996 resultados para Droit romain -- Histoire


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Obra classificada por Brunet como "peça rara" e por Pierre Athanase Larouse, no Grand Dictionnaire Universel, como um "diário muito precioso".


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"Ao lado da obra de Hans Staden e, em menor grau, da de Thevet, o livro de Jean de Léry é das contribuições mais apreciáveis qe se conhecem para o estudo da História do Brasil e seus havitantes ao iniciar-se a colonização europeia", como afirma Rubens Borba de Moraes. Prossegue esclarecendo que a obra de Léry "supera por essas qualidades as de muitos dos seus contemporâneos". Esta edição crítica, realizada or Paul Gaffarel, for "baseada na de 1580, enriquecida com uma preciosa notícia bibliográfica e notas não menos preciosas, mas que apresesntam um certo número de erros no fim de cada um dos dois volumes. É sem dúvida lamentável que Gaffarel não tenha reproduzido as gravuras que acompanham o texto original" conforme observa Raeders.


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Segundo Rubens Borba de Moraes, tratam-se de relatos acerca do Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Maranhão, Sergipe, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Goyas, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Pará e outras províncias. Contém excertos de autores renomados como Southey, Beauchamp, Herrera, Barleus, Piso, Marcgraf, Hans Staden, d'Abeville, Vaz de Caminha, Léry, Cazal, Barrow, Lindley, Macartney, Mawe, Koster, Wied-Neuwied e outros. Grande parte das gravuras são reproduções, mas excelentes. O texto não é apenas uma mera compilação. Os seis volumes absolutamente completos, com todas as ilustrações, são raríssimos.


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Este é o tomo III da Coleção Voyages, relations et mémoires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la découverte de l'Amerique, da editora Ternaux-Compans. Embora o prefácio do editor francês afirme ser esta a primeira versão francesa do famoso livro de Staden so o Brasil, J.C. Rodrigues fala de uma edição francesa em Amsterdã, de 1714, se, contudo, fornecer detalhes. Mesmo sendo esta a segunda tradução francesa, é também rara. Narra a odisséia vivida pelo autor durante nove meses como prisioneiro dos Tupinambás, fonte de consulta importante sobre o período inicial de nossa história. Staden descreve, além das experiências de seu cativeiro, suas viagens ao Brasil, desde os portos de origem. Preocupa-se em citar os nomes das pessoas, com quem lidou em diversas circunstâncias. é a primeira publicação sobre os índios brasileiros e, ainda hoje, na opinião de Borba de Moraes "constitui uma das mais valiosas fontes da etnologia em geral e da tupinologia especialmente".


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As Voyages... são estudos completos, abrangendo todos os aspectos das regiões percorridas; servem de subsídio ao estudo das condições de vida no Brasil no século passado. "Fonte primordial de informações sobre os prédios coloniais do Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Santa Catarina e Goiás. Poucas obras no gênero atingem o valor de Saint-Hilarire. São clássicas e indispensáveis para o estudo do sul do Brasil, antes da Independência" segundo Borba de Moraes


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Dédié au très-illustre seigneur D. Lionis Pereira


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Early illustrated book about fish, fishing and fisheries by one of the preeminent scientific investigators of the French enlightenment. This work deals extensively with the species of fish found in Europe and beyond, their habits and habitats, techniques and equipment used in fishing and fish processing, and many other aspects of these endeavours. Roughly 185 engraved plates illustrate the text. The scans for this version come from 3 volumes bound in two parts in folio.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado objetivou discutir o espaço urbano e seus conflitos a partir da história da Vila Acaba Mundo, localizada em Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, cujos moradores têm se organizado e reivindicado os direitos à moradia e à cidade por algumas décadas, com razoável êxito. Pretendeu-se analisar a mobilização dos moradores da referida Vila, com atenção especial aos eventos ocorridos em 2008 e 2009, a fim de perquirir acerca das identidades coletivas formadas, bem como compreender e problematizar a constituição dinâmica de práticas e significados que conformam a comunidade e suas interações com outras coletividades e com a cidade em sua história. Almejou-se, em um âmbito mais geral, compreender como as práticas e os significados construídos pelos moradores da Vila Acaba Mundo, em sua história, contribuem para a localização de elementos emancipatórios no sentido da superação das condições sociais hoje existentes. Na tentativa de valorizar a dimensão da prática social, os códigos culturais produzidos e a articulação entre teoria e prática, em contraposição à valorização excessiva da institucionalidade e das dimensões discursivas da realidade, foi necessária a adoção de uma metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, bem como a combinação de diversas técnicas e ferramentas de investigação, tais como: observação participante, aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e grupo focal. Além disso, foi traçado um breve histórico da Vila Acaba Mundo, com base principalmente no relato dos moradores. Buscou-se construir um referencial teórico para a apreensão do processo de organização e mobilização da referida Vila, o que permitiu que fossem apontados caminhos para o entendimento de sua história e para a compreensão do espaço urbano, em sua dimensão social.


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Through research aimed at understanding the coastal environment, surveys designed to help manage the resource, and national programs to monitor environmental condition, we see a picture of a dynamic ecosystem that is Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (CRNWR). Currently, there are efforts underway to protect threatened species; monitor fish populations; and quantify the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of this environment. The potential impacts to this system are just now being understood as ecological responses to human modification are observed and explained. As a starting point, this document compiles existing information about Cape Romain NWR in five topic areas and addresses the potential impacts to the Refuge. This review is intended to serve as a stepping stone to developing a research agenda in support of management of the Refuge. There are various sources of information on which to build a framework for monitoring conditions and detecting change to this environment. For instance, information on basic ecological function in estuarine environments has evolved over several decades. Long-term surveys of Southeast fisheries exist, as well as shellfish and sediment contaminants data from estuaries. Environmental monitoring and biological surveys at the Refuge continue. Recently, studies that examine the impacts to similar coastal habitats have been undertaken. This document puts past studies and ongoing work in context for Refuge managers and researchers. This report recommends that the next phase of this resource characterization focus on: • compiling relevant tabular and spatial data, as identified here, into a Geographic Information System (GIS) framework • assessing the abundance and diversity of fisheries utilizing CRNWR • delineating additional data layers, such as intertidal habitats and subtidal clam beds, from low-level aerial photography, hard copy maps, and other sources • continued inventories of plant and animal species dependent on the Refuge • monitoring physical and chemical environmental parameters using the methodology employed at National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) and other coastal sites, where appropriate • further definition of the potential risks to the Refuge and preparing responses to likely impacts.


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The US Fish and Wildlife Service Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (CRNWR) and the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR) at Charleston are interested in assessing the status of our coastal resources in light of increased coastal development and recreational use. Through an Interagency Agreement (FWS #1448-40181-00-H-001), an ecological characterization was undertaken to describe the status of and potential impacts to resources at CRNWR. This report describes historic fisheries-independent or non-commercial data relevant to CRNWR that can be used to evaluate the role of the Refuge as habitat for nearshore and offshore fish species. The purpose of this document is two-fold, first to give resource managers an understanding of fisheries data that have been collected over the years and, second, to illustrate how these data can be applied to address specific management issues. This report provides an overview of historic fisheries data collected along the southeast coast, as well as basic summaries of that data relevant to CRNWR, indicating how these data can be used to address specific questions of interest to Refuge managers and biologists.


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The aim of the article is to outline the key issues surrounding legal notions of film authorship. For scholars interested in studying the process of production it is extremely important to analyze the status and scope of power of its participants as well as their position in the hierarchy – one of the main sources of priveleges is the fact of being recognized by the law as the author of the work produced. The article depicts the benefits of such situation, but its main aim is to descibe the legal rules of granting the status of the author. Outlined are the issues emerged from the two radically different legal system – european droit d`auteur tradition and american copyright. The first one honours the artists while the other focuses mostly on providing the certainty of the economics, so the actual authors of the work are not that important. The paper points to the fact that – especially in the case of american copyright – the actual (determined by law) situation of a creator may differ significantly from the character of their contribution to the process of producing a film. Analysis of the rules and principles of the law is essential to the understanding of the structural determinants of film production and deserves no less attention than social, political and economic factors.


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Italian historian Manfredo Tafuri develops his ‘historical project’ in architecture during the 1960’s and 1970’s in three seminal books, which reach the English speaking specialist audience with a certain delay. Histories and Theories of Architecture (1968), which prepares the ground for the redefinition of a critical and independent history of architecture is first translated in English in 1979. Architecture and Utopia (Progetto e utopia, 1973) is translated in 1976, and becomes a point of reference for architectural histories and for the definition of architectural theories, mainly in the United States. The Sphere and the Labyrinth (1980), translated in 1987, is the text which formally defines and presents the ‘historical project’. Tafuri’s dense and highly politicized prose is often subjected in the English versions to numerous simplifications and reductive interpretations. Yet, the time lag and the space between languages that these translations occupy are inhabited by polemical and fertile reactions to the texts from the world of architectural design. Symptomatic of all, Aldo Rossi’s L’architecture assassinée, a rebuke in drawing to some of Tafuri’s remarks in Architecture and Utopia that seemed to suggest -but the interpretation is arguable– the ‘death’ of architecture as project (progetto). Tafuri’s texts instigate a dialogue between architectural history and practice, particularly relevant at a time in the development of the discipline when history was being redefined in its critical role as a ‘project’ –thus appropriating the active and propositional role traditionally assigned to architectural design–, while architectural design –still coping with the legacy of Modernism and with changed production systems- often found itself relegated to the paper of exhibitions, competitions and theoretical projects. This paper explores the relationship between architectural history and design in Tafuri’s work, focusing on recent reconsideration and interpretations of his work. It argues that, beyond instrumental simplifications, Tafuri’s ‘project’ remains active and essential in architecture’s critical culture today.


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