811 resultados para Digital Media Mash up


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Allergy to radiographic contrast media Hypersensitivity reactions to radio-contrast media are common in the daily practice. These products are responsible for immediate (< or = 1 hour after administration) and non immediate (> 1 hour after administration) hypersensitivity reactions. A diagnostic work-up by an allergologist with skin tests and in some cases provocation tests is of value in reducing the risk of recurrent hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media. A careful selection of the patients is required because the incidence of breakthrough reactions is still concerning, even with proper premedication. Practical recommendations are presented in this article. For gadolinium-based contrast agents, data in the literature is not sufficient for suggesting guidelines.


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La drástica disminución de la longitud media de la merluza en 1992 fue hasta cierto punto inesperada para los biólogos pesqueros peruanos, acostumbrados a manejar esta población como un stock unitario controlando el rendimiento y la longitud mínima en las capturas. Durante toda la década de los años ochenta, el esfuerzo pesquero no fue muy alto y afectó principalmente a los grupos de edades IV+. Menos del 10% de los desembarques fueron de tallas menores a la longitud media de desove (35 cm). Por esto, la gran ocurrencia de tallas pequeñas de merluza a partir de marzo de 1992 en las capturas de todas las flotas dedicadas a esta especie, parecía deberse a las condiciones oceanográficas, ya que un evento El Niño Oscilación Sur (ENOS) se estaba desarrollando. Sin embargo, igual que en anteriores ENOS, se hubiera esperado un cambio de sitio de toda la población hacia el sur y lejos de la costa. Esto significaría que las merluzas jóvenes de tamaño mediano estarían mas al sur fuera del alcance de la flota de Paita. Contrario a lo esperado, durante El Niño 1991-93, debido a una intrusión de aguas oceánicas subtropicales, las merluzas grandes migraron hacia el norte. Mientras que El Niño podría haber actuado como un disparador, la causa fundamental de los cambios estructurales en la población fue la desaparición de la sardina como especie de presa principal para las merluzas grandes a partir de 1987, y la falta de pequeños Sciaenidae (bereche) durante El Niño, para las merluzas de tamaño medio. Lo primero podría deberse al alto esfuerzo pesquero sobre la sardina, en conjunto, probablemente, con una presión depredadora alta de una población sana de merluza a partir de mediados de la década de los años 80. Estudios futuros deben incluir las relaciones entre predador y presa en el ecosistema. Estas relaciones, que se desarrollaron durante largos períodos, probablemente soportan la estabilidad del sistema, y las pesquerías, que actúan como un fuerte depredador, deben ser incluidas en un modelo multiespecífico.


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Com a perspetiva da implementação de uma Autoridade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social em Cabo Verde que terá poderes de emitir normas, assegurar a sua aplicação, fiscalizar e reprimir eventuais infrações, esta dissertação propõe fazer uma abordagem das representações dos atores envolvidos, da importância e da afirmação da primeira entidade administrativa com autoridade para assegurar o processo de hétero regulação dos meios de comunicação social, no quadro da expansão digital. Os avanços tecnológicos nas últimas décadas mudaram a estruturação dos meios de comunicação social, um pouco por todo mundo, incluindo Cabo Verde. Neste país, o processo de adesão por parte dos media tem sido lento na busca de uma melhor alternativa para lidar com as plataformas digitais. Com o advento da Internet, a radiodifusão por satélite e a Sociedade da Informação, os meios tradicionais como a imprensa escrita e a radiodifusão – ainda sujeitos a um estreito controlo de conteúdos - despoletaram dúvidas e incertezas quanto à forma mais apropriada de regular a comunicação social, já que não podem ser tão facilmente controlados. Este estudo pretende também identificar a melhor estratégia de regulação dos media em Cabo Verde no contexto da sua migração para o digital, na medida em que se existir uma estrutura reguladora forte, que acompanhe os princípios fundamentais da regulação, será possível responder eficazmente às solicitações da atual mudança, garantindo o difícil equilíbrio entre eles.


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Scroll waves in excitable media, described by the Barkley model, are studied. In the parameter region of weak excitability, negative tension of wave filaments is found. It leads to expansion of scroll rings and instability of wave filaments. A circular filament tends to stretch, bend, loop, and produce an expanding tangle that fills up the volume. The filament does not undergo fragmentation before it touches the boundaries. Statistical properties of such Winfree turbulence of scroll waves are numerically investigated.


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Crashworthy, work-zone, portable sign support systems accepted under NCHRP Report No. 350 were analyzed to predict their safety peformance according to the TL-3 MASH evaluation criteria. An analysis was conducted to determine which hardware parameters of sign support systems would likely contribute to the safety performance with MASH. The acuracy of the method was evaluated through full-scale crash testing. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a pickup truck. Two tall-mounted, sign support systems with aluminum sign panels failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield and floorboard penetration. Another low-mounted system with an aluminum sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a small passenger car. The low-mounted tripod system with an aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to excessive windshield deformation, and another similar system passed the MASH criteria. The low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Hardware parameters of work-zone sign support systems that were determined to be important for failure with MASH include sign panel material, the height to the top of the mast, the presence of flags, sign-locking mechanism, base layout and system orientation. Flowcharts were provided to assist manufacturers when designing new sign support systems.


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We present state-of-the-art dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy (DHM) measurement on a calibrated 8.9 nm high chromium thin step sample and demonstrate sub-nanometer axial accuracy. By using a modified DHM reference calibrated hologram (RCH) reconstruction method, a temporal averaging procedure and a specific dual-wavelength DHM arrangement, it is shown that specimen topography can be measured with an accuracy, defined as the axial standard deviation, reduced to at least 0.9 nm. Indeed for the first time to the best of our knowledge, it is reported that averaging each of the two wavefronts recorded with real-time dual-wavelength DHM can provide up to 30% spatial noise reduction for the given configuration. Moreover, the presented experimental configuration achieves a temporal stability below 0.8 nm, thus paving the way to Angström range for dual-wavelength DHM.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical performance of glass-ceramic/zirconia crowns fabricated using intraoral digital impressions - a retrospective study with a three-year follow-up. METHODS: 70 consecutive patients with a total of 86 glass-ceramic/zirconia crowns were treated by a single clinician using standardized clinical and laboratory protocols. A complete digital workflow was adopted for the purpose except for the veneering procedure for the glass-ceramic crowns. Occlusal adjustments were made before the ceramic glazing procedure. Before cementation, all abutments where carefully cleaned with a 70% alcoholic solution and air dried. Cementation was performed using dual-curing, self-adhesive resin cement. Patients were re-examined after 12, 24 and 36 months, to assess crown chipping/fractures. RESULTS: After the three-year follow-up, none of the zirconia-based restoration was lost ("apparent" survival rate 100%) otherwise, the chipping rate of the veneering material increased from 9.3% after 12 months, to 14% after 24 months to 30.2% after 36 months. As a consequence, the "real" success rate after 3 years was 69.8%. CONCLUSIONS: After 3 years the success rate of zirconia-based crowns was 69.8%, while the incidence of the chipping was 30.2%. Assuming an exponential increase in chipping rate between 12 and 36 months it can be argued that, among others, the fatigue-mechanism could be advocated as the main factor for the failure of glass-ceramic veneered zirconia especially after 24 months.


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The determination of line crossing sequences between rollerball pens and laser printers presents difficulties that may not be overcome using traditional techniques. This research aimed to study the potential of digital microscopy and 3-D laser profilometry to determine line crossing sequences between a toner and an aqueous ink line. Different paper types, rollerball pens, and writing pressure were tested. Correct opinions of the sequence were given for all case scenarios, using both techniques. When the toner was printed before the ink, a light reflection was observed in all crossing specimens, while this was never observed in the other sequence types. The 3-D laser profilometry, more time-consuming, presented the main advantage of providing quantitative results. The findings confirm the potential of the 3-D laser profilometry and demonstrate the efficiency of digital microscopy as a new technique for determining the sequence of line crossings involving rollerball pen ink and toner. With the mass marketing of laser printers and the popularity of rollerball pens, the determination of line crossing sequences between such instruments is encountered by forensic document examiners. This type of crossing presents difficulties with optical microscopic line crossing techniques involving ballpoint pens or gel pens and toner (1-4). Indeed, the rollerball's aqueous ink penetrates through the toner and is absorbed by the fibers of the paper, leaving the examiner with the impression that the toner is above the ink even when it is not (5). Novotny and Westwood (3) investigated the possibility of determining aqueous ink and toner crossing sequences by microscopic observation of the intersection before and after toner removal. A major disadvantage of their study resides in destruction of the sample by scraping off the toner line to see what was underneath. The aim of this research was to investigate the ways to overcome these difficulties through digital microscopy and three-dimensional (3-D) laser profilometry. The former was used as a technique for the determination of sequences between gel pen and toner printing strokes, but provided less conclusive results than that of an optical stereomicroscope (4). 3-D laser profilometry, which allows one to observe and measure the topography of a surface, has been the subject of a number of recent studies in this area. Berx and De Kinder (6) and Schirripa Spagnolo (7,8) have tested the application of laser profilometry to determine the sequence of intersections of several lines. The results obtained in these studies overcome disadvantages of other methods applied in this area, such as scanning electron microscope or the atomic force microscope. The main advantages of 3-D laser profilometry include the ease of implementation of the technique and its nondestructive nature, which does not require sample preparation (8-10). Moreover, the technique is reproducible and presents a high degree of freedom in the vertical axes (up to 1000 μm). However, when the paper surface presents a given roughness, if the pen impressions alter the paper with a depth similar to the roughness of medium, the results are not always conclusive (8). It becomes difficult in this case to distinguish which characteristics can be imputed to the pen impressions or the quality of the paper surface. This important limitation is assessed by testing different types of paper of variable quality (of different grammage and finishing) and the writing pressure. The authors will therefore assess the limits of 3-D laser profilometry technique and determine whether the method can overcome such constraints. Second, the authors will investigate the use of digital microscopy because it presents a number of advantages: it is efficient, user-friendly, and provides an objective evaluation and interpretation.


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El debat sobiranista català està a l‟ordre del dia i actualment no passa desapercebut en cap mitjà de comunicació ni tampoc en el món polític, econòmic i empresarial. El fet d‟estar tan viva una temàtica així de delicada està ocasionant controvèrsies dins l‟empresariat català o que té la seva empresa ubicada a Catalunya perquè tot plegat provoca moltes incerteses, que són el pitjor enemic dels empresaris i dels negocis. Tanmateix, però, les informacions publicades o emeses venen marcades per les opinions polítiques i periodístiques, que es troben censurades en certa mesura perquè segueixen una determinada línia política i/o editorial. Per això s‟ha elaborat un reportatge digital focalitzat en l‟empresariat català i l‟encaix Catalunya-Espanya que pretén aportar noves valoracions entorn a aquest debat donant veu a empresaris i professionals, entre altres. La part teòrica de la memòria defineix els conceptes bàsics que són de forçat coneixement per realitzar una part pràctica que ha de ser entesa per qualsevol persona i que s‟ha de tractar amb la major objectivitat possible. Per això, el web http://laquestiocatalana.cat aporta un llenguatge planer i les eines bàsiques per donar a conèixer una matèria molt criticada per alguns sectors. A través d‟entrevistes a personatges rellevants, el web introdueix nous punts de vista sobre una qüestió marcada, a simple vista, per la preocupació d‟un possible boicot per part d‟Espanya. Però aquesta no sembla ser la principal inquietud dels entesos, i és que hi ha altres aspectes encara més alarmants que poden influir en l‟empresariat i que no són tractats per cap mitjà de comunicació convencional.


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We study biased, diffusive transport of Brownian particles through narrow, spatially periodic structures in which the motion is constrained in lateral directions. The problem is analyzed under the perspective of the Fick-Jacobs equation, which accounts for the effect of the lateral confinement by introducing an entropic barrier in a one-dimensional diffusion. The validity of this approximation, based on the assumption of an instantaneous equilibration of the particle distribution in the cross section of the structure, is analyzed by comparing the different time scales that characterize the problem. A validity criterion is established in terms of the shape of the structure and of the applied force. It is analytically corroborated and verified by numerical simulations that the critical value of the force up to which this description holds true scales as the square of the periodicity of the structure. The criterion can be visualized by means of a diagram representing the regions where the Fick-Jacobs description becomes inaccurate in terms of the scaled force versus the periodicity of the structure.


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La investigación sobre el paisaje en zonas urbanas o periurbanas implica importantes limitaciones metodológicas. En el presente estudio, el trabajo se centra en un llano pre-litoral próximo a la ciudad de Barcelona, el Vallès Oriental, profundamente urbanizado en las últimas dos décadas, hecho que condiciona la recuperación de nuevos datos arqueológicos y la implementación de programas de prospección arqueológica. Asimismo, la particular topografía que presenta el llano, caracterizado por unos relieves suaves, ha obligado a adaptar la metodología del análisis arqueomorfológico a este contexto geográfico. El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis arqueomorfológico realizado, que han sido cruzados con la documentación histórica y arqueológica para caracterizar —desde una perspectiva diacrónica— la red viaria, la estructuración territorial y la evolución del poblamiento de esta área y, finalmente, determinar las dinámicas del paisaje en época romana. La investigación sobre la morfología del territorio se ha llevado a cabo a partir de un intenso trabajo de fotointerpretación y análisis de la cartografía histórica en entorno SIG, especialmente útil en un paisaje marcado por las importantes trasformaciones del medio rural. Igualmente, los datos generados en los últimos años por la investigación arqueológica han sido revisados de forma detallada, a fin de contribuir a la planificación de las prospecciones arqueológicas y arqueomorfológicas desarrolladas.


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Les prioritats per als museus canvien. La missió de la nova museologia és convertir els museus en llocs per a gaudir i aprendre, cosa que fa que hagin de dur a terme una gestió financera molt semblant a la d'una empresa social que competeixi en el sector del lleure. Amb el pas del temps, els museus han d'establir i aplicar els criteris necessaris per a la supervivència, aplanant el terreny perquè altres institucions públiques siguin més obertes en els seus esforços per comunicar i difondre el seu patrimoni. Ja podem començar a parlar d'algunes conclusions comunament acceptades sobre el comportament dels visitants, que són necessàries per a planificar exposicions futures que vegin l'aprenentatge com un procés constructiu, les col·leccions com a objectes amb significat i les mateixes exposicions com a mitjans de comunicació que haurien de transformar la manera de pensar de l'espectador i que estan al servei del mateix missatge. Sembla que internet representa un mitjà efectiu per a assolir aquests objectius, ja que és capaç (a) d'adaptar-se als interessos i les característiques intel·lectuals d'un públic divers; (b) de redescobrir els significats dels objectes i adquirir un reconeixement sociocultural del seu valor per mitjà del seu potencial interactiu, i (c) de fer ús d'elements atractius i estimulants perquè tothom en gaudeixi. Per a aquest propòsit, és bàsic fer-nos les preguntes següents: quins criteris ha de seguir un museu virtual per a optimar la difusió del seu patrimoni?; quins elements estimulen els usuaris a quedar-se en una pàgina web i fer visites virtuals que els siguin satisfactòries?; quin paper té la usabilitat de l'aplicació en tot això?


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Woven monofilament, multifilament, and spun yarn filter media have long been the standard media in liquid filtration equipment. While the energy for a solid-liquid separation process is determined by the engineering work, it is the interface between the slurry and the equipment - the filter media - that greatly affects the performance characteristics of the unit operation. Those skilled in the art are well aware that a poorly designed filter medium may endanger the whole operation, whereas well-performing filter media can make the operation smooth and economical. As the mineral and pulp producers seek to produce ever finer and more refined fractions of their products, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to dewater slurries with average particle sizes around 1 ¿m using conventional, high-capacity filtration equipment. Furthermore, the surface properties of the media must not allow sticky and adhesive particles to adhere to the media. The aim of this thesis was to test how the dirt-repellency, electrical resistance and highpressure filtration performance of selected woven filter media can be improved by modifying the fabric or yarn with coating, chemical treatment and calendering. The results achieved by chemical surface treatments clearly show that the woven media surface properties can be modified to achieve lower electrical resistance and improved dirt-repellency. The main challenge with the chemical treatments is the abrasion resistance and, while the experimental results indicate that the treatment is sufficiently permanent to resist standard weathering conditions, they may still prove to be inadequately strong in terms of actual use.From the pressure filtration studies in this work, it seems obvious that the conventional woven multifilament fabrics still perform surprisingly well against the coated media in terms of filtrate clarity and cake build-up. Especially in cases where the feed slurry concentration was low and the pressures moderate, the conventional media seemed to outperform the coated media. In the cases where thefeed slurry concentration was high, the tightly woven media performed well against the monofilament reference fabrics, but seemed to do worse than some of the coated media. This result is somewhat surprising in that the high initial specific resistance of the coated media would suggest that the media will blind more easily than the plain woven media. The results indicate, however, that it is actually the woven media that gradually clogs during the coarse of filtration. In conclusion, it seems obvious that there is a pressure limit above which the woven media looses its capacity to keep the solid particles from penetrating the structure. This finding suggests that for extreme pressures the only foreseeable solution is the coated fabrics supported by a strong enough woven fabric to hold thestructure together. Having said that, the high pressure filtration process seems to follow somewhat different laws than the more conventional processes. Based on the results, it may well be that the role of the cloth is most of all to support the cake, and the main performance-determining factor is a long life time. Measuring the pore size distribution with a commercially available porometer gives a fairly accurate picture of the pore size distribution of a fabric, but failsto give insight into which of the pore sizes is the most important in determining the flow through the fabric. Historically air, and sometimes water, permeability measures have been the standard in evaluating media filtration performance including particle retention. Permeability, however, is a function of a multitudeof variables and does not directly allow the estimation of the effective pore size. In this study a new method for estimating the effective pore size and open pore area in a densely woven multifilament fabric was developed. The method combines a simplified equation of the electrical resistance of fabric with the Hagen-Poiseuille flow equation to estimate the effective pore size of a fabric and the total open area of pores. The results are validated by comparison to the measured values of the largest pore size (Bubble point) and the average pore size. The results show good correlation with measured values. However, the measured and estimated values tend to diverge in high weft density fabrics. This phenomenon is thought to be a result of a more tortuous flow path of denser fabrics, and could most probably be cured by using another value for the tortuosity factor.