777 resultados para Dissidents -- Philippines
The advocacy coalition framework (ACF) is one of the most frequently applied theories of the policy process. Most applications have been in Western Europe and North America. This article provides an overview of the ACF, summarizes existing applications outside of Western Europe and North America, and introduces the special issue that features applications of the ACF in the Philippines, China, India, and Kenya. This article concludes with an argument for the continued application of the ACF outside of Western Europe and North America and a research agenda for overcoming challenges in using the ACF in comparative public policy research.
1898 is a crucial moment in Spain’s cultural history: Losing its last Colonies Cuba and the Philippines to the USA caused an unprecedented crisis in Spanish self-understanding that set a complex process of spiritual reconstruction rolling. To rebuild Spanish cultural identity as isolated state nation without losing touch with those parts of the Colonial past that were felt as belonging to its broader cultural environment required sophisticated reflection. Cultural issues had to take over the function to bridge between national borders. Music got is own part in this recycling of the Colonial into the Hispanic.
Exchange rate movements affect exports in two ways -- its depreciation and its variability (risk). A depreciation raises exports, but the associated exchange rate risk could offset that positive effect. The present paper investigates the net effect for eight Asian countries using a dynamic conditional correlation bivariate GARCH-M model that simultaneously estimates time varying correlation and exchange rate risk. Depreciation encourages exports, as expected, for most countries, but its contribution to export growth is weak. Exchange rate risk contributes to export growth in Malaysia and the Philippines, leading to positive net effects. Exchange rate risk generates a negative effect for six of the countries, resulting in a negative net effect in Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and a zero net effect in Korea and Thailand. Since the negative effect of exchange rate risk may offset, or even dominate, positive contributions from depreciation, policy makers need to reduce exchange rate fluctuation along with and possibly before efforts to depreciate the currency.
Two cores from the southern South China Sea contain discrete ash layers that mainly consist of rhyolithic glass shards. On the basis of the SPECMAP time scale, the ash layers were dated to ca. 74 ka, the age of the youngest Toba eruption in northern Sumatra. This link is supported by the chemical composition of the glass, which is distinct from volcanic glass supplied from the Philippines and the northern South China Sea, but is almost identical with the chemistry of the Toba ash. The youngest Toba ash layers in the South China Sea expand the previously known ash-fall zone over more than 1800 km to the east. The dispersal of ashes from Sumatra in both western and eastern directions indicates two contrasting wind directions and suggests that (1) the Toba eruption probably happened during the Southeast Asian summer monsoon season, and (2) the volume of erupted magma was larger than previously interpreted.
Es historia conocida el rol crucial que tuvieron los diecinueve electores de la provincia de Santa Fe en la elección del presidente en 1916. Después de algunas marchas y contramarchas, estos hombres pertenecientes al Radicalismo «disidente» santafesino volcaron sus votos en favor de Yrigoyen, otorgándole la mayoría en el colegio electoral necesaria para su consagración como presidente. Sin embargo, conocemos menos de la trama que posibilita este desenlace. Es allí donde este trabajo se detiene: en la coyuntura pautada por las elecciones a gobernador de la provincia de Santa Fe, de febrero de 1916, las presidenciales de abril de ese mismo año, y la reunión del colegio electoral en junio para elegir la fórmula presidencial. Interesa reconstruir el juego político en el distrito provincial santafesino, en esa coyuntura que tiene como nota sobresaliente el «estreno» de la ley Sáenz Peña en la elección de presidente, a través del análisis del comportamiento del Radicalismo, partido que detenta el poder provincial desde 1912, y que en la coyuntura estudiada se encuentra dividido entre «oficialistas» y «disidentes».