978 resultados para Eerola, Antti: Nylon Beat
Teksti perustuu Pauli Juuren ja Antti Vuorelan teokseen: Johtaminen ja työyhteisön hyvinvointi. PS-kustannus, Aavaranta-sarja 2002.
Abstract: The political objectives of information and communication technologies - towards a technology driven society?
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Steatosis is a prominent feature of hepatitis C, especially in patients infected with genotype 3. The analysis of genetic polymorphisms influencing steatosis in chronic hepatitis C has been limited by the studies' small sample size, and important single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), such as those in the patatin-like phospholipase family 3 protein (PNPLA3), were never evaluated. METHODS: We analyzed the role of SNPs, from 19 systematically selected candidate genes, on steatosis in 626 Caucasian hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients. SNPs were extracted from a genome-wide association-generated dataset. Associations of alleles with the presence and/or different severity of steatosis were evaluated by univariate and multivariate logistic regression, accounting for all relevant covariates. RESULTS: The risk of steatosis was increased by carriage of I148M in PNPLA3, but only in patients with HCV genotypes non-3 (odds ratio [OR]=1.9, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.6-2.3, p<0.001) and similar, albeit weaker associations were found for SNPs in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARG) and interleukin-28B (IL28B). Carriage of a SNP in the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) increased the risk of steatosis, but only in patients with HCV genotype 3 (rs1800803, OR=3.4, 95% CI=2.4-4.9, p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The rs738409 SNP in PNPLA3 is associated with an increased risk of steatosis in patients infected with HCV genotypes non-3. Host genes affect steatosis depending on the infecting HCV genotype, suggesting their interaction with viral factors.
Helsingin yliopistossa 27.1.2003 pidetty jäähyväisluento
Korkeimman oikeuden 13.12.2002 antamat ratkaisut KKO 2002:106, KKO 2002:107, KKO 2002:108 ja KKO 2002:109
Vastine professori Kari Enqvistin kirjoitukseen Tieteessä tapahtuu -lehdessä 7/2002