947 resultados para Diabetes Melitos
BACKGROUND: Poorly controlled cardiovascular risk factors are common. Evaluating whether physicians respond appropriately to poor risk factor control in patients may better reflect quality of care than measuring proportions of patients whose conditions are controlled. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate therapy modifications in response to poor control of hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes in a large clinical population. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study within an 18-month period in 2002 to 2003. SETTING: Kaiser Permanente of Northern California. PATIENTS: 253,238 adult members with poor control of 1 or more of these conditions. MEASUREMENTS: The authors assessed the proportion of patients with poor control who experienced a change in pharmacotherapy within 6 months, and they defined "appropriate care" as a therapy modification or return to control without therapy modification within 6 months. RESULTS: A total of 64% of patients experienced modifications in therapy for poorly controlled systolic blood pressure, 71% for poorly controlled diastolic blood pressure, 56% for poorly controlled low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and 66% for poorly controlled hemoglobin A1c level. Most frequent modifications were increases in number of drug classes (from 70% to 84%) and increased dosage (from 15% to 40%). An additional 7% to 11% of those with poorly controlled blood pressure, but only 3% to 4% of those with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level or hemoglobin A1c level, returned to control without therapy modification. Patients with more than 1 of the 3 conditions, higher baseline values, and target organ damage were more likely to receive "appropriate care." LIMITATIONS: Patient preferences and suboptimal adherence to therapy were not measured and may explain some failures to act. CONCLUSIONS: As an additional measure of the quality of care, measuring therapy modifications in response to poor control in a large population is feasible. Many patients with poorly controlled hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes had their therapy modified and, thus, seemed to receive clinically "appropriate care" with this new quality measure.
OBJECTIVE To construct statements of nursing diagnoses related to nursing practice for individuals with diabetes in Specialized Care, on the basis of the Database of Nursing Practice Terms related to diabetes, in the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) and in the Theory of Basic Human Needs and to validate them with specialist nurses in the area. METHOD Methodological research, structured into sequential stages of construction, cross-mapping, validation and categorization of nursing diagnoses. RESULTS A list was indicated of 115 statements of diagnostic, including positive, negative and improvement statements; 59 nursing diagnoses present in and 56 nursing diagnoses absent from the ICNP® Version 2011. 66 diagnoses with CVI ≥ 0.50 were validated, being categorized on the basis of human needs. CONCLUSION It was observed that the use of the ICNP® 2011 favored the specifications of the concepts of professional practice in care with individuals with diabetes.
The role of interferon-gamma in autoimmune diabetes was assessed by breeding a null mutation of the interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain into the nonobese diabetic mouse strain, as well as into a simplified T cell receptor transgenic model of diabetes. In contrast to a previous report on abrogation of the interferon-gamma gene, mutation of the gene encoding its receptor led to drastic effects on disease in both mouse lines. Nonobese diabetic mice showed a marked inhibition of insulitis-both the kinetics and penetrance-and no signs of diabetes; the transgenic model exhibited near-normal insulitis, but this never evolved into diabetes, either spontaneously or after experimental provocation. This failure could not be explained by perturbations in the ratio of T helper cell phenotypes; rather, it reflected a defect in antigen-presenting cells or in the islet beta cell targets.
OBJECTIVETo determine if there is a relationship between adherence to nutritional recommendations and sociodemographic variables in Brazilian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.METHODSCross-sectional observational study using a stratified random sample of 423 individuals. The Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used, and the Fisher's exact test was applied with 95% confidence interval (p<0.05).RESULTSOf the 423 subjects, 66.7% were women, mean age of 62.4 years (SD = 11.8), 4.3 years of schooling on average (SD = 3.6) and family income of less than two minimum wages. There was association between the female gender and adherence to diet with adequate cholesterol content (OR: 2.03; CI: 1.23; 3.34), between four and more years of education and adherence to fractionation of meals (OR: 1 92 CI: 1.19; 3.10), and income of less than two minimum wages and adherence to diet with adequate cholesterol content (OR: 1.74; CI: 1.03, 2.95).CONCLUSIONAdherence to nutritional recommendations was associated with the female gender, more than four years of education and family income of less than two minimum wages.
OBJECTIVETo compare the development of diabetes mellitus in subjects with and without the sign of the Cross of Andreas in the iris over a period of four years.METHODA prospective, descriptive study of quantitative approach. This cohort study had 91 patients without the disease, with and without the signal. The monitoring was conducted by means of the records in medical charts.RESULTSAt the end of the research, 28.2% of the group with the sign of the Cross of Andreas was diagnosed with diabetes and 56.5% had two or more episodes of impaired glucose tolerance. In the group without the sign, 4.4% was diagnosed with the disease and 24.5% had two or more episodes of glucose intolerance. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the development of the disease and glucose intolerance.CONCLUSIONThe group with the Cross of Andreas developed more glucose intolerance and diabetes than the group without the sign.
More than 246 million individuals worldwide are affected by diabetes mellitus (DM) and this number is rapidly increasing (http://www.eatlas. idf.org). 90% of all diabetic patients have type 2 DM, which is characterized by insulin resistance and b-cell dysfunction. Even though diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the major chronic complication of DM its underlying pathophysiological mechanisms still remain unknown. To get more insight into the DPN associated with type 2 DM, we characterized the rodent model of this form of diabetes, the db/db mice. The progression of pathological changes in db/db mice mimics the ones observed in humans: increase of the body weight, insulin insensitivity, elevated blood glucose level and reduction in nerve conduction velocity (NCV). Decreased NCV, present in many peripheral neuropathies, is usually associated with demyelination of peripheral nerves. However, our detailed analysis of the sciatic nerves of db/db mice exposed for 4 months to hyperglycemia, failed to reveal any signs of demyelination in spite of significantly reduced NCV in these animals. We therefore currently focus our analysis on the structure of Nodes of Ranvier, regions of intense axo-glial interactions, which also play a crucial role in rapid saltatory impulse conduction. In addition we are also evaluating molecular changes in somas of sensory neurons projecting through sciatic nerve, which are localized in the dorsal root ganglia. We hope that the combination of these approaches will shed light on molecular alterations leading to DPN as a consequence of type 2 DM.
CONTEXT: Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased fracture risk but paradoxically greater bone mineral density (BMD). Trabecular bone score (TBS) is derived from the texture of the spine dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image and is related to bone microarchitecture and fracture risk, providing information independent of BMD. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the ability of lumbar spine TBS to account for increased fracture risk in diabetes. DESIGN AND SETTING: We performed a retrospective cohort study using BMD results from a large clinical registry for the province of Manitoba, Canada. Patients: We included 29,407 women 50 years old and older with baseline DXA examinations, among whom 2356 had diagnosed diabetes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Lumbar spine TBS was derived for each spine DXA examination blinded to clinical parameters and outcomes. Health service records were assessed for incident nontraumatic major osteoporotic fractures (mean follow-up 4.7 years). RESULTS: Diabetes was associated with higher BMD at all sites but lower lumbar spine TBS in unadjusted and adjusted models (all P < .001). The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for a measurement in the lowest vs the highest tertile was less than 1 for BMD (all P < .001) but was increased for lumbar spine TBS [aOR 2.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.30-2.97]. Major osteoporotic fractures were identified in 175 women (7.4%) with and 1493 (5.5%) without diabetes (P < .001). Lumbar spine TBS was a BMD-independent predictor of fracture and predicted fractures in those with diabetes (adjusted hazard ratio 1.27, 95% CI 1.10-1.46) and without diabetes (hazard ratio 1.31, 95% CI 1.24-1.38). The effect of diabetes on fracture was reduced when lumbar spine TBS was added to a prediction model but was paradoxically increased from adding BMD measurements. CONCLUSIONS: Lumbar spine TBS predicts osteoporotic fractures in those with diabetes, and captures a larger portion of the diabetes-associated fracture risk than BMD.
El objetivo es comparar la prevalencia de fractura en casos incidentes de diabetes y en controles apareados. Estudio casos-control que incluye todos los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 diagnosticados entre 2006-2011 y dos controles sin diabetes. Se identificaron fracturas y enfermedad cardiovascular prevalentes, calculando prevalencias de fracturas osteoporóticas, mayores y de cadera, y de enfermedad cardiovascular. Se identificaron 58931 diabéticos y 117862 controles. Los diabéticos presentaban mayor prevalencia de accidente cerebro-vascular y de cardiopatía isquémica. Las prevalencias de fracturas osteoporóticas, de cadera y mayores fue similar en ambos grupos. En conclusión el riesgo de fractura es similar al de los controles no diabéticos.
Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease resulting in altered glucose homeostasis. In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, pancreatic β cells cannot secrete appropriate amounts of insulin to regulate blood glucose level. Moreover, in type 2 diabetes mellitus, altered insulin secretion is combined with a resistance of insulin-target tissues, mainly liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle. Both environmental and genetic factors are known to contribute to the development of the disease. Growing evidence indicates that microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small noncoding RNA molecules, are involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes. miRNAs function as translational repressors and are emerging as important regulators of key biological processes. Here, we review recent studies reporting changes in miRNA expression in tissues isolated from different diabetic animal models. We also describe the role of several miRNAs in pancreatic β cells and insulin-target tissues. Finally, we discuss the possible use of miRNAs as blood biomarkers to prevent diabetes development and as tools for gene-based therapy to treat both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Check the relationship between the users' contact time in educational programs and self-care and knowledge variables in diabetes mellitus. METHOD A longitudinal study with a quantitative approach with the participation, in the initial phase, of 263 users linked to Basic Health Units in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during the years 2012 and 2013. The data were collected with respect to the total contact time of the users' participation in the educational program as regards knowledge and self-care in acquired diabetes mellitus. The data were analyzed using the Student t-test for comparison of means, considering a 0.05 significance level. RESULTS The final sample included 151 users. The analysis showed that the improvement in self-care scores was statistically higher during an educational intervention of eight hours or more (p-value <0.05). In relation to the scores for knowledge, there was a statistically significant improvement at the end of the educational program. It was not possible to identify a value for the contact time from which there was an increase in mean scores for the ability of knowledge. CONCLUSION To improve the effectiveness of the promotion of skills related to knowledge and self-care in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to consider the contact time as a relevant factor of the educational program.
Diabetes has been associated to the risk of a few cancer sites, though quantification of this association in various populations remains open to discussion. We analyzed the relation between diabetes and the risk of various cancers in an integrated series of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2009. The studies included 1,468 oral and pharyngeal, 505 esophageal, 230 gastric, 2,390 colorectal, 185 liver, 326 pancreatic, 852 laryngeal, 3,034 breast, 607 endometrial, 1,031 ovarian, 1,294 prostate, and 767 renal cell cancer cases and 12,060 hospital controls. The multivariate odds ratios (OR) for subjects with diabetes as compared to those without-adjusted for major identified confounding factors for the cancers considered through logistic regression models-were significantly elevated for cancers of the oral cavity/pharynx (OR = 1.58), esophagus (OR = 2.52), colorectum (OR = 1.23), liver (OR = 3.52), pancreas (OR = 3.32), postmenopausal breast (OR = 1.76), and endometrium (OR = 1.70). For cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, colorectum, liver, and postmenopausal breast, the excess risk persisted over 10 yr since diagnosis of diabetes. Our data confirm and further quantify the association of diabetes with colorectal, liver, pancreatic, postmenopausal breast, and endometrial cancer and suggest forthe first time that diabetes may also increase the risk of oral/pharyngeal and esophageal cancer. [Table: see text] [Table: see text].
A diabetes mellitus assume grande importância no contexto de Saúde Publica e por ser uma doença crónica, exige que a pessoa conheça e tenha autocuidado e viva bem. A deficiência no seu controlo ocasiona várias complicações que podem ser evitadas através da educação e promoção da saúde. Neste contexto ressalta a importância da actuação do enfermeiro como educador, tendo em vista a prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. A sua capacidade de identificar os problemas, estabelecendo metas para a resolução dos mesmos fará a diferença no tratamento da pessoa. O presente estudo tem como objectivo identificar estratégias de intervenções eficazes que permitem a pessoa com diabetes assumir o seu autocuidado. Consta no trabalho a elaboração de uma revisão da literatura sobre a promoção do autocuidado da pessoa com diabetes mellitus: da hospitalização ao domicílio; orientada pelo referencial teórico da Teoria do Deficit do Autocuidado de Orem. A enfermagem deve investir na educação da pessoa com diabetes, visando a diminuição do tempo de internamento aproveitando o internamento para orientar a pessoa e os familiares sobre a continuidade dos cuidados, ajudando na reinserção no seu meio socio-familiar, assumindo o seu autocuidado após a alta hospitalar. A qualificação das práticas de cuidado e a valorização da educação na perspectiva da saúde pelo enfermeiro perante a pessoa com diabetes trará melhor saúde.
Este estudo é realizado no âmbito do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem, na Universidade do Mindelo e trata da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem prestada à gestante com diabetes gestacional durante o pré natal, através de consulta de enfermagem e das acções educativas realizadas às gestantes. Escolhemos trabalhar este tema, primeiramente por motivos pessoais, uma vez que ambas trabalhamos no serviço de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia do Hospital Baptista de Sousa e, em segundo lugar, porque queremos dar resposta sobre a forma como os enfermeiros prestam cuidados às gestantes com diabetes gestacional. Para o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, utilizámos o método de revisão de literatura, como metodologia base e também realizámos entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participante.A gestação é um processo natural que envolve múltiplas mudanças, a vários níveis, tanto fisiológicos, como psico-sociais e emocionais. Dentro das mudanças fisiológicas, pode surgir a diabetes gestacional. Assim, considerando que a intervenção de enfermagem pré-natal e atendimento hospitalar eficiente podem diminuir expressivamente a morbilidade e mortalidade materna e fetal, tendo como causa a diabetes gestacional. Concluímos que o aprimoramento técnico e científico do enfermeiro, muito pode contribuir no acompanhamento destas gestantes dentro de uma equipa multidisciplinar e, consequentemente, alcançar o equilíbrio e o bem-estar, tanto materno como fetal, nos procedimentos, diagnóstico e tratamento da diabetes gestacional.
A diabetes constitui um grave problema a escala mundial e atingi milhares de pessoas. A gravidade do problema de saúde que a diabetes constitui está relacionada com a sua crescente incidência e elevada prevalência, também, com a elevada mortalidade que lhe está associada. Plantas medicinais têm emergido como um tópico de grande interesse no tratamento da diabetes. Muitas plantas têm sido estudadas e reconhecidas como tendo propriedades hipoglicemiantes. O objectivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos estudos realizados sobre o potencial das plantas popularmente utilizadas no tratamento da diabetes e suas complicações, assim como ressaltar aquelas cuja eficácia já se encontra cientificamente documentada e exemplificar algumas formulações a base de plantas existente no mercado. Para a realização desta monografia foram consultados vários artigos científicos e de revisão, alguns sites da internet e livros na área da, patologia, farmacologia, farmacognosia e fitoquímica Vários estudos farmacológicos comprovam que a maioria das plantas usadas na medicina popular como antidiabético apresentam actividade hipoglicemiante e que exibem nas suas constituições grupos químicos que podem ser usados como modelos para novos agentes. Apesar da clara evidência do potencial das plantas, são precisos mais estudos no sentido de identificar os constituintes activos e o mecanismo pela qual elas exercem essa acção
In the nervous system, NMDA receptors (NMDARs) participate in neurotransmission and modulate the viability of neurons. In contrast, little is known about the role of NMDARs in pancreatic islets and the insulin-secreting beta cells whose functional impairment contributes to diabetes mellitus. Here we found that inhibition of NMDARs in mouse and human islets enhanced their glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and survival of islet cells. Further, NMDAR inhibition prolonged the amount of time that glucose-stimulated beta cells spent in a depolarized state with high cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations. We also noticed that, in vivo, the NMDAR antagonist dextromethorphan (DXM) enhanced glucose tolerance in mice, and that in vitro dextrorphan, the main metabolite of DXM, amplified the stimulatory effect of exendin-4 on GSIS. In a mouse model of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), long-term treatment with DXM improved islet insulin content, islet cell mass and blood glucose control. Further, in a small clinical trial we found that individuals with T2DM treated with DXM showed enhanced serum insulin concentrations and glucose tolerance. Our data highlight the possibility that antagonists of NMDARs may provide a useful adjunct treatment for diabetes.