910 resultados para Disease resistance
One hypothesis for the success of invasive species is reduced pathogen burden, resulting from a release from infections or high immunological fitness (low immunopathology) of invaders. Despite of strong selection exerted on the host, the evolutionary response of invaders to newly acquired pathogens has rarely been considered. The two independent and genetically distinct invasions of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas into the North Sea represent an ideal model system to study fast evolutionary responses of invasive populations. By exposing both invasion sources to ubiquitous and phylogenetically diverse pathogens (Vibrio spp.) we demonstrate that within a few generations hosts adapted to sympatric pathogen communities. However, this local adaptation only became apparent in selective environments, i.e. at elevated temperatures reflecting patterns of disease outbreaks in natural populations. Resistance against sympatric and allopatric Vibrio spp. strains was dominantly inherited in crosses between both invasion sources, resulting in an overall higher resistance of admixed individuals than pure lines. Therefore we suggest that a simple genetic resistance mechanism of the host is matched to a common virulence mechanism shared by local Vibrio strains. This combination might have facilitated a fast evolutionary response that can explain another dimension of why invasive species can be so successful in newly invaded ranges.
Ulmus minor es una especie arbórea originaria de Europa cuyas poblaciones han sido diezmadas por el hongo patógeno causante de la enfermedad de la grafiosis. La conservación de los olmos exige plantearse su propagación a través de plantaciones y conocer mejor su ecología y biología. Ulmus minor es un árbol de ribera, pero frecuentemente se encuentra alejado del cauce de arroyos y ríos, donde la capa freática sufre fuertes oscilaciones. Por ello, nuestra hipótesis general es que esta especie es moderadamente resistente tanto a la inundación como a la sequía. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es entender desde un punto de vista funcional la respuesta de U. minor a la inundación, la sequía y la infección por O. novo-ulmi; los factores que posiblemente más influyen en la distribución actual de U. minor. Con este objetivo se persigue dar continuidad a los esfuerzos de conservación de esta especie que desde hace años se dedican en varios centros de investigación a nivel mundial, ya que, entender mejor los mecanismos que contribuyen a la resistencia de U. minor ante la inoculación con O. novo-ulmi y factores de estrés abiótico ayudará en la selección y propagación de genotipos resistentes a la grafiosis. Se han planteado tres experimentos en este sentido. Primero, se ha comparado la tolerancia de brinzales de U. minor y U. laevis – otro olmo ibérico – a una inmersión controlada con el fin de evaluar su tolerancia a la inundación y comprender los mecanismos de aclimatación. Segundo, se ha comparado la tolerancia de brinzales de U. minor y Quercus ilex – una especie típica de ambientes Mediterránea secos – a la falta de agua en el suelo con el fin de evaluar el grado de tolerancia y los mecanismos de aclimatación a la sequía. El hecho de comparar dos especies contrastadas responde al interés en entender mejor cuales son los procesos que conducen a la muerte de una planta en condiciones de sequía – asunto sobre el que hay una interesante discusión desde hace algunos años. En tercer lugar, con el fin de entender mejor la resistencia de algunos genotipos de U. minor a la grafiosis, se han estudiado las diferencias fisiológicas y químicas constitutivas e inducidas por O. novo-ulmi entre clones de U. minor seleccionados a priori por su variable grado de resistencia a esta enfermedad. En el primer experimento se observó que los brinzales de U. minor sobrevivieron 60 días inmersos en una piscina con agua no estancada hasta una altura de 2-3 cm por encima del cuello de la raíz. A los 60 días, los brinzales de U. laevis se sacaron de la piscina y, a lo largo de las siguientes semanas, fueron capaces de recuperar las funciones fisiológicas que habían sido alteradas anteriormente. La conductividad hidráulica de las raíces y la tasa de asimilación de CO2 neta disminuyeron en ambas especies. Por el contrario, la tasa de respiración de hojas, tallos y raíces aumentó en las primeras semanas de la inundación, posiblemente en relación al aumento de energía necesario para desarrollar mecanismos de aclimatación a la inundación, como la hipertrofia de las lenticelas que se observó en ambas especies. Por ello, el desequilibrio del balance de carbono de la planta podría ser un factor relevante en la mortalidad de las plantas ante inundaciones prolongadas. Las plantas de U. minor (cultivadas en envases de 16 litros a media sombra) sobrevivieron por un prolongado periodo de tiempo en verano sin riego; la mitad de las plantas murieron tras 90 días sin riego. El cierre de los estomas y la pérdida de hojas contribuyeron a ralentizar las pérdidas de agua y tolerar la sequía en U. minor. Las obvias diferencias en tolerancia a la sequía con respecto a Q. ilex se reflejaron en la distinta capacidad para ralentizar la aparición del estrés hídrico tras dejar de regar y para transportar agua en condiciones de elevada tensión en el xilema. Más relevante es que las plantas con evidentes síntomas de decaimiento previo a su muerte exhibieron pérdidas de conductividad hidráulica en las raíces del 80% en ambas especies, mientras que las reservas de carbohidratos apenas variaron y lo hicieron de forma desigual en ambas especies. Árboles de U. minor de 5 y 6 años de edad (plantados en eras con riego mantenido) exhibieron una respuesta a la inoculación con O. novo-ulmi consistente con ensayos previos de resistencia. La conductividad hidráulica del tallo, el potencial hídrico foliar y la tasa de asimilación de CO2 neta disminuyeron significativamente en relación a árboles inoculados con agua, pero solo en los clones susceptibles. Este hecho enlaza con el perfil químico “más defensivo” de los clones resistentes, es decir, con los mayores niveles de suberina, ácidos grasos y compuestos fenólicos en estos clones que en los susceptibles. Ello podría restringir la propagación del hongo en el árbol y preservar el comportamiento fisiológico de los clones resistentes al inocularlos con el patógeno. Los datos indican una respuesta fisiológica común de U. minor a la inundación, la sequía y la infección por O. novo-ulmi: pérdida de conductividad hidráulica, estrés hídrico y pérdida de ganancia neta de carbono. Pese a ello, U. minor desarrolla varios mecanismos que le confieren una capacidad moderada para vivir en suelos temporalmente anegados o secos. Por otro lado, el perfil químico es un factor relevante en la resistencia de ciertos genotipos a la grafiosis. Futuros estudios deberían examinar como este perfil químico y la resistencia a la grafiosis se ven alteradas por el estrés abiótico. ABSTRACT Ulmus minor is a native European elm species whose populations have been decimated by the Dutch elm disease (DED). An active conservation of this species requires large-scale plantations and a better understanding of its biology and ecology. U. minor generally grows close to water channels. However, of the Iberian riparian tree species, U. minor is the one that spread farther away from rivers and streams. For these reasons, we hypothesize that this species is moderately tolerant to both flooding and drought stresses. The main aim of the present PhD thesis is to better understand the functional response of U. minor to the abiotic stresses – flooding and drought – and the biotic stress – DED – that can be most influential on its distribution. The overarching goal is to aid in the conservation of this emblematic species through a better understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses; an information that can help in the selection of resistant genotypes and their expansion in large-scale plantations. To this end, three experiments were set up. First, we compared the tolerance to experimental immersion between seedlings of U. minor and U. laevis – another European riparian elm species – in order to assess their degree of tolerance and understand the mechanisms of acclimation to this stress. Second, we investigated the tolerance to drought of U. minor seedlings in comparison with Quercus ilex (an oak species typical of dry Mediterranean habitats). Besides assessing and understanding U. minor tolerance to drought at the seedling stage, the aim was to shed light into the functional alterations that trigger drought-induced plant mortality – a matter of controversy in the last years. Third, we studied constitutive and induced physiological and biochemical differences among clones of variable DED resistance, before and following inoculation with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. The goal is to shed light into the factors of DED resistance that is evident in some genotypes of U. minor, but not others. Potted seedlings of U. minor survived for 60 days immersed in a pool with running water to approximately 2-3 cm above the stem collar. By this time, U. minor seedlings died, whereas U. laevis seedlings moved out of the pool were able to recover most physiological functions that had been altered by flooding. For example, root hydraulic conductivity and leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased in both species; while respiration initially increased with flooding in leaves, stems and roots possibly to respond to energy demands associated to mechanisms of acclimation to soil oxygen deficiency; as example, a remarkable hypertrophy of lenticels was soon observed in flooded seedlings of both species. Therefore, the inability to maintain a positive carbon balance somehow compromises seedling survival under flooding, earlier in U. minor than U. laevis, partly explaining their differential habitats. Potted seedlings of U. minor survived for a remarkable long time without irrigation – half of plants dying only after 90 days of no irrigation in conditions of high vapour pressure deficit typical of summer. Some mechanisms that contributed to tolerate drought were leaf shedding and stomata closure, which reduced water loss and the risk of xylem cavitation. Obviously, U. minor was less tolerant to drought than Q. ilex, differences in drought tolerance resulting mostly from the distinct capacity to postpone water stress and conduct water under high xylem tension among species. More relevant was that plants of both species exhibited similar symptoms of root hydraulic failure (i.e. approximately 80% loss of hydraulic conductivity), but a slight and variable depletion of non-structural carbohydrate reserves preceding dieback. Five- and six-year-old trees of U. minor (planted in the field with supplementary watering) belonging to clones of contrasted susceptibility to DED exhibited a different physiological response to inoculation with O. novo-ulmi. Stem hydraulic conductivity, leaf water potential and photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased significantly relative to control trees inoculated with water only in DED susceptible clones. This is consistent with the “more defensive” chemical profile observed in resistant clones, i.e. with higher levels of saturated hydrocarbons (suberin and fatty acids) and phenolic compounds than in susceptible clones. These compounds could restrict the spread of O. novo-ulmi and contribute to preserving the near-normal physiological function of resistant trees when exposed to the pathogen. These results evidence common physiological responses of U. minor to flooding, drought and pathogen infection leading to xylem water disruption, leaf water stress and reduced net carbon gain. Still, seedlings of U. minor develop various mechanisms of acclimation to abiotic stresses that can play a role in surviving moderate periods of flood and drought. The chemical profile appears to be an important factor for the resistance of some genotypes of U. minor to DED. How abiotic stresses such as flooding and drought affect the capacity of resistant U. minor clones to face O. novo-ulmi is a key question that must be contemplated in future research.
The rugose colony variant of Vibrio cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, is shown to produce an exopolysaccharide, EPSETr, that confers chlorine resistance and biofilm-forming capacity. EPSETr production requires a chromosomal locus, vps, that contains sequences homologous to carbohydrate biosynthesis genes of other bacterial species. Mutations within this locus yield chlorine-sensitive, smooth colony variants that are biofilm deficient. The biofilm-forming properties of EPSETr may enable the survival of V. cholerae O1 within environmental aquatic habitats between outbreaks of human disease.
Although the CLN3 gene for Batten disease, the most common inherited neurovisceral storage disease of childhood, was identified in 1995, the function of the corresponding protein still remains elusive. We previously cloned the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue to the human CLN3 gene, designated BTN1, which is not essential and whose product is 39% identical and 59% similar to Cln3p. We report that btn1-Δ deletion yeast strains are more resistant to d-(−)-threo-2-amino-1-[p-nitrophenyl]-1,3-propanediol (denoted ANP), a phenotype that is complemented in yeast by the human CLN3 gene. Furthermore, the severity of Batten disease in humans and the degree of ANP resistance in yeast are related when the equivalent amino acid replacements in Cln3p and Btn1p are compared. These results indicate that yeast can be used as a model for the study of Batten disease.
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorder resulting from mutations in an X-linked gene, PIG-A, that encodes an enzyme required for the first step in the biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors. PIG-A mutations result in absent or decreased cell surface expression of all GPI-anchored proteins. Although many of the clinical manifestations (e.g., hemolytic anemia) of the disease can be explained by a deficiency of GPI-anchored complement regulatory proteins such as CD59 and CD55, it is unclear why the PNH clone dominates hematopoiesis and why it is prone to evolve into acute leukemia. We found that PIG-A mutations confer a survival advantage by making cells relatively resistant to apoptotic death. When placed in serum-free medium, granulocytes and affected CD34+ (CD59−) cells from PNH patients survived longer than their normal counterparts. PNH cells were also relatively resistant to apoptosis induced by ionizing irradiation. Replacement of the normal PIG-A gene in PNH cell lines reversed the cellular resistance to apoptosis. Inhibited apoptosis resulting from PIG-A mutations appears to be the principle mechanism by which PNH cells maintain a growth advantage over normal progenitors and could play a role in the propensity of this disease to transform into more aggressive hematologic disorders. These data also suggest that GPI anchors are important in regulating apoptosis.
In the South West Pacific region, the striking geographical correlation between the frequency of α+-thalassemia and the endemicity of Plasmodium falciparum suggests that this hemoglobinopathy provides a selective advantage against malaria. In Vanuatu, paradoxically, α+-thalassemia increases the incidence of contracting mild malaria in the first 2 years of life, but severe disease was too uncommon to assess adequately. Therefore, we undertook a prospective case-control study of children with severe malaria on the north coast of Papua New Guinea, where malaria transmission is intense and α+-thalassemia affects more than 90% of the population. Compared with normal children, the risk of having severe malaria was 0.40 (95% confidence interval 0.22–0.74) in α+-thalassemia homozygotes and 0.66 (0.37–1.20) in heterozygotes. Unexpectedly, the risk of hospital admission with infections other than malaria also was reduced to a similar degree in homozygous (0.36; 95% confidence interval 0.22–0.60) and heterozygous (0.63; 0.38–1.07) children. This clinical study demonstrates that a malaria resistance gene protects against disease caused by infections other than malaria. The mechanism of the remarkable protective effect of α+-thalassemia against severe childhood disease remains unclear but must encompass the clear interaction between this hemoglobinopathy and both malarial and nonmalarial infections.
Inflammatory destruction of insulin-producing β cells in the pancreatic islets is the hallmark of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a spontaneous autoimmune disease of non-obese diabetic mice resembling human juvenile (type I) diabetes. Histochemical analysis of diabetic pancreata revealed that mononuclear cells infiltrating the islets and causing autoimmune insulitis, as well as local islet cells, express the CD44 receptor; hyaluronic acid, the principal ligand of CD44, is detected in the islet periphery and islet endothelium. Injection of anti-CD44 mAb 1 hr before cell transfer of diabetogenic splenocytes and subsequently on alternate days for 4 weeks induced considerable resistance to diabetes in recipient mice, reflected by reduced insulitis. Contact sensitivity to oxazolone was not influenced by this treatment. A similar antidiabetic effect was observed even when the anti-CD44 mAb administration was initiated at the time of disease onset: i.e., 4–7 weeks after cell transfer. Administration of the enzyme hyaluronidase also induced appreciable resistance to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, suggesting that the CD44–hyaluronic acid interaction is involved in the development of the disease. These findings demonstrate that CD44-positive inflammatory cells may be a potential therapeutic target in insulin-dependent diabetes.
Over 2 billion people are estimated to be infected with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet fewer than 10% progress to clinical tuberculosis within their lifetime. Twin studies and variations in the outcome of tuberculosis infection after exposure to similar environmental risks suggest genetic heterogeneity among individuals in their susceptibility to disease. In a mouse model of tuberculosis, we have established that resistance and susceptibility to virulent M. tuberculosis is a complex genetic trait. A new locus with a major effect on tuberculosis susceptibility, designated sst1 (susceptibility to tuberculosis 1), was mapped to a 9-centimorgan (cM) interval on mouse chromosome 1. It is located 10–19 cM distal to a previously identified gene, Nramp1, that controls the innate resistance of mice to the attenuated bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine strain. The phenotypic expression of the newly identified locus is distinct from that of Nramp1 in that sst1 controls progression of tuberculosis infection in a lung-specific manner. Mice segregating at the sst1 locus exhibit marked differences in the growth rates of virulent tubercle bacilli in the lungs. Lung lesions in congenic sst1-susceptible mice are characterized by extensive necrosis and unrestricted extracellular multiplication of virulent mycobacteria, whereas sst1-resistant mice develop interstitial granulomas and effectively control multiplication of the bacilli. The resistant allele of sst1, although powerful in controlling infection, is not sufficient to confer full protection against virulent M. tuberculosis, indicating that other genes located outside of the sst1 locus are likely also to be important for controlling tuberculosis infection.
We inoculated BALB/c mice deficient in STAT6 (STAT6−/−) and their wild-type (wt) littermates (STAT6+/+) with the natural mouse pathogen, ectromelia virus (EV). STAT6−/− mice exhibited increased resistance to generalized infection with EV when compared with STAT6+/+ mice. In the spleens and lymph nodes of STAT6−/− mice, T helper 1 (Th1) cytokines were induced at earlier time points and at higher levels postinfection when compared with those in STAT6+/+ mice. Elevated levels of NO were evident in plasma and splenocyte cultures of EV-infected STAT6−/− mice in comparison with STAT6+/+ mice. The induction of high levels of Th1 cytokines in the mutant mice correlated with a strong natural killer cell response. We demonstrate in genetically susceptible BALB/c mice that the STAT6 locus is critical for progression of EV infection. Furthermore, in the absence of this transcription factor, the immune system defaults toward a protective Th1-like response, conferring pronounced resistance to EV infection and disease progression.
The existence of immunoregulatory genes conferring dominant resistance to autoimmunity is well documented. In an effort to better understand the nature and mechanisms of action of these genes, we utilized the murine model of autoimmune orchitis as a prototype. When the orchitis-resistant strain DBA/2J is crossed with the orchitis-susceptible strain BALB/cByJ, the F1 hybrid is completely resistant to the disease. By using reciprocal radiation bone marrow chimeras, the functional component mediating this resistance was mapped to the bone marrow-derived compartment. Resistance is not a function of either low-dose irradiation- or cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg)-sensitive immunoregulatory cells, but can be adoptively transferred by primed splenocytes. Genome exclusion mapping identified three loci controlling the resistant phenotype. Orch3 maps to chromosome 11, whereas Orch4 and Orch5 map to the telomeric and centromeric regions of chromosome 1, respectively. All three genes are linked to a number of immunologically relevant candidate loci. Most significant, however, is the linkage of Orch3 to Idd4 and Orch5 to Idd5, two susceptibility genes which play a role in autoimmune insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes mellitus in the nonobese diabetic mouse.
Genetic resistance in plants to root diseases is rare, and agriculture depends instead on practices such as crop rotation and soil fumigation to control these diseases. "Induced suppression" is a natural phenomenon whereby a soil due to microbiological changes converts from conducive to suppressive to a soilborne pathogen during prolonged monoculture of the susceptible host. Our studies have focused on the wheat root disease "take-all," caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, and the role of bacteria in the wheat rhizosphere (rhizobacteria) in a well-documented induced suppression (take-all decline) that occurs in response to the disease and continued monoculture of wheat. The results summarized herein show that antibiotic production plays a significant role in both plant defense by and ecological competence of rhizobacteria. Production of phenazine and phloroglucinol antibiotics, as examples, account for most of the natural defense provided by fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from among the diversity of rhizobacteria associated with take-all decline. There appear to be at least three levels of regulation of genes for antibiotic biosynthesis: environmental sensing, global regulation that ties antibiotic production to cellular metabolism, and regulatory loci linked to genes for pathway enzymes. Plant defense by rhizobacteria producing antibiotics on roots and as cohabitants with pathogens in infected tissues is analogous to defense by the plant's production of phytoalexins, even to the extent that an enzyme of the same chalcone/stilbene synthase family used to produce phytoalexins is used to produce 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. The defense strategy favored by selection pressure imposed on plants by soilborne pathogens may well be the ability of plants to support and respond to rhizosphere microorganisms antagonistic to these pathogens.
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is an important component of plant defense against pathogen infection. Accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) is required for the induction of SAR. However, SA is apparently not the translocated signal but is involved in transducing the signal in target tissues. Interestingly, SA accumulation is not required for production and release of the systemic signal. In addition to playing a pivotal role in SAR signal transduction, SA is important in modulating plant susceptibility to pathogen infection and genetic resistance to disease. It has been proposed that SA inhibition of catalase results in H2O2 accumulation and that therefore H2O2 serves as a second messenger in SAR signaling. We find no accumulation of H2O2 in tissues expressing SAR; thus the role of H2O2 in SAR signaling is questionable.
Targeting hard-to-reach/marginalized populations is essential for preventing HIV-transmission. A unique opportunity to identify such populations in Switzerland is provided by a database of all genotypic-resistance-tests from Switzerland, including both sequences from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) and non-cohort sequences. A phylogenetic tree was built using 11,127 SHCS and 2,875 Swiss non-SHCS sequences. Demographics were imputed for non-SHCS patients using a phylogenetic proximity approach. Factors associated with non-cohort outbreaks were determined using logistic regression. Non-B subtype (univariable odds-ratio (OR): 1.9; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.8-2.1), female gender (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.4-1.7), black ethnicity (OR: 1.9; 95% CI: 1.7-2.1) and heterosexual transmission group (OR:1.8; 95% CI: 1.6-2.0), were all associated with underrepresentation in the SHCS. We found 344 purely non-SHCS transmission clusters, however, these outbreaks were small (median 2, maximum 7 patients) with a strong overlap with the SHCS'. 65% of non-SHCS sequences were part of clusters composed of >= 50% SHCS sequences. Our data suggests that marginalized-populations are underrepresented in the SHCS. However, the limited size of outbreaks among non-SHCS patients in-care implies that no major HIV outbreak in Switzerland was missed by the SHCS surveillance. This study demonstrates the potential of sequence data to assess and extend the scope of infectious-disease surveillance.
Submitted in Poultry Disease Essay Contest, 1945.
The global incidence of diabetes is increasing at epidemic rates. Estimates suggest there are currently 150 million people with diabetes and this number is expected to double in the next 20 years. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 95% of all cases and is characterized in part by impaired sensitivity to insulin or 'insulin resistance'. Defects in the insulin signalling pathways underpin this resistance. In the current article we discuss the regulation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1), a protein that plays a pivotal role in insulin signalling and whose function is impaired in subjects with insulin resistance. Coordination of IRS-1 function is multi-faceted, involving phosphorylation of IRS-1 at multiple serine/threonine residues. This controls many aspects of IRS-1, including its interaction with the insulin receptor and subsequent tyrosine phosphorylation, as well as its subcellular distribution and targeting for degradation by the proteasome. Such tight control ensures appropriate transduction and attenuation of the insulin signal, thereby regulating insulin action in healthy individuals. Emerging evidence indicates that `diabetogenic factors' associated with insulin resistance, such as TNFalpha and elevated circulating fatty acids, impact on insulin signalling at the level of IRS-1 serine/threonine phosphorylation. The expression and/or activity of several kinases, such as IkappaB kinase beta (IKKbeta) and salt-induced kinase 2 (SIK2), and the phosphorylation of IRS-1 at key sites, such as Ser307 and Ser789, are increased in states of insulin resistance. Identifying the pathways by which such factors activate these and other kinases, and de. ning the precise roles of specific serine/threonine phosphorylation events in IRS-1 regulation, represent important goals which may eventually provide a rationale for therapeutic intervention.