883 resultados para Estruturas inteligentes
A busca por melhorias de produtividade na indústria da construção civil é fundamental para garantia do crescimento sustentável do setor. Nesse sentido, o uso de estruturas de aço na construção de edifícios aparece como uma alternativa interessante às tradicionais estruturas em concreto armado. Essa dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da produtividade da mão de obra e de equipamentos de içamento na montagem de estruturas de aço para edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos, buscando comprovar a hipótese de que essa produtividade varia em conjunto com alguns fatores que podem ser identificados e que essa variação pode ser quantificada. A pesquisa foi realizada segundo metodologia de Estudo de Caso, sendo que cinco obras compuseram o estudo. Como resultados, observa-se que produtividade potencial da mão de obra variou entre 3,33 e 8,23 Hh/peça ou 11,8 e 33,8 Hh/t e que a produtividade potencial dos equipamentos variou entre 0,38 e 0,53 Eqh/peça ou 1,84 e 2,29 Eqh/t, além de terem se encontrado correlações significativas entre os fatores tonelada/peça, disponibilidade do equipamento de içamento e quantidade relativa de pilares e os indicadores de produtividade.
La evolución tecnológica afecta a todas las parcelas de actividad humana. Entre los aspectos más sensibles a esta evolución se encuentran la enseñanza y el aprendizaje tanto por su impacto en las competencias profesionales como por su uso para mejorar la calidad y relevancia de la docencia. Los profesores deben asumir un papel director ante esta situación que con el tiempo gana en protagonismo, siendo fundamental abordar la adaptación al cambio metodológico que supone la emergencia de la docencia on-line y la cada vez mayor presencia de los MOOC (acrónimo en inglés de massive open online course). En este trabajo se analiza la docencia on-line de materias de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), utilizando el paradigma de los MOOC como referencia. A tal fin, se revisan las características de los MOOC, sus aspectos metodológicos y sistemas de evaluación. Se particulariza el estudio de los MOOC en IA comparándolos con el enfoque de carácter presencial de la asignatura Sistemas Inteligentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar los aspectos que deberían reenfocarse en esta materia bajo el paradigma MOOC. Deseamos destacar el soporte de la “Red de Investigación en Sistemas Inteligentes. Revisión de objetivos y contenidos de IA en el grado de Ingeniería Informática dentro del EESS” Código de Red ICE: 3300.
Esta memoria corresponde al trabajo desarrollado durante el curso 2013-2014 por los componentes de la “Red de Investigación en Sistemas Inteligentes. Evaluación continua mediante controles utilizando Moodle”. Código de Red ICE: 3021. En la asignatura Sistemas Inteligentes del grado en Ingeniería Informática, durante el curso 2013-14, se planteó a los estudiantes un sistema de evaluación continua de la parte teórica consistente en la realización de controles on-line utilizando cuestionarios Moodle. En las normas de evaluación de la asignatura, los controles acumulaban toda la materia impartida hasta la fecha y su peso creciente de cara a la obtención de la nota final. Teníamos especial interés en determinar si el sistema resultaba estimulante para los estudiantes debido a considerar que este aspecto es fundamental en el proceso de aprendizaje. La memoria se organiza de la siguiente forma: se inicia analizando la viabilidad de la evaluación continua y su interés pedagógico en nuestro contexto, seguidamente se presenta la metodología empleada, las características de los cuestionarios Moodle, se aportan los estudios que nos han permitido validar nuestra propuesta, las conclusiones y las recomendaciones que permitirán mejorar los procesos y resultados en el futuro.
Este artículo analiza el nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes para la gestión turística a escala local. Se estudia su génesis y se realiza una propuesta de conceptualización desde una perspectiva sistémica, que se contrasta con la gestión turística actual mediante una encuesta a municipios turísticos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados ponen de relieve que no se ha asumido como objetivo de gestión el enfoque de los destinos inteligentes, el cual requiere un proyecto global que incorpore cinco ámbitos fundamentales: gobernanza, sostenibilidad, conectividad, sistema de información e innovación. No obstante, la complejidad asociada a este enfoque hace aconsejable un desarrollo de tipo flexible, escalable y adaptado a cada entorno territorial.
O betão, por norma, tem um bom comportamento quando submetido a temperaturas elevadas como as decorrentes dum incêndio. Contudo as suas propriedades mecânicas a altas temperaturas e residuais após incêndio sofrem deterioração podendo, em situação extrema, levar ao colapso, parcial ou total do edifício. Tal redução verifica-se quer no betão normal quer no betão de alta resistência. Nesta comunicação são apresentadas as alterações provocadas pela temperatura nas propriedades mecânicas residuais após incêndio dos betões - resistência à compressão, resistência à tração, resistência à flexão e módulo de elasticidade - obtidas em ensaios experimentais com betão normal e comparadas com os resultados existentes na literatura da especialidade para betão normal e de betão de alta resistência.
As construções de betão quando sujeitas a um incêndio podem sofrer degradações leves, cuja intervenção é simples e superficial, ou profundas podendo exigir a demolição total ou parcial da estrutura. Após um incêndio, torna-se necessário avaliar o tipo e o nível de deterioração dos elementos construtivos, de modo a proceder a uma avaliação e classificação das anomalias seguida duma seleção dos métodos e materiais de reparação mais apropriados. Nesta comunicação, apresenta-se uma visão geral dos diferentes aspetos da avaliação e classificação de anomalias das estruturas após incêndio e propõe-se um conjunto de procedimentos e técnicas de reparação.
Dissertação de mestrado na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
Dando ouvidos aos dispositivos: como resolver controvérsias em um debate sobre cidades inteligentes?
Neste breve artigo, procuro analisar um workshop de pesquisa sobre o tema das “Cidades Inteligentes”, ou smart cities, no qual estive presente. Nessa análise, mostro como os conceitos de “cidade inteligente” e “big data” são construídos de modo distinto pelos dois grupos de pessoas presentes no evento, que classifico como “otimizadores” e “reguladores”. Essas diferentes formas de se enxergar os dispositivos em questão levam a uma série de controvérsias. Em um primeiro momento, procuro enquadrar o modo como algumas das controvérsias aparecem dentro do marco teórico da Construção Social da Tecnologia (SCOT). Posteriormente, pretendo mostrar que as controvérsias que apareceram ao longo do evento não foram solucionadas – e dificilmente serão, num futuro próximo – enquanto não se optar por um modelo analítico tal como a Teoria Ator-Rede, que dá ouvidos para um grupo ignorado naquelas discussões: os dispositivos empregados na construção do conceito de “Cidade Inteligente”.
The fractal self-similarity property is studied to develop frequency selective surfaces (FSS) with several rejection bands. Particularly, Gosper fractal curves are used to define the shapes of the FSS elements. Due to the difficulty of making the FSS element details, the analysis is developed for elements with up to three fractal levels. The simulation was carried out using Ansoft Designer software. For results validation, several FSS prototypes with fractal elements were fabricated. In the fabrication process, fractals elements were designed using computer aided design (CAD) tools. The prototypes were measured using a network analyzer (N3250A model, Agilent Technologies). Matlab software was used to generate compare measured and simulated results. The use of fractal elements in the FSS structures showed that the use of high fractal levels can reduce the size of the elements, at the same time as decreases the bandwidth. We also investigated the effect produced by cascading FSS structures. The considered cascaded structures are composed of two FSSs separated by a dielectric layer, which distance is varied to determine the effect produced on the bandwidth of the coupled geometry. Particularly, two FSS structures were coupled through dielectric layers of air and fiberglass. For comparison of results, we designed, fabricated and measured several prototypes of FSS on isolated and coupled structures. Agreement was observed between simulated and measured results. It was also observed that the use of cascaded FSS structures increases the FSSs bandwidths and, in particular cases, the number of resonant frequencies, in the considered frequency range. In future works, we will investigate the effects of using different types of fractal elements, in isolated, multilayer and coupled FSS structures for applications on planar filters, high-gain microstrip antennas and microwave absorbers
This paper presents a study of the integration of filters and microstrip antennas, yielding devices named as filtennas for applications in wireless communications systems. The design of these structures is given from the observation of filtennas based integration between horn antennas and frequency selective surfaces (FSS), used in the band X. The choice of microstrip line structures for the development of a new configuration filtennas justifies the wide application of these transmission lines, in recent decades, always resulting in the production of circuit structures with planar light-weight, compact size, low cost, easy to construct and particularly easy to integrate with other microwave circuits. In addition, the antenna structure considered for the composition of filtennas consists of a planar monopole microstrip to microstrip filters integrated in the feed line of the antenna. In particular, are considered elliptical monopole microstrip (operating in UWB UWB) microstrip filters and (in structures with associated sections in series and / or coupled). In addition, the monopole microstrip has a proper bandwidth and omnidirectional radiation pattern, such that its integration with microstrip filters results in decreased bandwidth, but with slight changes in the radiation pattern. The methods used in the analysis of monopoles, and filters were filtennas finite elements and moments by using commercial software Ansoft Designer and HFSS Ansoft, respectively. Specifically, we analyze the main characteristics of filtennas, such as radiation pattern, gain and bandwidth. Were designed, constructed and measures, several structures filtennas, for validation of the simulated results. Were also used computational tools (CAD) in the process of building prototypes of planar monopoles, filters and filtennas. The prototypes were constructed on substrates of glass-fiber (FR4). Measurements were performed at the Laboratory for Telecommunications UFRN. Comparisons were made between simulated and measured, and found good agreement in the cases considered
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This work is within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, which, as opposed to generative modular approach posits that language is not autonomous but part of human cognition manifest mental processing, socio-cultural and bodily experiences. Our goal is to describe and analyze cognitive mechanisms of understanding who work in the formal and meaningful organization of the narrative. In order to study and verification of this phenomenon, this project was based in the theoretical framework of Rapaport et al (1994) with the treatment of deictic center, Zwaan (1999) and Zwaan and Radvansky (1998) with situation models, Minsky (1974) with the concept frame, Johnson (1987) and Duke and Costa (2012) with pictorial schemes. To this end, we focused on the deictic perspective (WHERE, WHEN, WHO), social cognitive structures (frames) and body (pictorial diagrams) and the situation of models built by compreendedor from these cognitive structures. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research (BAUER and GASKELL, 2002), of interpretive base (MOITA LOPES, 1994), based on introspection (Talmy, 2005). The corpus selected is a sample of twelve texts written by 8th grade students, whose production consists of fictional narrative, the production of diary pages. The analyses were conducted by cognitive structures known as constructional blocks (BCs)(SANTOS, 2011), which guid the discussion about how we build understanding and creation of meanings in narratives. The result shows that the narrative events are mentally represented by the understander that conceives a deictic center and that, guided by it, has access to understanding and construction of meaning in narrative by means of cognitive domains established by bodily and socio-cultural experiences.
This work proposes a modified control chart incorporating concepts of time series analysis. Specifically, we considerer Gaussian mixed transition distribution (GMTD) models. The GMTD models are a more general class than the autorregressive (AR) family, in the sense that the autocorrelated processes may present flat stretches, bursts or outliers. In this scenario traditional Shewhart charts are no longer appropriate tools to monitoring such processes. Therefore, Vasilopoulos and Stamboulis (1978) proposed a modified version of those charts, considering proper control limits based on autocorrelated processes. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed technique a comparison with a traditional Shewhart chart (which ignores the autocorrelation structure of the process), a AR(1) Shewhart control chart and a GMTD Shewhart control chart was made. An analytical expression for the process variance, as well as control limits were developed for a particular GMTD model. The ARL was used as a criteria to measure the efficiency of control charts. The comparison was made based on a series generated according to a GMTD model. The results point to the direction that the modified Shewhart GMTD charts have a better performance than the AR(1) Shewhart and the traditional Shewhart.
This work aims to investigate the behavior of fractal and helical elements structures in planar microstrip. In particular, the frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) had changed its conventional elements to fractal and helical formats. The dielectric substrate used was fiberglass (FR-4) and has a thickness of 1.5 mm, a relative permittivity 4.4 and tangent loss equal to 0.02. For FSSs, was adopting the Dürer’s fractal geometry and helical geometry. To make the measurements, we used two antennas horns in direct line of sight, connected by coaxial cable to the vector network analyzer. Some prototypes were select for built and measured. From preliminary results, it was aimed to find practical applications for structures from the cascading between them. For FSSs with Dürer’s fractal elements was observed behavior provided by the multiband fractal geometry, while the bandwidth has become narrow as the level of iteration fractal increased, making it a more selective frequency with a higher quality factor. A parametric analysis allowed the analysis of the variation of the air layer between them. The cascading between fractal elements structure were considered, presented a tri-band behavior for certain values of the layer of air between them, and find applications in the licensed 2.5GHz band (2.3-2.7) and 3.5GHz band (3.3-3.8). For FSSs with helical elements, six structures were considered, namely H0, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5. The electromagnetic behavior of them was analyzed separately and cascaded. From preliminary results obtained from the separate analysis of structures, including the cascade, the higher the bandwidth, in that the thickness of the air layer increases. In order to find practical applications for helical structures cascaded, the helical elements structure has been cascaded find applications in the X-band (8.0-12.0) and unlicensed band (5.25-5.85). For numerical and experimental characterization of the structures discussed was used, respectively, the commercial software Ansoft Designer and a vector network analyzer, Agilent N5230A model.