999 resultados para Destinação final do lixo


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In most highway asset management exercises, real estate used in alignments is considered to be an asset class that does not depreciate. Although the treatment of right of way assets as non-depreciable real property may be appropriate as an accounting exercise, the fact is that the real estate contained in transportation corridors can in fact lose value from a traffic service point of view. Such facilities become functionally obsolete in that they no longer serve the purpose that was intended when they were planned, designed, and built. This report is intended to begin a discussion of the topic of how highway alignments ought be valued as assets as opposed to how they generally are valued, at either book value or replacement value, given it can be shown that some highway alignments do in fact depreciate in value.


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This station was required to have air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and pavement temperature sensors of similar quality to the traditional RWIS sensors, have an integrated solar powered battery system, and be trailer-mounted for ease of transport. The station was tested by the Iowa DOT for basic reliability and sensor performance for a month and a half in Ames, Iowa before being moved to near Osceola, Iowa in early February 2010 for further field testing and evaluation. DOT field maintenance staff was able to successfully set up the station with minimal instruction and found the station to be relatively intuitive in its installation. Air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction observations from the station were compared to a nearby RWIS station and had good agreement. Pavement temperature readings were compared to sites within 40 miles of the station, and the readings correlated. The station has had good reliability.


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Excessive daytime sleepiness underpins a large number of the reported motor vehicle crashes. Fair and accurate field measures are needed to identify at-risk drivers who have been identified as potentially driving in a sleep deprived state on the basis of erratic driving behavior. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate a set of cognitive tests that can assist Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officers on duty in identifying drivers who may be engaged in sleep impaired driving. Currently no gold standard test exists to judge sleepiness in the field. Previous research has shown that Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) is sensitive to sleep deprivation. The first goal of the current study was to evaluate whether computerized tests of attention and memory, more brief than PVT, would be as sensitive to sleepiness effects. The second goal of the study was to evaluate whether objective and subjective indices of acute and cumulative sleepiness predicted cognitive performance. Findings showed that sleepiness effects were detected in three out of six tasks. Furthermore, PVT was the only task that showed a consistent slowing of both ‘best’, i.e. minimum, and ‘typical’ responses, median RT due to sleepiness. However, PVT failed to show significant associations with objective measures of sleep deprivation (number of hours awake). The findings indicate that sleepiness tests in the field have significant limitations. The findings clearly show that it will not be possible to set absolute performance thresholds to identify sleep-impaired drivers based on cognitive performance on any test. Cooperation with industry to adjust work and rest cycles, and incentives to comply with those regulations will be critical components of a broad policy to prevent sleepy truck drivers from getting on the road.


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Descreve os objetivos e o programa do Seminário sobre Avaliação da Produção Científica, realizado em São Paulo pelo Projeto SciELO, de 4 a 6 de março de 1998. Inclui os temas e a abrangência dos trabalhos apresentados e as conclusões do evento.


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En este artículo pretendemos dar a conocer los últimos resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio en profundidad de la industria lítica y de la fauna del yacimiento tarraconense de la Mallada (Perelló); ello nos ayudará a situarlo cronológicamente en los inicios el Magdaleniense Superior Mediterráneo.


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This is the final report of the Tourism Study Committee established by the Legislative Council to review state tourism programs to determine their ability to attract private participation, involve the tourism industry, and increase instate and out-of-state travel to Iowa tourism sites and to seek tourism industry input on private tourism efforts.


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El present treball es proposa l'estudi fonnal de I'habitat construtt amb materials duradors a Catalunya durant el Bronze Final i la Primera Edat del Ferro, i se centra en l'aninisi dels materials i tecniques de construcció emprats, així com en l' estructura de la casa (planta, dimensions, superfície). Els elements definidors d'aquests habitacles en els períodes estudiats consisteixen en l'ús sistematic de la pedra i la terra com a materials de construcció i la disposició d'habitacions de planta rectangular compartint parets mitgeres, amb poca compartimentació interna i pocs agenc¡:aments al seu interior (llar, forn, banquetes). Les dimensions maximes d'aquestes habitacions no superen, per nonna general, els 20 metres quadrats. La unifonnitat d'aquestes construccions, unida a la poca compartimentació de l'espai, suggereix que ens trobem davant una arquitectura poc especialitzada, que podria correspondre a una societat amb una organització socio-política poc complexa.


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Avalia os resultados da capacitação de usuários em buscas informatizadas, por meio do Curso de Acesso às Bases em cd-rom Medline e Lilacs, modalidade do Programa Educativo da Biblioteca/CIR da Faculdade de Saúde Publica da USP, oferecido a docentes e alunos da pós-graduação em saúde pública. O universo de estudo foi constituído de 92 participantes entre 1993 e 1995. Os resultados mostraram que, após a participação no Curso, 65,2% deles conseguiram autonomia no uso das bases de dados, 15,2% solicitaram buscas intermediadas pelo bibliotecário, bem como 19,6% não realizaram forma alguma de busca nas bases da Biblioteca. A intermediação dos bibliotecários foi solicitada por motivos como: pouca familiaridade com as bases, dificuldade em lidar com tecnologia, confiança na busca realizada pelo bibliotecário e falta de tempo para buscas. O egresso do curso que não realizou busca informatizada alegou não ter tido necessidade de fazê-lo no período estudado.


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This report contains the results of the Park and Recreation Enhancement Study Committee on the current and future needs for artificial and natural lakes, state parks, forests, and recreational areas in Iowa and make recommendations on the development of the new facilities and the restoration and management of current facilities.


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 The Iowa Power Fund and the Office of Energy Independence are charged with the responsibility of creating an economically viable and sound energy future for Iowa through energy independence. This vision can only be achieved if a majority, if not all Iowans, are united in this cause and actively participate in it


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OBJECTIVES: Growth retardation is a frequent complication of paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Only a few studies report the final height of these patients, with controversial results. We compared adult height of patients with paediatric IBD with that of patients with adult-onset disease. METHODS: Height data of 675 women 19-44 years of age and 454 men 23-44 years of age obtained at inclusion in the Swiss IBD cohort study registry were grouped according to the age at diagnosis: (a) prepubertal (men≤13, women≤11 years), (b) pubertal (men 13-22, women 11-18 years) and (c) adult (men>22, women>18 years of age), and compared with each other and with healthy controls. RESULTS: Male patients with prepubertal onset of Crohn's disease (CD) had significantly lower final height (mean 172±6 cm, range 161-182) compared with men with pubertal (179±6 cm, 161-192) or adult (178±7 cm, 162-200) age at onset and the general population (178±7 cm, 142-204). Height z-scores standardized against heights of the normal population were significantly lower in all patients with a prepubertal diagnosis of CD (-0.8±0.9) compared with the other patient groups (-0.1±0.8, P<0.001). Prepubertal onset of CD emerged as a risk factor for reduced final height in patients with prepubertal CD. No difference for final height was found between patients with ulcerative or unclassified IBD diagnosed at prepubertal, pubertal or adult age. CONCLUSION: Prepubertal onset of CD is a risk for lower final height, independent of the initial disease location and the necessity for surgical interventions.


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O presente estudo investiga a assimilação da informação "lugar do lixo é no lixo" por meio da análise de depoimentos textuais e gráficos de três grupos de alunos da 4ª série do ensino fundamental. Para isso, foram utilizadas como base as oficinas de reciclagem artesanal de papel do Projeto Recicloteca da ONG Ecomarapendi, transformadas em agregado de informação e denominadas oficinas experimentais. Esse tipo de abordagem define sua inserção na ciência da informação e sua responsabilidade social na comunicação do conhecimento, tendo sido tecida uma rede conceitual unindo fios da informação e da educação ambiental. Além da constatação da presença de barreiras de comunicação, os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que a informação foi assimilada por número significativo de crianças, revelando a coerência e atualidade dessa pesquisa na problemática dos resíduos sólidos [lixo].


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This report is a culmination of the Location Referencing System (LRS) team. The team was charged with defining a system that coordinates the collection storage, and access to location referencing information by developing an LRS to be used throughout the Iowa DOT.