1000 resultados para Educació intercultural -- Catalonia -- Figueres


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The present study examines the development of interculturality and changes of beliefs, by analyzing 106 compositions produced by 53 advanced level university students of translation studies at a university in Spain before and shortly after a stay-abroad (SA) period. The study draws on data collected at two different times: before (T1) and after the SA (T3). In addition, we compared the results with the writings produced by a control group of 10 native English speakers on SA too. Data were collected by means of a composition which tried to elicit the learners’ opinion about cultural habits maintenance. The results reveal significant changes between T1 and T3 in the degree of better attitudes and intercultural acquisition.


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El trabajo analiza y define la figura del Mediador Intercultural, diferenciándole del mediador social y del intérprete de conferencias. Nos centramos en el papel del Mediador en los servicios públicos, concretamente en el ámbito sanitario y en la labor del Servicio de Mediación Intercultural del Hospital del Mar de Barcelona.


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Este trabajo versa sobre la situación de la mediación intercultural en el ámbito sanitario en Cataluña, concretamente en los Centros de Atención Primaria, y ofrece una reflexión sobre la necesidad actual de esta disciplina a la vez que la compara con la situación actual de la misma.


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Aquesta recerca aborda la interpretació de les relacions entre escolarització, immigració i gènere de forma complexa mitjançant la construcció d’una recerca visual narrativa i d’històries de vida amb el grup de noies/dones immigrades procedent dels països del sud d’Àsia que viuen i han estat escolaritzades –totalment o parcialment– a Catalunya. La investigació dóna visibilitat a les trajectòries d’èxit escolar de les noies/dones immigrades al seu pas per l’escola secundària, tot narrant: les seves expectatives i desitjos, els moments i canvis, les identitats i relacions, així com els aprenentatges assolits i les perspectives de futur. La recerca s’ha portat a terme a partir d’observar, entrevistar i conversar amb diversos grups de noies immigrades (principalment de la regió del Panjab de l’Índia i el Pakistan) en 4 centres educatius i 1 entitat, de l’àmbit de Barcelona i la seva àrea metropolitana. La investigació reconstrueix la trajectòria de 20 noies immigrades com a protagonistes. El treball de camp etnogràfic i la construcció de les històries visuals de vida culmina amb l’edició d’un documental audiovisual. De forma resumida, l’anàlisi de les dades realitzada a partir del treball de camp etnogràfic, de les entrevistes en profunditat i les converses en els cinc contextos presentats, s’organitza d’acord amb els següents eixos temàtics: 1. Migracions, espacialització i mobilitat en un context transnacional i local; 2. La construcció de les subjectivitats i del gènere de les adolescents/adultes immigrades; 3. Processos d’escolarització i formació a Catalunya de les noies/dones immigrades; i 4. Visibilitat, visualitat i representació en la recerca.


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In this paper we portray the features of the Catalan textiles labour market in a period of technological change. Supply and demand for labour as well as a gendered view of living standards are presented. A first set of results is that labour supply adjusts to changes in labour demand trough the spread of new demographic attitudes. In this respect we imply that labour economic agents (or labour population) were able to modify the economic condition of their children. A second set of results refers to living standards and income distribution inequality. In this respect we see that unemployment and protectionism were the main sources breeding income inequality. A third set of results deals with the extreme labour market segmentation according to gender. Since women s real wages did not obey to an economic rationale we conclude that women were outside the labour market.


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The demographic shift underway in Southern Europe requires a revision of some of the fundamental principles of the traditional welfare state. We analyze the evolution of several aspects of welfare and social expenditure over the last two decades. We find that in the context of the present demographic changes and real estate boom current social and pension policy leads to a new distribution of benefits and burdens which is highly intergenerationally unequal. We argue for a revised definition of public policy based on Musgrave's proposition as a possible rule for an intergenerationally fair distribution.


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Este projecto intitulado por Atelier de Educação Intercultural surge no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação na área de Educação Social – Crianças Jovens e Família. A escolha do título “Atelier de Educação Intercultural” e das propostas que lhe constituem foram influenciadas por diversos factores, sendo a área de estágio o principal. A escolha da área de Educação Social – Crianças Jovens e Família como âmbito de especialização do meu estágio curricular e do Gabinete do Apoio ao Estudante (GAE FPCEUC) como local de estágio deveu-se ao facto de a combinação de ambos permitir um contacto próximo com a população académica, a qual espero vir a ser a população no seio da qual exercerei profissionalmente no meu país. O Gabinete de Apoio ao Estudante da Faculdade de Psicologia constitui um agente privilegiado no contacto com a população académica, sendo o principal facilitador de interacção entre os 1800 estudantes dos 3 cursos leccionados na instituição académica a que faz parte. A escolha do nome do projecto de estágio foi levada a cabo seguidamente à preferência da área e local de estágio, através de um contacto próximo com a orientadora da área e coordenadora do local de estágio, sendo que o título foi sugerido pela mesma e adoptado de imediato, pois, permitir-me-ia conciliar o contacto com a população académica Portuguesa e os estudantes da Comunidade de Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, onde se integram os estudantes Cabo-verdianos que constituirão a minha população-alvo durante a futura exerção profissional.


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El treball pretén, per una banda, conèixer a grans trets el marc normatiu sobre la inserció laboral de les persones amb discapacitat i endinsar-se en què són i com s’articulen els enclavaments laborals.D’altra banda, pretén conèixer la situació actual i real dels centres especials de treball a les comarques de Girona


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Anàlisi de la figura de l'educador/a social en processos de desenvolupament comunitari a partir d'experiències diverses a Catalunya


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Des del principi dels temps històrics, la Matemàtica s'ha generat en totes les civilitzacions sobre la base de la resolució de problemes pràctics.Tanmateix, a partir del període grec la Història ens mostra la necessitat de fer un pas més endavant: l'evolució històrica de la Matemàtica situa els mètodes de raonament com a eix central de la recerca en Matemàtica. A partir d'una ullada als objectius i mètodes de treball d'alguns autors cabdals en la Història dels conceptes matemàtics postulem l'aprenentatge de les formes de raonament matemàtic com l'objectiu central de l'educació matemàtica, i la resolució de problemes com el mitjà més eficient per a coronar aquest objectiu.English version.From the beginning of the historical times, mathematics has been generated in all the civilizations on the base of the resolution of practical problems. Nevertheless, from the greek period History shows us the necessity to take one more step: the historical evolution of mathematics locates the methods of reasoning as the central axis of the research in mathematics. Glancing over the objectives and methods of work used bysome fundamental authors in the History of the mathematical concepts we postulated the learning of the forms of mathematical reasoning like the central objective of the mathematical education, and the resolution of problems as the most efficient way to carry out this objective.


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This article aims to analyse the reasons for the intensive use of childlabour in the 19th century and its subsequent decline in the first thirdof the 20th century in the context of an economy with a highly flexiblelabour supply like that of Catalonia. During the second half of the 19thcentury,factors relating to family economies, such as numerous familiesand low wages for adults, along with the technologies of the time thatrequired manual labour resources, would appear to explain the intensiveuse of child labour to the detriment of schooling. The technologicalchanges that occurred during the first third of the 20th century, thedemographic transition and adult wage increase (for both men and women)explain the schooling of children up to the age of 15 and theconsequent practical abolition of child labour in that new era ofeconomic modernisation.


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The mercantile company was the basic form of enterprise in pre-industrial Catalonia. The aim of this paper is to study the formation and development of the mercantile companies in Barcelona whose end was the wholesale and retail sale of textiles in the botigues de teles (textile retail shops) throughout the eighteenth century. These firms were officially registered before a notary and their deeds reveal how these establishments were administered and managed.The study covers a sample of 121 mercantile companies, and the articles and documentation that were put into effect by 32 notaries who were active in Barcelona in the 18th century have been consulted in their entirety. From an initial selection of documentation, a total of 228 deeds registering companies have been found, 107 of which (47%) relate to the creation of companies whose various activities were centred in taverns, textile manufacturing, braiding.... While the 121 companies, which make up our sample and which account for 53% of the deeds registered with the notaries mentioned above, focused exclusively on the management of textile retail shops located in the commercial heart of the city. Thus one point of interest that the documentation reveals is that the majority of the mercantile companies registered by Barcelona notaries throughout the 18th century were establishments which traded in textiles. The first part of the article focuses on the structural characteristics of these enterprises, the number and socio-professional status of the partners and the extent of each partner s involvement in the administration and management. The second part of the article examines the capital investment made by each partner, their rights and obligations agreed on, the sharing out of profits and possible losses and the duration of the companies. The final aim of the paper is to highlight the evolution of these companies through one specific case.


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In this paper we measure the degree of income related inequality in mental health as measured by the GHQ instrument and general health as measured by the EQOL-5D instrument for the Catalan population. We find that income is the main contributor to inequality, although the share of inequality in mental health that can be explained by income is much greater than the corresponding share of inequality in general health. We also find that the variation in demographic structure reduces income related inequality in mental health but increases income related inequality in general health. The regional variations in both instruments for health are striking, with the Barcelona districts faring relatively bad with respect to the rest of geographical areas and Lleida being the health region where, all else held equal, the population reports the greatest level of health. A big share of inequality in the two health measures, but specially mental health, is due to the favourable position in both health and income of those who enjoy an indefinite contract with respect to the rest of individuals. We also find that risky working conditions affect both health measures and are able to explain an important share of socio-economic inequality.


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The demographic shift underway in Southern Europe requires a revision of some of thefundamental principles of the traditional welfare state. We analyze the evolution of several aspects of welfare and social expenditure over the last two decades. We find that in the context of the present demographic changes and real estate boom current social and pension policy leads to a new distribution of benefits and burdens which is highly intergenerationally unequal. We argue for a revised definition of public policy based on Musgrave's proposition as a possible rule for an intergenerationally fair distribution.