992 resultados para Fat deposition


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The interaction of SO_2 with γ - Al_2O_3 and the deposition of H_2 permselective SiO_2 films have been investigated. The adsorption and oxidative adsorption of SO_2 on γ - Al_2O_3 have been examined at temperatures 500-700°C by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). At temperatures above 500°C most of SO_2 adsorbed on the strong sites on alumina. The adsorbed SO_2 species was characterized by an IR band at 1065 cm^(-1). The equilibrium coverage and initial rate of adsorption decreased with temperature suggesting a two-step adsorption. When γ - Al_2O_3 was contacted with a mixture of SO_2 and O_2, adsorption of SO_2 and oxidation of the adsorbed SO_2 to a surface sulfate characterized by broad IR bands at 1070 cm^(-1), 1390 cm^(-1) took place. The results of a series of TGA experiments under different atmospheres strongly suggest that surface SO_2 and surface sulfate involve the same active sites such that SO_2 adsorption is inhibited by already formed sulfate. The results also indicate a broad range of site strengths.

The desorption of adsorbed SO_2 and the reductive desorption of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 have been investigated by microreactor experiments and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) of adsorbed SO_2 showed that SO_2 was desorbed without significant reaction with H_2 when H_2 concentration was low while considerable reaction occurred when 100% H_2 was used. SO_2 adsorbed on the strong sites on alumina was reduced to sulfur and H_2S. The isothermal reduction experiments of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 reveal that the rate of reduction is very slow below 550°C even with 100% H_2. The reduction product is mainly composed of SO_2. TPR experiments of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 showed that H_2S arose from a sulfate strongly chemisorbed on the surface.

Films of amorphous SiO_2 were deposited within the walls of porous Vycor tubes by SiH_4 oxidation in an opposing reactants geometry : SiH_4 was passed inside the tube while O_2 was passed outside the tube. The two reactants diffused opposite to each other and reacted within a narrow front inside the tube wall to form a thin SiO_2 film. Once the pores were plugged the reactants could not reach each other and the reaction stopped. At 450°C and 0.1 and 0.33 atm of SiH_4 and O_2, the reaction was complete within 15 minutes. The thickness of the SiO_2 film was estimated to be about 0.1 µm. Measurements of H_2 and N_2 permeation rates showed that the SiO_2 film was highly selective to H_2 permeation. The H_2:N_2 flux at 450°C varied between 2000-3000.

Thin SiO_2 films were heat treated in different gas mixtures to determine their stability in functioning as high-temperature hydrogen-permselective membranes. The films were heat-treated at 450-700°C in dry N_2, dry O_2, N_2-H_2O, and O_2-H_2O mixtures. The permeation rates of H_2 and N_2 changed depending on the original conditions of film formation as well as on the heat treatment. Heating in dry N_2 slowly reduced the permeation rates of both H_2 and N_2. Heating in a N_2-H_2O atmosphere led to a steeper decline of H_2 permeability. But the permeation rate of N_2 increased or decreased according to whether the film deposition had been carried out in the absence or presence of H_2O vapor, respectively. Thermal treatment in O_2 caused rapid decline of the permeation rates of H_2 and N_2 in films that were deposited under dry conditions. The decline was moderate in films deposited under wet conditions.


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The propagation of the fast muon population mainly due to collisional effect in a dense deuterium-tritium (DT for short) mixture is investigated and analysed within the framework of the relativistic Fokker-Planck equation. Without the approximation that the muons propagate straightly in the DT mixture, the muon penetration length, the straggling length, and the mean transverse dispersion radius are calculated for different initial energies, and especially for different densities of the densely compressed DT mixture in our suggested muon-driven fast ignition (FI). Unlike laser-driven FI requiring super-high temperature, muons can catalyze DT fusion at lower temperatures and may generate an ignition sparkle before the self-heating fusion follows. Our calculation is important for the feasibility and the experimental study of muon-driven FI.


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This new project is multidisciplinary, with physical and chemical palaeolimnological aspects mainly the responsibility of Swiss and Russian scientists, and the biological limnology and palaeolimnology components mainly undertaken by the British and Russian groups. The overall project aim is to improve palaeoclimate reconstructions using sedimentary diatoms by promoting better understanding of diatom ecology and sediment-forming processes. The initial work plan is divided into four main parts: To understand diatom phytoplankton ecology more fully, to assess taphonomic changes associated with the transformation of phytoplankton diatom communities into sediment assemblages, to demonstrate sediment core integrity and representativity and to calibrate modern diatom assemblages against contemporary climate records. The preliminary results from the interrelated studies of phytoplankton, sediment traps and sediment cores used in GEOPASS-NERC, demonstrate the complexity of links between the living and fossil systems. Furthermore, the nature of recent sedimentation in Lake Baikal is spatially variable and incompletely known. This poses a major challenge to palaeolimnological interpretation. Turbidite deposits and differential preservation of microfossils, combined with inadequate knowledge of the modern ecology of endemic diatoms, all conspire to obfuscate the sedimentary record of environmental change.


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A obesidade é uma doença crônica, resultante do excesso de gordura no organismo. O aumento da obesidade no mundo, tem se revelado como um dos fenômenos clínicos e epidemiológicos da atualidade. Estudos populacionais e em modelos animais demonstram que a origem da epidemia da obesidade está relacionada a fatores genéticos, modificações de hábitos nutricionais, redução da atividade física, e alterações nutricionais durante a lactação, desempenhando um papel relevante no desenvolvimento da obesidade, DM2 e cardiomiopatias. As mitocôndrias são os coordenadores centrais do metabolismo energético, assim, alterações funcionais e estruturais dessa organela têm sido associadas à desordens metabólicas. Elas exercem um papel na sobrevivência e função dos cardiomiócitos devido à alta demanda energética do miocárdio. Desta forma, disfunções mitocondriais estão relacionadas com disfunções no miocárdio e conseqüente progressão de cardiomiopatias. Neste estudo, avaliamos a bioenergética e a ultraestrutura de cardiomiócitos de camundongos obesos e controle hiperalimentados durante a lactação. O consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas foi avaliado por respirometria de alta-resolução, utilizando um oxígrafo-2K-Oroboros. A ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos foi analisada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e o conteúdo das proteínas Carnitina palmitoil transferase 1 (CPT1), Proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2) , Transportador de glicose 1 e 4 (GLUT1) e (GLUT4), Proteína Kinase ativada por AMP (AMPK) e Proteína kinase ativada por AMP fosforilada p(AMPK) por Western blotting (WB). Além disso, o peso dos animais, a gordura retroperitoneal, epididimal e a glicemia em jejum foram determinadas. Nossos resultados confirmaram que os animais do grupo hiperalimentados (GH), aos 90 dias de vida, apresentaram aumento da massa corporal, de gordura epididimária e retroperitoneal comparado ao grupo controle (GC). As taxas respiratórias foram semelhantes nos dois grupos quando foram utilizados os substratos dos complexos I e II. Entretanto, quando o ácido graxo palmitoil-L-carnitina foi utilizado, a taxa respiratória máxima do GH foi significativamente menor. A análise ultraestrutural dos cardiomiócitos do GH demonstrou intenso dano na matriz mitocondrial e maior presença de gotículas de lipídios, caracterizando deposição ectópica. Os resultados do WB mostraram aumento significativo do conteúdo de CPT1 e UCP2 no GH comparado ao GC. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no conteúdo de GLUT1 entre os grupos, entretanto, observamos maior conteúdo do GLUT4 no GH. Além disso, encontramos maior conteúdo de AMPK no GH, ao passo que o conteúdo de pAMPK foi semelhante entre os grupos. Entretanto, a razão pAMPK/AMPK é significativamente menor no GH. Esses resultados sugerem que a hiperalimentação durante a lactação leva a obesidade na vida adulta com alterações na bioenergética e ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos.


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Objective: Aerosol delivery holds potential to release surfactant or perfluorocarbon (PFC) to the lungs of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome with minimal airway manipulation. Nevertheless, lung deposition in neonates tends to be very low due to extremely low lung volumes, narrow airways and high respiratory rates. In the present study, the feasibility of enhancing lung deposition by intracorporeal delivery of aerosols was investigated using a physical model of neonatal conducting airways. Methods: The main characteristics of the surfactant and PFC aerosols produced by a nebulization system, including the distal air pressure and air flow rate, liquid flow rate and mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), were measured at different driving pressures (4-7 bar). Then, a three-dimensional model of the upper conducting airways of a neonate was manufactured by rapid prototyping and a deposition study was conducted. Results: The nebulization system produced relatively large amounts of aerosol ranging between 0.3 +/- 0.0 ml/min for surfactant at a driving pressure of 4 bar, and 2.0 +/- 0.1 ml/min for distilled water (H(2)Od) at 6 bar, with MMADs between 2.61 +/- 0.1 mu m for PFD at 7 bar and 10.18 +/- 0.4 mu m for FC-75 at 6 bar. The deposition study showed that for surfactant and H(2)Od aerosols, the highest percentage of the aerosolized mass (similar to 65%) was collected beyond the third generation of branching in the airway model. The use of this delivery system in combination with continuous positive airway pressure set at 5 cmH(2)O only increased total airway pressure by 1.59 cmH(2)O at the highest driving pressure (7 bar). Conclusion: This aerosol generating system has the potential to deliver relatively large amounts of surfactant and PFC beyond the third generation of branching in a neonatal airway model with minimal alteration of pre-set respiratory support.