939 resultados para Flywheel generator


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PURPOSE: Quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) with generator-produced (82)Rb is an attractive alternative for centres without an on-site cyclotron. Our aim was to validate (82)Rb-measured MBF in relation to that measured using (15)O-water, as a tracer 100% of which can be extracted from the circulation even at high flow rates, in healthy control subject and patients with mild coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: MBF was measured at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperaemia with (82)Rb and (15)O-water PET in 33 participants (22 control subjects, aged 30 ± 13 years; 11 CAD patients without transmural infarction, aged 60 ± 13 years). A one-tissue compartment (82)Rb model with ventricular spillover correction was used. The (82)Rb flow-dependent extraction rate was derived from (15)O-water measurements in a subset of 11 control subjects. Myocardial flow reserve (MFR) was defined as the hyperaemic/rest MBF. Pearson's correlation r, Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement (LoA), and Lin's concordance correlation ρ (c) (measuring both precision and accuracy) were used. RESULTS: Over the entire MBF range (0.66-4.7 ml/min/g), concordance was excellent for MBF (r = 0.90, [(82)Rb-(15)O-water] mean difference ± SD = 0.04 ± 0.66 ml/min/g, LoA = -1.26 to 1.33 ml/min/g, ρ(c) = 0.88) and MFR (range 1.79-5.81, r = 0.83, mean difference = 0.14 ± 0.58, LoA = -0.99 to 1.28, ρ(c) = 0.82). Hyperaemic MBF was reduced in CAD patients compared with the subset of 11 control subjects (2.53 ± 0.74 vs. 3.62 ± 0.68 ml/min/g, p = 0.002, for (15)O-water; 2.53 ± 1.01 vs. 3.82 ± 1.21 ml/min/g, p = 0.013, for (82)Rb) and this was paralleled by a lower MFR (2.65 ± 0.62 vs. 3.79 ± 0.98, p = 0.004, for (15)O-water; 2.85 ± 0.91 vs. 3.88 ± 0.91, p = 0.012, for (82)Rb). Myocardial perfusion was homogeneous in 1,114 of 1,122 segments (99.3%) and there were no differences in MBF among the coronary artery territories (p > 0.31). CONCLUSION: Quantification of MBF with (82)Rb with a newly derived correction for the nonlinear extraction function was validated against MBF measured using (15)O-water in control subjects and patients with mild CAD, where it was found to be accurate at high flow rates. (82)Rb-derived MBF estimates seem robust for clinical research, advancing a step further towards its implementation in clinical routine.


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A patient is described who presented with myoclonus of the first dorsal interosseus muscle of the right foot. This myoclonus occurred 18 months after trauma of the cutaneous branch of the deep peroneal nerve on the dorsal aspect of the foot. Tactile stimulation in the dermatome of this nerve, or an anaesthetic block of the deep peroneal nerve stopped the myoclonus. The different innervation between the efferent motor activity responsible for the movements and the sensory afference suppressing it points firmly towards involvement of central connections. However, abolition of the movement by anaesthesia suggests the presence of a peripheral ectopic generator. This finding confirms that focal myoclonus can have its origin in the peripheral nervous system and may be modulated by sensory inputs.


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Esta dissertação descreve os resultados das medições observadas em um dos Laboratórios de uma Operadora de Telecomunicações (LOP), onde foram avaliados e analisados alguns requisitos de QoS em redes de pacotes IP (Internet Protocol). Essas medições foram feitas no âmbito do objetivo desta dissertação que é avaliar formas de prover serviços VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) em redes de pacotes conforme a recomendação do padrão FRF.12. Essa rede é assim, uma rede de link de 512kbps que também provê serviços VoIP compartilhados, concorrentemente com dados e serviços multimídia. Dos ítens analisados destacam-se: Análise de Codecs; QoS (Quality Of Service) Diffserv; Compressão de cabeçalho RTP (Real Time Protocol) - cRTP; Fragmentação com intercalação - LFI; Comportamento da Rede em situações diversas; a adequação do software free Multi Generator (MGEN) de geração - medição - coleta de dados, em redes. A análise foi, essencialmente, em enlace Frame Relay nos CPE (Customer Premise Equipment), passando pelo Backbone IP VPN / MPLS Multicast, pois o Frame Relay Fórum v12 (FRF.12) dá suporte à intercalação de voz entre os pacotes de dados. O FRF.12 é indispensável, pois este esta dissertação tem como objetivo realizar um conjuntos de testes e medidas que avaliam a aplicação dos serviços VoIP em links de baixa capacidades com trafego de dados compartilhados. Para oferecer esse serviço e de qualidade é necessário fragmentar e intercalar frames de voz entre os pacotes de dados usando o FRF.12. Depois do estudo teórico das recomendações, normas de padronização internacional e dos fabricantes, foram realizados testes que resultam na validação prática de toda a teoria outrora analisada através de testes específicos que comprovam em definitivo a viabilidade das aplicações VoIP em uma rede de enlace de baixa velocidade. Feitos esses testes chegou-se a conclusão de que em determinados casos não se revela necessário nem preocupante o aumento da banda para se puder prover determinados serviços. Na sequência dos testes foram também avaliados o desempenho, a ocupação da banda e a eficácia dos equipamentos - softwares. Da bancada dos testes e medições, provou-se o seguinte: que de fato consegue-se melhor otimização da banda ao realizar compressão do cabeçalho cRTP; que de fato a fragmentação de pacote FTP (File Transfer Protocol) com intercalação de pacotes VoIP faz reduzir o delay e jitter1 para as aplicações de tempo real; que de fato a habilitação de QoS Intserv provê classificação e faz diferenciação dos tráfegos, e que o CODEC G729 apresenta melhor adequação em lidar com aplicações VoIP em routers2 CISCO, disponível em CRT (Centro de referência Tecnológica) de uma LOP.


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A avaliação externa de escolas assumiu, nos últimos anos, uma grande centralidade nas políticas educativas e apercebemos que cada vez mais, se tornou uma exigência nos estabelecimentos de ensino. É nesta perspetiva que levamos a cabo uma investigação cuja preocupação central assenta na avaliação externa de escolas como nosso objeto de estudo, uma vez que, devido à pertinência atribuída pelas políticas educativas e sustentada nas boas práticas internacionais é considerada um gerador de mudança que contribui para a melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos e para o desenvolvimento das instituições. Assim, optamos por realizar o trabalho segundo uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, através de um inquérito por entrevistas, com o propósito de obter dados que permitissem compreender e conhecer o modelo da avaliação externa de escolas, que, enquanto área de avaliação e de melhorias é assumida como uma das prioridades na educação, que caminha para o progresso das escolas, qualificando-as, com o objetivo de gerar impacto na melhoria dos resultados dos alunos. De uma forma global constatamos que nas últimas décadas, particularmente em Portugal, varias foram as iniciativas de avaliação de escolas e que a lei nº 31/2002, de 20 de dezembro, veio dar continuidade aos programas antes implementados, atribuindo-lhe um caráter obrigatório. Entretanto, Cabo Verde não dispõe de nenhum regulamento que estabeleça a obrigatoriedade da mesma, mas tendo consciência do impacto que a avaliação externa de escolas tem suscitado em muitos países europeus, a inspeção - geral da educação iniciou-se uma experiência em março de 2012, mas falta ainda fazer a revisão dos normativos que permitam regularizar este fenómeno, de modo a que se torne seja uma prática regularizada e consistente. De acordo com os argumentos dos entrevistados, os dados revelam-se que, a avaliação externa de escolas têm como finalidade a melhoria do sistema educativo e os efeitos nomeadamente a este nível são o desenvolvimento a nível institucional e profissional dos professores, a boa gestão pedagógica e ainda o de produzir uma cultura de autoavaliação nas escolas.


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In recent years, elevated arsenic concentrations have been found in waters and soils of many, countries, often resulting in a health threat for the local population. Switzerland is not an exception and this paper deals with the release and subsequent fate of arsenic in a 200-km(2) mountainous watershed, characterized by crystalline silicate rocks (gneisses, schists, amphibolites) that contain abundant As-bearing sulfide ore deposits, some of which have been mined for iron and gold in the past. Using analytical methods common for mineralogical, ground water and soil studies (XRD, XRF, XAS-XANES and -EXAFS, electron microprobe, extraction, ICP, AAS with hydride generator, ion chromatography), seven different field situations and related dispersion processes of natural arsenic have been studied: (1) release by rock weathering, (2) transport and deposition by water and ice; (3) release of As to the ground and surface water due to increasing pH; (4) accumulation in humic soil horizons; (5) remobilization by reduction in water-saturated soils and stagnant ground waters; (6) remobilization by using P-rich fertilizers or dung and (7) oxidation, precipitation and dilution in surface waters. Comparison of the results with experimental adsorption studies and speciation diagrams from the literature allows us to reconstruct and identify the typical behavior of arsenic in a natural environment under temperate climatic conditions. The main parameters identified are: (a) once liberated from the primary minerals, sorption processes on Fe-oxy-hydroxides dominate over Al-phases, such as Al-hydroxides or clay minerals and limit the As concentrations in the spring and well waters between 20 and 300 mug/l. (b) Precipitation as secondary minerals is limited to the weathering domain, where the As concentrations are still high and not yet too diluted by rain and soils waters. (c) Although neutral and alkaline pH conditions clearly increase the mobility of As, the main factor to mobilize As is a low redox potential (Eh close or below 0 mV), which favors the dissolution of the Fe-oxy-hydroxides on which the As is sorbed. (d) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) of As in water-logged humic forest soils indicates that the reduction to As III only occurs at the solid-water interface and that the solid contains As as As V (e) A and Bh horizons of humic cambisols can effectively capture As when As-rich waters flow through them. Complex spatial and temporal variation of the various parameters in a watershed results in repeated mobilization and immobilization of As, which continuously transports As from the upper to the lower part of a watershed and ultimately to the ocean. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The impact of topography and mixed pixels on L-band radiometric observations over land needs to be quantified to improve the accuracy of soil moisture retrievals. For this purpose, a series of simulations has been performed with an improved version of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) end-to-end performance simulator (SEPS). The brightness temperature generator of SEPS has been modified to include a 100-m-resolution land cover map and a 30-m-resolution digital elevation map of Catalonia (northeast of Spain). This high-resolution generator allows the assessment of the errors in soil moisture retrieval algorithms due to limited spatial resolution and provides a basis for the development of pixel disaggregation techniques. Variation of the local incidence angle, shadowing, and atmospheric effects (up- and downwelling radiation) due to surface topography has been analyzed. Results are compared to brightness temperatures that are computed under the assumption of an ellipsoidal Earth.


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Els negocis relacionats amb les activitats de lleure i els esports d’aventura actualment es troben en expansió, buscant majoritàriament el contacte amb la natura. Les rutes a cavall formen part del gran ventall d’opcions, per aquesta qüestió s’ha pensat en construir un refugi utilitzat com a final d’etapa per a rutes a cavall. En la major part del territori, la presència de població humana es manifesta en pobles, viles i ciutats, les quals disposes d’aigua sanitària, corrent elèctric i sistema de clavegueram. Per altra banda en les urbanitzacions o cases aïllades poder gaudir d’aquests serveis suposa una inversió econòmica elevada, que implica la utilització de sistemes alternatius. En el present projecte s’ha triat un emplaçament on portar a terme el final d’etapa amb una sèrie de requisits a complir : bosc a les proximitats, disposar d’un o varis accessos per a vehicles (transport del material d’intendència), tranquil•litat, bones vistes, i cobertura de telèfon mòbil. S’han acceptat les següents limitacions : no disposar de xarxa pública d’electricitat ni d’aigua. I s’han dimensionat les instal•lacions per a un màxim de dotze persones i els seus respectius cavalls. El principal objectiu del projecte és el dimensionament de les necessitats elèctriques, d’aigua i d’aiguacalenta sanitària en condicions autònomes, i utilitzant energies renovables. La valoració de les possibles solucions per condicionar les instal•lacions, i oferir una resposta eficient per la demanda. No és un objectiu específic del treball la potabilització de l’aigua ni el tractament dels residus produïts. S’han aprofitat els diferents desnivells que presenta l’emplaçament triat a l’hora de distribuir les instal•lacions, i s’ha utilitzat un antic cobert de dos pisos ja existent. Com a residència s’ha triat un model de casa prefabricada de muntanya. Com a sistema de subministrament elèctric, s’instal•laran plaques solars fotovoltaiques i un generador de corrent com a sistema auxiliar. La captació d’aigua s’efectuarà a partir d’un pou que es troba en el terreny i de la recollida d el’aigua pluvial, instal•lant dipòsits d’emmagatzemament d’aigua segons les necessitats. S’utilitzarà un equip de cloració per potabilitzar l’aigua de consum utilitzada a la residència. En la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària s’utilitzaran plaques solars tèrmiques i una caldera instantània de gas propà com a suport. Per cuinar s’ha triat una cuina de gas propà i una barbacoa que s’instal•larà a l’exterior. S’instal•larà una llar de foc amb recuperador d’aire a la residència i una fosa sèptica amb un sistema d’infiltració per poder abocar les aigües provinents de la residència. Els fems dels cavalls podran ser utilitzats com adob pel terreny.


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El Hospital Punta de Europa en Algeciras (Cádiz), centro sanitario del Servicio Andaluz de Salud, desea optimizar la gestión de sus instalaciones de generación de energía térmica (vapor, agua caliente sanitaria y agua caliente de calefacción) y adecuarlas a la normativa vigente así como la sustitución de bajantes del edificio, para lo cual sacará a concurso público la licitación para la concesión de dominio público de dichas instalaciones. Para definir el alcance y condiciones de la citada concesión, el Hospital Punta de Europa (Algeciras) del Servicio Andaluz de Salud ha solicitado a Pedro Alonso Martín el estudio para la reforma y adecuación de las instalaciones productoras de energía térmica del citado Hospital. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es hacer un estudio, propuesta y valoración de las actuaciones necesarias para la reforma y mejora de la explotación de las instalaciones generadoras de energía térmica y de la red saneamiento interior del Hospital Punta de Europa de Algeciras (Cádiz). Las actuales instalaciones de generación térmica consumidoras de energía del hospital dentro del alcance de este Proyecto son: Generación de vapor (lavandería y esterilización). Producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Producción de agua caliente de calefacción. La mayoría de los equipos productores de energía datan del año 1975, por lo que en la mayoría de los casos se ha cumplido su plazo de amortización y periodo de vida útil. Se hace necesaria la instalación de gas natural, debido a que se tendrá que abastecer a todas las calderas de la central térmica. El diseño del sistema de producción de agua caliente sanitaria garantiza el máximo confort y economía del usuario, compatible con el máximo ahorro energético y la protección del medio ambiente, cubriendo las necesidades de agua caliente sanitaria mediante la combinación de un sistema de calderas a gas con los colectores solares.


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This paper presents a new respiratory impedance estimator to minimize the error due to breathing. Its practical reliability was evaluated in a simulation using realistic signals. These signals were generated by superposing pressure and flow records obtained in two conditions: 1) when applying forced oscillation to a resistance- inertance- elastance (RIE) mechanical model; 2) when healthy subjects breathed through the unexcited forced oscillation generator. Impedances computed (4-32 Hz) from the simulated signals with the new estimator resulted in a mean value which was scarcely biased by the added breathing (errors less than 1 percent in the mean R, I , and E ) and had a small variability (coefficients of variation of R, I, and E of 1.3, 3.5, and 9.6 percent, respectively). Our results suggest that the proposed estimator reduces the error in measurement of respiratory impedance without appreciable extracomputational cost.


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BACKGROUND: Electrophysiological cardiac devices are increasingly used. The frequency of subclinical infection is unknown. We investigated all explanted devices using sonication, a method for detection of microbial biofilms on foreign bodies. METHODS AND RESULTS: Consecutive patients in whom cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter/defibrillators were removed at our institution between October 2007 and December 2008 were prospectively included. Devices (generator and/or leads) were aseptically removed and sonicated, and the resulting sonication fluid was cultured. In parallel, conventional swabs of the generator pouch were performed. A total of 121 removed devices (68 pacemakers, 53 implantable cardioverter/defibrillators) were included. The reasons for removal were insufficient battery charge (n=102), device upgrading (n=9), device dysfunction (n=4), or infection (n=6). In 115 episodes (95%) without clinical evidence of infection, 44 (38%) grew bacteria in sonication fluid, including Propionibacterium acnes (n=27), coagulase-negative staphylococci (n=11), Gram-positive anaerobe cocci (n=3), Gram-positive anaerobe rods (n=1), Gram-negative rods (n=1), and mixed bacteria (n=1). In 21 of 44 sonication-positive episodes, bacterial counts were significant (>or=10 colony-forming units/mL of sonication fluid). In 26 sterilized controls, sonication cultures remained negative in 25 cases (96%). In 112 cases without clinical infection, conventional swab cultures were performed: 30 cultures (27%) were positive, and 18 (60%) were concordant with sonication fluid cultures. Six devices and leads were removed because of infection, growing Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mitis, and coagulase-negative staphylococci in 6 sonication fluid cultures and 4 conventional swab cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteria can colonize cardiac electrophysiological devices without clinical signs of infection.


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We present a generator of random networks where both the degree-dependent clustering coefficient and the degree distribution are tunable. Following the same philosophy as in the configuration model, the degree distribution and the clustering coefficient for each class of nodes of degree k are fixed ad hoc and a priori. The algorithm generates corresponding topologies by applying first a closure of triangles and second the classical closure of remaining free stubs. The procedure unveils an universal relation among clustering and degree-degree correlations for all networks, where the level of assortativity establishes an upper limit to the level of clustering. Maximum assortativity ensures no restriction on the decay of the clustering coefficient whereas disassortativity sets a stronger constraint on its behavior. Correlation measures in real networks are seen to observe this structural bound.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility and effects of non-invasive pressure support ventilation (NIV) on the breathing pattern in infants developing respiratory failure after extubation. DESIGN: Prospective pilot clinical study; each patient served as their own control. SETTING: A nine-bed paediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary university hospital. PATIENTS: Six patients (median age 5 months, range 0.5-7 months; median weight 4.2 kg, range 3.8-5.1 kg) who developed respiratory failure after extubation. INTERVENTIONS: After a period of spontaneous breathing (SB), children who developed respiratory failure were treated with NIV. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Measurements included clinical dyspnoea score (DS), blood gases and oesophageal pressure recordings, which were analysed for respiratory rate (RR), oesophageal inspiratory pressure swing (dPes) and oesophageal pressure-time product (PTPes). All data were collected during both periods (SB and NIV). When comparing NIV with SB, DS was reduced by 44% (P < 0.001), RR by 32% (P < 0.001), dPes by 45% (P < 0.01) and PTPes by 57% (P < 0.001). A non-significant trend for decrease in PaCO(2) was observed. CONCLUSION: In these infants, non-invasive pressure support ventilation with turbine flow generator induced a reduction of breathing frequency, dPes and PTPes, indicating reduced load of the inspiratory muscles. NIV can be used with some benefits in infants with respiratory failure after extubation.


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Amana Farms is using an anaerobic digestion, which is a two-stage digester that converts manure and other organic wastes into three valuable by-products: 1) Biogas – to fuel an engine/generator set to create electricity; 2) Biosolids - used as a livestock bedding material or as a soil amendment; 3) Liquid stream - will be applied as a low-odor fertilizer to growing crops. (see Business Plan appendix H) The methane biogas will be collected from the two stages of the anaerobic digestion vessel and used for fuel in the combined heat and power engine/generator sets. The engine/generator sets are natural gasfueled reciprocating engines modified to burn biogas. The electricity produced by the engine/generator sets will be used to offset on-farm power consumption and the excess power will be sold directly to Amana Society Service Company as a source of green power. The waste heat, in the form of hot water, will be collected from both the engine jacket liquid cooling system and from the engine exhaust (air) system. Approximately 30 to 60% of this waste heat will be used to heat the digester. The remaining waste heat will be used to heat other farm buildings and may provide heat for future use for drying corn or biosolids. The digester effluent will be pumped from the effluent pit at the end of the anaerobic digestion vessel to a manure solids separator. The mechanical manure separator will separate the effluent digested waste stream into solid and liquid fractions. The solids will be dewatered to approximately a 35% solid material. Some of the separated solids will be used by the farm for a livestock bedding replacement. The remaining separated solids may be sold to other farms for livestock bedding purposes or sold to after-markets, such as nurseries and composters for soil amendment material. The liquid from the manure separator, now with the majority of the large solids removed, will be pumped into the farm’s storage lagoon. A significant advantage of the effluent from the anaerobic digestion treatment process is that the viscosity of the effluent is such that the liquid effluent can now be pumped through an irrigation nozzle for field spreading.


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Information about the genomic coordinates and the sequence of experimentally identified transcription factor binding sites is found scattered under a variety of diverse formats. The availability of standard collections of such high-quality data is important to design, evaluate and improve novel computational approaches to identify binding motifs on promoter sequences from related genes. ABS (http://genome.imim.es/datasets/abs2005/index.html) is a public database of known binding sites identified in promoters of orthologous vertebrate genes that have been manually curated from bibliography. We have annotated 650 experimental binding sites from 68 transcription factors and 100 orthologous target genes in human, mouse, rat or chicken genome sequences. Computational predictions and promoter alignment information are also provided for each entry. A simple and easy-to-use web interface facilitates data retrieval allowing different views of the information. In addition, the release 1.0 of ABS includes a customizable generator of artificial datasets based on the known sites contained in the collection and an evaluation tool to aid during the training and the assessment of motif-finding programs.


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comparar els efectes de dos mitjans de treball sobre la força explosiva en 9 atletes de nivell autonòmic i nacional (19,6 ± 2,6 anys, 1,76 ± 7 m i 68,9 ± 3,5 kg) que entrenaren durant el període competitiu, 6 setmanes amb una freqüència de 2 cops per setmana, seguint una periodització creixent. Els subjectes varen ser dividits en 3 grups de 3 atletes cada un, però utilitzant diferents mitjans d’entrenament: el grup experimental combinant la plataforma vibratòria i les màquines inercials (1), amb un temps d’exposició a la vibració de 30’’, a una intensitat de 45 Hz i una amplitud de 5 mm amb una pausa d’1’. I de 3 sèries de 8 repeticions executades a màxima velocitat en la fase concèntrica i controlant aquesta en la fase excèntrica, amb una pausa de 3’ en les màquines io-io. El grup experimental de pesos lliures (2), va realitzar 4 exercicis: ½ squat, pliometria (CEE), multisalts horitzontals i acceleracions, seguint les pautes d’un treball de força explosiva proposat per Badillo i Gorostiaga (1995). I un grup control (3), que no realitzà cap entrenament de força. Abans i després del període d’intervenció és realitzaren els següents tests: salt sense contramoviment (SJ) i salt amb contramoviment (CMJ). Els resultats indicaren que el grup (1), (2) i (3) disminuïren significativament el SJ i el CMJ. Es conclou que l’entrenament, tant en el de combinació d’estímuls vibratoris amb màquines inercials com el de pesos lliures pareix ser un mitja que s’ha de controlar i perioditzar molt bé ja que en el període competitiu l’atleta acumula uns nivells de fatiga tant muscular com fisiològics molt superiors que en altres períodes de la temporada.