970 resultados para Equação de Ginzburg-Landau


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The energy spectrum and the persistent currents are calculated for finite-width mesoscopic annular structures with radial potential barrier in the presence of a magnetic field. The introduction of the tunneling barrier leads to the creation of extra edge states around the barrier and the occurrence of oscillatory structures superimposed on the bulk Landau level plateaus in the energy spectrum. We found that the Fermi energy E-F increases with the number of electrons N emerging many kinks. The single eigenstate persistent current exhibits complicated structures with vortex-like texture, ''bifurcation'', and multiple ''furcation'' patterns as N is increased. The total currents versus N display wild fluctuations.


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The electronic states and magnetotransport properties of quantum waveguides (QW's) in the presence of nonuniform magnetic fields perpendicular to the QW plane are investigated theoretically. It is found that the magnetoconductance of those structures as a function of Fermi energy exhibits stepwise variation or square-wave-like oscillations, depending on the specific distributions (both in magnitude and direction) of nonuniform magnetic fields in QW's. We have investigated the dual magnetic strip structures and three magnetic strip structures. The character of the magnetotransport is closely related to the effective magnetic potential and the energy-dispersion spectrum of electron in the structures. It is found that dispersion relations seem to be combined by different sets of dispersion curves that belong to different individual magnetic subwaveguides. The magnetic effective potential leads to the coupling of states and the substantial distortion of the original dispersion curves at the interfaces in which the abrupt change of magnetic fields appears. Magnetic scattering states are created. Only in some three magnetic strip structures, these scattering states produce the dispersion relations with oscillation structures superimposed on the bulk Landau levels. It is the oscillatory behavior in dispersions that leads to the occurrence of square-wave-like modulations in conductance.


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It is rigorously proved that the Green's function of a uniform two-dimensional interacting electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field is diagonal with respect to single-particle states in the Landau gauge. The implication of this theorem is briefly discussed.


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The cyclotron resonance (CR) of electrons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells is investigated theoretically to explain a recent CR experiment, where two CR peaks were observed at high magnetic fields when both spin-up and spin-down states of the lowest Landau level are occupied. Our theoretical model takes into account the conduction band non-parabolicity, the electron bulk longitude-optic-phonon coupling, and the self-consistent subband structure. A good agreement is found.


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利用Landau Lifshitz方程 ,研究了具有非均匀交换各向异性的半无限大铁磁体的非线性表面自旋波理论。导出了部分钉扎纯交换铁磁介质的磁化强度所满足的边界条件和非线性表面自旋波的色散关系 ,并获得了自旋波振幅沿z方向驻波的一维非线性Schr dinger方程和包络振幅沿平面传播的二维非线性Schr dinger方程 ,结果表明铁磁体磁化强度的包络振幅随时空变化的性质是由二维非线性Schr dinger方程决定的。因此预言铁磁介质的表面非线性激发应是二维孤波的形式。对于弱非线性表面自旋波 ,对非线性Schr dinger方程存在孤子形式解的可能性作了讨论 .


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介绍了非线性表面自旋波理论研究的新进展 ,并对前人的理论做了推广 ,针对具有非均匀交换各向异性的偶极 交换铁磁介质的非线性表面自旋波的性质和行为进行了较为系统的理论研究 .


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We discuss experimental evidence for a nuclear phase transition driven by the different concentrations of neutrons to protons. Different ratios of the neutron to proton concentrations lead to different critical points for the phase transition. This is analogous to the phase transitions occurring in He-4-He-3 liquid mixtures. We present experimental results that reveal the N/A (or Z/A) dependence of the phase transition and discuss possible implications of these observations in terms of the Landau free energy description of critical phenomena.


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Isoscaling is derived within a recently proposed modified Fisher model where the free energy near the critical point is described by the Landau O(m(6)) theory. In this model m = N-f-Z(f)/A(f) is the order parameter, a consequence of (one of) the symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Within this framework we show that isoscaling depends mainly on this order parameter through the 'external (conjugate) field' H. The external field is just given by the difference in chemical potentials of the neutrons and protons of the two sources. To distinguish from previously employed isoscaling relationships, this approach is dubbed: m-scaling. We discuss the relationship between this framework and the standard isoscaling formalism and point out some substantial differences in interpretation of experimental results which might result. These should be investigated further both theoretically and experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The experimental results reveal the isospin dependence of the nuclear phase transition in terms of the Landau Free Energy description of critical phenomena. Near the critical point, different ratios of the neutron to proton concentrations lead to different critical points for the phase transition which is analogous to the phase transitions in He-4-He-3 liquid mixtures. The antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and GEMINI models calculations were also performed and the results will be discussed as well.


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Reproduction and chromosome inheritance in triploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) were studied in diploid female x triploid male (DT) and reciprocal (TD) crosses. Relative fecundity of triploid females was 13.4% of normal diploids. Cumulative survival from fertilized eggs to spat stage was 0.007% for DT crosses and 0.314% for TD crosses. Chromosome number analysis was conducted on surviving progeny from DT and TD crosses at 1 and 4 years of age. At Year 1, oysters from DT crosses consisted of 15% diploids (2n = 20) and 85% aneuploids. In contrast, oysters from TD crosses consisted of 57.2% diploids, 30.9% triploids (3n = 30) and only 11.9% aneuploids, suggesting that triploid females produced more euploid gametes and viable progeny than triploid males. Viable aneuploid chromosome numbers included 2n + 1, 2n + 2, 2n + 3, 3n - 2 and 3n - 1. There was little change over time in the overall frequency of diploids, triploids and aneuploids. Among aneuploids, oysters with 2n + 3 and 3n-2 chromosomes were observed at Year 1, but absent at Year 4. Triploid progeny were significantly larger than diploids by 79% in whole body weight and 98% in meat weight at 4 years of age. Aneuploids were significantly smaller than normal diploids. This study suggests that triploid Pacific oyster is not completely sterile and cannot offer complete containment of cultured populations.


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É apresentado um modelo de dispersão-advecção de evolução unidimensional que simula a lixiviação de pesticidas em lisímetros ou colunas de solo sob efeito da temperatura média diária do perfil do solo. O modelo matemático e todo o seu conjunto de hipóteses será denominado DAPESTE. Nas simulações numéricas do modelo DAPESTE serão utilizados o método dos elementos finitos para a semi-discretização da variável espacial e o método de Eüler regressivo para a discretização da variável temporal. Serão utilizados métodos de elementos finitos apropriados para problemas de dispersão-advecção nos quais o transporte advectivo predomina sobre o transporte dispersivo. O modelo DAPESTE supõe que as difusividades do pesticida nas fases gasosa e aquosa do solo dependem da temperatura média diária do solo a qual varia periodicamente com a profundidade e com o tempo. O coeficiente de dispersão hidrodinâmico do modelo DAPESTE dependerá da temperatura do solo. O coeficiente de partição água-ar, variando com a temperatura, será determinado pela equação de Clausius-Clapeyron. A equação de van?t Ho® será usada para determinar o coeficiente de sorção do pesticida no solo como função da temperatura. Com a equação de Arrhenius será estimado o efeito da temperatura na taxa de degradação do pesticida. Estas relações de dependência entre os parâmetros do modelo e a temperatura do solo auxiliam sobremaneira na compreensão do destino de pesticidas no solo sob diferentes cenários de temperaturas médias diárias, especialmente a meia vida do pesticida e a concentração lixiviada no perfil do solo.


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