913 resultados para Dermal filler
Ceramic composites produced with polymerics precursors have been studied for many years, due to the facility of obtaining a complex shape, at low temperature and reduces cost. The main objective of this work is to study the process of sintering of composites of ceramic base consisting of Al2O3 and silicates, reinforced for NbC, through the technique of processing AFCOP, as well as the influence of the addition of LZSA, ICZ and Al as materials infiltration in the physical and mechanical properties of the ceramic composite. Were produced ceramic matrix composites based SiCxOy e Al2O3 reinforced with NbC, by hidrosilylation reaction between D4Vi and D1107 mixtured with Al2O3 as inert filler, Nb and Al as reactive filler. The specimens produced were pyrolised at 1200, 1250 and 1400°C and infiltred with Al, ICZ and LZSA, respectively. Density, porosity, flexural mechanical strength and fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy were evaluated. The microstructure of the composites was investigated by X-ray diffraction to identify the presence of crystalline phases. The composites presented apparent porosity varying of 31 up to 49% and mechanical flexural strength of 14 up to 34 MPa. The infiltration process improviment of the densification and reduction of the porosity, as well as increased the values of mechanical flexural strength. The obtained phases had been identified as being Al3Nb, NbSi2, Nb5S3, Nb3Si and NbC. The samples that were submitted the infiltration process presented a layer next surface with reduced pores number in relation to the total volume
Known for thousands of years, tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of mortality by a single infectious disease due to lack of patient adherence to available treatment regimens, the rising of multidrug resistant strains of TB (MDR-TB) and co-infection with HIV virus. Isoniazid and rifampicin are the most powerful bactericidal agents against M. tuberculosis. Because of that, this couple of drugs becomes unanimity in anti-TB treatment around the world. However, the rifampicin in acidic conditions in the stomach can be degraded rapidly, especially in the presence of isoniazid, which reduces the amount of available drug for absorption, as well as its bioavailability, contributing to the growing resistance to tuberculostatic drugs. Rifampicin is well absorbed in the stomach because of its high solubility between pH 1 and 2 and the gastric absorption of isoniazid is considered poor, therefore it is mostly intestinal. This work has as objective the development of gastro-resistant multiple-systems (granules and pellets) of isoniazid aiming to prevent the contact with rifampicin, with consequent degradation in acid stomach and modulate the release of isoniazid in the intestine. Granules of isoniazid were obtained by wet method using both alcoholic and aqueous solutions of PVP K-30 as aggregating and binder agent, at proportions of 5, 8 and 10%. The influence of the excipients (starch, cellulose or filler default) on the physical and technological properties of the granules was investigated. The pellets were produced by extrusionesferonization technique using isoniazid and microcrystalline cellulose MC 101 (at the proportion of 85:15) and aqueous solution of 1% Methocel as platelet. The pellets presented advantages over granular, such as: higher apparent density, smaller difference between apparent and compaction densities, smoother surface and, especially, smaller friability, and then were coated with an organic solution of Acrycoat L 100 ® in a fluidized bed. Different percentages of coating (15, 25 and 50%) were applied to the pellets which had their behavior evaluated in vitro by dissolution in acidic and basic medium. Rifampicin dissolution in the presence of uncoated and coated isoniazid pellets was evaluated too. The results indicate that the gastro resistance was only achieved with the greatest amount of coating and isoniazid is released successfully in basic step. The amount of rifampicin in the dissolution medium when the isoniazid pellets were not coated was lower than in the presence of enteric release pellets. Therefore, the polymer Acrycoat L 100 ® was efficient for coating with gastro-resistant function and can solve the problem of low bioavailability of rifampicin and help to reduce its dosage
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram quantificar as exposições dérmicas (EDs) e respiratórias (ERs) proporcionadas ao piloto e ao seu ajudante nas aplicações de herbicidas para o controle de plantas daninhas aquáticas com aerobarco; classificar essas condições de trabalho em seguras ou inseguras; e calcular a necessidade de controle das exposições (NCE) e o tempo de trabalho seguro (TTS). O aerobarco utilizado tinha casco de alumínio (4,85 x 2,42 m) e acionamento por hélice acoplada a motor a gasolina de 350 HP. O equipamento de pulverização era composto por bomba de diafragma com fluxo máximo de 49,69 L min-1, pressão máxima de 25 kg cm-2, acionada por motor a gasolina de 4 HP, e tanque de calda de 189 L. A barra de pulverização de alumínio era composta de duas seções laterais de 3 m, posicionadas na linha entre o encosto do banco do piloto e o início da estrutura protetora da hélice. Cada seção da barra tinha seis bicos com pontas de jato plano com indução de ar AI 100 03, espaçados de 0,5 m, e uma ponta OC 20 fixada em cada extremidade. O conjunto de pontas pulverizava faixas de 6 m de largura e aplicava o volume de calda de 200 L ha-1. O sistema tinha gerenciador de fluxo, controlado por central eletrônica acoplada a DGPS (com precisão submétrica), para corrigir automaticamente a vazão em função de alterações na velocidade real da embarcação. As EDs e ERs aos herbicidas foram calculadas com os dados substitutos das exposições às caldas, avaliadas com os traçadores cobre e manganês adicionados às caldas. As exposições foram extrapoladas para uma jornada de trabalho de seis horas. A segurança das condições de trabalho foi determinada com o cálculo da margem de segurança (MS), utilizando-se a fórmula MS = (NOEL x 70)/(QAE x 10), em que QAE = quantidade absorvível da exposição. As condições de trabalho foram classificadas em seguras, se MS>1, ou inseguras, se MS<1. As exposições proporcionadas pelas condições de trabalho foram de 10,65 mL de calda por dia para o piloto e de 16,80 mL por dia para o ajudante, que fica sentado em uma cadeira a 2,0 m à frente do piloto e da barra de pulverização. Classificaram-se como seguras as aplicações dos herbicidas glyphosate (Rodeo, 6 L ha-1), 2,4D (DMA 806 BR, 8 L ha-1) e fluridone (Sonar AQ, 0,4 L ha-1), para o piloto e o seu ajudante. Classificou-se como insegura a aplicação do herbicida diquat (Reward, 4,0 L ha-1) para as duas condições de trabalho, cujas necessidades de controle das exposições calculadas foram de 65% para o piloto e de 78% para o ajudante do piloto.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do período e volume de aplicação na segurança da atividade de tratoristas aplicando herbicidas na cultura de cana-de-açúcar com o pulverizador de barra montado em trator e a eficiência de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) e de uma cabina acoplada ao trator. As exposições dérmicas de 13 condições de trabalho foram avaliadas e analisadas estatisticamente por meio do delineamento inteiramente ao acaso e do esquema fatorial 3 x 2 x 2 + 1. O fator A foi a condição de exposição: 1) exposição dérmica potencial (EDP) - sem nenhuma medida de segurança; 2) exposição com cabina no trator (Cabina); e 3) exposição com as vestimentas (EPI). O fator B foi o volume de aplicação: 1) 200 L ha-1 e 2) 100 L ha-1; e o fator C foi o período de aplicação: 1) diurno e 2) noturno. Como testemunha foi avaliada a EDP do tratorista aplicando na atividade usual de 300 L de calda ha-1, no período diurno. As exposições dérmicas (EDs) aos herbicidas considerados nessas condições de trabalho foram estimadas por meio de dados substitutos das EDs avaliadas ao cátion Cu+2 adicionado como traçador nas caldas aplicadas. O pulverizador utilizado foi do modelo PJ 600, com barra de 12 m de comprimento e 24 bicos de jato plano TT 110 04 ou TT 110 02. As 13 condições de trabalho avaliadas foram classificadas como seguras (MS>1) para o tratorista aplicando os herbicidas glyphosate (48% i.a.), MSMA (48%), diuron (46,8%) + hexazinone (13,2%), clomazone (50%), sulfentrazone (50%), ametryne (50%), diuron (50%), isoxaflutole (75%), metribuzin (48%), 2,4-D (80,6%), ametryne (30%) + clomazone (20%), ametryne (73,25%) + trifloxysulfuron (1,85%) e tebuthiuron (80 %) e inseguras para o herbicida atrazine (50%), nos dois períodos e nos três volumes de aplicação, e ametryne (50%), na aplicação diurna e 100 L de calda ha-1. As aplicações noturnas e os volumes de aplicação reduzidos tornaram as condições de trabalho mais seguras, exceto para o atrazine. A eficiência dos EPIs para a aplicação de 300 L ha-1 variou de 69,5 a 89,3%, e a da cabina do trator variou entre 76,4 e 83,3%, em relação aos volumes reduzidos de 100 e 200 L ha-1.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho classificar em seguras ou inseguras as condições de trabalho de aplicação da formulação comercial de paraquat a 0,5% e de abastecimento dos tanques em operação de repasse em cultura de cana-de-açúcar com os pulverizadores costal manual, costal pressurizado e Pulmipur manual; determinar o efeito das variações na operação de repasse em quatro usinas de açúcar e álcool com o pulverizador costal pressurizado sobre as exposições dos trabalhadores ao paraquat; determinar a eficácia de equipamentos de proteção individual nessas condições de trabalho; e avaliar a intensidade da deriva e a eficácia de acessórios protetores de deriva. As exposições dérmicas e respiratórias dos trabalhadores foram avaliadas e utilizadas para calcular a margem de segurança (MS). Os valores de MS foram utilizados para classificar essas condições de trabalho em seguras (MS > 1) ou em inseguras (MS < 1). Para avaliar a deriva das aplicações na cultura e a eficácia dos protetores de deriva, foram estudados os tratamentos: formulação comercial de paraquat a 0,5% na calda, aplicada com o costal manual, sem e com o chapéu de proteção de deriva; com o costal pressurizado, sem e com a planilha de proteção de deriva; formulação comercial de paraquat pura com o Pulmipur; formulação comercial de glyphosate a 1% com o costal pressurizado e com a planilha, e puro com o Pulmipur; e testemunha sem aplicação. As duas atividades com o Pulmipur proporcionam as maiores exposições dérmicas, devido ao manuseio da formulação, e são inseguras sem o uso dos EPIs e seguras com estes. As atividades com o pulverizador costal manual ou pressurizado são seguras com ou sem os EPIs. As grandes diferenças nas EDs dos trabalhadores se devem às diferenças no tempo de trabalho diário e no número de trabalhadores nas equipes entre as usinas de açúcar e álcool. O protetor de deriva tipo chapéu é eficaz no controle da deriva na aplicação do paraquat, e a planilha, não.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The naturally occurring wildlife host associations between ticks and tick-borne pathogens found in the neotropics are poorly described. Understanding tick-bite lesions is important as these are the site of host reaction to and pathogen delivery by ticks. As part of a comprehensive study concerning established and emerging tick-host relationships. The present work describes some aspects of tick-bite lesions in anteaters and armadillos captured at the Emas National Park and the Pantanal region of Brazil. Biopsies were of skin were taken and examine. Tick feeding sites of all animals displayed an eosinophilic homogeneous mass, the cement cone, and, occasionally, a feeding cavity underneath the tick attachment site. At these locations the epidermis was usually thickened due to keratinocyte hyperplasia. The main dermal changes included tissue infiltration with a varying number of inflammatory cells, edema, hemorrhage. and vascular dilatation. Cellular infiltration of the dermis was predominantly composed of mononuclear cells, neutrophils. and eosinophils. Mast cells were also seen in both non-parasitized and parasitized skin but were found in higher numbers at perivascular sites and in parasitized skin. Basophils were not seen at tick attachment sites of anteaters or armadillos.
Lactate accumulation in osteoderms; of the broad-nose caiman, Caiman latirostris, was determined following capture and surgery and after a period of forced submergence and related to concurrent values in blood. Control samples of bone and blood were taken after recovery from surgery and before submergence. In addition, samples of osteoderm were incubated in a lactate solution to determine equilibrium concentration, and additional samples were analyzed for elemental and CO2 concentrations. The composition of the osteoderms closely resembles that of typical vertebrate bone, with a high concentration of calcium and phosphate. Plasma and osteoderm lactate concentrations were both elevated following surgery and decreased significantly after 1 day of recovery. Submergence produced a typical lactate pattern in the plasma, with only a modest increase during the dive and then a sharp increase during recovery to a peak of 31.2 +/- 1.9 mumol ml(-1) after 1 h. When caimans were anesthetized 2 h after submergence, osteoderm lactate in the same animals was significantly increased to 14.8 mumol g(-1) wet mass. The ratio of the osteoderm: plasma lactate concentration after submergence was similar to the ratio observed in the incubated samples, suggesting that osteoderm lactate concentrations in vivo were equilibrated with circulating plasma levels. We conclude that caiman osteoderms sequester lactate during lactic acidosis and that the time course is fast enough to have benefit to these animals following normal anaerobic burst activity.
The search for alternative materials with lower density, reduction in heat transfer and propagation of noise associated with the ease of handling and application in concrete structures, represents an enormous challenge in the formulation and knowledge of the performance of self-compacting lightweight concrete, which has technology little known nationally, and appears on the international scene as an innovative material and alternative to conventional concrete. Based on these, this study set out to study self-compacting lightweight concrete made with two distinct grades of expanded clay associated with the addition of plasticizing/superplasticizers additives and mineral additions of metakaolin and bagasse ash of sugar cane. There is also an object of study, evaluation of pozzolanic activity of mineral admixtures and their influence on the durability characteristics of concrete. The rheological, physical, mechanical and microstructural analysis in this study served as basis in the classification of concretes autoadensáveis, targeting the national technical requirements for their classification in the category autoadensável and lightweight structural. The inclusion of mineral admixtures (metakaolin and bagasse ash of sugar cane), partial replacement of cement, pozzolanic activity and demonstrated maintenance of mechanical properties through the filler effect, a reduction of up to 76% of the nitrogen gas permeability in blend with 20% bagasse ash. All concretes had rheology (cohesion and consistency) suitable for self-adensability as well as strength and density inherent structural lightweight concrete without presenting phenomena of segregation and exudation
The obtaining of ceramic materials from polymeric precursors is subject of numerous studies due to lower energy costs compared to conventional processing. The aim of this study is to investigate and improve the mechanism for obtaining ceramic matrix composite (CMC) based on SiOC/Al2O3/TiC by pyrolysis of polysiloxane in the presence of an active filler and inert filler in the pyrolysis temperature lower than the usually adopted for this technique, with greater strength. It also investigates the influence of pyrolysis temperature, the content of Alas active filler, the presence of infiltrating agents (Al, glass and polymer) after pyrolysis, temperature and infiltration time on some physical and mechanical properties. Alumina is used as inert filler and Al and Ti as active filler in the pyrolysis. Aluminum, glass and polysiloxane are used as agents infiltrating the post-pyrolysis. The results are analyzed with respect to porosity and bulk density by the Archimedes method, the presence of crystalline phases by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The ceramic pyrolyzed between 850 °C 1400 °C contain porosity 15% to 33%, density 2.34 g/cm3 and flexural strength at 4 points from 30 to 42 MPa. The microstructure features are porous, with an array of Al2O3 reinforced by TiC particles and AlTi3. The infiltration post-pyrolysis reveals decrease in porosity and increase density and strength. The composites have potential applications where thermal stability is the main requirement
Metal/ceramic interfaces using zirconia have dominated the industrial applications in the last decade, due to the high mechanical strength and fracture toughness of zirconia, especially at temperatures below 300 ºC. Also noteworthy is the good ionic conductivity in high temperatures of this component. In this work joining between ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg-PSZ with austenitic stainless steel was studied. These joints were brazed at high-vacuum after mechanical metallization with Ti using filler alloys composed by Ag-Cu and Ag-Cu-Ni. The influence of the metallization, and the affinity between the different groups (ceramic / filler alloys) was evaluated, in order to achieve strong metal/ceramic joints. Evaluation of joints and interfaces, also the characterization of base materials was implemented using various techniques, such as: x-ray diffraction, leak test, three-point flexural test and scanning electron microscopy with chemical analysis. The microstructural analysis revealed physical and chemical bonds in the metal/ceramic interfaces, providing superior leak proof joints and stress cracking, in order to a good joint in all brazed samples. Precipitation zones and reaction layers with eutetic characteristics were observed between the steel and the filler metal
The use of composite materials and alternative is being increased every day, as it becomes more widespread awareness that the use of renewable and not harmful to the environment is part of a new environmentally friendly model. Since its waste (primarily fiberglass) can not be easily recycled by the difficulty that still exists in this process, since they have two phases mixed, a polymeric matrix thermoset difficult to recycle because it is infusible and phase of fiber reinforcements. Thermoset matrix composites like Polyester + fiberglass pose a threat due to excessive discharge. Aiming to minimize this problem, aimed to reuse the composite Polyester + fiber glass, through the wastes obtained by the grinding of knifes and balls. These residues were incorporated into the new composite Polyester/Fiberglass for hot compression mold and compared tribological to composites with filler CaCO3, generally used as filler, targeting a partial replacement of CaCO3 by such waste. The composites were characterized by thermal analysis (TGA, DSC and DMA), by the surface integrity (roughness determination, contact angle and surface energy), mechanical properties (hardness) and tribological tests (wear and coefficient of dynamic friction) in order to evaluate the effect of loads and characterize these materials for applications that can take, in the tribological point of view since waste Polyester + fiberglass has great potential for replacement of CaCO3
In this work, were produced ceramic matrix composites based in SiCxOy e Al2O3 reinforced with NbC, by hydrosilylation reaction between D4Vi and poly(methylhydrosiloxane) mixtured with Al2O3 as inert filler, Nb and Al as reactive filler. After the mixture and compactation at 80ºC (warm pressing), the samples were pyrolised at 1200 and 1400ºC and infiltred with ICZ and LZSA respectively, and thermically, physical and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, density and porosity, flexural mechanical strength and fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy. The yield ceramic obtained after pyrolysis for studied composition at 1200ºC was 95%. The obtained phases had been identified as being Al3Nb, NbSi2 and NbC. The composite material presented apparent porosity varying of 15 up to 32% and mechanical flexural strenght of 32 up to 37,5MPa. After the fracture surface analysis, were observed a phases homogeneous dispersion, with some domains of amorphous and crystalline aspect. The samples that were submitted the infiltration cycle presented a layer next the surface with reduced pores number in relation to the total volume
Fillers are often added in composites to enhance performance and/or to reduce cost. Fiberglass pipes must meet performance requirements and industrial sand is frequently added for the pipe to be cost competitive. The sand is added to increase pipe wall thickness, thus increase pipe stiffness. The main goal of the present work is to conduct an experimental investigation between pipes fabricated with and without de addition of sand, to be used in the petroleum industry. Pipes were built using E-glass fibers, polyester resin and siliceous sand. The fabrication process used hand lay up and filament winding and was divided in two different parts: the liner and the structural wall. All tested pipes had the same liner, but different structural wall composition, which is the layer where siliceous sand may be added or not. The comparative investigation was developed considering the results of longitudinal tensile tests, hoop tensile tests, hydrostatic pressure leak tests and parallel-plate loading stiffness tests. SEM was used to analyze if the sand caused any damage to the glass fibers, during the fabrication process, because of the fiber-sand contact. The procedure was also used to verify the composite conditions after the hydrostatic pressure leak test. The results proved that the addition of siliceous sand reduced the leak pressure in about 17 %. In the other hand, this loss in pressure was compensated by a stiffness increment of more than 380 %. MEV analyses show that it is possible to find damage on the fiber-sand contact, but on a very small amount. On most cases, the contact occurs without damage evidences. In summary, the addition of sand filler represented a 27.8 % of cost reduction, when compared to a pipe designed with glass fiber and resin only. This cost reduction combined to the good mechanical tests results make siliceous sand filler suitable for fiberglass pressure pipes