary to declare a path as sensitizable (i.e., the so-called path sensitization criterion), the number of paths simultaneously handled and the method used to determine whether sensitization conditions are satisfiable or not. Currently, the two most efficient approaches test the sensitizability of entire sets of paths at a time: one is based on automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) techniques and the other translates the timing analysis problem into a satisfiability (SAT) problem. Although timing analysis has been exhaustively studied in the last fifteen years, some specific topics have not received the required attention yet. One such topic is the applicability of functional timing analysis to circuits containing complex gates. This is the basic concern of this thesis. In addition, and as a necessary step to settle the scenario, a detailed and systematic study on functional timing analysis is also presented.


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The xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) protein is involved in both DNA repair and transcription in human cells. It is a component of the transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and is responsible for DNA helicase activity during nucleotide (nt) excision repair (NER). Its high evolutionary conservation has allowed identification of homologous proteins in different organisms, including plants. In contrast to other organisms, Arabidopsis thaliana harbors a duplication of the XPB orthologue (AtXPB1 and AtXPB2), and the proteins encoded by the duplicated genes are very similar (95% amino acid identity). Complementation assays in yeast rad25 mutant strains suggest the involvement of AtXPB2 in DNA repair, as already shown for AtXPB1, indicating that these proteins may be functionally redundant in the removal of DNA lesions in A. thaliana. Although both genes are expressed in a constitutive manner during the plant life cycle, Northern blot analyses suggest that light modulates the expression level of both XPB copies, and transcript levels increase during early stages of development. Considering the high similarity between AtXPB1 and AtXPB2 and that both of predicted proteins may act in DNA repair, it is possible that this duplication may confer more flexibility and resistance to DNA damaging agents in thale cress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.