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1. In vivo studies have shown that the low-affinity 75 kDa neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is involved in axotomy-induced cell death of sensory and motor neurons. To further examine the importance of p75NTR in mediating neuronal death in vivo , we examined the effect of axotomy in the p75NTR-knockout mouse, which has a disrupted ligand-binding domain. 2. The extent of sensory and motor neuron loss in the p75NTR-knockout mouse following axotomy was not significantly different to that in wild-type mice. This suggests that disruption of the ligand-binding domain is insufficient to block the cell death process in axotomized neurons. 3. Immunohistochemical studies showed that axotomized neurons continue to express this mutant receptor with its intracellular death-signalling moiety intact. 4. Treatment with antisense oligonucleotides targeted against p75NTR resulted in significant reduction in the loss of axotomized neurons in the knockout mouse. 5. These data suggest that the intracellular domain of p75NTR is essential for death-signalling and that p75NTR can signal apoptosis, despite a disrupted ligand-binding domain.
This paper evaluates the role Strategic Research Partnerships (SRPs) play in Asia. Specific Asian institutional settings influence the roles of SRPs. Japan is regarded as a forerunner in the practice of SRPs. In Japan, lack of spillover channels, limited opportunities for mergers and acquisitions, weak university research and pressure for internal diversification motivate firms to form SRPs. In Korea, SRPs are regarded as a means to promote large-scale research projects. In Taiwan, SRPs are formed to facilitate technological diffusion. Empirical findings on SRPs, focusing on government-sponsored R&D consortia in Japan, are summarized. Issues regarding SRP formation, their effect on R&D spending of participating firms, and productivity, are examined. Reference is made to alternative forms of measurement of SRPs and their potential application to Asian countries is assessed. Enhancing the capacity of policy-makers to assess the extent and contribution of SRPs is considered to be a priority.
1. Ice-volume forced glacial-interglacial cyclicity is the major cause of global climate variation within the late Quaternary period. Within the Australian region, this variation is expressed predominantly as oscillations in moisture availability. Glacial periods were substantially drier than today with restricted distribution of mesic plant communities, shallow or ephemeral water bodies and extensive aeolian dune activity. 2. Superimposed on this cyclicity in Australia is a trend towards drier and/or more variable climates within the last 350 000 years. This trend may have been initiated by changes in atmospheric and ocean circulation resulting from Australia's continued movement into the Southeast Asian region and involving the onset or intensification of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation system and a reduction in summer monsoon activity. 3. Increased biomass burning, stemming originally from increased climatic variability and later enhanced by activities of indigenous people, resulted in a more open and sclerophyllous vegetation, increased salinity and a further reduction in water availability. 4. Past records combined with recent observations suggest that the degree of environmental variability will increase and the drying trend will be enhanced in the foreseeable future, regardless of the extent or nature of human intervention.
Continuous NMR T-2 relaxation measurements were carried out on seven rabbit longissimus muscle samples in the period from 25 min to 28 h post-mortem at 200 MHz for H-1. To display differences in post-mortern pH progress and extent of changes in water characteristics during conversion of muscle to meat, three of the seven animals were pre-slaughter injected with adrenaline (0.5 mg/kg live weight 4 h before sacrifice) to differentiate muscle glycogen stores at the time of slaughter. Distributed analysis of T-2 data displayed clear differences in the characteristics of the various transverse relaxation components dependent on progress in pH, as did the water-holding capacity of samples 24 h postmortem. This reveals a pronounced effect of the progressive change in pH on the subsequent development in physical/chemical states of water during the conversion of muscle to meat. Finally, the relaxation characteristics are discussed in relation to supposed post-mortem processes of protein denaturation.
Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate the effect of storage at 10degreesC, 20degreesC and 30degreesC, and 40% and 65% relative humidity (RH) on adzuki bean starch gelatinisation and protein denaturation temperatures. Storage for 6 months at an elevated storage temperature (30degreesC) caused increases in the starch gelatinisation onset temperature (T-o) and gelatinisation peak temperature (T-p) for both Bloodwood and Erimo varieties. Storage at 40% RH resulted in higher T-o and T-p values than storage at 65% RH. The T-o of starch from Bloodwood and Erimo beans stored for up to 1.5 months at 10degreesC and 65% were similar to those of fresh beans. The changes in the salt-soluble protein component were less clear cut than those of the starch. Nonetheless, protein extracted from beans stored at 40% RH exhibited significantly lower T-o and T-p values compared with those stored at 65% RH. This indicates some destabilisation of the protein at the higher RH. These results suggest that detrimental changes occur in starch and, to a lesser extent protein, of adzuki beans stored under unfavourable conditions. On the basis of these results, the best storage conditions to maintain the characteristics of fresh beans are low temperatures (e.g. 10degreesC) and high RH (e.g. 65%). (C) 2003 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
An assessment of the changes in the distribution and extent of mangroves within Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland, Australia, was carried out. Two assessment methods were evaluated: spatial and temporal pattern metrics analysis, and change detection analysis. Currently, about 15,000 ha of mangroves are present in Moreton Bay. These mangroves are important ecosystems, but are subject to disturbance from a number of sources. Over the past 25 years, there has been a loss of more than 3800 ha, as a result of natural losses and mangrove clearing (e.g. for urban and industrial development, agriculture and aquaculture). However, areas of new mangroves have become established over the same time period, offsetting these losses to create a net loss of about 200 ha. These new mangroves have mainly appeared in the southern bay region and the bay islands, particularly on the landward edge of existing mangroves. In addition, spatial patterns and species composition of mangrove patches have changed. The pattern metrics analysis provided an overview of mangrove distribution and change in the form of single metric values, while the change detection analysis gave a more detailed and spatially explicit description of change. An analysis of the effects of spatial scales on the pattern metrics indicated that they were relatively insensitive to scale at spatial resolutions less than 50 m, but that most metrics became sensitive at coarser resolutions, a finding which has implications for mapping of mangroves based on remotely sensed data. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The extent of mixing in blends of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) (27% HV) and poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) has been measured using a number of different techniques, principally solid-state NMR. Differential scanning calorimetry DSC measurements indicated effective mixing of the polymer chains on a scale of several nanometres. The results of H-1 T-1 and H-1 T-1rho. measurements confirm intimate mixing of the chains. A change on blending in the H-1 T-1rho, and the H-1 NMR line width of the signal from the protons of PVAc was consistent with an increase in the amplitude and frequency of motion of this component. The PVAc chains reside within the inter-lamellar space, as confirmed by spin diffusion measurements after H-1 T-1rho preparation. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
One consistent functional imaging finding from patients with major depression has been abnormality of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Hypoperfusion has been most commonly reported, but some studies suggest relative hyperperfusion is associated with response to somatic treatments. Despite these indications of the possible importance of the ACC in depression there have been relatively few cognitive studies ACC function in patients with major depression. The present study employed a series of reaction time (RT) tasks involving selection with melancholic and nonmelancholic depressed patients, as well as age-matched controls. Fifteen patients with unipolar major depression (7 melancholic, 8 nonmelancholic) and 8 healthy age-matched controls performed a series of response selection tasks (choice RT, spatial Stroop, spatial stimulus-response compatibility (SRC), and a combined Stroop + SRC condition). Reaction time and error data were collected. Melancholic patients were significantly slower than controls on all tasks but were slower than nonmelancholic patients only on the Stroop and Stroop + SRC conditions. Nonmelancholic patients did not differ from the control group on any task. The Stroop task seems crucial in differentiating the two depressive groups, they did not differ on the choice RT or SRC tasks. This may reflect differential task demands, the SRC involved symbolic manipulation that might engage the dorsal ACC and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to a greater extent than the, primarily inhibitory, Stroop task which may engage the ventral ACC and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). This might suggest the melancholic group showed a greater ventral ACC-OFC deficit than the nonmelancholic group, while both groups showed similar dorsal ACC-DLPFC deficit.
Quantifying mass and energy exchanges within tropical forests is essential for understanding their role in the global carbon budget and how they will respond to perturbations in climate. This study reviews ecosystem process models designed to predict the growth and productivity of temperate and tropical forest ecosystems. Temperate forest models were included because of the minimal number of tropical forest models. The review provides a multiscale assessment enabling potential users to select a model suited to the scale and type of information they require in tropical forests. Process models are reviewed in relation to their input and output parameters, minimum spatial and temporal units of operation, maximum spatial extent and time period of application for each organization level of modelling. Organizational levels included leaf-tree, plot-stand, regional and ecosystem levels, with model complexity decreasing as the time-step and spatial extent of model operation increases. All ecosystem models are simplified versions of reality and are typically aspatial. Remotely sensed data sets and derived products may be used to initialize, drive and validate ecosystem process models. At the simplest level, remotely sensed data are used to delimit location, extent and changes over time of vegetation communities. At a more advanced level, remotely sensed data products have been used to estimate key structural and biophysical properties associated with ecosystem processes in tropical and temperate forests. Combining ecological models and image data enables the development of carbon accounting systems that will contribute to understanding greenhouse gas budgets at biome and global scales.
An extracellular glucoamylase produced by Paecilomyces variotii was purified using DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography and Sephadex G-100 gel filtration. The purified protein migrated as a single band in 7% PAGE and 8% SDS-PAGE. The estimated molecular mass was 86.5 kDa (SDS-PAGE). Optima of temperature and pH were 55 degrees C and 5.0, respectively. In the absence of substrate the purified glucoamylase was stable for 1 h at 50 and 55 degrees C, with a t(50) of 45 min at 60 degrees C. The substrate contributed to protect the enzyme against thermal denaturation. The enzyme was mainly activated by manganese metal ions. The glucoamylase produced by P. variotii preferentially hydrolyzed amylopectin, glycogen and starch, and to a lesser extent malto-oligossacarides and amylose. Sucrose, p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-maltoside, methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside, pullulan, alpha- and beta-cyclodextrin, and trehalose were not hydrolyzed. After 24 h, the products of starch hydrolysis, analyzed by thin layer chromatography, showed only glucose. The circular dichroism spectrum showed a protein rich in alpha-helix. The sequence of amino acids of the purified enzyme VVTDSFR appears similar to glucoamylases purified from Talaromyces emersonii and with the precursor of the glucoamylase from Aspergillus oryzae. These results suggested the character of the enzyme studied as a glucoamylase (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase).
Neural mechanisms underlying the onset and maintenance of epileptic seizures involve alterations in inhibitory and/or excitatory neurotransmitter pathways. Thus, the prospecting of novel molecules from natural products that target both inhibition and excitation systems has deserved interest in the rational design of new anticonvulsants. We isolated the alkaloids (+)-erythravine and ( +)-11-alpha-hydroxyerythravine from the flowers of Erythrina mulungu and evaluated the action of these compounds against chemically induced seizures in rats. Our results showed that the administration of different doses of (+)-erythravine inhibited seizures evoked by bicuculline, pentylenetetrazole, and kainic acid at maximum of 80, 100, and 100%, respectively, whereas different doses of (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine inhibited seizures at a maximum of 100% when induced by bicuculline, NMDA, and kainic acid, and, to a lesser extent, PTZ (60%). The analysis of mean latency to seizure onset of nonprotected animals, for specific doses of alkaloids, showed that (+)-erythravine increased latencies to seizures induced by bicuculline. Although (+)-erythravine exhibited very weak anticonvulsant action against seizures induced by NMDA, this alkaloid increased the latency in this assay. The increase in latency to onset of seizures promoted by (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine reached a maximum of threefold in the bicuculline test. All animals were protected against death when treated with different doses of (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine in the tests using the four chemical convulsants. Identical results were obtained when using (+)-erythravine in the tests of bicuculline, NMDA, and VIZ, and, to a lesser extent, kainic acid. Therefore, these data validate the anticonvulsant properties of the tested alkaloids, which is of relevance in consideration of the ethnopharmacological/biotechnological potential of E. mulungu. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
An alpha-amylase produced by Paecilomyces variotii was purified by DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography, followed by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration and electroelution. The alpha-amylase showed a molecular mass of 75 kDa (SDS-PAGE) and pl value of 4.5. Temperature and pH optima were 60 degrees C and 4.0, respectively. The enzyme was stable for 1 h at 55 degrees C, showing a t(50) of 53 min at 60 degrees C. Starch protected the enzyme against thermal inactivation. The a-amylase was more stable in alkaline pH. It was activated mainly by calcium and cobalt, and it presented as a glycoprotein with 23% carbohydrate content. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzed starch and, to a lower extent, amylose and amylopectin. The K(m) of alpha-amylase on Reagen (R) and Sigma (R) starches were 4.3 and 6.2 mg/mL, respectively. The products of starch hydrolysis analyzed by TLC were oligosaccharides such as maltose and maltotriose. The partial amino acid sequence of the enzyme presented similarity to alpha-amylases from Bacillus sp. These results confirmed that the studied enzyme was an a-amylase ((1 -> 4)-alpha-glucan glucanohydrolase). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The acquisition and extinction of affective valence to neutral geometrical shape conditional stimuli was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 employed a differential conditioning procedure with aversive shock USs. Differential electrodermal responding was evident during acquisition and lost during extinction. As indexed by verbal ratings, the CS1 acquired negative valence during acquisition,which was reduced after extinction. Affective priming, a reaction time based demand free measure of stimulus valence, failed to provide evidence for affective learning. Experiment 2 employed pictures of happy and angry faces as USs.Valence ratings after acquisitionweremore positive for theCS paired with happy faces (CS-H) and less positive for the CS paired with angry faces (CS-A) than during baseline. Extinction training reduced the extent of acquired valence significantly for both CSs, however, ratings of the CS-A remained different from baseline. Affective priming confirmed these results yielding differences between CS-A and CS-H after acquisition for pleasant and unpleasant targets, but for pleasant targets only after extinction. Experiment 3 replicated the design of Experiment 2, but presented the US pictures backwardly masked. Neither rating nor affective priming measures yielded any evidence for affective learning. The present results confirm across two different experimental procedures that, contrary to predictions from dual process accounts of human learning, affective learning is subject to extinction.
Simple equations are proposed for determining elastic modulus and hardness properties of thin films on substrates from nanoindentation experiments. An empirical formulation relates the modulus E and hardness H of the film/substrate bilayer to corresponding material properties of the constituent materials via a power-law relation. Geometrical dependence of E and H is wholly contained in the power-law exponents, expressed here as sigmoidal functions of indenter penetration relative to film thickness. The formulation may be inverted to enable deconvolution of film properties from data on the film/substrate bilayers. Berkovich nanoindentation data for dense oxide and nitride films on silicon substrates are used to validate the equations and to demonstrate the film property deconvolution. Additional data for less dense nitride films are used to illustrate the extent to which film properties may depend on the method of fabrication.
10-(Octyloxy) decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate (ODPC) is an alkylphospholipid that can interact with cell membranes because of its amphiphilic character. We describe here the interaction of ODPC with liposomes and its toxicity to leukemic cells with an ED-50 of 5.4, 5.6 and 2.9 pM for 72 h of treatment for inhibition of proliferation of NB4, U937 and K562 cell lines, respectively, and lack of toxicity to normal hematopoietic progenitor cells at concentrations up to 25 pM. The ED-50 for the non-malignant HEK-293 and primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) was 63.4 and 60.7 mu M, respectively. The critical micellar concentration (CMC) of ODPC was 200 mu M. Dynamic light scattering indicated that dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposome size was affected only above the CMC of ODPC. Differential calorimetric scanning (DCS) of liposomes indicated a critical transition temperature (T(c)) of 41.5 degrees C and an enthalpy (Delta H) variation of 7.3 kcal mol(-1). The presence of 25 mu M ODPC decreased T(c) and Delta H to 393 degrees C and 4.7 kcal mol(-1), respectively. ODPC at 250 mu M destabilized the liposomes (36.3 degrees C. 0.46 kcal mol(-1)). Kinetics of 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (CF) leakage from different liposome systems indicated that the rate and extent of CF release depended on liposome composition and ODPC concentration and that above the CMC it was instantaneous. Overall, the data indicate that ODPC acts on in vitro membrane systems and leukemia cell lines at concentrations below its CMC, suggesting that it does not act as a detergent and that this effect is dependent on membrane composition. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.