782 resultados para Diabetes Mellitus typ 2
A Diabetes Mellitus Tipo2 é uma doença crónica que afecta sobretudo a população adulta e é responsável por mais de 90% dos casos de diabetes. A sua prevalência tem aumentado rapidamente, implicando elevados custos em saúde. Está normalmente associada a várias co-morbilidades e complicações, constituindo-se uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade no mundo. Em Portugal, dados dos Observatório Nacional da Diabetes revelam que, em 2012, cerca de 13% da população adulta sofria de diabetes (aproximadamente um milhão de pessoas), sendo a taxa de incidência anual de 500 novos casos por cada 100 000 habitantes. A amostra do estudo incluiu os doentes com DM2 com mais de 20 anos, num total de 205068 utentes registados nos centros de cuidados de saúde primários da ARSLVT e que residem na área de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. O enfoque desta dissertação não é somente a exploração dos padrões geográficos da DM Tipo2 mas, sobretudo, a análise de sensibilidade e robustez das estatísticas espaciais utilizadas. Os objectivos são fundamentalmente metodológicos e passam pela aplicação de estatísticas espaciais, em ambiente ArcGIS®, GeoDaTM e linguagem de computação estatística R; pela reflexão em torno das medidas de dependência e de heterogeneidade geográfica e ainda pela análise quantitativa da irregularidade da distribuição espacial da DM Tipo2 na região de Lisboa, baseada em decisões decorrentes do estudo da sensibilidade e da robustez das estatísticas espaciais. A estrutura espacial dos dados foi estudada segundo matrizes de vizinhos mais próximos, fazendo variar o número de vizinhos (1 a 20). Uma vez definida a estrutura de vizinhança procurou-se traduzir o grau de similaridade espacial que existe entre áreas que são próximas, utilizando como medida o Índice Global de Moran. A identificação dos clusters espaciais foi feita através da aplicação das estatísticas de Anselin Local Moran´s I e Getis-Ord Gi*. Após aplicação das estatísticas referidas procurou-se avaliar, ao longo dos testes realizados, a percentagem de permanência das freguesias num cluster espacial. Da análise dos resultados, e tendo em conta os objectivos propostos, concluiu-se que o mapeamento de padrões espaciais é pouco sensível à variação dos parâmetros utilizados. As duas ferramentas de análise espacial utilizadas (análise de cluster e outlier - Anselin´s Local Moran´s I e análises de Hot spot - Getis-Ord Gi*), embora muito distintas, geraram resultados muito similares em termos de identificação da localização geográfica dos clusters para todas as variáveis. Desta forma, foi possível identificar alguns clusters, ainda que de um modo geral exista uma aleatoriedade espacial nos dados.
PURPOSE: Investigation of the incidence and distribution of congenital structural cardiac malformations among the offspring of mothers with diabetes type 1 and of the influence of periconceptional glycemic control. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective clinical study, literature review, and meta-analysis. The incidence and pattern of congenital heart disease in the own study population and in the literature on the offspring of type 1 diabetic mothers were compared with the incidence and spectrum of the various cardiovascular defects in the offspring of nondiabetic mothers as registered by EUROCAT Northern Netherlands. Medical records were, in addition, reviewed for HbA(1c) during the 1st trimester. RESULTS: The distribution of congenital heart anomalies in the own diabetic study population was in accordance with the distribution encountered in the literature. This distribution differed considerably from that in the nondiabetic population. Approximately half the cardiovascular defects were conotruncal anomalies. The authors' study demonstrated a remarkable increase in the likelihood of visceral heterotaxia and variants of single ventricle among these patients. As expected, elevated HbA(1c) values during the 1st trimester were associated with offspring fetal cardiovascular defects. CONCLUSION: This study shows an increased likelihood of specific heart anomalies, namely transposition of the great arteries, persistent truncus arteriosus, visceral heterotaxia and single ventricle, among offspring of diabetic mothers. This suggests a profound teratogenic effect at a very early stage in cardiogenesis. The study emphasizes the frequency with which the offspring of diabetes-complicated pregnancies suffer from complex forms of congenital heart disease. Pregnancies with poor 1st-trimester glycemic control are more prone to the presence of fetal heart disease.
BACKGROUND: Poorly controlled cardiovascular risk factors are common. Evaluating whether physicians respond appropriately to poor risk factor control in patients may better reflect quality of care than measuring proportions of patients whose conditions are controlled. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate therapy modifications in response to poor control of hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes in a large clinical population. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study within an 18-month period in 2002 to 2003. SETTING: Kaiser Permanente of Northern California. PATIENTS: 253,238 adult members with poor control of 1 or more of these conditions. MEASUREMENTS: The authors assessed the proportion of patients with poor control who experienced a change in pharmacotherapy within 6 months, and they defined "appropriate care" as a therapy modification or return to control without therapy modification within 6 months. RESULTS: A total of 64% of patients experienced modifications in therapy for poorly controlled systolic blood pressure, 71% for poorly controlled diastolic blood pressure, 56% for poorly controlled low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and 66% for poorly controlled hemoglobin A1c level. Most frequent modifications were increases in number of drug classes (from 70% to 84%) and increased dosage (from 15% to 40%). An additional 7% to 11% of those with poorly controlled blood pressure, but only 3% to 4% of those with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level or hemoglobin A1c level, returned to control without therapy modification. Patients with more than 1 of the 3 conditions, higher baseline values, and target organ damage were more likely to receive "appropriate care." LIMITATIONS: Patient preferences and suboptimal adherence to therapy were not measured and may explain some failures to act. CONCLUSIONS: As an additional measure of the quality of care, measuring therapy modifications in response to poor control in a large population is feasible. Many patients with poorly controlled hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes had their therapy modified and, thus, seemed to receive clinically "appropriate care" with this new quality measure.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and of the metabolic syndrome is rising worldwide and reaching epidemic proportions. These pathologies are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, in particular with an excess of cardiovascular deaths. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the cluster of pathologies including insulin resistance, central obesity, high blood pressure, and hypertriglyceridemia that constitute the metabolic syndrome are associated with low levels of HDL cholesterol and the presence of dysfunctional HDLs. We here review the epidemiological evidence and the potential underlying mechanisms of this association. We first discuss the well-established association of type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance with alterations of lipid metabolism and how these alterations may lead to low levels of HDL cholesterol and the occurrence of dysfunctional HDLs. We then present and discuss the evidence showing that HDL modulates insulin sensitivity, insulin-independent glucose uptake, insulin secretion, and beta cell survival. A dysfunction in these actions could play a direct role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease that destroys pancreatic beta cells, affecting glucose homeostasis. In T1DM, glucoregulation and carbohydrate oxidation may be altered in different ambient temperatures; however, current literature has yet to explore these mechanisms. This study examines the effects of 30 minutes of exercise at 65% VO2max in 5ºC, 20ºC and 35ºC in individuals with T1DM. No significant differences were observed for blood glucose across the 3 conditions (p = 0.442), but significance was found for core temperature, heat storage, and sweat rate (p < 0.01). Blood glucose was also shown to vary greatly between individuals among conditions. The mechanisms behind the differences in blood glucose may be due to the lack of significant glucagon production among conditions. These findings suggest that T1DM individuals may exercise submaximally for 30 minutes in different ambient temperatures without significant differences in glucoregulation.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease where the glucosis-content of the blood does not automatically decrease to a ”normal” value between 70 mg/dl and 120 mg/dl (3,89 mmol/l and 6,67 mmol/l) between perhaps one hour (or two hours) after eating. Several instruments can be used to arrive at a relative low increase of the glucosis-content. Besides drugs (oral antidiabetica, insulin) the blood-sugar content can mainly be influenced by (i) eating, i.e., consumption of the right amount of food at the right time (ii) physical training (walking, cycling, swimming). In a recent paper the author has performed a regression analysis on the influence of eating during the night. The result was that one ”bread-unit” (12g carbon-hydrats) increases the blood-sugar by about 50 mg/dl, while one hour after eating the blood-sugar decreases by about 10 mg/dl per hour. By applying this result-assuming its correctness - it is easy to eat the right amount during the night and to arrive at a fastening blood-sugar (glucosis-content) in the morning of about 100 mg/dl (5,56 mmol/l). In this paper we try to incorporate some physical exercise into the model.
Considering the difficulty in the insulin dosage selection and the problem of hyper- and hypoglycaemia episodes in type 1 diabetes, dosage-aid systems appear as tremendously helpful for these patients. A model-based approach to this problem must unavoidably consider uncertainty sources such as the large intra-patient variability and food intake. This work addresses the prediction of glycaemia for a given insulin therapy face to parametric and input uncertainty, by means of modal interval analysis. As result, a band containing all possible glucose excursions suffered by the patient for the given uncertainty is obtained. From it, a safer prediction of possible hyper- and hypoglycaemia episodes can be calculated
El riesgo cardiovascular, definido como la probabilidad de presentar un evento en un periodo determinado, se puede determinar con base a un estudio muy utilizado, el estudio de Framingham. Se llevó a cabo un estudio corte transversal en 102 conductores para establecer la relación entre actividad física, y el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad coronaria y diabetes mellitus. Se exploraron posibles asociaciones entre variables, utilizando la prueba de independencia Chi cuadrado de Mantel-Haenszel, y el test exacto de Fisher. Se encontró un riesgo de presentar un evento coronario en su mayoría bajo con un 77% de la población, se evidenció en un riesgo no mayor a 3% (bajo) representado por el 78% de la población. Sin embargo, 22 trabajadores del total, tienen un grado mayor al 3% de riesgo de desarrollar diabetes mellitus a 8 años. En la actualidad el impacto de la actividad física en la prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares y de la diabetes mellitus es consistente, por lo que se debe enfatizar la promoción de la actividad física como parte fundamental de los esquemas terapéuticos para dichas enfermedades
This paper compares auditory function in young, insulin-dependent diabetic subjects with auditory function in normally-hearing, non-diabetic subjects.
Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disturbance of domestic carnivores and can cause autonomic neurological disorders, although these are still poorly understood in veterinary medicine. There is little information available on the quantitative adaptation mechanisms of the sympathetic ganglia during diabetes mellitus in domestic mammals. By combining morphometric methods and NADPH-diaphorase staining (as a possible marker for nitric oxide producing neurons), type I diabetes mellitus-related morphoquantitative changes were investigated in the celiac ganglion neurons in dogs. Twelve left celiac ganglia from adult female German shepherd dogs were examined: six ganglia were from non-diabetic and six from diabetic subjects. Consistent hypertrophy of the ganglia was noted in diabetic animals with increase of 55% in length, 53% in width, and 61.5% in thickness. The ordinary microstructure of the ganglia was modified leading to an uneven distribution of the ganglionic units and a more evident distribution of axon fascicles. In contrast to non-diabetic dogs, there was a lack of NADPH-diaphorase perikarial labelling in the celiac ganglion neurons of diabetic animals. The morphometric study showed that both the neuronal and nuclear sizes were significantly larger in diabetic dogs (1.3 and 1.39 times, respectively). The profile density and area fraction of NADPH-diaphorase-reactive celiac ganglion neurons were significantly larger (1.35 and 1.48 times, respectively) in non-diabetic dogs compared to NADPH-diaphorase-non-reactive celiac ganglion neurons in diabetic dogs. Although this study suggests that diabetic neuropathy is associated with neuronal hypertrophy, controversy remains over the possibility of ongoing neuronal loss and the functional interrelationship between them. It is unclear whether neuronal hypertrophy could be a compensation mechanism for a putative neuronal loss during the diabetes mellitus. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva vad personer med diabetes anser inverka på deras möjlighet och vilja att följa egenvårdsråd (patientperspektivet) och att beskriva omvård-nad som stöder följsamhet (sjukvårdsperspektivet). Studien har genomförts som en litteratur-studie. Det visade sig att alla krav för att hålla sjukdomen under kontroll innebär livsstilsför-ändringar, som kan vara så utmanande för patienten, att han kanske inte kan eller vill vidta dessa. Bristande kunskap om sjukdomen och om dess egenvårdskrav kan göra honom dåligt emotionellt anpassad till denna, det vill säga han har inte accepterat att han har sjukdomen och han vill inte låta dess egenvårdskrav inkräkta på det sociala livet. Detta ger honom för-sämrade möjligheter att hantera sjukdomen på ett bra sätt. Barriärer av olika slag kan uppstå mellan patient och vårdgivare. Det kan röra sig om en upplevd brist på information och stöd när diabetes diagnosticerats eller en känsla av att vara utsatt för läkarens eller sjuksköterskans stereotypa föreställningar och/eller att bli paternalistiskt behandlad. Till barriärer räknas även klinisk misskötsel, det vill säga att läkare/sjuksköterska inte följer vedertagna riktlinjer för be-handling.Vad som kan inverka positivt på följsamheten är patientens stöd av anhöriga eller andra i det sociala nätverket. Omvårdnad som stöder följsamhet visade sig varapatientundervisning, främst om den inriktades på att öka patientens självständighet genom att låta undervisningen pågå under en längre tid, så att patienten hinner integrera sin nya kunskap med det dagliga livet. Med eller utan patientundervisning tar det tid att bygga upp ett socialt stöd och ett förtroende mellan patient och vårdare.