767 resultados para Education, Mathematics|Education, Elementary|Education, Curriculum and Instruction
What qualities, skills, and knowledge produce quality teachers? Many stake-holders in education argue that teacher quality should be measured by student achievement. This qualitative study shows that good teachers are multi-dimensional; their effectiveness cannot be represented by students’ test scores alone. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of quality in teaching by examining the lived experiences of 10 winners or finalists of the Teacher of the Year (ToY) Award. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, examines how these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). This inquiry asked two questions: (a) How is teaching experienced by recognized as outstanding Teachers of the Year? and (b) How do ToYs feelings and perceptions about being good teachers provide insight, if any, about concepts such as pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions? Ten participants formed the purposive sample; the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Sixty to 90-minute interviews were conducted with each participant. Data also included the participants’ ToY application essays. Data analysis included a three-phase process: description, reduction, interpretation. Findings revealed that the ToYs are dedicated, hard-working individuals. They exhibit behaviors, such as working beyond the school day, engaging in lifelong learning, and assisting colleagues to improve their practice. Working as teachers is their life’s compass, guiding and wrapping them into meaningful and purposeful lives. Pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions were shown to be relevant, offering important insights into good teaching. Results indicate that for these ToYs, good teaching is experienced by getting through to students using effective and moral means; they are emotionally open, have a sense of the sacred, and they operate from a sense of intentionality. The essence of the ToYs teaching experience was their being properly engaged in their craft, embodying logical, psychological, and moral realms. Findings challenge current teacher effectiveness process-product orthodoxy which makes a causal connection between effective teaching and student test scores, and which assumes that effective teaching arises solely from and because of the actions of the teacher.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Ce mémoire a pour objet d’étude la notion du rapport aux savoirs historiques des élèves de l’ordre secondaire. Plus précisément, il sera question des relations existant entre la conception qu’entretiennent les élèves de l’histoire et du métier de l’historien, leur conception de l’action humaine dans l’histoire et leur sentiment d’être eux-mêmes, aujourd’hui, des acteurs politiques effectifs. Ce sujet est ancré dans le contexte de l’introduction des prescriptions en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté dans le programme d’histoire de niveau secondaire. Cet ajout a pour conséquence d’introduire de nouveaux objectifs en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté : l’élève, par l’étude de l’évolution démocratique, doit être amené à comprendre le rôle de l’action humaine dans l’histoire, lui faisant ainsi comprendre la valeur de sa propre participation à la vie sociale et politique. Cela étant dit, les recherches montrent que les enseignants et les enseignantes tardent à adopter la terminologie propre aux compétences du programme de formation en histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté et perpétuent un enseignement de l’histoire-récit qui fait la part belle aux grands évènements et aux grands hommes (Bouhon, 2009; Moisan, 2011). De plus, les manuels utilisés laissent peu de place aux individus ou aux groupes d’individus agissants et présentent rarement leurs actions de manière à rendre compte de leur efficacité (Éthier, 2001; Lefrançois, Éthier et Demers, 2011). Enfin, les recherches montrent que les élèves sont enclins à expliquer les changements à l’aide d’une histoire personnalisante, occupée principalement par les grands hommes et les hauts faits de l’histoire politique et militaire (Hallden, 1986 ; Carretero, Jacott, Limon, Lopez-Manjon et Leon, 1994 ; Carretero, Asuncion et Jacott, 1997 ; Tutiaux-Guillon et Fourmond, 1998). En explorant les conséquences complexes de ces différents constats, nous avons ressenti une insatisfaction à l’égard de la capacité d’explication de ce phénomène qu’offrait le champ conceptuel de didactique de l’histoire. Par conséquent, ce mémoire portera sur le transfert de la notion de rapport au savoir au domaine de la didactique de l’histoire à partir de la sociologie et de l’anthropologie. Le modèle théorique proposé a été obtenu grâce à une recherche spéculative qui a été inspirée des méthodes de Martineau, Simard et Gauthier (2001) et de Van der Maren (1996).
Uma das crescentes preocupações das sociedades desenvolvidas é a redução da actividade física com os consequentes custos individuais e sociais. É recomendado um aumento qualitativo e quantitativo de actividade física. A disciplina de Educação Física é hoje vista como um dos lugares ideais para a promoção da actividade física e de um estilo de vida activo que se prolongue pela vida adulta. O Ténis é uma modalidade desportiva que se pode praticar ao longo de toda a vida e que apresenta inúmeros benefícios para a saúde. Neste âmbito, foi feita uma análise do papel que a Educação Física representa na saúde e promoção de estilos de vida activos, caracterização do Ténis e seus benefícios, ensino do Ténis nas escolas, o Ténis nos programas nacionais de Educação Física e foram feitas propostas metodológicas para o seu ensino na escola. Desta análise, suportada pelo conhecimento da comunidade científica e profissionais da área de reconhecido mérito, pode concluir-se que a implementação de um programa de iniciação ao Ténis na escola, baseado em propostas metodológicas eficazes e de acordo com as necessidades reais dos alunos, é perfeitamente exequível e promove ganhos motores, sociais e emocionais que se podem prolongar pela vida futura. Assim, o Ténis pode ter um contributo relevante na promoção de um estilo de vida activo.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Over the years, society changes, renews and creates conditions for the use of new technological devices. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand in our society and are used also in teaching and learning, making it necessary that the teacher knows them. This study was first to analyze the curriculum of teacher training at the campus of UNESP, specifically in relation to courses Full Degree in Education in order to understand how these courses are structured in relation to the subjects they deal with ICT. For this, we searched the literature on the main issues involving technology and teacher education, curriculum and document analysis of Pedagogy of UNESP. It was noted that only the Faculty of Education offers the campus of Bauru disciplines working technology issues centrally. From this result, the second objective of this research was to understand, through a questionnaire, the views of students of Bauru, enrolled in these disciplines, on the Distance Education. With the results of the questionnaires it was concluded that students rated as important the knowledge of technological tools, made possible by specific disciplines during their training was noted the positive contribution of a comprehensive curriculum with respect to knowledge of ICT for reflection and formation of critical thinking in teachers training
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the perceptions of educators at one elementary school regarding the changes in the teaching and learning environment and their related effects following the implementation of Florida's A+ high-stakes accountability system. This study also assessed whether these changes were identified by participants as meaningful and enduring, in terms of the definition by Lieberman and Miller (1999). Twenty-one educators, including 17 teachers and four administrators, at Blue Ribbon Elementary school were interviewed. Data were inductively coded and categorized into four major themes: (a) teaching and learning environment consistency, (b) changes in the teaching and learning environment since the implementation of A+, (c) effects of the changes, and (d) significant and enduring change. Findings fell into three categories (a) identified changes since A+ implementation, (b) effects of changes, and (c) what participants believed was significant and long term change, which included those characteristics of the school that had been identified as consistent in the teaching and learning environment. Statements of the participants explained their perceptions about what instructional decisions where made in response to the A+ Plan including the modification of curriculum, the addition or omission of subject matter taught, and the positive or negative impact these decisions had on the teaching and learning environment. It was found that study participants felt all changes and their effects were a direct result of the A+ Plan and viewed many of the changes as being neither significant nor long term Analysis of the educators' perceptions of the changes they experienced revealed the overall feeling that the changes were not indicative of what was necessary to make a school successful. For the participants, the changes lacked the characteristics that they had described as vital in what constituted success. This led to the conclusion that, by Lieberman and Miller's definition, the majority of changes and effects that were implemented at the school as a result of the mandated A+ Plan, were not meaningful and enduring for effective school reform.
The impact of standards-based practices in mathematics on the achievement of low-performing students
This study examined standards-based mathematics reform initiatives to determine if they would improve student achievement on the part of low-performing students. New curricula, the Carnegie Learning Cognitive Tutor®, were provided for algebra and geometry students. The new instructional strategy relied on both the teacher-led instruction and the use of computers to differentiate instruction for individual students. Mathematics teachers received ongoing professional development to help them implement the new curricula. In addition, teachers were provided with ongoing support to assist them with the transformation of the learning environments for students using standards-based practices. This quasi-experimental (nonrandomized) study involved teachers in two matched urban high schools. Analyses (ANCOVAs) revealed that the experimental group with an appropriately implemented program had significantly higher learning gains than the comparison group as determined by the students' 2007 mathematics Developmental Scale Score (DSS). In addition, the experimental group's adjusted mean for the second interim mathematics assessment was significantly higher than the comparison group's mean. The findings support the idea that if the traditional curriculum is replaced with standards-based curriculum, and the curriculum is implemented as intended, low-performing students may make significant learning gains. With respect to the teaching practices as observed with the Classroom Observation Protocol (COP), t-tests were conducted on four constructs. The results for both the algebra and geometry teachers on the constructs were not significant. The COP indicated that teachers in both the experimental and comparison groups used traditional instruction strategies in their classrooms. The analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) on the use of technology revealed no significant main effects for computer use.