973 resultados para Fisheries Management
Length frequency data was collected for the 6 main species from the Kainji Lake fishery for up to 16 months. Growth parameters were estimated and used for virtual - population and length based cohort analysis. The results from cohort analysis suggest that before the ban on beach seines the maximum economic yield from the fishery was overshot by 70%. Yield per recruit analysis showed that the fish are caught far below their optimum size. Fishing gears and the timing responsible for this early mortality have been identified. After the eradication of seines from the lake a 10% increase in total catch revenue can be expected from the fishery. This is equivalent to an increase in income of Naira 18,300 per annum for each fishing entrepreneur using other methods. A scenario for the regulation of cast net mesh size together with the ban of beach seines has been presented. A further increase of Naira 142 million (N25,500 per entrepreneur) can be anticipated if this is implemented by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit. It is expected that the annual increase in fishing effort presently experienced will cause future yields to decline. The rate of the decline has been reduced by the eradication of the beach seine fishery and will further fall if the minimum mesh size for cast nets is implemented. A recommendation is made to the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit to first consolidate the beach seine ban and then to implement a ban of undersized cast nets. (PDF contains 70 pages)
The World Food Summit in its meeting in Rome in 1999 estimated that 790 million people in the developing world do not have enough food to eat. This is more than the total populations of North America and Europe combined. Nigeria is one of the developing countries affected by hunger, deprivation and abject poverty by its citizenry inspite of its enormous natural and human resources. To reduce poverty and increase food supplies to the masses the Federal Government of Nigeria embarked on a programmed-tagged National Special Programme for Food Security (NSPFS) in the year 2002. The programme's broad objectives are to attain food security in the broadest sense and alleviate rural poverty in Nigeria. One of the areas of the programme's intervention is in the aquaculture and inland fisheries development because Nigeria imported 681mt of fish in 2003 with a total cost of about N50 million. The paper assesses the socio-economic conditions of one of the selected water bodies (Yamama Lake) with a view to introducing community-based fisheries management plan for the rational exploitation and management of the fishery and other aquatic resources of the water body thereby increasing fish supply and improving the living standard of the fisherfolk in the area. Data were collected using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools and questionnaire administration
The paper discusses the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) to fisheries management. The paper presents the importance of the emerging technology of GIS and how it can be utilized to greatly speed up and make more efficient location optimizing processes and how the technology can allow for a through examination of the many spatially variable factors which might affect or control fish production both from aquaculture and inland fisheries in Nigeria
Many fisheries are potentially very valuable. According to a recent report by the World Bank and the FAO (2008), global fisheries rents could be as high as US$ 40-60 billion annually on a sustainable basis. However, according to the report, due to the “common property problem”, most fisheries of the world are severely overexploited and generate no economic rents. The Lake Victoria Nile perch fishery could be among the most valuable fisheries in the world. Unfortunately, also this fishery has fallen prey to the common property problem with excessive fishing effort, dwindling stocks and declining profitability. As a result, there is a large and growing rents loss in this fishery (compared to the optimal) reducing economic welfare and economic growth opportunities in the countries sharing this fishery. As in other fisheries, the biological and economic recovery of this fishery can only come though improved fisheries management
Die Konzepte für das Fischereimanagement haben in den vergangenen hundert Jahren eine tiefgreifende Wandlung durchgemacht. Sie entwickelten sich in der zweiten Hälfte des vergangenen Jahrhunderts von monospezifischen Ansätzen, in denen einzelne Populationen oder Bestände weitgehend isoliert betrachtet wurden, zum Multispecies-Management, das auch Wechselbeziehungen zwischen genutzten Arten berücksichtigte. Die stark verbesserten Ortungs- und Fangtechniken und die Nutzung noch unterfischter Fanggründe und Bestände hielten die Anlandungen eine Zeitlang auf hohem Niveau. Die rückläufigen Weltfischereierträge in den letzten Dekaden des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, der Kollaps wichtiger Fischereien und die auch von der Fischerei zu verantwortende fortschreitende Degradierung mariner Ökosysteme zeigten jedoch, dass eine nachhaltige Nutzung der fischereilichen Ressourcen bei gleichzeitiger Erhaltung der Ökosysteme mit diesen Konzepten nicht möglich ist. Angesichts dieses Offenbarungseids und unter dem zunehmenden Druck der Naturschützer wurden daher die Konzepte des ökosystemverträglichen Fischereimanagements (EBFM, ecosystem-based fisheries management) und des räumlichen Fischereimanagements (SM, spatial management) entwickelt, bei denen die Prioritäten umgedreht sind: Das Management geht nicht mehr vom Fischereiobjekt, sondern vom Ökosystem aus, das horizontal und vertikal in Zonen unterteilt wird, die zu verschiedenen Zeiten befischt oder unter Schutz gestellt werden können. EBFM zielt darauf ab, gesunde Ökosysteme inklusive der Fischereien zu erhalten, die von diesen Ökosystemen ohne Schädigung getragen werden. Möglicherweise sind diese neuen Konzepte nur wenig realistischer als die Ideen vom langfristigen Dauerertrag oder dem der nachhaltigen Fischerei, die der realen Welt überdimensionierter Fangflotten, unersättlicher Märkte und zahlreicher politischer Fehlentscheidungen nicht standhielten. Die traurige Tatsache ist, dass nicht nur die Fischerei, sondern auch die marinen Ökosysteme sich in einem sehr schlechten Zustand befinden. Um dem abzuhelfen, sind u.a. Schutzgebiete vorgesehen, in denen die Fischerei eingeschränkt oder verboten ist. Zusammen mit anderen Nutzungen wie Offshore-Windparks bedeutet diese neue Raumordnung einen massiven Eingriff in die bisherigen Rechte und Gewohnheiten der Fischer. In dieser Arbeit werden vor dem Hintergrund der Ökosystem-Degradierung einige grundlegende ökologische Zusammenhänge in natürlichen, befischten und geschützten marinen Systemen diskutiert. Dabei stützen wir uns auf empirische und experimentelle Befunde aus Nord- und Ostsee sowie anderen marinen Ökosystemen. Unter dem Strich sollten Schutzgebiete im Rahmen der neuen Managementkonzepte langfristig auch der Fischerei dienen; inwieweit allerdings eine Fischerei unter der künftigen Raumordnung noch sinnvoll ist, steht dahin.
A decline in the abundance of blackback flounders, together with the withdrawal of vessels from this fishery, has resulted in a lowered catch in recent years compared to the peak period 1928 through 1931. Data obtained from U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hatchery catch records and from fishermen's log book records show a drop in abundance of 63 per cent from the early 1930's to the present in the Boothbay Harbor region and of 31 to 40 per cent in the area south of Cape Cod. Information on the early life history and distribution of young blackback flounders and the size and age composition and distribution of fish subject to the commercial and sport fisheries indicates that the young are the product of local spawning and that the sport and commercial fisheries draw on a resident stock of primarily adult fish.
(PDF contains 92 pages.)
Mackerel mayhem: On the ongoing dispute in northern Europe over the boom in mackerel stocks. Small and mighty: The Banjul civil society declaration on sustainable livelihoods in African fisheries. Building partnerships: The case of Red Sea fisheries management shows how fishers’ rights can be strengthened. The write stuff: The website of Comité Local des Pêches Le Guilvinec celebrates its second anniversary. Frankenfish salmon: The United States is close to approving genetically engineered salmon. Trawl brawl: Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen have worked to co-exist in the Palk Bay. Tsunami recovery: On the traditional tenure system of the fishing community of Juan Fernández. New goals from Nagoya: The Nagoya meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity made some progress. Beyond Bangkok: The civil society workshop in Costa Rica focused on small-scale fishers in Latin America. Securing small-scale fisheries. Recommendations adopted at the San José FAO workshop dealt with small-scale fisheries. (PDF contains 56 pages)
In this report we develop age-length keys and derive age-frequency data. We estimate striped bass and white perch mortality and growth rates, based on the otolith-aging analysis. We also report on hatch-date frequencies of striped bass and white perch larvae, and we discuss environmental effects on recruitment potential.
1) The 4-beaches survey was the first of its kind on Lake Victoria. Drawing on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques, four landing sites around the lake were selected for long-term monitoring from March 2000 through to October 2001. 2)Held in all the 3 riparian countries of Lake Victoria the stakeholders' workshops aimed to assess the necessity of fisheries management for Lake Victoria and to identify who the stakeholders in fisheries management would be.
As it is clearly indicated in the title of this book section, it overviews the methodologies used in the 4-beaches Survey and in the various Stakeholders' Workshops held in all the three riparian countries of the Lake Victoria.
This paper analyses the location, potentialities and set-backs of Nkombe Beach, the landing site chosen in Uganda for the 4-beaches survey.
This book section is a review of a workshop, the one held at Jinja in Uganda, which aimed to assess the potential local stakeholders within the frame of the co-management of Lake Victoria's fisheries.
This paper is a review of the workshop held at Bondo in Kenya to assess the role of local stakeholders in the of co-management of Lake Victoria's fisheries within the frame of the LVFRP.
This book section aims to give an overview of the Stakeholders' Workshop taken at Mwanza (Tanzania) to evaluate the role and potentials of local stakeholders, in relation to the co-management of Lake Victoria's fisheries within the frame of the LVFRP.