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This is the River Exe Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Exe Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. The River Exe SAP follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Teign, Torridge, Taw and Dart. It is the fifth of eight action plans that will be produced for salmon rivers within Devon Area. The River Exe SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. The Exe salmon stock is judged to be meeting its Conservation Limit. However, this assessment is uncertain as it is based on an estimate of rod exploitation rate, which in itself is also uncertain. At present there is no means of accurately assessing the River Exe salmon run. In common with many other rivers, estimation of stock using catch statistics and rod exploitation rate is the model used, when direct assessment is not possible. The installation of a fish counter on the lower river, or the use of other direct counting methods, would help to provide a direct assessment of the annual run of salmon into the river. This would improve our ability to estimate the spawning escapement and hence assess compliance with the Conservation Limit.


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This is the River Lyn Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Lyn Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This approach to salmon management within the England and Wales introduces the concept of river-specific Conservation Limits as a method of assessing the status of the salmon stock. The River Lyn Salmon Action Plan follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Exe, Axe, Avon & Erme, Teign, Torridge, Taw and Dart. It is the last of eight action plans that have been produced for salmon rivers within Devon Area. The River Lyn Salmon Action Plan contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. The Lyn salmon stock is judged to be meeting its Conservation Limit. However, this assessment is uncertain as it is based on an estimate of rod exploitation rate, which in itself is also uncertain.


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This is the River Taw Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2000. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Taw Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This approach to salmon management within the England and Wales introduces the concept of river-specific Conservation Limits as a method of assessing the status of the salmon stock. The River Taw Salmon Action Plan (SAP) includes a description of the current status of the rod and net fisheries and historical trends. The Taw salmon stock has declined since the 1960s and is currently failing to meet the spawning target. The decline in the spring fish component has accounted largely for the overall decrease in stocks. The reasons for the decline are unclear, but the spring fish problem is recognised as a national issue. The rate of survival over the marine phase has reduced in recent years for both the grilse and MSW components. This is undoubtedly a contributory factor, which may now constrain stocks to lower levels than have existed historically.


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This is the River Teign Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Teign Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This approach to salmon management within the England and Wales introduces the concept of river-specific Conservation Limits as a method of assessing the status of the salmon stock. The River Teign Salmon Action Plan follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Torridge, Taw and Dart. It is the fourth of eight action plans that will be produced for salmon rivers within the Devon Area Fisheries, Recreation and Biodiversity Team. The River Teign SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. The Teign salmon stock is currently failing to meet its conservation limit. This failure is largely attributed to the reduction in the survival rate during the marine phase of the salmon life cycle. This is likely to constrain stocks to lower levels than have existed historically. Still further catch controls may contribute to a reduction in exploitation rates and allow stocks to recover to meet their conservation limit. Other important actions include the continuation of habitat improvement works which aim to maximise spawning habitat utilisation, spawning success, and juvenile survival and production.


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WorldFish is leading the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems together with two other CGIAR Centers; the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Bioversity. In 2012 and 2013 the AAS Program rolled out in Solomon Islands, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia and the Philippines. Aquatic Agricultural Systems are places where farming and fishing in freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems contribute significantly to household income and food security. The program goal is to improve the well-being of AAS-dependent people. A hub is a geographic location that provides a focus for learning, innovation and impact through participatory action research. In Solomon Islands AAS works in Malaita Hub (Malaita Province) and Western Hub (Western Province). In each hub we identify a ‘Development Challenge’ that the Program will address to give us focus and motivation.


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The increase in harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) abundance, concurrent with the decrease in salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) and other fish stocks, raises concerns about the potential negative impact of seals on fish populations. Although harbor seals are found in rivers and estuaries, their presence is not necessarily indicative of exclusive or predominant feeding in these systems. We examined the diet of harbor seals in the Umpqua River, Oregon, during 1997 and 1998 to indirectly assess whether or not they were feeding in the river. Fish otoliths and other skeletal structures were recovered from 651 scats and used to identify seal prey. The use of all diagnostic prey structures, rather than just otoliths, increased our estimates of the number of taxa, the minimum number of individuals and percent frequency of occurrence (%FO) of prey consumed. The %FO indicated that the most common prey were pleuronectids, Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), Pacific stag-horn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus), osmerids, and shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata). The majority (76%) of prey were fish that inhabit marine waters exclusively and fish found in marine and estuarine areas (e.g. anadromous spp.) which would indicate that seals forage predominantly at sea and use the estuary for resting and opportunistic feeding. Salmonid remains were encountered in 39 samples (6%); two samples contained identifiable otoliths, which were determined to be from chi-nook salmon (O. tshawytscha). Because of the complex salmonid composition in the Umpqua River, we used molecular genetic techniques on salmonid bones retrieved from scat to discern species that were rare from those that were abundant. Of the 37 scats with salmonid bones but no otoliths, bones were identified genetically as chinook or coho (O. kisutch) salmon, or steelhead trout (O. mykiss) in 90% of the samples.