800 resultados para Deformação residual longitudinal
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar, por meio de meta-análise, a herdabilidade (h²) e as correlações genética (r g) e fenotípica (r f) do consumo alimentar residual (CAR), e das suas características componentes, em bovinos de 19 raças ou grupamentos genéticos. Foram utilizados 22 trabalhos científicos publicados entre 1963 e 2011, de oito países, o que totalizou 52.637 bovinos com idades que variaram de 28 dias até a idade de abate. As estimativas de CAR, consumo de matéria seca (CMS), ganho médio diário (GMD) e peso metabólico (PV0, 75) foram ponderadas pelo inverso da variância amostral. A variação da h² de cada característica entre os estudos foi analisada por quadrados mínimos ponderados. Os efeitos de sexo, país e raça foram significativos para h² de CAR e explicaram 67% da variação entre os estudos. Para CMS, os efeitos de país e raça foram significativos e explicaram 96% da variação. As estimativas combinadas de h² foram: 0, 255±0, 008, 0, 278±0, 012, 0, 321±0, 015 e 0, 397±0, 032 para CAR, CMS, GMD e PV0, 75, respectivamente. As estimativas combinadas de correlação genética e fenotípica foram baixas entre CAR e GMD e entre CAR e PV0, 75 (de -0, 021±0, 034 a 0, 025±0, 035), e de média magnitude entre CAR e CMS (0, 636±0, 035 a 0, 698±0, 041) e entre CMS, GMD e PV0, 75 (0, 441±0, 062 a 0, 688±0, 032). O CAR apresenta estimativa de herdabilidade menor que a de suas características componentes.
Background: Transplantation is the treatment of choice when compared to dialysis. Long-term evolution of patients is rarely comprehensively described. Thirty end-stage renal disease patient's experience of illness was explored from registration for transplantation until twenty-four months after transplantation. Methods: Longitudinal semi-structured interviews were conducted, and qualitative discourse analysis performed. Findings: Before transplantation loss of quality of life (QOL), emotional fragility related to dialysis constraints were reported, and increased with waiting-time. Six months after transplantation, recovered freedom was described but acute rejection, and life-dependency to immunosuppressants generated concerns. After twelve months, long-term survival of the graft, and possible return-to-dialysis were mentioned. After twenty months graft's dysfunction, co-morbidities, immunosuppressants side effects rose concerns even though QOL persisted. Most patients report positive transformations after transplantation, which are related to graft survival and limited co-morbidities. Discussion: As time passes, patients deal with changing illness constraints, and contemplate with anxiety possible new return to dialysis and/or transplantation.
We assessed the association between several cardiometabolic risk factors (CRFs) (blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, and glucose) in 390 young adults aged 19-20 years in Seychelles (Indian Ocean, Africa) and body mass index (BMI) measured either at the same time (cross-sectional analysis) or at the age of 12-15 years (longitudinal analysis). BMI tracked markedly between age of 12-15 and age of 19-20. BMI was strongly associated with all considered CRFs in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, with some exceptions. Comparing overweight participants with those having a BMI below the age-specific median, the odds ratios for high blood pressure were 5.4/4.7 (male/female) cross-sectionally and 2.5/3.9 longitudinally (P < 0.05). Significant associations were also found for most other CRFs, with some exceptions. In linear regression analysis including both BMI at age of 12-15 and BMI at age of 19-20, only BMI at age of 19-20 remained significantly associated with most CRFs. We conclude that CRFs are predicted strongly by either current or past BMI levels in adolescents and young adults in this population. The observation that only current BMI remained associated with CRFs when including past and current levels together suggests that weight control at a later age may be effective in reducing CRFs in overweight children irrespective of past weight status.
Esta comunicación, que presenta el estudio de la evolución de las creencias, representacionesy saberes (en adelante CRS) de una estudiante entre el primer año y el segundo de formaciónuniversitaria, forma parte de un estudio longitudinal más amplio que analiza los CRS de sieteestudiantes del Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil y ocho del Grado de Maestro de EducaciónPrimaria de la Universitat de Barcelona sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lecturay la escritura. El objetivo principal que enmarca la investigación es estudiar en profundidadlos sistemas de CRS para poder comprenderlos, compararlos e identificar los momentos clave de tensión y cambio con el fin de realizar aportaciones que ayuden a mejorar el sistema de formación inicial de los maestros.
Esta comunicación, que presenta el estudio de la evolución de las creencias, representacionesy saberes (en adelante CRS) de una estudiante entre el primer año y el segundo de formaciónuniversitaria, forma parte de un estudio longitudinal más amplio que analiza los CRS de sieteestudiantes del Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil y ocho del Grado de Maestro de EducaciónPrimaria de la Universitat de Barcelona sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lecturay la escritura. El objetivo principal que enmarca la investigación es estudiar en profundidadlos sistemas de CRS para poder comprenderlos, compararlos e identificar los momentos clave de tensión y cambio con el fin de realizar aportaciones que ayuden a mejorar el sistema de formación inicial de los maestros.
We have recently described 95 predicted alpha-helical coiled-coil peptides derived from putative Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic stage proteins. Seventy peptides recognized with the highest level of prevalence by sera from three endemic areas were selected for further studies. In this study, we sequentially examined antibody responses to these synthetic peptides in two cohorts of children at risk of clinical malaria in Kilifi district in coastal Kenya, in order to characterize the level of peptide recognition by age, and the role of anti-peptide antibodies in protection from clinical malaria. Antibody levels from 268 children in the first cohort (Chonyi) were assayed against 70 peptides. Thirty-nine peptides were selected for further study in a second cohort (Junju). The rationale for the second cohort was to confirm those peptides identified as protective in the first cohort. The Junju cohort comprised of children aged 1-6 years old (inclusive). Children were actively followed up to identify episodes of febrile malaria in both cohorts. Of the 70 peptides examined, 32 showed significantly (p<0.05) increased antibody recognition in older children and 40 showed significantly increased antibody recognition in parasitaemic children. Ten peptides were associated with a significantly reduced odds ratio (OR) for an episode of clinical malaria in the first cohort of children and two of these peptides (LR146 and AS202.11) were associated with a significantly reduced OR in both cohorts. LR146 is derived from hypothetical protein PFB0145c in PlasmoDB. Previous work has identified this protein as a target of antibodies effective in antibody dependent cellular inhibition (ADCI). The current study substantiates further the potential of protein PFB0145c and also identifies protein PF11_0424 as another likely target of protective antibodies against P. falciparum malaria
This thesis examines the history and evolution of information system process innovation (ISPI) processes (adoption, adaptation, and unlearning) within the information system development (ISD) work in an internal information system (IS) department and in two IS software house organisations in Finland over a 43-year time-period. The study offers insights into influential actors and their dependencies in deciding over ISPIs. The research usesa qualitative research approach, and the research methodology involves the description of the ISPI processes, how the actors searched for ISPIs, and how the relationships between the actors changed over time. The existing theories were evaluated using the conceptual models of the ISPI processes based on the innovationliterature in the IS area. The main focus of the study was to observe changes in the main ISPI processes over time. The main contribution of the thesis is a new theory. The term theory should be understood as 1) a new conceptual framework of the ISPI processes, 2) new ISPI concepts and categories, and the relationships between the ISPI concepts inside the ISPI processes. The study gives a comprehensive and systematic study on the history and evolution of the ISPI processes; reveals the factors that affected ISPI adoption; studies ISPI knowledge acquisition, information transfer, and adaptation mechanisms; and reveals the mechanismsaffecting ISPI unlearning; changes in the ISPI processes; and diverse actors involved in the processes. The results show that both the internal IS department and the two IS software houses sought opportunities to improve their technical skills and career paths and this created an innovative culture. When new technology generations come to the market the platform systems need to be renewed, and therefore the organisations invest in ISPIs in cycles. The extent of internal learning and experiments was higher than the external knowledge acquisition. Until the outsourcing event (1984) the decision-making was centralised and the internalIS department was very influential over ISPIs. After outsourcing, decision-making became distributed between the two IS software houses, the IS client, and itsinternal IT department. The IS client wanted to assure that information systemswould serve the business of the company and thus wanted to co-operate closely with the software organisations.
It is commonly observed that complex fabricated structures subject tofatigue loading fail at the welded joints. Some problems can be corrected by proper detail design but fatigue performance can also be improved using post-weld improvement methods. In general, improvement methods can be divided into two main groups: weld geometry modification methods and residual stress modification methods. The former remove weld toe defects and/or reduce the stress concentrationwhile the latter introduce compressive stress fields in the area where fatigue cracks are likely to initiate. Ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) is a novel post-weld treatment method that influences both the residual stress distribution andimproves the local geometry of the weld. The structural fatigue strength of non-load carrying attachments in the as-welded condition has been experimentally compared to the structural fatigue strength of ultrasonic impact treated welds. Longitudinal attachment specimens made of two thicknesses of steel S355 J0 have been tested for determining the efficiency of ultrasonic impacttreatment. Treated welds were found to have about 50% greater structural fatigue strength, when the slope of the S-N-curve is three. High mean stress fatigue testing based on the Ohta-method decreased the degree of weld improvement only 19%. This indicated that the method could be also applied for large fabricated structures operating under high reactive residual stresses equilibrated within the volume of the structure. The thickness of specimens has no significant effect tothe structural fatigue strength. The fatigue class difference between 5 mm and 8 mm specimen was only 8%. It was hypothesized that the UIT method added a significant crack initiation period to the total fatigue life of the welded joints. Crack initiation life was estimated by a local strain approach. Material parameters were defined using a modified Uniform Material Law developed in Germany. Finite element analysis and X-ray diffraction were used to define, respectively, the stress concentration and mean stress. The theoretical fatigue life was found to have good accuracy comparing to experimental fatigue tests.The predictive behaviour of the local strain approach combined with the uniformmaterial law was excellent for the joint types and conditions studied in this work.
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and a leading cause of death in younger women. METHODS: We analysed incidence, mortality and relative survival (RS) in women with BC aged 20-49 years at diagnosis, between 1996 and 2009 in Switzerland. Trends are reported as estimated annual percentage changes (EAPC). RESULTS: Our findings confirm a slight increase in the incidence of BC in younger Swiss women during the period 1996-2009. The increase was largest in women aged 20-39 years (EAPC 1.8%). Mortality decreased in both age groups with similar EAPCs. Survival was lowest among women 20-39 years (10-year RS 73.4%). We observed no notable differences in stage of disease at diagnosis that might explain these differences. CONCLUSIONS: The increased incidence and lower survival in younger women diagnosed with BC in Switzerland indicates possible differences in risk factors, tumour biology and treatment characteristics that require additional examination.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade residual de alguns agrotóxicos utilizados em citros sobre Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) em condições de laboratório. O método de bioensaio adotado foi o de contato residual. Folhas de citros da variedade Pêra, acondicionadas em arenas, foram pulverizadas em torre de Potter. A toxicidade residual dos produtos foi avaliada duas horas e 1; 3; 5; 7; 10; 14 e 21 dias após a aplicação. Em cada arena, foram transferidas dez fêmeas adultas de N. californicus, juntamente com uma quantidade suficiente de Tetranychus urticae, como fonte de alimento. As avaliações de mortalidade foram realizadas 72 horas após a transferência dos ácaros para as arenas. Os agrotóxicos acrinathrin, deltamethrin, dinocap, enxofre, fenpropathrin, óxido de fenbutatin e propargite não causaram mortalidades significativas em adultos de N. californicus. Foram registradas mortalidades de 29,8; 24,0 e 34,1% para ácaros N. californicus expostos a resíduos de duas horas de idade de abamectim, azocyclotin e cyhexatin, respectivamente. Dicofol, pyridaben e chlorfenapyr causaram 100% de mortalidade aos ácaros predadores expostos aos resíduos tóxicos dos acaricidas, com duas horas de idade. Abamectin provocou mortalidade significativa por um período inferior a um dia. Resíduos dos acaricidas azocyclotin, cyhexatin, dicofol, pyridaben e chlorfenapyr provocaram mortalidades significativas por períodos de 1; 1; 10; 10 e 21dias, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos no presente experimento servem de subsídio para a escolha adequada dos agrotóxicos a serem utilizados em pomares de citros nos quais N. californicus esteja presente ou naqueles em que o predador venha a ser liberado. Esses resultados também servem para a escolha do momento mais favorável para a liberação dos ácaros predadores dessa espécie no campo, após a aplicação de agrotóxicos nos pomares. Estudos conduzidos em condições de campo ainda são necessários para se compreender melhor o efeito desses agrotóxicos sobre o ácaro predador.
AIM: Longitudinal studies that have examined cognitive performance in children with intellectual disability more than twice over the course of their development are scarce. We assessed population and individual stability of cognitive performance in a clinical sample of children with borderline to mild non-syndromic intellectual disability. METHOD: Thirty-six children (28 males, eight females; age range 3-19y) with borderline to mild intellectual disability (Full-scale IQ [FSIQ] 50-85) of unknown origin were examined in a retrospective clinical case series using linear mixed models including at least three assessments with standardized intelligence tests. RESULTS: Average cognitive performance remained remarkably stable over time (high population stability, drop of only 0.38 IQ points per year, standard error=0.39, p=0.325) whereas individual stability was at best moderate (intraclass correlation of 0.58), indicating that about 60% of the residual variation in FSIQ scores can be attributed to between-child variability. Neither sex nor socio-economic status had a statistically significant impact on FSIQ. INTERPRETATION: Although intellectual disability during childhood is a relatively stable phenomenon, individual stability of IQ is only moderate, likely to be caused by test-to-test reliability (e.g. level of child's cooperation, motivation, and attention). Therefore, clinical decisions and predictions should not rely on single IQ assessments, but should also consider adaptive functioning and previous developmental history.
Cognitive Predictors and Risk Factors of PTSD Following Stillbirth: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study.
This short-term longitudinal study investigated cognitive predictors and risk factors of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in mothers following stillbirth. After a stillbirth at ≥ 24 weeks gestational age, 65 women completed structured clinical interviews and questionnaires assessing PTSD symptoms, cognitive predictors (appraisals, dysfunctional strategies), and risk factors (perceived social support, trauma history, obstetric history) at 3 and 6 months. PTSD symptoms decreased between 3 and 6 months (Cohen's d ranged .34-.52). Regression analyses also revealed a specific positive relationship between Rumination and concurrent frequency of PTSD symptoms (β = .45). Negative Self-View and Negative World-View related positively and Self-Blame related negatively to concurrent number of PTSD symptoms (β = .48, .44, -.45, respectively). Suppression and Distraction predicted a decrease and Numbing predicted an increase in time-lagged number of PTSD symptoms (β = -.33, -.28, .30, respectively). Risk factors for PTSD symptoms were younger age (β = -.25), lower income (β = -.29), fewer previous pregnancies (β = -.31), and poorer perceived social support (β = -.26). Interventions addressing negative appraisals, dysfunctional strategies, and social support are recommended for mothers with PTSD following stillbirth. Knowledge of cognitive predictors and risk factors of PTSD may inform the development of a screening instrument.
Os ácaros fitoseídeos, especialmente Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), são importantes agentes de controle biológico de ácaros tetraniquídeos-praga nas culturas de pomáceas no "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén", Argentina. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a mortalidade de N. californicus quando exposto a resíduos dos inseticidas azimphos-methyl, carbaryl e cyfluthrin, e dos acaricidas cyhexatin e propargite. Os produtos foram aplicados às concentrações recomendadas em plantas de pereira. Um, três, seis e dez dias após a aplicação (DAA), folhas tratadas foram retiradas das plantas para a preparação de unidades experimentais. Cinco adultos de N. californicus, provenientes de criação-estoque, foram transferidos para cada unidade, onde pólen de taboa foi fornecido como alimento. As unidades foram mantidas a 25 ± 2 ºC, 60 ± 10% de umidade relativa e fotoperíodo de 14 h. A mortalidade do ácaro foi avaliada 24 h após o confinamento. As médias de mortalidade foram comparadas pelo teste de Dunnett, a 5% de probabilidade. A progressão do declínio do efeito dos produtos testados foi submetida à análise de regressão. Nas duas primeiras datas de avaliação, todos os produtos apresentaram valores de mortalidade significativamente diferentes da testemunha tratada com água. Seis dias após a aplicação, propargite, cyhexatin e cyfluthrin apresentaram mortalidade de aproximadamente 30%, enquanto a mortalidade nos tratamentos azimphos-methyl e carbaryl apresentou níveis estatisticamente similares aos da testemunha. Dez dias após a aplicação, a mortalidade em todos os tratamentos não diferiu significativamente da testemunha. O efeito de todos os produtos apresentou declínio progressivo ao longo do período de observação, sendo significativa a 1% de probabilidade a regressão linear negativa para os valores obtidos. Os maiores efeitos negativos sobre a sobrevivência de N. californicus corresponderam aos acaricidas testados. Azimphos-methyl foi o produto que menos afetou a sobrevivência do ácaro predador. Os inseticidas testados, usados na região do "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén" para o controle de Cydia pomonella, praga-chave das culturas de pomáceas, apresentaram baixa toxicidade sobre N. californicus.
This work aimed to evaluate the influence of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) plant regulators in in vitro etiolation and subsequent regeneration of the PE x SC-60 pineapple hybrid. Nodal segments of in vitro plants with approximately 5-7 cm height were incubated in basic MS culture medium supplemented with 0.0; 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1 of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in combination with gibberellic acid (GA3) in concentrations of 0.0; 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1, and maintained at 27 ºC under dark condition. Evaluations were carried out at 90 and 180 days after incubation period. The best results for length of etiolated stems were obtained with 1.0 mg L-1 of NAA. In the experiment followed by the regeneration, stems with 3 cm from the etiolation treatment, were cultivated in proliferation medium and the number of regenerated plants per treatment was evaluated at 60 days of cultivation. The treatment that promoted the best etiolation of plants also promoted the worst regeneration rates, demonstrating the residual effect of the auxin used in the previous step in the regeneration of plants of the pineapple hybrid evaluated.
OBJECTIVE: Low-grade chronic inflammation is one potential mechanism underlying the well-established association between major depressive disorder (MDD) and increased cardiovascular morbidity. Both aspirin and statins have anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to their preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases. Previous studies on the potentially preventive effect of these drugs on depression have provided inconsistent results. The aim of the present paper was to assess the prospective association between regular aspirin or statin use and the incidence of MDD. METHOD: This prospective cohort study included 1631 subjects (43.6% women, mean age 51.7 years), randomly selected from the general population of an urban area. Subjects underwent a thorough physical evaluation as well as semi-structured interviews investigating DSM-IV mental disorders at baseline and follow-up (mean duration 5.2 years). Analyses were adjusted for a wide array of potential confounders. RESULTS: Our main finding was that regular aspirin or statin use at baseline did not reduce the incidence of MDD during follow-up, regardless of sex or age (hazard ratios, aspirin: 1.19; 95%CI, 0.68-2.08; and statins: 1.25; 95%CI, 0.73-2.14; respectively). LIMITATIONS: Our study is not a randomized clinical trial and could not adjust for all potential confounding factors, information on aspirin or statin use was collected only for the 6 months prior to the evaluations, and the sample was restricted to subjects between 35 and 66 years of age. CONCLUSION: Our data do not support a large scale preventive treatment of depression using aspirin or statins in subjects aged from 35 to 66 years from the community.