948 resultados para Dynamical Systems Theory
We analyze the consequences that the choice of the output of the system has in the efficiency of signal detection. It is shown that the output signal and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), used to characterize the phenomenon of stochastic resonance, strongly depend on the form of the output. In particular, the SNR may be enhanced for an adequate output.
We study numerically the disappearance of normally hyperbolic invariant tori in quasiperiodic systems and identify a scenario for their breakdown. In this scenario, the breakdown happens because two invariant directions of the transversal dynamics come close to each other, losing their regularity. On the other hand, the Lyapunov multipliers associated with the invariant directions remain more or less constant. We identify notable quantitative regularities in this scenario, namely that the minimum angle between the two invariant directions and the Lyapunov multipliers have power law dependence with the parameters. The exponents of the power laws seem to be universal.
We present a study of the evaporation dynamics of a substance undergoing a coarsening process. The system is modeled by the Cahn-Hilliard equation with absorbing boundaries. We have found that the dynamics, although of a diffusive nature, is much slower than the usual one without coarsening. Analytical and simulation results are in reasonable agreement.
We present numerical evidence and a theoretical analysis of the appearance of anticoherence resonance induced by noise, not predicted in former analysis of coherence resonance. We have found that this phenomenon occurs for very small values of the intensity of the noise acting on an excitable system, and we claim that this is a universal signature of a nonmonotonous relaxational behavior near its oscillatory regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that this new phenomenon is totally compatible with the standard situation of coherence resonance appearing at intermediate values of noise intensity.
A precise and simple computational model to generate well-behaved two-dimensional turbulent flows is presented. The whole approach rests on the use of stochastic differential equations and is general enough to reproduce a variety of energy spectra and spatiotemporal correlation functions. Analytical expressions for both the continuous and the discrete versions, together with simulation algorithms, are derived. Results for two relevant spectra, covering distinct ranges of wave numbers, are given.
We present an analytic and numerical study of the effects of external fluctuations in active media. Our analytical methodology transforms the initial stochastic partial differential equations into an effective set of deterministic reaction-diffusion equations. As a result we are able to explain and make quantitative predictions on the systematic and constructive effects of the noise, for example, target patterns created out of noise and traveling or spiral waves sustained by noise. Our study includes the case of realistic noises with temporal and spatial structures.
We consider the evaporation of periodic arrays of initially equal droplets in two-dimensional systems with open (absorbing) boundaries. Our study is based on the numerical solution of the Cahn-Hilliard equation. We show that due to cooperative effects the droplets which are further from the boundary may evaporate earlier than those in the boundary¿s vicinity. The time evolution of the overall amount of matter in the system is also studied.
Rotating scroll waves are dynamical spatiotemporal structures characteristic of three-dimensional active media. It is well known that, under low excitability conditions, scroll waves develop an intrinsically unstable dynamical regime that leads to a highly disorganized pattern of wave propagation. Such a ¿turbulent¿ state bears some resemblance to fibrillation states in cardiac tissue. We show here that this unstable regime can be controlled by using a spatially distributed random forcing superimposed on a control parameter of the system. Our results are obtained from numerical simulations but an explicit analytical argument that rationalizes our observations is also presented.
We show that external fluctuations induce excitable behavior in a bistable spatially extended system with activator-inhibitor dynamics of the FitzHugh-Nagumo type. This can be understood as a mechanism for sustained signal propagation in bistable media. The phase diagram of the stochastic system is analytically obtained and numerically verified. For small-noise intensities, front propagation becomes unstable, and excitable pulses arise as the only possible spatiotemporal behavior of the system. For large-noise intensities, on the other hand, the system enters an effective regime of oscillatory behavior, where it exhibits spontaneous nucleation of pulses and synchronized firing.
We study particle dispersion advected by a synthetic turbulent flow from a Lagrangian perspective and focus on the two-particle and cluster dispersion by the flow. It has been recently reported that Richardson¿s law for the two-particle dispersion can stem from different dispersion mechanisms, and can be dominated by either diffusive or ballistic events. The nature of the Richardson dispersion depends on the parameters of our flow and is discussed in terms of the values of a persistence parameter expressing the relative importance of the two above-mentioned mechanisms. We support this analysis by studying the distribution of interparticle distances, the relative velocity correlation functions, as well as the relative trajectories.
We consider the distribution of cross sections of clusters and the density-density correlation functions for the A+B¿0 reaction. We solve the reaction-diffusion equations numerically for random initial distributions of reactants. When both reactant species have the same diffusion coefficients the distribution of cross sections and the correlation functions scale with the diffusion length and obey superuniversal laws (independent of dimension). For different diffusion coefficients the correlation functions still scale, but the scaling functions depend on the dimension and on the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, we display explicitly the peculiarities of the cluster-size distribution in one dimension.
Breather stability and longevity in thermally relaxing nonlinear arrays depend sensitively on their interactions with other excitations. We review numerical results for the relaxation of breathers in Fermi¿Pasta¿Ulam arrays, with a specific focus on the different relaxation channels and their dependence on the interparticle interactions, dimensionality, initial condition, and system parameters
Considering teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS) this study deals with changes in team effectiveness over time in a specific context: professional basketball. The sample comprised 23 basketball teams whose outcomes were analysed over a 12-year period according to two objective measures. The results reveal that all the teams showed chaotic dynamics, one of the key characteristics of CAS. A relationship was also found between teams showing low-dimensional chaotic dynamics and better outcomes, supporting the idea of healthy variability in organizational behaviour. The stability of the squad was likewise found to influence team outcomes, although it was not associated with the chaotic dynamics in team effectiveness. It is concluded that studying teams as CAS enables fluctuations in team effectiveness to be explained, and that the techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems, developed specifically for the study of CAS, are useful for this purpose.