627 resultados para Ectodomain Shedding


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The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects almost all warm blooded animal species including humans, and is one of the most prevalent zoonotic parasites worldwide. Post-natal infection in humans is acquired through oral uptake of sporulated T. gondii oocysts or by ingestion of parasite tissue cysts upon consumption of raw or undercooked meat. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of oocyst-shedding by cats and to assess the level of infection with T. gondii in meat-producing animals in Switzerland via detection of genomic DNA (gDNA) in muscle samples. In total, 252 cats (44 stray cats, 171 pet cats, 37 cats with gastrointestinal disorders) were analysed coproscopically, and subsequently species-specific identification of T. gondii oocysts was achieved by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Furthermore, diaphragm samples of 270 domestic pigs (120 adults, 50 finishing, and 100 free-range animals), 150 wild boar, 250 sheep (150 adults and 100 lambs) and 406 cattle (47 calves, 129 heifers, 100 bulls, and 130 adult cows) were investigated by T. gondii-specific real-time PCR. For the first time in Switzerland, PCR-positive samples were subsequently genotyped using nine PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) loci (SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico) for analysis. Only one of the cats shed T. gondii oocysts, corresponding to a T. gondii prevalence of 0.4% (95% CI: 0.0-2.2%). In meat-producing animals, gDNA prevalence was lowest in wild boar (0.7%; 95% CI: 0.0-3.7%), followed by sheep (2.0%; 95% CI: 0.1-4.6%) and pigs (2.2%; 95% CI: 0.8-4.8%). The highest prevalence was found in cattle (4.7%; 95% CI: 2.8-7.2%), mainly due to the high prevalence of 29.8% in young calves. With regard to housing conditions, conventional fattening pigs and free-range pigs surprisingly exhibited the same prevalence (2.0%; 95% CI: 0.2-7.0%). Genotyping of oocysts shed by the cat showed T. gondii with clonal Type II alleles and the Apico I allele. T. gondii with clonal Type II alleles were also predominantly observed in sheep, while T. gondii with mixed or atypical allele combinations were very rare in sheep. In pigs and cattle however, genotyping of T. gondii was often incomplete. These findings suggested that cattle in Switzerland might be infected with Toxoplasma of the clonal Types I or III, atypical T. gondii or more than one clonal Type.


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A recent study showed increased resistance against strongylid nematodes in offspring of a stallion affected by recurrent airway obstruction (RAG) compared with unrelated pasture mates. Resistance against strongylid nematodes was associated with RAG affection. Hypothesis: Resistance against strongylid nematodes has a genetic basis. The genetic variants influencing strongylid resistance also influence RAG susceptibility. Faecal samples from the half-sibling offspring of two RAG-affected Warmblood stallions 98 offspring from the first family (family 1) and 79 from the second family (family 2) were analysed using a combined sedimentation-flotation method. The phenotype was defined as a binary trait - either positive or negative for egg shedding. The influence of non-genetic factors on egg shedding was analysed using SAS, the mode of inheritance was investigated using PAP and iBay, and the association between shedding of strongyle eggs and RAG was estimated by odds ratios. Previously established genotypes for 315 microsatellite markers were used for QTL analyses using GRID QTL. The inheritance of "strongylid egg shedding" is influenced by major genes on ECA15 and ECA20. Shedding of strongylid eggs is associated with RAG in family 1 but not in family 2. Conclusions: The status of "shedding of strongyle eggs" has a genetic background. The results were inconclusive as to whether "egg shedding" and RAG share common genetic components. Our results suggest that it may be possible to select for resistance against strongylid nematodes.


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BACKGROUND: Equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) shares many characteristics with human asthma. In humans, an inverse relationship between susceptibility to asthma and resistance to parasites is suspected. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: Members of a high-incidence RAO half-sibling family (F) shed fewer strongylid eggs compared with RAO-unaffected pasture mates (PM) and that RAO-affected horses shed fewer eggs than RAO-unaffected half-siblings. ANIMALS: Seventy-three F and 73 unrelated, age matched PM. METHODS: Cases and controls kept under the same management and deworming regime were examined. Each individual was classified as RAO affected or RAO unaffected and fecal samples were collected before and 1-3 weeks and 3 months after deworming. Samples were analyzed by combined sedimentation-flotation and modified McMaster methods and classified into 3 categories of 0 eggs per gram of feces (EpG), 1-100 EpG, and > 100 EpG, respectively. RESULTS: PM compared with RAO-affected F had a 16.7 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.0-136.3) times higher risk for shedding > 100 EpG compared with 0 EpG and a 5.3 (95% CI: 1.0-27.4) times higher risk for shedding > 100 EpG compared with 0 EpG. There was no significant effect when RAO-unaffected F were compared with their PM. RAO-unaffected compared with RAO-affected offspring had a 5.8 (95% CI: 0.0-1.0) times higher risk for shedding 1-100 EpG. Age, sex, breed, and sharing pastures with other species had no significant confounding effects. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: RAO is associated with resistance against strongylid parasites in a high-prevalence family.


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PURPOSE: Evidence suggests that altered metabolism of amyloid precursor protein (APP) may play a role in the pathophysiology of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death in the etiology of glaucoma. The authors sought to determine the distribution of APP and amyloid-beta (Abeta) in DBA/2J glaucomatous mouse retinas. METHODS: The retinas of 3- and 15-month-old DBA/2J mice and C57/BL-6 mice (control group) were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and processed for immunohistochemistry. Antibodies used included a polyclonal antibody to the C terminus of Abeta 40 and a polyclonal antibody to the APP ectodomain. Immunohistochemically stained tissue was graded using light microscopy. Distribution and semiquantitative expression of APP and Abeta in young and old glaucomatous and normal retinas were determined and compared. RESULTS: Strong APP and Abeta immunoreactivity was found in the RGC layer, optic nerve, and pia/dura of old DBA/2J retinas, with considerably higher intensity found in the old compared with the young DBA/2J mice. In contrast to glaucomatous mice, the control group did not show any notable age-related difference. CONCLUSIONS: Disruption of the homeostatic properties of secreted APP with consecutive Abeta cytotoxicity might be a contributing factor of ganglion cell loss in glaucomatous mouse retinas.


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BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a major cause of morbidity in infancy worldwide, with cough and wheeze being alarming symptoms to parents. We aimed to analyze in detail the viral aetiology of ARI with such symptoms in otherwise healthy infants, including rhinoviruses and recently discovered viruses such as human metapneumovirus (HMPV), coronavirus NL63 and HKU1, and human bocavirus (HBoV). METHODS: We prospectively followed 197 unselected infants during their first year of life and assessed clinical symptoms by weekly standardized interviews. At the first ARI with cough or wheeze, we analyzed nasal swabs by sensitive individual real time polymerase chain reaction assays targeting 16 different respiratory viruses. RESULTS: All 112 infants who had an ARI had cough, and 39 (35%) had wheeze. One or more respiratory viruses were found in 88 of 112 (79%) cases. Fifteen (17%) dual and 3 (3%) triple infections were recorded. Rhino- (23% of all viruses) and coronaviruses (18%) were most common, followed by parainfluenza viruses (17%), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (16%), HMPV (13%), and HBoV (5%). Together rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, HMPV, and HBoV accounted for 60% (65 of 109) of viruses. Although symptom scores and need for general practitioner (GP) consultations were highest in infants infected with RSV, they were similar in infants infected with other viruses. Viral shedding at 3 weeks occurred in 20% of cases. CONCLUSIONS: Rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, HMPV, and HBoV are common pathogens associated with respiratory symptoms in otherwise healthy infants. They should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the aetiology of ARI in this age group.


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In the current market system, power systems are operated at higher loads for economic reasons. Power system stability becomes a genuine concern in such operating conditions. In case of failure of any larger component, the system may become stressed. These events may start cascading failures, which may lead to blackouts. One of the main reasons of the major recorded blackout events has been the unavailability of system-wide information. Synchrophasor technology has the capability to provide system-wide real time information. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are the basic building block of this technology, which provide the Global Positioning System (GPS) time-stamped voltage and current phasor values along with the frequency. It is being assumed that synchrophasor data of all the buses is available and thus the whole system is fully observable. This information can be used to initiate islanding or system separation to avoid blackouts. A system separation strategy using synchrophasor data has been developed to answer the three main aspects of system separation: (1) When to separate: One class support machines (OC-SVM) is primarily used for the anomaly detection. Here OC-SVM was used to detect wide area instability. OC-SVM has been tested on different stable and unstable cases and it is found that OC-SVM has the capability to detect the wide area instability and thus is capable to answer the question of “when the system should be separated”. (2) Where to separate: The agglomerative clustering technique was used to find the groups of coherent buses. The lines connecting different groups of coherent buses form the separation surface. The rate of change of the bus voltage phase angles has been used as the input to this technique. This technique has the potential to exactly identify the lines to be tripped for the system separation. (3) What to do after separation: Load shedding was performed approximately equal to the sum of power flows along the candidate system separation lines should be initiated before tripping these lines. Therefore it is recommended that load shedding should be initiated before tripping the lines for system separation.


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OBJECTIVES: The level of pancreatic stone protein/regenerating protein (PSP/reg), a secretory protein produced in the pancreas, increases dramatically during pancreatic disease. However, after stress (e.g., anesthesia), PSP/reg levels are increased transiently in animals without pancreatic injury. Therefore, we aimed to determine whether PSP/reg is an acute-phase protein after nonpancreatic trauma. PATIENTS: Eighty-three polytraumatic patients without pancreatic damage. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We compared serum PSP/reg levels from polytraumatic patients without pancreatic damage with those in healthy controls (n = 38). C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, procalcitonin, and leukocyte numbers were also compared. The expression of CD62L and CD11b on neutrophils after exposure to PSP/reg was analyzed by flow cytometry. Thirty-three patients (39%) developed sepsis, 32 (38%) had local infections, and 18 (21%) had no infections. At admission, PSP/reg serum levels (10.2 [6.2-14.5] ng/mL; median [interquartile range]) were comparable with those in healthy controls (10.4 [7.5-12.3] ng/mL). During hospital stay, PSP/reg levels were elevated significantly in patients with sepsis (146.4 ng/mL) and in patients with infections (111.4 ng/mL) compared with patients without infections (22.8 ng/mL). Furthermore, binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled recombinant PSP/reg to human neutrophils was demonstrated. Recombinant PSP/reg elicited a dose-dependent shedding of L-selectin (CD62L) and upregulation of beta2-integrin (CD11b) in neutrophils, which indicates that PSP/reg activates neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that PSP/reg is up-regulated in blood after trauma, and the PSP/reg level is related to the severity of inflammation. Furthermore, PSP/reg binds to and activates neutrophils. Therefore, PSP/reg might be an acute-phase protein that could serve as a marker for posttraumatic complications.


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Pore-forming (poly)peptides originating from invading pathogens cause plasma membrane damage in target cells, with consequences as diverse as proliferation or cell death. However, the factors that define the outcome remain unknown. We show that in cells maintaining an intracellular Ca(2+) concentration [Ca(2+)](i) below a critical threshold of 10 microM, repair mechanisms seal off 'hot spots' of Ca(2+) entry and shed them in the form of microparticles, leading to [Ca(2+)](i) reduction and cell recovery. Cells that are capable of preventing an elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) above the critical concentration, yet are unable to complete plasma membrane repair, enter a prolonged phase of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations, accompanied by a continuous shedding of microparticles. When [Ca(2+)](i) exceeds the critical concentration, an irreversible formation of ceramide platforms within the plasma membrane and their internalisation drives the dying cells beyond the 'point of no return'. These findings show that the extent of [Ca(2+)](i) elevation determines the fate of targeted cells and establishes how different Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms facilitate either cell survival or death.


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OBJECTIVE: Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), including JNK, p38, and ERK1/2, noticeably influence ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI). The complement inhibitor dextran sulfate (DXS) associates with damaged endothelium denudated of its heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) layer. Other glycosaminoglycan analogs are known to influence MAPK signaling. Hypothetically therefore, targeted intravascular cytoprotection by DXS may function in part through influencing MAPK activation to reduce IRI-induced damage of the vasculature. METHODS: IRI of the infrarenal aorta of male Wistar rats was induced by 90 minutes clamping followed by 120 minutes reperfusion. DXS (5 mg/mL) or physiologic saline (NaCl controls) was infused locally into the ischemic aortic segment immediately prior to reperfusion. Ninety minutes ischemia-only and heparinase infusion (maximal damage) experiments, as well as native rat aorta, served as controls. Aortas were excised following termination of the experiments for further analysis. RESULTS: DXS significantly inhibited IRI-induced JNK and ERK1/2 activation (P = .043; P =.005) without influencing the p38 pathway (P =.110). Reduced aortic injury, with significant inhibition of apoptosis (P = .032 for DXS vs NaCl), correlated with decreased nuclear factor kappaB translocation within the aortic wall. DXS treatment clearly reduced C1q, C4b/c, C3b/c, and C9 complement deposition, whilst preserving endothelial cell integrity and reducing reperfusion-induced HSPG shedding. Protection was associated with binding of fluorescein labeled DXS to ischemically damaged tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Local application of DXS into ischemic vasculature immediately prior to reperfusion reduces complement deposition and preserves endothelial integrity, partially through modulating activation of MAPKs and may offer a new approach to tackle IRI in vascular surgical procedures. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of dextran sulfate (DXS), a glycosaminoglycan analog and complement inhibitor, in modulating intracellular MAPK signaling pathways, reducing complement activation and ultimately attenuating ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) in a rat aortic-clamping model, in part a surrogate model to study the microvasculature. The study shows a role for DXS in ameliorating endothelial injury by reducing IRI-mediated damage and intravascular, local inflammation in the affected aortic segment. DXS may be envisaged as an endothelial protectant in vascular injury, such as occurs during vascular surgical procedures.


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It is unknown how receptor binding by the paramyxovirus attachment proteins (HN, H, or G) triggers the fusion (F) protein to fuse with the plasma membrane for cell entry. H-proteins of the morbillivirus genus consist of a stalk ectodomain supporting a cuboidal head; physiological oligomers consist of non-covalent dimer-of-dimers. We report here the successful engineering of intermolecular disulfide bonds within the central region (residues 91-115) of the morbillivirus H-stalk; a sub-domain that also encompasses the putative F-contacting section (residues 111-118). Remarkably, several intersubunit crosslinks abrogated membrane fusion, but bioactivity was restored under reducing conditions. This phenotype extended equally to H proteins derived from virulent and attenuated morbillivirus strains and was independent of the nature of the contacted receptor. Our data reveal that the morbillivirus H-stalk domain is composed of four tightly-packed subunits. Upon receptor binding, these subunits structurally rearrange, possibly inducing conformational changes within the central region of the stalk, which, in turn, promote fusion. Given that the fundamental architecture appears conserved among paramyxovirus attachment protein stalk domains, we predict that these motions may act as a universal paramyxovirus F-triggering mechanism.


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OBJECTIVE Well-developed collaterals provide survival benefit in patients with obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, in this study we sought to determine which clinical variables are associated with arteriogenesis. DESIGN Clinical and laboratory variables were collected before percutaneous coronary intervention. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine which variables are associated with the collateral flow index (CFI). PATIENTS Data from 295 chronic total occlusion (CTO) patients (Bern, Switzerland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Jena, Germany) were pooled. In earlier studies, patients had varying degrees of stenosis. Therefore, different stages of development of the collaterals were used. In our study, a unique group of patients with CTO was analysed. INTERVENTIONS Instead of angiography used earlier, we used a more accurate method to determine CFI using intracoronary pressure measurements. CFI was calculated from the occlusive pressure distal of the coronary lesion, the aortic pressure and central venous pressure. RESULTS The mean CFI was 0.39 ± 0.14. After multivariate analysis, β blockers, hypertension and angina pectoris duration were positively associated with CFI (B: correlation coefficient β=0.07, SE=0.03, p=0.02, B=0.040, SE=0.02, p=0.042 and B=0.001, SE=0.000, p=0.02). Furthermore also after multivariate analysis, high serum leucocytes, prior myocardial infarction and high diastolic blood pressure were negatively associated with CFI (B=-0.01, SE=0.005, p=0.03, B=-0.04, SE=0.02, p=0.03 and B=-0.002, SE=0.001, p=0.011). CONCLUSIONS In this unique cohort, high serum leucocytes and high diastolic blood pressure are associated with poorly developed collaterals. Interestingly, the use of β blockers is associated with well-developed collaterals, shedding new light on the potential action mode of this drug in patients with CAD.


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Despite their crucial role in the nitrogen cycle, freshwater ecosystems are relatively rarely studied for active ammonia oxidizers (AO). This study of Lake Lucerne determined the abundance of both amoA genes and gene transcripts of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) over a period of 16 months, shedding more light on the role of both AO in a deep, alpine lake environment. At the surface, at 42 m water depth, and in the water layer immediately above the sediment, AOA generally outnumbered AOB. However, in the surface water during summer stratification, when both AO were low in abundance, AOB were more numerous than AOA. Temporal distribution patterns of AOA and AOB were comparable. Higher abundances of amoA gene transcripts were observed at the onset and end of summer stratification. In summer, archaeal amoA genes and transcripts correlated negatively with temperature and conductivity. Concentrations of ammonium and oxygen did not vary enough to explain the amoA gene and transcript dynamics. The observed herbivorous zooplankton may have caused a hidden flux of mineralized ammonium and a change in abundance of genes and transcripts. At the surface, AO might have been repressed during summer stratification due to nutrient limitation caused by active phytoplankton.


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Cleavage of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the aspartyl protease beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE) is the first step in the generation of the amyloid beta-peptide, which is deposited in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Whereas the subsequent cleavage by gamma-secretase was shown to originate from the cooperation of a multicomponent complex, it is currently unknown whether in a cellular environment BACE is enzymatically active as a monomer or in concert with other proteins. Using blue native gel electrophoresis we found that endogenous and overexpressed BACE has a molecular mass of 140 kDa instead of the expected mass of 70 kDa under denaturing conditions. This suggests that under native conditions BACE exists as a homodimer. Homodimerization was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation of full-length BACE carrying different epitope tags. In contrast, the soluble active BACE ectodomain was exclusively present as a monomer both under native and denaturing conditions. A domain analysis revealed that the BACE ectodomain dimerized as long as it was attached to the membrane, whereas the cytoplasmic domain and the transmembrane domain were dispensable for dimerization. By adding a KKXX-endoplasmic reticulum retention signal to BACE, we demonstrate that dimerization of BACE occurs already before full maturation and pro-peptide cleavage. Furthermore, kinetic analysis of the purified native BACE dimer revealed a higher affinity and turnover rate in comparison to the monomeric soluble BACE. Dimerization of BACE might, thus, facilitate binding and cleavage of physiological substrates.


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Epithelial cells of different phenotypes derived from bovine corpus luteum have been studied intensively in our laboratory. In this study, specific lectin binding was examined for cells of type 1 and 3, which were defined as endothelial cells. In order to confirm differences in their glycocalyx at the light microscopic level, five biotinylated lectins were applied to postconfluent cultures which had been fixed with buffered paraformaldehyde or glutaraldehyde. Cells were not permeabilized with any detergent. Lectin binding was localized with a streptavidin-peroxidase complex which was visualized with two different techniques. The DAB technique detected peroxidase histochemically, while the immunogold technique used an anti-peroxidase gold complex together with silver amplification. Neither cell type 1 nor cell type 3 bound a particular lectin selectively, yet each cell type expressed a particular lectin binding pattern. With the DAB technique, diverse lectin binding patterns were seen, probably indicating either "outside" binding, i.e., a diffuse pattern, a lateral-cell-side pattern and a microvillus-like pattern, or "inside" binding, i.e., a diffuse pattern, and a granule-like pattern. With the immunogold technique, only "outside" binding was observed. In addition, the patterns of single cilia or of single circles were detected, the latter roughly representing 3-micron-sized binding sites for concanavalin A. When localizing them at the ultrastructural level, single circles corresponded with micron-sized discontinuities of the plasma membrane. Shedding vesicles were detected whose outer membrane was labelled with concanavalin A. Our results confirm the diversity of the two cell types under study. The "inside" lectin binding may be caused by way of transient plasma membrane openings and related to shedding of right-side out vesicles ("ectocytosis").


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A pivotal mediator of actin dynamics is the protein cofilin, which promotes filament severing and depolymerization, facilitating the breakdown of existing filaments, and the enhancement of filament growth from newly created barbed ends. It does so in concert with actin interacting protein 1 (Aip1), which serves to accelerate cofilin's activity. While progress has been made in understanding its biochemical functions, the physiologic processes the cofilin/Aip1 complex regulates, particularly in higher organisms, are yet to be determined. We have generated an allelic series for WD40 repeat protein 1 (Wdr1), the mammalian homolog of Aip1, and report that reductions in Wdr1 function produce a dramatic phenotype gradient. While severe loss of function at the Wdr1 locus causes embryonic lethality, macrothrombocytopenia and autoinflammatory disease develop in mice carrying hypomorphic alleles. Macrothrombocytopenia is the result of megakaryocyte maturation defects, which lead to a failure of normal platelet shedding. Autoinflammatory disease, which is bone marrow-derived yet nonlymphoid in origin, is characterized by a massive infiltration of neutrophils into inflammatory lesions. Cytoskeletal responses are impaired in Wdr1 mutant neutrophils. These studies establish an essential requirement for Wdr1 in megakaryocytes and neutrophils, indicating that cofilin-mediated actin dynamics are critically important to the development and function of both cell types.