999 resultados para Famílias Funcionais
Anamnesis, clinical examinations and temporomandibular joint transcraneal radiographs for 22 adults with cleft lip and palate were carried out in order to evaluate the occlusion and correlate it with radographic findings. The conclusions were: 72.8% of the patients have at least one sign or symptom of craniomandibular disorders (CMD); although the occlusal conditions were severely altered, most of the signs and symptoms were classified as mild; the greater frequency of the signs and symptoms occurred among women; in the radiographic evaluation, all of the assymptomatic patients had both condyles with normal contour and all of the patients with altered contour had at least one sign or symptom; the bilateral centered position of the condyles in the fossa e did not warrant the absence of signs and symptoms; some patients with bilateral condyles positioned posteriorly or caudally or even assimetrically, did not present signs and symptoms of dysfunction; the radiographic findings should be correlated with clinical findings; and a great number of patients were not observed with clinical board of C:MD caused by the occlusion. Key words: Radiography; temporomandibular joint; temporomandibular joint syndrome; cleft palate; dental occlusion
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to enter a training program for family members of children, youth and adults who use augmentative and alternative communication systems in the context of alternative languages . The study included families in the age group of 25-65 years in the period 2010- 2012. The activities were held weekly with duration of one hour in a alternative communication laboratory. All activities were videotaped and after that, the verbal participants’ reports were transcribed. The obtained categories were analyzed according to the steps of the program. The results indicated that families realized: the necessity of graphics systems for communication; the importance of adapted materials; and the need to understand their children’s different skills. The study reinforced the need for systematic and continuous guidance for families, as well as highlighted the use of graphics systems in the context of language.
The Information Technology and Communication (ICT) made possible to adapt bibliographic catalogs to the digital environment, giving them more speed, flexibility and efficiency in the information retrieval. The FRBR, as a conceptual model for the bibliographic universe based on entity-relationship modeling, brought to the Librarianship area the possibility of making more efficient operation catalogs. The FRBR model was the first initiative caring about how to accomplish the conceptual modeling of bibliographic catalogs, to do not spend more efforts in individual developments of distinct and inconsistent modeling.However, even many years after its publication, there were few real implementation initiatives. The aim of this study is to present the model, based on its main features and structure, and bring to the discussion some considerations and inconsistencies that, according to the literature, may be the cause of its failure so far. It s based on the national and international literature about conceptual modeling and about the FRBR model.
The school participation is a prerequisite for the construction of knowledge, learning and development. Neurological deficits may affect child's ability to explore the environment and engage in typical activities. Considering the importance of encouraging professionals in the field of education to conduct simple adjustments in school activities of daily life, this study aimed to adapt, with low cost materials, resources of entertainment and educational for children with neuromotor disorders . It was objects of this study eight resources prescribed and designed for three children diagnosed with cerebral palsy: domino, puzzle, memory game, moving magnetized alphabet, crossword, doll body scheme, adaptation of pencils for writing and bracelet sinker.The analysis of these resources occurred in the parameters of conventional design and management skills, followed by identifying the limiting conditions of the motor skills of the cases observed, indicating the materials used in the adaptation and possible uses. This study provides subsidy for implementation of teaching strategies in the care of students with neuromotor disorders.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
In the modern world it is common to witness the family or the school complaining about the behavior of children. Parents have lost control of how to educate their children, who have difficulty in following rules, boundaries and discipline. In the short time they stay with their children, their parents feel desperate in how to educate and seek the help of experts who apply techniques inspired by behavioral therapy. A recent phenomenon is the search of the family by the media, so that helps to set limits for their children. The main objective of this study is to identify intervention techniques used in television show called Supernanny, verifying the concept of education and its effects on family. The methodology is exploratory research, using technical analysis as a specific program for television, videorecorded. Data analysis was performed by a video recording of the three programs shown, which were compared using frames. Contact that currently, the parent-child relationship is permeated by a lack of boundaries, which causes families to seek guidance from experts and the media - which is one of the most powerful means of dissemination and communication. The program presents Supernanny behavioral techniques that seem to work with a simple sleight of hand, but in real life translates into a long-time adjustments, challenges and frustrations. Moreover, many of them induce the conditioning, to achieve something by means of strengthening and heteronomy, which leads the viewer to take a more critical eye on those programs
Introdução: A lesão mais comumente encontrada na população ativa é a entorse de tornozelo. Cerca de 40% destes casos continuam a manifestar sensação de instabilidade articular mesmo após a fase aguda da lesão, caracterizando a instabilidade funcional do tornozelo (IFT). A IFT está relacionada com déficits proprioceptivos e redução na capacidade de produção de força e potência muscular. Haja vista que o basquetebol é um esporte com grande incidência de lesões no tornozelo faz-se necessário o entendimento de métodos de avaliação de baixo custo, que possam contribuir para a prevenção deste tipo de lesão em atletas. Objetivo: Nesse sentido, o presente estudo, tem como objetivo identificar os parâmetros de torque, atividade eletromiográfica, senso de reposicionamento articular e a pontuação em teste funcional em jogadoras de basquetebol com tornozelo estável. Correlacionar os valores de torque, atividade eletromiográfica e do senso de reposionamento articular com a pontuação dos testes funcionais em individuos saudáveis. Método: Participaram deste estudo 6 atletas do gênero feminino praticantes do basquetebol com idade entre 18 e 25 anos. As voluntárias realizaram os seguintes testes: torque isocinético concêntrico em inversão (INV) e eversão (EVE) nas velocidades de 60º e 120º, cinco testes funcionais e teste de reposicionamento articular com os ângulos-alvo de 10º e 20º de inversão. Após a verificação da normalidade de distribuição dos dados com o teste Shapiro-Wilk, utilizou-se o teste de Correlação Spearman para verificar a correlação dos testes funcionais com o pico de torque, o sinal EMG e o reposicionamento articular. Resultados: Não foi encontrados resultados esperados no estudo, exceto na correlação negativa para os valores de RMS do TA na velocidade de 120º nas contrações isocinética...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
With aging process, there is a natural biological decline that eventually may lead to a functional and cognitive decrease. It is important that older people preserve these functions so they can live an independent life. Some declines in old people who attend Geriatric Day-Care tend to be more severe and recurrent. The Square Stepping Exercise (SSE) is a program created by Shigematsu & Okura (2006), in order to improve the balance of its practitioners, thereby decreasing the risk of falls. It is also believed that the SSE stimulates cognition, and thus, executive functions. The present study, with a longitudinal design, evaluated the effects of SSE in balance performance and executive functions of elderly from the “Centro-Dia do Idoso Padre Casagrande” from Rio Claro – SP. A group of 15 people (GT, n = 15), which performed a four month SSE intervention, and a control group (GC; n = 17) answered the following evaluations.: Questionnaire Registration Data and Anamnesis, Questionnaire Baeck Modified for Elderly, Mini-Mental State Examination, Modified Card Sorting Test, Geriatric Depressive Scale, Questionnaire Pfeffer for Instrumental Activities, Berg Balance Scale and Time Up and Go Test. Although significant improvements have not been observed in GT, the results showed a decline in instrumental activities performance in GC, as well as maintenance in executive functions and balance, and also an improvement in depressive symptoms in GT. This way, Square Stepping Exercise can be considered an activity that helps maintaining functional capacity, among them balance, and executive function in elderly people.
This work seeks to demonstrate the advantages in functional software test automation using Sikuli tool, which uses image recognition to find the graphical elements of a system, in addition to using a custom library with methods made to automate the summarization of obtained results through the tests and their evidence
No presente trabalho, seis espécies de aranhas pertencentes às famílias Oxyopidae e Theridiidae foram examinadas citogeneticamente, através de técnicas de coloração convencional e impregnação pelo íon prata. A análise de células mitóticas e meióticas coradas com Giemsa de quatro espécies de Oxyopidae, Hamataliwa sp., Peucetia flava, Peucetia rubrolineata e Oxyopes salticus revelou informações citogenéticas inéditas para a família. Metáfases espermatogoniais de Hamataliwa sp. mostraram o cariótipo 2n=26+X1X2, o qual corresponde ao maior número diplóide já descrito para a família. Células mitóticas de P. flava e P. rubrolineata exibiram 2n♂=20+X1X2 e 2n♂=20+X, respectivamente, indicando a ocorrência de uma variabilidade cariotípica dentro desse gênero. Os cromossomos dessas três espécies apresentaram morfologia acro/telocêntrica. Os resultados obtidos em O. salticus foram surpreendentes, pois revelaram 2n♂=10+X, o menor número cromossômico encontrado para Oxyopidae e o segundo menor registrado para aranhas do grupo Entelegynae, bem como morfologia meta/submetacêntrica da maioria dos cromossomos. Além disso, um indivíduo da amostra de O. salticus examinada apresentou um heteromorfismo nos elementos que constituem o primeiro par do cariótipo e um cromossomo B em algumas células. Em Hamataliwa sp. e O. salticus, as regiões organizadoras de nucléolo estavam localizadas sobre dois e três pares autossômicos, respectivamente. Em relação às duas espécies de Theridiidae, Argyrodes elevatus apresentou um cariótipo totalmente discrepante, quando comparado com aqueles já descritos para a família, uma vez que mostrou o número diplóide 2n♂=21, sistema cromossômico sexual do tipo X/XX e morfologia cromossômica meta/submetacêntrica. No entanto, as características cariotípicas verificadas na maioria dos exemplares de Nesticodes rufipes foram semelhantes aquelas mais freqüentes em aranhas ...
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR