991 resultados para Ecclesiastical Council (1822 : North Yarmouth, Me.)
The PICES Science Board and the Science and Technology Agency of Japan held a Workshop on Monitoring Subarctic North Pacific Vaiability,October 22-23,1994, in Nemuro,Hokkaido,Japan,in conjunction with the PICES Third Annual Meeting. The Workshop was not intended to discuss process studies or to review the science of the subaractic Pacific,but rather to focus on the longterm monitoring programs required for assessment of the physical and ecological responses to long-term forcing,both natural and man-made. (PDF contains 90 pages)
The general circulation pattern in the western boundary of the SW Atlantic is dominated by the opposite flows of Malvinas (-Falkland)and Brazil Current. In the Confluence region both currents separate from the continental slope and flow offshore creating an area of strong contracts and complex dynamics. The shelf-break fronts off Argentina mark the transition between shelf waters of mixed origin and nutrient rich Malvinas waters. Two areas deserve special attention due to the steep gradients introduced by the outflow of important sources of continental waters: the Rio de la Plata and the Magellan Strait to the north and south of the study area. Characteristics of the front is the high primary and secondary production, and the presence of important invertebrate and fish stocks that concentrate along the front to feed or spawn. The area comprises nearly 30 o/o (333 million U$S in 1995)of all Argentine catches of fish and squid. Resources in the area, beyond the EEZ limits, support international fisheries mainly of Russia, Poland and Spain. (Document contains 15 pages & figs)
This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), that was designed to assist laymen in identifying cetaceans encountered in eastern North Pacific and Arctic waters. It was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This is a revision of an earlier guide with the same title published in 1972 by the Naval Undersa Center and the National Marine Fisheries Service. It includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices include illustrations of tags on whales, dolphins, and porpoises, by Larry Hobbs; how to record data from observed cetaceans at sea and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of cetacean names in Japanese and Russian. (Document contains 245 pages - file takes considerable time to open)
This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). It was designed to assist laypersons in identifying cetaceans encountered in the western North Atlantic Ocean and was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This publication includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices cover tags used on cetacean species; how to record and report cetacean observations at see and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of contacts for reporting cetacean strandings. (Document pdf contains 183 pages - file takes considerable time to open)
Working paper NPALB/87/21 submitted to the 10th North Pacific Albacore Workshop. Paper reports the results of ongoing research on validated age and growth models and the elucidation of stock structure for the North Pacific albacore. (Document pdf contains 22 pages)
Key Messages [pdf, 2.5 Mb] Climate Information Gaps Ocean Productivity Information gaps Living Marine Resources Information gaps Climate [pdf, 1.8 Mb] Productivity [pdf, 5.2 Mb] Nutrients Phytoplankton Zooplankton Living Resources [pdf, 10 Mb] Subarctic coastal systems Central oceanic gyres Temperate coastal and oceanic systems Marine mammals The Human Population [pdf, 5 Mb] Contaminants and Habitat Modifications Aquaculture Knowledge Gaps Glossary Ocean and Climate Changes [pdf, 4.1Mb] Highlights Introduction Atmospheric Indices Change in 1998/99 Comparison of Atmospheric Indices Authorship Yellow Sea / East China Sea [pdf, 2.3 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Benthos Fish and invertebrates Marine birds and mammals Issues Critical factors causing change Authorship Japan/East Sea [pdf, 3.3 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Critical factors causing change Issues Authorship Okhotsk Sea [pdf, 1.7 Mb] Background Status and Trends Climate Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Critical factors causing change Authorship Oyashio / Kuroshio [pdf, 4.5 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Authorship Western Subarctic Gyre [pdf, 4.5 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Authorship Bering Sea [pdf, 2.2 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Critical Factors Causing Change Issues Authorship Gulf of Alaska [pdf, 2.6 Mb] Highlights Background Status and trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine birds and mammals Critical factors causing change Issues Authorship California Current [pdf, 2.7 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Critical Factors Causing Change Issues Authorship Gulf of California [pdf, 1.7 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fisheries Marine Birds and Mammals Critical Factors Causing Change Issues Authorship Transition Zone [pdf, 2.5 Mb] Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Authorship Tuna [pdf, 1.5 Mb] Highlights Background Pacific bluefin tuna Albacore tuna Status and trends Ecosystem model and climate forcing Authorship Pacific halibut [pdf, 1.1 Mb] Background The Fishery Climate Influences Authorship Pacific salmon [Updated, pdf, 0.4 Mb] Background Status and Trends Washington, Oregon, and California British Columbia Southeast Alaska Central Alaska Western Alaska Russia Japan Authorship References [pdf, 0.5 Mb]
Bacterioplankton [pdf] Phytoplankton [pdf] Zooplankton [pdf] Non-exploited fish and invertebrates [pdf] Commercially-important fish and invertebrates [pdf] Marine birds [pdf] Mammals [pdf] Supplemental table of Unknowns [html] (Document pdf contains 48 pages)
Vancouver Lake, located adjacent to the Columbia River and just north of the Vancouver-Portland metropolitan area, is a "dying" lake. Although all lakes die naturally in geologic time through the process of eutrophication,* Vancouver Lake is dying more rapidly due to man's activities and due to the resultant increased accumulation of sediment, chemicals, and wastes. Natural eutrophication takes thousands of years, whereas man-made modifications can cause the death of a lake in decades. Vancouver Lake does, however, have the potential of becoming a valuable water resource asset for the area, due particularly to its location near the Columbia River which can be used as a source of "flushing" water to improve the quality of Vancouver Lake. (Document pdf contains 59 pages) Community interest in Vancouver Lake has waxed and waned. Prior to World War II, there were relatively few plans for discussions about the Lake and its surrounding land area. A plan to drain the Lake for farming was prohibited by the city council and county commissioners. Interest increased in 1945 when the federal government considered developing the Lake as a berthing harbor for deactivated ships at which time a preliminary proposal was prepared by the City. The only surface water connection between Vancouver Lake and the Columbia River, except during floods, is Lake River. The Lake now serves as a receiving body of water for Lake River tidal flow and surface flow from creeks and nearby land areas. Seasonally, these flows are heavily laden with sediment, septic tank drainage, fertilizers and drainage from cattle yards. Construction and gravel pit operations increase the sediment loads entering the Lake from Burnt Bridge Creek and Salmon Creek (via Lake River by tidal action). The tidal flats at the north end of Vancouver Lake are evidence of this accumulation. Since 1945, the buildup of sediment and nutrients created by man's activities has accelerated the growth of the large water plants and algae which contribute to the degeneration of the Lake. Flooding from the Columbia River, as in 1968, has added to the deposition in Vancouver Lake. The combined effect of these human and natural activities has changed Vancouver Lake into a relatively useless body of shallow water supporting some wildlife, rough fish, and shallow draft boats. It is still pleasant to view from the hills to the east. Because precipitation and streamflow are the lowest during the summer and early fall, water quantity and quality conditions are at their worst when the potential of the Lake for water-based recreation is the highest. Increased pollution of the Lake has caused a larger segment of the community to become concerned. Land use and planning studies were undertaken on the Columbia River lowlands and a wide variety of ideas were proposed for improving the quality of the water-land environment in order to enhance the usefulness of the area. In 1966, the College of Engineering Research Division at Washington State University (WSU0 in Pullman, Washington, was contacted by the Port of Vancouver to determine possible alternatives for restoring Vancouver Lake. Various proposals were prepared between 1966 and 1969. During the summer and fall of 1967, a study was made by WSU on the existing water quality in the Lake. In 1969, the current studies were funded to establish a data base for considering a broad range of alternative solutions for improving the quantity and quality of Vancouver Lake. Until these studies were undertaken, practically no data on a continuous nature were available on Vancouver Lake, Lake River, or their tributaries. (Document pdf contains 59 pages)
Determination of direction of littoral transport along the north shore of Santa Rosa Island, Florida
The purpose of this study was to determine the actual direction of littoral transport along the north shore of Santa Rosa Island in the vicinity of Pensacola Beach, Florida. To accomplish this objective the sand tracer method was used for the study. Visual observations and instrument recordings of the environment factors were also made during the tracing operations. The investigation covered a time span from September 14, 1976 to March 12, 1977. (PDF contains 68 pages.)
This study presents the third post-nourishment survey (January 1989) results for the Sand Key Phase II beach nourishment project carried out in June, 1988. The monitoring program to this beach nourishment project is a joint effort between the University of South Florida and University of Florida. The field surveys include a total of 26 profiles, encompassing approximately 3 miles of shoreline extending from DNR R-96 to R-1ll. The total calculated volume loss of sand in the nourished segment (from R-99G to R-107) between the July 88 and January 89 surveys is 51,113 cubic yards, which is a loss about 9.7 percent of 529,150 cubic yards actually placed in the nourishment project. The total loss of sand computed in the entire survey area is 26,796 cubic yards, which is only 5.1 percent of the sand placed in the nourishment project. It is stressed that a part of these net volume reductions is due to the background erosion and not due to spreading losses induced by the nourishment project. (PDF contains 168 pages.)
Water chestnut (Trapa natans L.,sensu lato) is an annual, floating-leaved aquatic plant of temperate and tropical freshwater wetlands, rivers, lakes, ponds, and estuaries. Native to Eurasia and Africa, water chestnut has been widely gathered for its large nutritious seed since the Neolithic and is cultivated for food in Asia. Water chestnut is now a species of conservation concern in Europe and Russia. Introduced to the northeastern United States in the mid-1800s, the spread of water chestnut as a nuisance weed was apparently favored by cultural eutrophication. Water chestnut is considered a pest in the U.S. because it forms extensive, dense beds in lakes, rivers, and freshwater-tidal habitats.
Special Publication 2 On-line version On-line version includes links to the following files (these files are not included into publication): Bacterioplankton [pdf] Phytoplankton [pdf] Zooplankton [pdf] Non-exploited fish and invertebrates [pdf] Commercially-important fish and invertebrates [pdf] Marine birds [pdf] Mammals [pdf] Supplemental table of Unknowns [html]
Maria Graham, escritora inglesa, nasceu perto de Papscastle em 19 d e junho de 1785 e morreu em Londres, em 28 de novembro de 1842. Casada com o capitão Thomas Graham comandante da fragata Doris fez em sua companhia a sua primeira viagem ao Brasil, em 1821, quando se dirigia ao Chile. Em 1824, já viúva, retornou ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de D. Maria da Glória, filha do Imperador D. Pedro I e de Dona Leopoldina. Permaneceu no país até setembro de 1825, quando retornou para Londres por motivos políticos. Mais tarde, casou-se com Augustus Earle Calcott e passou a assinar suas obras literárias como Lady Calcott. ‘Journal of a voyage to Brazil’ relata as viagens da autora ao Brasil. Descreve o país, seus habitantes e os costumes das diferentes classes sociais, principalmente em Pernambuco, na Bahia e no Rio de Janeiro. Constitui importante fonte de informações sobre a época da independência e uma das melhores publicações do século XIX. As ilustrações, com desenhos da autora, são excelentes. De acordo com Borba de Moraes ‘a Catholic University Library em Washington (Oliveira Lima Collection) possui um exemplar que pertenceu à própria autora, onde ela fez correções e anotações para uma segunda edição, mas que nunca chegou a ser publicada. Essas anotações são muito importantes, sobretudo para a história da revolução de Pernambuco e a atuação de Cochrane. Quanto aos acontecimentos de sua vinda ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de Dona Maria da Glória, existe um diário que foi publicado por Rodolfo Garcia com preciosas notas e prefácio no volume 60 dos Anais da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, assim como uma biografia de D. Pedro I e correspondência entre Maria Graham e a Imperatriz’
Parte 1 - Leis das Cortes Gerais Extraordinárias e Constituintes da Nação Portuguesa